Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 2431 Materials are not for sale!

Capital City, Sansang Building.

As night fell, the lights in the city gradually became brighter, but in the president's office on the top floor of this skyscraper, it was a depressing darkness.

Outside the large French windows, neon lights flickered, reflecting a lonely figure in the room - Li Jianxi, who was standing in front of the French windows at this moment, holding the railing with both hands, and his back looked particularly heavy.

Inside the office, the originally neat and orderly layout seemed to have lost its former glory at this moment, with documents scattered all over the floor, and the financial report on the computer screen glaringly displayed a series of shocking deficits. There was an indescribable tension and despair in the air, as if even time had frozen at this moment.

Of course, these were not the most frightening things for Li Jianxi.

The shareholders of Sansang could not make trouble, after all, the Li family was the largest family holding group of Sansang Group.

However, in 2008, the shareholders of Wall Street together accounted for more than 55% of Sansang's equity! ! !

And most of these shares originally belonged to Chen Mo!

Now, Wall Street tycoons are calling Li Jianxi like crazy, and even threaten to hold a board meeting to replace Li Jianxi as president.

Li Jianxi frowned, with both unwillingness and helplessness in his eyes.

He thought that Wall Street and the hegemony he could rely on were just icing on the cake, not timely help.

He took a deep breath and tried to calm his inner waves, but every breath seemed to remind him that he was standing on the edge of a cliff, and he would be doomed if he was not careful.

This group of capital tycoons are almost all members of the foundation. Once they are angered, he will definitely die! ! !

Li Jianxi closed his eyes, and his mind quickly flashed through every bit of the company since its establishment: from the initial few people squeezed in a simple office to the current industry giant, every project and every decision has condensed countless efforts and sweat. And now, all this seems to be coming to nothing.

"How can a mere Daxia person have such great power? How did he do it?"

"Do I really have to give up my shares to survive this disaster?"

"Even if I use the power of the Yin-Yang country, or even the power of the hegemony country, I can't shake Chen Mo and Daxia's will?"

As the night deepened, Li Jianxi's mood also sank into a bottomless abyss.

He tried to think from different angles, looking for the almost non-existent turning point, but every attempt was like groping in the fog, unable to find the direction, let alone the way out. Sweat slowly slid down his forehead and dripped onto the cold table, making a subtle but harsh sound, like a silent cry in his heart.

Li Jianxi felt an unprecedented sense of powerlessness, as if all his wisdom and experience had lost their effect at this moment.

He realized that this crisis was far more complicated and severe than he had imagined, and it seemed that all he could do was wait - wait for a miracle, or a more cruel ending.

Time seemed to stand still, and the air was filled with a suffocating atmosphere of oppression.

Li Jianxi felt as if his chest was being pressed down by a huge rock, and it became extremely difficult to breathe. He realized that he was going through the most difficult moment in his career, a moment that might determine the fate of him and his family.

"No, if you give the equity to Chen Mo, he will be able to completely swallow up Sansang in a few years! Even if you completely withdraw from the Daxia market and lose Daxia's market share, you must never hand over the equity and technology patents!!!"

Li Jianxi opened his eyes again, with an unyielding light flashing in his eyes.

But this beam of light did not last too long.

Because the material manufacturer under Chen Mo's name, Moyuan Materials, actually sent a notice overnight!

When Li Zairong took the notice, his face was pale.

"Dad... Chen Mo... Chen Mo unilaterally notified us that three varieties of fluoropolyimide, photoresist and high-purity hydrogen fluoride were restricted from export to Yinyang Country.

Especially named and absolutely not sold to our company!"

Li Zairong almost cried when he spoke.


Because "photoresist" and "high-purity hydrogen fluoride" must be used in the semiconductor manufacturing process! ! !

These two are easier to deal with, as substitutes can be found at a high price.

But there is no substitute for fluoropolyimide used to make screens! ! !

These materials are almost all produced in Daxia! ! !

Daxia accounts for 90% of the world's total fluoropolyimide production capacity, and high-purity hydrogen fluoride gas accounts for 70% of the world's production capacity. Most of the fluoropolyimide and high-purity hydrogen fluoride required by manufacturers such as Sansang Electronics, LG and SK in Yinyang Country are imported from Daxia.

Other countries can't even produce enough of these materials for themselves, let alone export them!

Li Zairong trembled and said, "Dad, the three products that Chen Mo designated for export restrictions are materials necessary for the production of semiconductors and display panels.

Let alone us, the entire Yin Yang country is highly dependent on them. If they are really restricted, the impact will be very great!"

"Not only our company, but the semiconductor and display companies of the entire Yin Yang country may suffer a huge blow!!!"

"At that time... I'm afraid all the chaebols will vent their anger on us!"

The Li family really has everything they want in Yin Yang country.

But no matter how powerful he is, he can't fight against all the chaebols in the country!!!

It really cuts off people's financial resources. When they are desperate, these plutocrats will use any means!

"Chen Mo is going to make us the target of public criticism and the public enemy!!!"

Li Zairong collapsed, grabbing his hair and howling.

The semiconductor and display industries of the Yin-Yang Kingdom already account for a large proportion of the GDP of the Yin-Yang Kingdom. If Chen Mo plays this trick, even the official government may not be able to protect the Li family!

The reason for protecting your Li family is that your Li family can help the entire country earn a lot of GDP. But what if you can’t earn more and even make the entire country lose money?

At that time, I don’t know how many enemies and officials will jump out and tear the entire Li family into pieces! ! !

Li Jianxi's face turned pale, and he dialed a phone call with trembling fingers and asked: "How long will the remaining "fluoropolymerimide", "photoresist" and "high-purity hydrogen fluoride" we have left be enough?"

"President, it is the peak demand season recently, and the order volume has been extremely huge recently. For the sake of a healthy capital chain, we always buy when needed and do not keep inventory to avoid overstocking."

"In other words, we don't even have any inventory on hand?"

"Yes, President, not at all. If you can't buy these materials tomorrow, all related factories will have to stop operations, no matter which country the factories are built in!"

Li Jianxi closed his eyes in despair and muttered to himself:

"A good's really a good means..."

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