Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 2455 Come here to experience the shock!

Just what they saw on the one-hour journey from the airport to the hotel had already dumbfounded Leng Feng, Fan Tianlei and others.

These people are all poor children, and many of them suffered from hunger when they were young.

But they have never seen such unhygienic people!

The key is...

Not far away, you can see someone leisurely shitting on the street!

This completely impacted Leng Feng's outlook on life.

"Don't these monkey men know how to be ashamed?" Leng Feng asked his soul.

"Do you think only men are like this?"

Chen Mo pointed to the grass on the roadside.

Then Leng Feng suddenly saw several monkey women squatting there and shitting!

Of course, these women are better than men because they also know how to cover up.

Don't get me wrong, it's not about covering your body, it's about covering your face with grass or clothes.

The main thing is that if you can’t see my face, it means you haven’t seen me.

"Although the Monkey Kingdom has experienced rapid urbanization in recent years, due to the rapid growth of urban population, garbage disposal has become a severe challenge. Due to unreasonable urban planning, weak environmental awareness and other reasons, "garbage" has appeared in many places The phenomenon of piles and stench has seriously affected the local environmental sanitation situation."

“Of course, street garbage is only a minor problem, and the construction of public toilets is the real problem!

More than 100 million households in the Monkey Kingdom lack indoor toilets. Not only are the number of public toilets on the streets small, but the sanitary conditions inside may even be worse than the dry toilets in our rural areas in Daxia.

The movie "Toilet Hero" tells the story about the toilets in the Monkey Kingdom. When you are free and bored, you can search it online. "

Chen Mo said leisurely.

Leng Feng shook his head: "Farewell, after this matter is done, I will never come into contact with anything related to the monkey god again.

Mr. Chen, you didn’t see the guy taking a dump just now.

Next to him was a fried food seller. Hey, he was squatting next to the stall and shitting like a normal person.

The key point is... after he pooped, when he lifted his pants, I strangled him, and all kinds of animals rushed over and ate the poop he had just pooped... vomit~~~~ I really don't want to do it anymore Thinking back to the scene just now, vomit~~~~"

At this moment, Fan Tianlei suddenly shouted: "Hey, Old Leng, Mr. Chen, look at that bus outside!!!"

Chen Mo and Leng Feng looked through the window after hearing this.

I saw a dusty bus speeding towards me, covered in dust.

There is nothing unusual about buses. Such old buses still exist even in Jiangbei.

The strange thing is the people in the bus.

The people inside are packed to the brim. It can be said that people are crowded with people and flesh is squeezed with flesh.

On such a hot day, Chen Mo couldn't even imagine what it smelled like inside.

It doesn't matter if there are too many people in the car. Chen Mo also squeezed through overloaded buses when he was a child. The key is...

The car is full of people! ! !

The roof of the car without any protective measures was filled with people! ! !

This is no longer a bus carrying people, it can even be said to be a bus packed in the middle of a large group of people.

Because it was so overloaded, the bus even tilted while driving! ! !

Leng Feng's shocked eyes widened again: "Oh my God! This bus is almost tilting at 45 degrees, right? How can it still drive so fast like this? How come it doesn't fall over?"

Chen Mo said with a smile: "Every one of our Monkey Gods is an acrobatic master, this is nothing!"

Just after finishing speaking, Fan Tianlei suddenly said: "Then...that train..."

I saw an old train slowly approaching on the train track in the distance.

This train was actually just like a bus, it was packed with people and there were people sitting on it.


This train has no way! ! !

Many people at the door were so squeezed that they could no longer put their feet in the carriage, so they could only hold on to the handrails at the door.

"You have all seen the legendary train with tickets. This trip to the Monkey Kingdom was really not in vain!" Chen Mo sighed.

At this moment, Fan Tianlei said with a twitching corner of his mouth: " flying..."

"What?" Chen Mo asked confused.

Fan Tianlei pointed to the roof of the train.

Then, a few people saw someone squatting on the roof of the train and defecating while the train was moving.

When the wind blows, Xiangquan spreads out and flies.

It was the first time that Chen Mo knew that the word flying could be expressed in such a concrete way.

In addition to the problem of pooping, Leng Feng also noticed a problem that made him uncomfortable along the way.

That’s because the car horns in the Monkey Kingdom never stopped!

Bah, bah, bah~~~~

The sound is a bit scary!

His hearing was extremely sensitive, but the horn of the car here was ten times louder than the one in Daxia, and it kept sounding!

"Are the horns here free of charge? Why do these drivers like to honk their horns so much?" Leng Feng complained.

"You may not believe it, but the horns here can sound 24 hours a day. They don't have noise laws here, and they don't ban vehicles from honking.

And the driver of the Monkey God just likes to honk the horn no matter what. "

"And the driving skills of the Monkey God driver are very good. We don't care about lanes here. The car can be so chaotic that you don't even know which way you are going.

They can be without rearview mirrors, but they cannot be without speakers. In fact, the speakers are their main body. "

Chen Mo smiled.

Leng Feng, Fan Tianlei and others have already felt the shock brought by the Monkey Kingdom!

As soon as they left the airport, they experienced a death experience in terms of vision, hearing and smell!

Leng Feng was sure that if he did not take any protection, his nose would be paralyzed by the stench in two days at most.

His hearing might be lost in one day by the honking of the horn!

Leng Feng dared to bet that even if people who lived in a city with a lot of traffic in Daxia suddenly came to the Monkey Kingdom after work, they would definitely not be able to stand such a terrifying horn sound.

It was really comparable to the deafening sound of the devil!

The stench could be tolerated, but this thing in hearing was really hard to tolerate for people who did not grow up here.

It was definitely several times higher than the decibel number of noise pollution!

At this time, Leng Feng suddenly remembered that a relative of his complained about the subordinates of his company during the Chinese New Year.

"You don't know, I asked people in the company if they were willing to go on a business trip to the Monkey Kingdom, but no one went.

I was so determined that I increased the subsidy to 2,000 yuan a day!

2,000!!! This is higher than the average monthly salary in many cities!

Only then did two people agree to go.

As a result, these two people were expected to be away for three months, but they came back to me and resigned in less than a week, saying that if they stayed any longer, they would die.

Look, how hypocritical young people are nowadays, they are paid so much, but they can't even bear the hardship of a business trip!"

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