Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 497 The Most Beautiful Goddess Teacher

"Guess how many students I recruited on the first day?" Xiong Yifei said proudly.


"No, it's too little! Be bold and guess bigger!"


“It’s 3569 students!!!”

Xiong Yifei's eyes were shining brightly, she proudly stood up her chest and put her hands on her hips, looking like she was putting me out there, waiting for Chen Mo's praise.

"So many!"

Chen Mo was indeed shocked.

Nearly 4,000 students were recruited on the first day. Even if one student can only bring a net profit of 100 yuan, that is a net profit of close to 400,000 yuan! ! !

This is just what I earned in one day!

Moreover, Xiong Yifei’s education and training company is still just established!

You can imagine how profitable the market for education and training companies in this era is!

“That’s because we only recruited so many because of insufficient manpower.

This week, I have recruited three students in total, which is almost more than 10,000 students.

Because there were not enough teachers, I closed the registration office.

In this way, people come to our company every day to inquire about when the next training class will be held, asking them to call them in advance, and some even directly pay the money for the next training class in advance! "

Xiong Yifei said proudly.

"You can do it, Little Bear, this CEO is pretty good!

If we continue to develop on this scale, becoming the largest education and training company in Daxia is not a dream! "

Chen Mo smiled and said: "Work hard, maybe you can become the richest woman in the world."

Hearing this, Xiong Yifei's eyes were full of expectation, but at the same time she was a little worried: "The current development is very good, but I'm really a little confused about what to do next.

I have written about many cases these days, but they all feel wrong. "

Chen Mo smiled and said: "I have read your case. The overall idea is correct, but there are still some details that I have not considered."

"In this way, I integrated the ideas in your case with my plan. I said, you write it, and you can think of ways to refine it into specific measures later."

Xiong Yifei nodded quickly: "Okay!"

Xiong Yifei swore that she had never listened so carefully to a person's speech since she was a child, not even her college tutor!

Chen Momo said sincerely: “If you want your education and training company to be successful, you must do the following:

First, be brave!

At present, the education and training industry has just begun, and there are no clear regulations in the law. All companies are crossing the river by feeling stones, so don't be afraid of failure and boldly try the measures you think are right.

Any failure or loss, I will bear it for you in full! ! ! "

Just hearing the first point, Xiong Yifei could already feel her blood boiling in her brain, and her eyes looking at Chen Mo became even more intense!

How many men in the world have the confidence and capital to say such things?

“Second, build your own culture.

A company must have its own company culture, especially an education and training company, where everything is related to education, and it must have a very grand and attractive company culture! "

This is actually Chen Mo's afterthought.

Because in the last life, the most important thing for Lao Yu's company to succeed was corporate culture.

Lao Yu's company culture can be summed up in one sentence: "Looking for hope in despair, looking for light in the dark night."

This inspirational culture attracts talent and attracts students.

Chen Mo especially admired Lao Yu for this. You must know that he consciously cultivated this kind of culture. Otherwise, how could he have the popular Lao Yu spirit?

This reminds entrepreneurs that they must find the culture that best suits the company and then consciously strengthen it.

“Third, the madness for quality, almost demanding madness!

Just because you want to expand or go public, you cannot lower the requirements for courses and teachers. You must consistently control the quality of all courses and teachers! "

Lao Yu's company has been soaring like a rocket from the beginning to its listing, because they have extremely demanding requirements for teachers, which brings with it word-of-mouth publicity among students.

The most important marketing for a school is word of mouth.

After going public, Lao Yu's company expanded rapidly, and its talents could not keep up. The quality of teaching declined, and its reputation also collapsed. The glory of the past when people rushed to attend Lao Yu's school was no longer seen.

Of course, even so, the diluted quality of Lao Yu's company is still much higher than that of other companies.

In the last life, many schools had financial resources as good as Lao Yu's company and teachers as good as Lao Yu, but they couldn't do it because many only focused on immediate interests and did not think about the long term.

Lao Yu's company found a blue ocean when it needed money the most when it first started its business. So now that it has money, it can calmly build a team and focus on quality.

What about other schools?

Focusing only on popularity but not quality, it can only be a short-term operation, grab a vote and leave, but it will not be sustainable at all!

“Fourth, industrialization and unification of teaching.”

When talking about this, Xiong Yifei raised her hand and asked seriously: "But I think it is difficult for adult teaching to be as industrialized and unified as a fast food restaurant.

Every teacher has his own style, and if you try to curb his style, it may be counterproductive. "

Chen Mo nodded approvingly: "You asked this very well, and it also shows that you really have your own thoughts and reflections."

"As you said, adult teaching is indeed difficult to be as industrialized and unified as a fast food restaurant."

“But the teacher team style can be industrialized!”

“We can define the teacher team style and then publicize it according to this definition.

In this large team style, teachers are allowed to have their own surprises in details! "

This is also one of the reasons why Lao Yu's company was successful in the previous life.

On the basis of unifying the style of the teacher team, we can constantly create new teachers on our own, so that we will not be afraid of other companies poaching people.

Xiong Yifei's scalp was numb and her skin was getting goosebumps!

A stroke of genius! ! !

It’s simply a stroke of genius! ! !

At this moment, her admiration for Chen Mo was like an endless river! ! !

“Finally, it’s about diversifying the education industry.

Now you can just teach English and make a lot of money, but in the future, English training will definitely be a red ocean market, and everyone will fight for it!

At this time, we must launch training in all subjects and languages ​​​​one step ahead of them!

We must be one step ahead of others when we have what others don’t have! "

"Huh~~~ I'm done. I'm thirsty. Give me a glass of water."

Chen Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

However, more than ten seconds later, Xiong Yifei still stood there blankly, indifferent.

"Little Bear, you won't even give me a drink of water, right?" Chen Mo said helplessly.


Xiong Yifei just woke up from a dream and hurriedly got a glass of water for Chen Mo. She also asked Chen Mo to sit down and took the initiative to pat Chen Mo's legs and shoulders.

If Xiong Yifei's father saw this scene, he would be furious to death!

Because Xiong Yifei has never served him like this at home!

"Brother Mo, from today on, you are my idol in my heart!"

"I only admire you!"

"Hey, you're good at talking!"

"It's all thanks to Brother Mo's teachings!"

After a while, the two came to a high-end restaurant for dinner.

During the dinner, Xiong Yifei said: "Brother Mo, the education and training market in Jianghai Province is doing well.

But now there is a very big problem.

That is, our education and training company does not have an ace lecturer who is particularly capable, able to control the situation, and can continuously help the company to make new achievements. "

Chen Mo nodded.

indeed so.

Although Chen Mo spent a lot of money to recruit a lot of special teachers, he thought that these people were of average ability and level among special teachers.

Among the special teachers, the highest level, those who can write materials, answer questions, and accurately analyze the annual exam syllabus, there is no one among them now!

"Do you have any good talents to recommend?" Chen Mo asked.

"Yes,'s just hard to ask."

Xiong Yifei sighed and said:

"Song Ziyan, the dean and senior professor of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of Jianghai University, is a senior member of the World Association of Foreign Languages ​​and is proficient in eight languages.

I have written test questions for several college entrance examination English exams.

The awards and honors I have received are countless!

He is one of the most powerful foreign language teachers! "

"She was also my former English teacher."


Speaking of this, Xiong Yifei raised her eyebrows at Chen Mo:

"Although Teacher Song is 35 years old, she is recognized by everyone as the most beautiful goddess in the university!"

"She likes to keep fit. She spends RMB 700,000 to 800,000 on skin care every year. Her skin condition is better than that of some girls in their 20s, and she looks particularly young!"

"If you can recruit her into our company, maybe you can play with the hidden rules!"

Chen Mo rolled his eyes at Xiong Yifei: "Your sister has hidden rules!"

"I don't have a sister. If you want unspoken rules, then unspoken rules for me!"


The two joked for a while.

Chen Mo, however, became interested in Song Ziyan.

Because her resume is really awesome!

If we can really recruit him, then Murphy Education and Training Company will definitely be much ahead of the current Lao Yu!

"Let's go to Jianghai University! I'll go ask Teacher Song personally!"

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