Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 175 Ghost Tour Group

At noon, the sun is extremely strong.

The driver was woken up by loud curses inside the car.

"Are you making a mistake? If we don't leave in the sun, are we going to be overheated to death?"

"Yeah, I feel like I'm going to be burned!"

The driver shook his head, put on his sunglasses, and turned the car key.

The uneven ground bumped the car, and there were complaints on the car. Li Jialing took the opportunity to stand up and said:

"Well, everyone, we have a friend here who wants to get off the bus. I hope you don't mind..."

"Take a ride? You have to pay to join the tour." The tour guide turned to look at He Cheng and took out a small note from his pocket to write something: "We are very fair here. The transportation fee is 120 yuan. Morning Three meals, lunch and dinner, each meal cost 60 yuan, and sodas were charged extra... Then, we stayed in a double room in a five-star hotel that we had booked early. It cost 800 yuan a night. Look. If you get on the bus on the way, it will be cheaper for you, only 1,800 yuan, and there will be a free umbrella, here..."

Handed He Cheng an umbrella.

Li Jialing couldn't stand it: "He is just a ride, sister, do you want to pay all the travel expenses? And he is a disabled person..."

"Either pay or get off the bus. Do I have to take care of the disabled? We don't have to pay for fuel?" The tour guide chattered non-stop, spittle flying everywhere.

He Cheng dug around and found that there were still several hundred dollars in his denim jacket, but the tour guide snatched it away.

"You poor guy, you look nice in clothes, but don't have any oil or water on you? Think of it as your fare. There is no asphalt road from here to Tsim Sha Tsui, so we are kind enough to give you a ride!"

"Thank you very much," He Cheng said, turning his head and looking out the window.

"I worship the Fox Immortal and cultivate merits. Look at how handsome you are. I count you lucky!"

The shopping guide happily turned around and returned to her seat with the money. When the others saw that the show had stopped, they all closed their eyes in boredom.

After a bumpy ride, the car stopped in the shade of an abandoned bridge and waited until the sun went down before continuing on its way.

Towards the end of the night, the car finally arrived at its destination.

In front of a thirty-story "International Five-Star Hotel", a group of people carried their luggage and arrived at the elevator under the command of the tour guide.

"Don't say that eldest sister doesn't take care of you, handsome boy. Come to my room tonight and feed eldest sister... I'll give you free of charge~"

The shopping guide sister patted He Cheng's chest.

"Although I'm missing an arm, I still feel that it's very interesting..."

"Feed? I happen to be hungry too." He Cheng smiled and followed.

Under the ambiguous gazes of everyone, a group of nine people including the tour guide, driver, and passengers squeezed into the elevator with their luggage.

"No! Don't be crowded! You are fighting so many things, and there are only three people on board at most!" The lobby manager tried to stop him in a panic, but found that the elevator was rising at an extremely fast speed.

"No, aren't those people?"

"You're right, they are not humans, they are ghosts!" A man in his thirties or forties holding a compass nodded.

"Who are you?"

"Ma Jiuying, your boss invited me here," the man said after collecting the compass.

"It turns out to be the master, please come here..."

Another elevator came down quickly, Ma Jiuying walked in, and He Cheng followed suit.

Ma Jiuying nodded friendly to the one-armed man in front of him. He always felt that there was something wrong with the man, not like a living person.

The most taboo thing in the fantasy world is innocent provocations and troubles, so Ma Jiuying just looked at the other person twice and ignored him.

Didi didi——

Just as the elevator door was about to close, an alarm sounded.

"Overweight? Did you make a mistake?"

The lobby manager poked his head into the elevator to check, and found only two people standing.

"The elevator is really weird today. Just now, a lot of people got on and the elevator didn't respond. Now only two people get on and they are overweight? Are you being a kid? I'll burn more incense later!"

After beeping for a while, the elevator finally closed and climbed up extremely slowly, as if the elevator was not carrying people but a pile of iron blocks.


The elevator door opened, He Cheng nodded to Ma Jiuying and walked out of the elevator door.

As soon as I stepped out of the elevator door, I saw the shopping guide waiting at the door.

"Dead boy, you and I are in the same room, are you happy?" He said and led He Cheng into the room.

After locking the door and turning on the light, the shopping guide laughed loudly: "I am known as Sister Taohua, the Killer of Thousands, and I will eat you alive today!...Ah!!!"

"It's so miserable to scream, hahaha!"

"Yes, yes, why is there no sound? Did Shuang faint?"

"What are you listening to?" Li Jialing looked curiously at a group of people gathering at the door of a room, putting their ears against the door and eavesdropping.

"Hush, I'm praying for rain on dry land!"

"Praying for rain on dry land?" Li Jialing looked at the lewd smiles of several people and used her special function out of curiosity. Then she saw the one-armed man lying on the bed, sleeping with his eyes closed.

"There is only one person who is mentally ill."

Li Jialing returned to the room and saw the chicken girl Shi Li swallowing bananas.

"Are you OK?"

"My big diamond ring was accidentally swallowed into my stomach. I have to pull it out!" Shi Li replied, suddenly holding her stomach: "It feels like it's coming!"

She rushed into the toilet.

"The diamond ring is gone. Isn't this simple? How about I help you take out your stomach and intestines to find it?" Li Jialing used her ability to move objects through the air again, and suddenly there was a stomach in her hand, with a long stomach attached to it. A bunch of intestines.

After groping for a long time, she finally found the diamond ring. Just as she was about to return her stomach to Shi Li, she heard the sound of toilet flushing coming from the toilet.


The toilet door opened, and Shi Li let out a long breath: "It will feel more comfortable if you pull it out~, eh? What are you holding in your hand?"

"No, it's nothing. Maybe the waiter didn't clean up before, so he left these dirty things here." Li Jialing hurriedly threw the water into the trash can, took out the diamond ring and said, "Your diamond ring, I just put it in the trash can." Found it”

"Wow, thank you, you are really my good sister, but I just searched the trash can and couldn't find it." Shi Li said in confusion, and then forgot about the other useless ones because of the lost diamond ring.

Shi Li saw Li Jialing stepping out and asked, "Why are you going?"

"Oh, I, I, I, I, I'm looking for someone with bad breath..."

Shi Li didn't become suspicious either.

Li Jialing trotted to the next room, looked at the man with bad breath who was rummaging through boxes, and said anxiously: "It's broken, let me tell you, we may have hit something evil!"

"What? I can't find my toothbrush, can you help me look for it?" Halitosis covered her mouth and glanced at Li Jialing, then lowered her head and continued to search.

"Ah? Oh, okay." Li Jialing searched subconsciously and suddenly caught a glimpse of a small thing on Qiang Qiang's back, which looked like the handle of a toothbrush.

She tremblingly stretched out two fingers, carefully pinched the toothbrush handle and pulled it out, and actually pulled out a whole toothbrush!

There was also a weird sticky green liquid.


Shi Li's intestines and stomach were taken out by her, and she could still go to the toilet. She had bad breath and was still alive after a toothbrush penetrated her back. The fear in Li Jialing's heart became stronger and stronger.


She yelled and rushed out.

"I'm scared to death. What are you doing? If you don't want to look for it, don't look for it... Huh? I found my toothbrush!" Qiang Qiang, who has bad breath, lowered his head in joy, grabbed the toothbrush and shook off the strange liquid on it, and happily cleaned his mouth.

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