Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 212 Deputy Instructor of the Fierce Ghost Force



Jin McGee and Meng Chao looked at each other and shouted sadly in unison: "No~"

"What to do now? Wasn't the zombie taken away by that person?"

"I guess he escaped again. After all, it was a zombie. Maybe that cool guy was bitten to death by a zombie!"

"I remember it was a boy and a girl..."

"That means someone was bitten again."

Jin McGee winked at Meng Chao, looked at Lin Zheng who opened the car door and was about to get out of the car, and deliberately spoke louder: "For the safety of citizens, it doesn't matter that we two policemen sacrifice our lives for the sake of justice. We are afraid that the zombies will bite more and more, and in the end everyone will be killed." Hong Kong is full of zombies!”

"Ah...oh, that's right!"

Meng Chao nodded, understanding what his partner meant.

"It's a pity that my study time is short. The only way to deal with zombies is to die. Our life and death are indeed not important, but the whole of Hong Kong and even the whole world may be invaded by zombies. Then we will be in trouble!"

"It doesn't matter, we still have guns. If we commit suicide by swallowing the gun at the critical moment, we can also ensure that there won't be two more zombies in the world!"

The words he spoke were righteous, and his tone was even more fearless of death.

But the car didn't start at all, and their eyes were always on Lin Zheng.

"Don't worry, I'm just going back to get some things. Wait for me here and I'll help you catch zombies!"

"Thank you Dr. Lin, you really understand justice!"

"A model, a model!"

You flatter me shamelessly, but You Lin is having some protection for your own life.

A few minutes later, he was wearing a Taoist robe, a mahogany sword in his left hand, and a Bagua mirror in his right hand.

The fly whisk is carried on the back, and the yellow talisman is tucked into the chest.

Walking like a dragon and a tiger, stepping on the Seven Stars and Bagua.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Zheng transformed from an imposing middle-aged man to a master.

"So handsome! I'm going to do something like this one day!"

Meng Chao's eyes began to shine. He never had the chance to wear such a suit in his previous life.

"Let's go!"

Lin Zheng opened the rear door, fastened his seat belt, and took out the compass.

"No need, someone called the police just now, and the zombies appeared not far away!"

The police car, sirens blaring, drove toward the neighborhood where the call was made.


"What's wrong, Dr. Lin?"

"There are zombies!"

Lin was pointing at his compass, and saw the pointer on the compass spinning crazily, pointing directly at a black car that passed them.

"Two men suspected of being zombies are committing murder on Bolan Street. Please ask nearby police officers to rush to support!"

"There are suspected zombies on Bolan Street..."

Listening to the voice from the walkie-talkie, Lin Zheng had to put down the compass in his hand. No matter who was in the taxi, he had to let him go and deal with the two zombies who were causing trouble first.

He was also thinking in his mind, if he met that mysterious man who didn't look like a human being tonight, would he be able to defeat him if he had this complete set of magic weapons?

"Next time we meet, I will have to meet Zhenzhang!"

This time was the last time he was overpowered by someone's momentum.

The car stopped.

He Cheng opened the door and walked out, Niu Lu jumping up and down leading the way.

The younger brother stuck his head out of the car window and took a deep breath.

When he was in the car just now, he felt like the air was being sucked out of him.

And his lips were slightly blue, but he hadn't noticed it yet.

"Delay agent!"

He Cheng never has too many trump cards.

Whether it is a living person or a zombie, inhaling this gas will slow down the speed to a great extent. It can be said to be an artifact against the enemy.

The two zombies entered the building and saw the antique dealer who had been drained of blood and fell to the ground.

When the antique dealer heard the noise, he stood up unsteadily!

Bitten to death by a zombie rich in He Cheng's zombie poison, antique dealer Guo Dunhuang turned into a zombie much faster than an ordinary zombie.

He moved step by step, roaring at the two zombies who intruded on his territory.


An eagle-like crow swooped down and snatched off his head.

The headless corpse fell to the ground.


The long sword made of peach wood was sharper than a chainsaw. The sword penetrated the zombie's body and brought out a large handful of blood foam.


This is the fourth Xingzheng who has fallen to the ground.

"What a vicious corpse poison, it will transform into a corpse just after being bitten!"

Lin Zheng frowned. He had only seen such a fast infection rate once in his father Lin Jiu's records. He only said that a few decades ago, there was a purple zombie with extremely poisonous poison that destroyed a whole town in a very short period of time. people turned into zombies.

During the Republic of China, there were three to four hundred people in a town!

Although the records said there were thousands of zombies, Lin Zheng didn't believe it.

Thousands of zombies, not to mention dozens of people in Maoshan, even a group carrying a cannon may not be able to defeat them.

He believes that the number of zombies is an imaginary number deliberately fabricated to show Maoshan's power.

But it is enough to show how powerful the corpse poison is.

It is absolutely impossible for a purple zombie to survive now. A few decades ago, hundreds of flowers bloomed in the spiritual world, and there were countless people with the ability. Who can't catch a purple zombie?

But now, decades later, it is very possible that zombies with the same corpse poison will appear, and the first thing he thinks about is the family of three zombies rescued by the man in black.

"Dr. Lin, what should we do?"

Kim McGee's voice brought him back to reality.

"Take the corpse and cremate it immediately. The corpse poison is so fierce that it will turn into a zombie in less than half an hour!"

"So fast? Then hurry up!"

By the time they finished cleaning up, it was almost dawn.

More than a dozen people died, and they all turned into zombies.

Two people were bitten and turned into zombies. These two people will bite again, and then there will be four, and four more bites will become eight, and eight more bites...

Fortunately, the location of the outbreak was a little remote, and many people closed their doors after hearing the broadcast, which prevented the corpse poison from spreading further and gave Lin Zheng and others a chance to remove the zombies.

Jin McGee and Meng Chao took Lin Zheng back to the police station to prepare for last night's incident.

Just as he yawned, he saw Superintendent Ashin walking out with an annoyed look on his face.

"Sir! The mission has been successfully completed and all zombies have been eliminated!"

"Jin McGee, Meng Chao! Hahaha!"

When the superintendent saw the two of them, he burst out with more enthusiasm than before, and hugged their necks very affectionately.

"You came at the right time!"

"Sir! Is there a new mission? We can take down all the zombies. The new mission is absolutely guaranteed to be completed!"

Kim McGee and Meng Chao had their chests straightened, and even if they took a photo, they could put it on a poster in the recruiting office.

"Yes, I have a mission for you!"

"It's not about ghost hunting or zombie hunting, right?"

Seeing the two men's momentum weakening, the superintendent shook his head slightly: "Of course not to catch zombies!"

"That is……?"

"I just received a notice from my superiors that our police station needs to set up a ghost unit to specifically catch ghosts. But don't worry, you two, we won't let you go into battle to catch ghosts!"

The two of them finally came to their senses with their throats raised. They didn't need to catch ghosts, everything was easy to discuss.

"However, given that you have many experience in handling supernatural incidents, the two of you will become special members of the Ghost Force to train new recruits to catch ghosts!"

"It's just training...can you not go?"

"What do you think?"


Jin McGee and Meng Chao saluted softly: "Yes, sir~ I promise to complete the mission."

"Well, very good. I heard that there is a master next to you? You can call him here to be the deputy instructor to train the new recruits." The superintendent's old fox-like smile bloomed like a chrysanthemum. This was his real intention.

"Assistant instructor?" The two of them captured the key: "Who is the instructor? Is there anyone who knows how to catch ghosts better than the master?"

"Why, I am not qualified to be an instructor?"

The superintendent puffed out his chest.

"Qualified, qualified..."

"But sir, we don't know if Master is willing to be an instructor." Jin McGee glanced at Lin Zheng standing beside him.

"There are many benefits to being an instructor. First of all, this team will not be worse than the Flying Tigers in the future. Secondly... being an instructor will provide financial subsidies, and you will also have the opportunity to go abroad to catch ghosts and promote your reputation!"

"What you said is what you want. Master may not care about it."

Meng Chao had already seen Lin Zheng's impatient expression.


The superintendent glanced sideways, and Meng Chao obediently shut his mouth.

"Of course, you can also give us suggestions. Whether it's your children going to study abroad, or your family members who are repeat offenders and want to be shot for pardon, as long as it's within the scope of our police station's business, we will agree to it!"

"Okay, I have a condition!" Lin Zheng took a step forward.

"Who are you?" The superintendent frowned and looked at the Taoist priest in front of him.

"He is the master, sir!"

"Oh~! Master, what are your conditions?"

"The fierce ghost troops I want to train must first obey my orders and go out... to catch zombies!"

"Don't worry about this. Catching zombies will be the top priority of the Ghost Force in the future. If you want, you can capture all the ghosts in Hong Kong."

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