Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 218 Zombie Doctor (continued)


There were so many inhuman evil things gathered in the castle that the baby was a little scared and cried at the top of his lungs.

"I'm sorry, I'll take them out of the way first." Feng Anna nodded apologetically to He Cheng, hugged the child and left to other rooms.

The dusty jar was placed on the ground. As Alice opened the seal, a puff of lavender smoke came out.

The ghost energy is extremely light, and maybe in a few years, she will be gone.

The smoke gathered, and a graceful woman slowly took shape.


Yan Hong opened her eyes, a little surprised.

"Alice said, do you know where the Fountain of Eternal Life is?"

Yan Hong nodded lightly: "Yes"

The terracotta warriors and horses can turn into living people if soaked, but they can't be killed by non-specific daggers. I don't know what will happen if he is soaked as a zombie.

Is it to spread wings and fly to the sky, or to become an immortal or a Buddha?

Besides, he could also learn some of the Dragon Emperor's spells back then.

From the UK, we first went to Hong Kong and then turned to Yunnan.

Our Lady's Hospital,

A female ghost in a yellow skirt trotted into the hospital.

"Five minutes left, five minutes left, Mom! I'm coming!...Huh?"

Another woman passing her caught her attention.


"Female ghost?"

The two parties' eyes collided with each other, and after confirming each other's identity, they left.

One is in a hurry to reincarnate, the other is in a hurry to find someone, and neither of them wants to conflict.

Alice raised her head and glanced at the ward, listening to the baby's "wow" sound coming from the room, she shook her head slightly. She was just a female ghost who came to be reincarnated, not an enemy.

She walked to the nurse's station and sat down. Opposite her was a group of nurses chatting quietly. Since the fear in her heart had not been completely eliminated, she naturally had no intention of listening to other people's conversations.

When facing such a powerful master, she actually spoke her mind, and the master nodded and let her go. Everything seemed like a dream.

"Do you know, I saw the three of them, it was so disgusting!"

The female nurse wrinkled her face, and her words attracted other nurses to come over.

"What happened?"

Another young and beautiful female nurse saw everyone gathered together and came over curiously.

"This is your Dr. Jiang, so disgusting!"

"What's wrong with him?" the beautiful female nurse asked anxiously.

"He took off his pants in the lounge, and then the other two idiots knelt down in front of him. You and I... vomit, it's so disgusting!"

As she spoke, she knelt down and opened her mouth back and forth as if she were holding something in her hand, indescribably skillful.

Everyone's attention was drawn to what she said about three men doing it, and they didn't notice it at all.


The nurses all made disgusting "Eh" sounds.

"No way!"

"I think he is just..."

"Just what?" The male doctor came over and asked with a smile.

"Bah!" The nurses collectively spat and left with the male doctor looking confused.

"What's wrong with me? MAY... MAY..."

"No matter how much you can't help it, you can't find a man. I told you, you can only do it on the night of the wedding..." The beautiful nurse MAY shook off the male doctor's hand and kicked her small high heels on the ground twice. Then he left angrily.

"Hey...what happened?"

Jiang Dacong sighed.

Just now, he discovered that his little brother actually had the teeth marks of a zombie bite. And after observation by two buddies, it was absolutely certain that he was bitten by a zombie and would definitely turn into a zombie! I'm in trouble now.

Turning his head, Jiang Dacong saw the woman standing up slowly from the chair.

The three souls and seven souls were so frightened that they were about to run away. They waved their hands, but their legs moved hard and ran away.

There is only one person who has taken him in her mouth. Doesn’t that mean that the woman in front of me is also a zombie?

"Hey! I came here specifically to see you!"

Seeing Doctor Jiang running away, Alice shook her head slightly and chased after him.

"I was wrong. I will not tell others that you are a zombie. Please let me go!"

Dr. Jiang knelt on the ground, clasped his hands together and begged for mercy.

But his eyes were still turning to look for a way to escape. It would definitely not work for him to catch the zombies with the Taoist priest. He might also be captured by the Taoist priest, but he could go to the police.

"Just say that a female gangster molested me. I don't believe the police would just sit back and watch!"

"What did you say?"

The high-heeled shoes "deng-deng-deng" slowly approached.

Alice squatted down, grabbed Dr. Jiang's hands, and said softly: "The Earl is dead and I am free now, so what I think of is you..."

"You were thinking of me, so you still bite me?"

"You can't change the fact that you were bitten. Have you ever been unable to control yourself because of the sight of human blood in the past few days?"

"Human blood..."

Dr. Jiang's memory was quickly reviewed.

When he cut the patient's appendix in the morning, his mask was completely wet with saliva. After the operation, he held the trash can with the hemostatic swab in his hand, mixed it with water and drank it all.

You can tell all the answers just by looking at his expression.

Alice smiled softly and said: "It is inevitable that you are a zombie. I am here to teach you how to be a vampire zombie."

"Forget it, I don't want it!"

Dr. Jiang pushed Alice away and fled in panic.

As soon as I opened the door, I ran into my girlfriend MAY.

Without stopping, he threw her to the ground. The blood test tube in her hand also fell to the ground, exploding into globs of blood.

"I'm sorry, MAY"

Doctor Jiang smiled awkwardly, but his face moved to the ground uncontrollably: "I didn't see you..."

"You! Be careful next time!"

MAY got up from the ground, only to see Dr. Jiang lying on the ground, sticking out his tongue, and licking the blood on the ground intoxicatedly!

"Da Cong, what are you doing!"


Dr. Jiang reacted to the shouting and stood up quickly, but his body was still immersed in the beauty of blood, and the look on his face was also aftertaste.

"No, MAY, please listen to my explanation..."

He hurriedly tried to chase after him, but the cleaner who was coming towards him probably heard the "story" just now and spat at him with a look of disgust on his face.

"Lift your feet! Lift your feet!"

The mop moved sideways, sweeping away all the blood on the ground.

Secretly muttering a pity, Dr. Jiang returned to his office without energy.


MAY took off her nurse uniform and returned to her residence.

She rented a house with the talkative little nurse. On the opposite floor was her boyfriend Jiang Dacong's room, which not only allowed her to monitor Dr. Jiang's every move, but also ensured that she would not lose her virginity before getting married.

"Hey hey hey! MAY, come and see!"

After hearing her friend's summons, she hurried to the balcony.

"Look, your sweetheart seems to be sitting with a woman, and they are very intimate!"

"I'm so angry!" MAY twisted the rag in her hand.

"I stayed safe for him, but he actually had such a romantic dinner with someone else! Aren't you just not letting him go?"

"Wait a minute, look what they're eating!"

The two of them pressed their faces against the window, watching Dr. Jiang take out a small glass bottle filled with bloody cotton balls.

Then he poured water into the goblet.

He held two cotton balls with tweezers and dropped them into the goblet one by one, quickly turning the water red.

The two of them held the cups and shook them gently.


Drink the blood and water...

"No wonder, I saw Da Cong lying on the ground today, licking the blood on the ground..."

The two women felt a sense of fear in their hearts. They heard that zombies attack those closest to them first.

"what should we do?"

"How about calling the police?"

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