Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 234 He is the

Mainland boy Ah Hua quickly took a few steps back and distanced himself from He Cheng.

The great lama also looked at him warily, ready to succumb to the devil at any time!

The old face was as wrinkled as a chrysanthemum, and the great lama was extremely worried. He couldn't see the depth of the man in front of him, and he couldn't even tell whether he was a human, a ghost, a corpse or a demon!

These people are at least five meters away from He Cheng, but this is the "safety" in their hearts. For He Cheng, there is no difference between five meters and fifty meters. Even five hundred meters is a distance that can be reached in a single jump!

"You have a jasper stove at home"

He Cheng said, looking at Zhang Xiaoyi.

"That's the magic weapon passed down from our ancestors to control the mountain!"

Zhang Xiaoyi responded playfully.

She looks exactly the same as Zhang Susu. In the movie, Zhang Susu used too much mana and had to borrow her body.

Since there are happy ghosts in this world who appear at the same time in the past and next lives, Zhang Susu, who has more than one level of magic power than the happy ghosts, may not have to do this. He retains his three souls and seven souls, but he can be reincarnated. This is invisibly cultivated for himself. A physical body!

It seems that the underworld is not as stable as rumored. Otherwise, how could a Qing Dynasty scholar ghost, a female cultivator whose soul is hidden in a jade furnace, be opportunistic and reincarnated?

Even Zhang Dayu, the former Ninth Sister, and Li Jialing appeared, and He Cheng also suspected that they were all one person. Maybe one day the time came, they would be taken over by Jiu.

The reincarnation of the Living Buddha, opening up the spiritual wisdom to remember the past and present lives, is also very similar to this!

"Have you ever opened the jasper furnace?" he asked again.

"Of course not, this furnace is welded shut! Seeing how you talk from left to right, it's definitely your problem that my dad turned into a zombie!"

Zhang Xiaoyi pinched her waist and pointed at He Cheng. If she hadn't been unable to calculate the strength of both sides, she would have pounced on him and stabbed him to death with the Sanqing Sword Technique that she hadn't practiced in more than 20 years!

"The problem is in the furnace"

"I just told you that the jasper furnace was welded shut and couldn't be opened, and you said the problem was in the furnace?" Zhang Xiaoyi looked amused.

"Xiaoyi, don't get excited yet!" Ahua came to Zhang Xiaoyi, grabbed her hand and patted her gently.

And asked He Cheng: "You said that there was something in the jasper furnace causing trouble, so the godfather turned into a zombie? Can you prove that you didn't do it?"

What a big assist.

He Chengzheng was thinking about how to deal with the vixen by killing these people, so Ahua gave him a chance to show himself.


It would be best to use the hands of the living Buddha to deal with the thousand-year-old vixen!

The aura of the ghost immortal clone was released.

The strong ghost energy was beating and swaying in the hall. When they closed their eyes for a moment, they mistakenly thought that they had fallen into the eighteenth level of hell. Countless evil ghosts were floating in front of their eyes. Some rolled from the mountain of knives, and even Some are fried in oil pan!

His face turned pale with fear.

"Lama Qiannuo!"

The great lama's Buddha's voice was like thunder to his ears. He Cheng took advantage of the situation and put away his ghostly aura. Only then did the three of them shake their heads and open their eyes.

"May I ask the ghosts and immortals why they came to the earthly world?" This time it was the great lama who asked.

He spoke politely because he knew that there was a big difference between the two sides, and twenty great lamas might not be able to defeat one ghost fairy!

"Ghost Immortal?" Ahua and the three of them looked at each other, calling the great lama very strangely.

The great lama nodded, "Yes, what you see in front of you is not a human being, but a ghost!"


When they saw the three people making a fuss and opening their mouths to scream and run away, the great lama continued to explain: "Everything in the world can become an immortal. After a ghost reaches the realm of ghosts and immortals, it will officially embark on the path of immortality! Ghosts and immortals in this realm Even in the underworld, you can find a job as a ghost general, and your skills are no worse than those of black and white, or bull-headed and horse-faced!"

"You said he is an immortal?"

The great lama corrected him: "Ghosts and immortals"

Immortal is just a title. Ghost Immortal and Land Immortal are all titles. Compared with the righteous gods who are truly in the immortal class, they still have hundreds or thousands of years of Taoism behind them!

He only said that some ghosts and immortals can be on duty in the underworld, but there are more ghosts and immortals who are kings and hegemons outside, imitating the Yin Emperor in ruling the land and building cities, creating a mess in the world.

"Ah! I remembered it!" Zhang Dayu suddenly realized.

"You are the divine general who saved us last night, no wonder you look familiar!"

Zhang Dayu turned around and told the three people about last night's experience, especially when he talked about the gods who would get rid of the evil ghosts, the sky was full of excitement.

After finishing speaking, even the great lama nodded, indicating that he understood the reason.

He Cheng squinted as he listened to Zhang Dayu's story of adding a stroke in the east and a sentence in the west. The effect of his fabrication of "divine general" exceeded expectations!

"Although the evil things in the jade furnace were eliminated by me, the crisis here has not been resolved, but has become more and more serious!" Since He Cheng was determined to be a "divine general", he naturally would not refute what He Cheng said next.

"What do you mean, General God, there are still evil things?" The great lama frowned and took a step forward.

"The strength is far superior to mine. There is a thousand-year-old vixen here. Her chance of becoming a spirit was ruined by one of your masters hundreds of years ago. Now she rushes out just to take revenge!"

"My dad tells this story every day, but I didn't expect it to be true!"

Zhang Dayu turned to look at Zhang Wu, who was frozen, and begged He Cheng, "General God, do you have a way to save my dad?"

"When a person is dead, even if the righteous god comes, there will be no way to save him."

He Cheng shook his head.

"What are your plans to eliminate the vixens?" the great lama asked He Cheng again.

"If you want to eliminate the thousand-year-old vixen, you must have a saint from the three religions!"

"Saints of the Three Religions?" This was the first time they had heard of this meeting.

"That's right, Tibetan Buddhism, Catholicism, and Taoism can only be eliminated by the three religions coming together!"

He Chengyi pointed at Ah Hua, "We must make him a living Buddha first!"

"Living Buddha?" Ah Hua pointed at his nose.

"Living Buddha?" Sister Zhang was immediately shocked. The man she liked turned out to be the reincarnation of a Living Buddha!

The great lama couldn't help but look at Ah Hua and nodded repeatedly:

"No wonder, no wonder there is a mysterious force that attracts me here! Lama Qiannuo!" The big lama bowed to He Chengyi: "Thank you, General, for your guidance!"

"Hey, I may not be a living Buddha, don't get excited!"

Ahua waved his hand.

"I have something here to prove it!" The great lama took out a stone slab with a handprint on it. Ah Hua reluctantly put his hand in but found that his hand and the handprint were completely suitable!

"It doesn't necessarily mean that they will match if you put your hands on them. There are countless hands in the world with similar lengths." The Zhang sisters united the front at this time, and they must not let their lover become a lama!

"One more try!"

The great lama took out a "mani" prayer wheel, also called a prayer wheel.

The handle is made of wood, and other parts are decorated with gold, silver and copper wrapping.


The great lama violently broke the prayer wheel and handed it to Ah Hua: "Only the saliva of the reincarnated living Buddha can restore the broken prayer wheel!"

Ah Hua did as he was told, and the result was obvious. Ah Hua was the Living Buddha, and the first thing the Living Buddha had to do was to enlighten his soul and bring back the memories from decades ago!

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