Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 292 Dryad Grandma

With five fingers, he pinched the rotten "dong dong" demon's heart which was rising and shrinking, and exerted force gently.


Luo Zhiqiu opened his mouth wide in fear, and the demon blood happened to be sprinkled on his face, and the black liquid was choked into his throat.

"It stinks, it stinks, vomit!"

He lay prone in the cabin and vomited out a lot of the contents in his stomach.

Wiping his mouth gently with his sleeve, Luo Zhiqiu glanced at the putrid monster lying on the ground with weak legs. Luo Zhiqiu hurriedly came to He Cheng's side. "General, General! Xiaosheng wrongly blamed you. It turns out that you are not talking about a person, but this old man..."

“It seems that Montenegro is my first stop.”

There are more than 20 levels of little monsters supporting Haohao. In the previous world, they were considered quite small monsters. In this world, even Black Mountain dare not enter.

The mountain is full of monsters, so be excited!

"General... Xiaosheng, Xiaosheng can't support mugwort"

Luo Zhiqiu timidly glanced at the thick fog that enveloped the boat. He felt that the fog was filled with monsters and monsters. When he turned around to look for He Cheng, he saw his eyes flashing with bloodlust, which made people tremble with fear.

He quickly turned his head away and squatted in the boat, holding his knees and shivering, not daring to speak any more.

Monsters are scary, but the general who pulled out the monster's heart with one hand is no ordinary person!

"Scholar, you can still live if you go back now."

He rarely shows people a way out.

Along the way, He Cheng had never seen anyone show him the way to survive. Only the little black zombie, Lord Yama, was really friendly to him back then. Everyone else was afraid of being killed.

So he didn't bother to show others how to survive.

Put on the corpse armor and take off the robe.

He Cheng stood on the bow of the ship, as if there were thousands of troops behind him, and he was very impressive.

"General, general... I can't keep up with the caravan. Even if I go back to Taiyuan, I can only make a living by selling lanterns. I will starve to death sooner or later. Even if there are real monsters and ghosts ahead, I still have to make a living."

The scholar who showed some masculinity made He Cheng look twice.

It wasn't admiration, but he remembered the many heroes and Taoist masters he had slaughtered, shouting to slay demons and eliminate demons, but they all fell into his hands in the end. Who would not be the proud one who embarked on the path of cultivating the Tao?

Everyone wants to stay alive and be able to play games at home with peace of mind. No one wants to go out and become a zombie king under the pressure of gods and demons.

He had no choice in life, and he didn't want to follow a group of NPCs, so he had to kill them.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Luo Zhiqiu suddenly climbed onto the boat, and the boat turned into an arrow from the string. It broke through the thick fog with a "swish" and passed through the river like an arrow.

He looked up with envy and fear at the silver-armored general standing on the bow of the ship.

"The general is so capable..."

The boat broke through the river, and the water waves were high on both sides of the plow. Looking from a distance, I thought there was a dragon rolling over the river.

When we reached the shore, the sun was just blocked behind by the black mountains reaching into the sky.

Luo Zhiqiu followed He Cheng with a book basket on his back, and the two of them walked forward step by step on the Zhangchao sea.

There were two men in armor in front of them. The man on the left was holding a broad sword, and the man on the right was holding a long sword high.

"Master..." Luo Zhiqiu said something by mistake.


Two men in armor suddenly opened their eyes and rushed towards He Cheng with long swords in hand!

The man on the left held a broad sword at his waist, and the sword energy that emerged actually cut away the waves that hit the beach.

The power on the right was not bad either. His feet left no footprints on the sea-soaked beach, and the long sword was as light as a willow leaf in his hand.

"General!" Luo Zhiqiu hid behind He Cheng and looked at the two people rushing towards him in horror.

He Cheng stood still.

The two of them were gesticulating back and forth in front of him, their sword blades clashing against each other, shining sparks.

“This world is so wonderful”

I randomly bumped into a monster while taking a boat, and as soon as I entered Montenegro, I bumped into two Taoist priests.

At level 60, it’s called Golden Pill.

These two people are actually level 55.

I hadn't walked very far when I met two of them.

"Tell me, which one of us is more capable?"

The broad sword was placed in front of Luo Zhiqiu, his fat face smiled, and his eyes narrowed to express murderous aura.

"Tell me, am I more capable?"

The long sword was placed on Luo Zhiqiu's shoulder, and he also smiled, his teeth shining like the white moonlight falling above his head.

"This...this..." If he says this, the other one will kill him. It's a dilemma!

"We have been competing for a lifetime, and we are always tied!" The man with the broad sword glared at his companion and said, "You must give fair comments, or I will kill you!"

"You! You! You are tall! You are very capable!"

The man holding the broad sword nodded with satisfaction and withdrew the broad sword. Just as Luo Zhiqiu was about to breathe a sigh of relief, he saw the sword slashing down his head.

"Wait a minute! I observed carefully and found that this person is more capable!"

The one holding the long sword nodded with satisfaction, but the broad sword struck again, "How dare you lie to me!"

"Wait! You two! I find that your skills are the best I have ever seen in my life! It's hard to tell the difference. I really can't tell the difference!"


The two said in unison, "You are the fairest person we have ever seen in our lives. From today on, you will follow us until we decide the winner!"


Luo Zhiqiu looked up at He Cheng, only to find that He Cheng had long since disappeared!

"Hey, wasn't there someone standing here just now?" The man holding the broad sword scratched his head.

"How can a soldier with no education know how to differentiate between superior and inferior!"

"That's right!" The two of them turned around and forgot about He Cheng, driving Luo Zhiqiu to the Black Mountain, one on the left and the other on the right.


The two Taoists didn't seem to be simple, and when they didn't know if there was any opponent in the Black Mountain, He Cheng was unwilling to take action.

He walked forward, and when he passed the fork in the road, it was already dark.

Crickets fluttered their wings, but when he came closer, the movement stopped.

A piece of silk floated from the sky and landed at his feet.

He Cheng turned his head and looked in the direction where the silk was floating. There was a tent camp where several men were drinking and laughing.

"Come here, let me give you a hug~"

A woman in white danced in front of the fire.

She dances gracefully and has a beautiful face.

Hong Gu!

He Cheng was surprised first and then laughed.

As expected.

He stopped and watched Hong Gu dance.

"Who are you? This is our caravan, you are not welcome!"

Seeing He Cheng coming over to watch the dance, someone immediately drew a knife to drive him away.

"This set of silver armor does not belong to the Daewoo Dynasty. Is it a barbarian or a small country called Korea?"

The caravan suddenly became more fierce.

The dancing woman in white stopped and nodded gently to He Cheng, "I am my grandma's subordinate, my name is Xiaoxue. Please go around~"


He Cheng smiled and said, "Tree demon?"

Unexpectedly, Xiaoxue nodded slightly, "You must not be a local, Black Mountain is my grandma's realm, and even the underworld must be restrained here... However, as long as you don't do evil things and don't rob people, grandma probably won't trouble you." …”

He patted his head and said, "Grandma Dryad is not staying in Zhejiang?"

There is no rule in the world that only the tree demon from Lanruo Temple can be called grandma.

"Miss Xiaoxue, please continue working. I'll walk around first..."

"Let's go, let's go!" The people in the caravan didn't know that their death was coming, so they waved to chase him away.

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