Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 325 It turns out to be a green snake


He Cheng looked up and down at the handsome monk in white.

With erect facial features, thick eyebrows and big eyes, dressed in white clothes, he must be the most handsome Fahai in history.

And he is also extremely powerful, with level 75 and earthly immortal strength.

"The poor monk practices at Jinshan Temple!"

Fa Hai was extremely respectful to He Cheng, "The Buddha nature in you is very profound, you should be a disciple of the Buddha who has attained enlightenment."

"Easy to say, easy to say"

Vajra Heavenly King is a high-level protector in terms of hierarchy. It is said that there is nothing wrong with him as a Buddhist disciple. It is a pity that he, a Buddhist disciple, is not as powerful as the four heavenly kings in the first place and he knows nothing about Buddhist scriptures.

In a world of ghosts, foxes and gods, there is Nie Xiaoqian, Guanyin Bodhisattva, and Fahai White Snake.

“Zhejiang is really a place where big things happen”

Hong Kong in the previous world and Zhejiang in this world are both places where the "story" takes place.

The demon behind the Yin Yang Dharma King pointed out that Qingguo Temple of Tiantai Temple, Yan Chixia whom he met before, Fa Hai who he met now, and even Huang Chuping who made Guanyin Bodhisattva descend to earth in person, are all in Zhejiang.

"Zhejiang is really a good place." He just needs to wait here for the opportunity.

Just waiting and waiting will always pay off.

Fa Hai, who was smiling in front of him, was "targeted" by him.

"Huh? Monster?"

Fahai's eyes stood up and his eyebrows were raised.

He spat at the stars, jumped up on tiptoes, and flew out. He actually knew the magic of riding on clouds!

In a blink of an eye, he caught up with the old man with white hair and beard, and stopped him quickly.

"Bold monster, I want you to show your true colors!"

Fahai held the Buddha's seal with his right hand and shouted, "The mighty heavenly dragon, Prajna Buddhas, World Honored Ksitigarbha, Prajna Bama Kong!"

How could the little demon resist Fa Hai's magic power? He was knocked back to his original shape by a palm, turned around and ran for his life.

"It turns out to be a spider spirit!"

Fahai jumped into the air to catch up, and there was a spider spirit begging for mercy in front of him: "I worship at the foot of the golden Buddha in the temple and practice. I have absorbed the shadow of the Buddha for a long time, and my temperament is peaceful. Master, please spare my life!"

"Nonsense! Look at me, Da Luo Jin Bang!"

The golden pot floats in the air, spinning around, creating strong winds that capture all directions!

The spider spirit had no way to resist and was instantly absorbed into the golden pot, but it was still shouting, "Master, please spare my life, spare my life! Master, you are kind to the people, save the world, and help the people, please let me live! You!" If you accept me now, my hundreds of years of practice will be destroyed in one day! God has the virtue of good life, don't let me turn back into a spider."

"Shut up! Demons are demons! Gods, humans, ghosts and demons have an orderly hierarchy. You'd better be punished here in peace!"

Fahai took the gold pot and walked to a pavilion in the mountain. He opened the pavilion and suppressed the gold pot inside.

"The mighty heavenly dragon, Ksitigarbha, and Amitabha Buddha!"

Fahai turned around and saw a string of Buddhist beads hanging from the spider spirit hanging on the tree.

There is a faint flash of Buddha's light.

"The demon has been subdued, why has the demonic aura not dissipated? Could it be that he is really practicing at the feet of the Bodhisattva? No! All demons in the world are evil, and I will not accept the wrong one! No way!"

Fahai held the beads, but ran as fast as a madman and disappeared from He Cheng's eyes in the blink of an eye.

"It turns out to be "Green Snake"." He already knew where the story was.

The most "fascinating" story is the Legend of the White Snake, but there is no White Snake here, only the snake demon and the handsome monk who broke the precepts.

"Is there any good or evil in the world? There is only good and bad for me. Tsk, I really have some Buddha nature."

He Cheng shook his head slightly, and strong winds exploded around him, pushing him up into the sky.

It is inherently wrong for people to be good and evil. He has seen demons who are kind and righteous, and he has also seen people who are ruthless and unrighteous.

In the blink of an eye, we returned to the City of Fushou.

The stones on the Black Mountain Stone Ghost have been built into a 178-foot-high platform by the Yin soldiers.

"Master Heishan is back! Master Heishan is back!"

The Yin soldiers standing on the city of Fusi shouted at the top of their lungs. Like a baton, the whole news spread throughout the city of Fusi in an instant.

As soon as He Cheng landed on the high platform, he heard a roar of mountains and tsunami.

"The old demon of Black Mountain has boundless magical power, enjoys immortal blessings forever, and lives as long as the sky..."

"Master Montenegro, mana..."


He raised his hand slightly and pressed it down, and the sound reached the ears of every Yin soldier, and the city of Fusi was instantly quiet.

"It's over, let's go and do our work~"

He Cheng turned his head and looked at the huge platform. There were steps one foot high on the left and right, and a stone wall ten feet high behind it. It was twice as high as the gate of Wusi City. From a distance, it looked like a stone monument. .

"Who did this?"

"Master Heishan, it's me..." The elephant-trunk ghost general just rushed over. After seeing He Cheng, he kowtowed three times before explaining, "Your Dharmakaya is huge, so of course the chair needs to be bigger to be more comfortable!"


He Cheng's body suddenly became four to five feet tall. He sat on a stone chair and looked down at the elephant-trunk ghost general who was as high as his forearm. He spoke in a muffled voice like thunder, "I am not the dharma body. I am the real body. I am just here to It can be transformed into the size of an ordinary person to facilitate movement.”

After hearing his words, several ghosts rolled their eyes, wondering what they were thinking.

"Sir, the Nine-tailed Fox Ghost King sent a message saying that two ladies are looking for you..."


He bent down and lowered his head, like a hill pressing down. The shadow completely covered the long-tongued ghost general, and a pair of blood-red eyes as big as a man's head stared at him, "Where is the lady from?"

"This this……"

The long-tongued ghost shortened his tongue in fear, "There is a female ghost fairy and a banshee. They claim to be the people around the master. They came to Zhejiang to find you... The little ghost thought they were the master's two... "

There is no need to finish the words, the meaning is almost understood.


It should be Yanhong and Xiaoshuang who came here.

"I'm resting at the Nine-tailed Fox Ghost King's place. I just got a letter from you about your return. I've asked the kid to shout."

“Well done”

The long-tongued ghost received a casual compliment from him, and he smiled and stuck out his long scarlet tongue a little longer. On the contrary, the Elephant Trunk Ghost General on the side looked unhappy.

He Cheng didn't bother to care about their little thoughts.

Not long after, three beautiful figures appeared in the sky. The nine-tailed fox female ghost king, wearing red clothes and red robes, led the way.

Behind her are Yanhong in purple gauze and Xiaoshuang in white.

"I've met Mr. Montenegro~"

"Nine-tailed fox, you are serious now"

The female ghost king nodded, but suddenly paused, her face froze, and then she said happily, "Congratulations, sir, for your improvement in cultivation!"

She said congratulations, but there was hostility as red as blood.

The vixen is the most difficult to deal with.


The female ghost Yanhong and the banshee Xiaoshuang hurriedly paid their respects, and the golden swallows on their shoulders also chirped at He Cheng.

Being a demon again and practicing from the beginning, Jin Yanzi is progressing very quickly, and it shouldn't take a few hundred years to become a human again.

"I originally thought of contacting you after the City of Wasted Death, why did you come first?"

"Master, you have to help us take revenge. My sister and I encountered two snake demons and were almost eaten by them!"

Xiaoshuang took a step forward and gently floated onto the armrest of He Chengshi's chair. "And Sister Yanhong and Sister Susu are not their opponents!"

Meeting Fahai first, and then hearing about the two snake monsters, it was impossible for He Cheng not to think of them.

"What cultivation level?"

Yan Hong pondered for a moment, frowned slightly and said, "The green snake is about the same as me, but the white snake is much more capable, but he probably hasn't become an immortal yet."


As He Cheng stamped his feet, the ground shook slightly.

"How dare you bully my people!"

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