Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 330 I want a golden knife

"Last time we said goodbye, I didn't even have a proper visit to the mountains."

Zhong Kui lifted the hem of the red robe, raised his hands to roll up the red sleeves, revealing the black satin lining, and turned his leopard eyes to look at the Yin soldiers behind him.

The Yin soldiers under his command are all fierce ghosts, and the ghost king is waiting for him.

Some wild gods and monsters on Yemen Road love to dominate mountains and become kings.

Unpleasant thoughts arose in Zhong Kui's mind. Could it be that this person was not the Vajra Protector, but a demon? The Vajra Dharma that I saw that day was absolutely real.

"Could it be some kind of King Kong descended to earth? Why is there no movement at all?"

"Master Zhong, you're welcome."

Zhong Kui laughed loudly: "My sister is getting married today. It's a good time for you. Why don't we go to the wedding banquet together?"

"Brother, when I get married, the banquet guests are all ghost kings from all over the world, mountain gods and city gods. How can a wild-haired god be served at the table?"

"Shut up!"

Zhong Kui smiled sarcastically at He Cheng, turned to lie next to his sister's ear and whispered: "What a wild-haired god? That is the King Kong of the immortal world. His abilities are not much worse than those of your brother and me! And there is a fierce ghost trying to harm my old friend today. You have to get married." , I am not suitable to take action. It would be great if he could help me take action."

"Okay, okay, hurry up and kill these wild ghosts. Today is my happy day!" Zhong Mei shook her sleeves, held up her wedding dress, and turned back to the red sedan.

Zhong Mei's voice was loud, and the Eight Immortals also heard it and looked at He Cheng worriedly.

Erwu and Qiaoyin also looked at him expectantly. His ghost generals could kill the Eight Ghost Immortals with just a stick of their tongues. If he made a move, killing the Eight Ghost Immortals would be as easy as a backhand.

"Hehe" Zhong Kui raised his hand to He Chenggong, "This..."

"I understand what Mr. Zhong means, but I can't take action on this matter today." If he takes action, his golden sword will be gone.

"Why! You didn't kill the city lord in vain. All the monsters and monsters here are under your control. Why didn't you do anything when you watched them kill my master? My master is an upright man. The golden sword only kills the most evil people in the world. Isn't it worth it for you? save?"

Erwu stared at He Cheng angrily and wanted to rush to him to argue, but was pulled hard by Qiaoyin beside him.

"You boy!"

The long-tongued ghost raised his tongue, but He Cheng raised his hand to stop him.

Zhong Kui didn't take action on his sister's wedding day just to get a good deal. They killed Zhong Kui first and angered Zhong Kui. Maybe Zhong Kui's bloody gourd will be aimed at him next time and the city will be in vain.

"I can't take action. When I was in Heishan, Shanxi, I had a fight with a tree demon. I relied on them for the gunpowder used to blow up the tree demon. What happened at that time had turned them into ghosts. Now I can't turn them into ghosts."

The Eight Immortals were relieved.

"..." Zhong Kui shook his head. As a judge of the Department of Punishing Evil, although he did not have a book of life and death, he also knew that Yuan Detai's life span would end today.

Han Zhongli Jinhu laughed loudly: "Yuan Detai, two groups of ghosts and gods came today, you still can't escape death! Hahahahaha!!"

After saying that, Yuan Detai's head will be chopped off.

"This is my destiny"

Yuan Detai suddenly raised his head and shouted: "Wait! I can die, but there can only be one person who kills me!"

"There's so much shit," Jin Hu spat. He still had to give Zhong Kui some face. Moreover, Zhu Qi had foolishly collided with the old demon from Heishan just now. Otherwise, with the other party as his backer, they would have killed Yuan Detai first and then Zhong Kui. What a pleasure!

"The only person who can kill me is the only descendant of my golden sword Yuan Detai, Erwu!"


"Erwu, you must kill me today. If I die in the hands of such a ghost, I will never be reincarnated again!"

Although the friendship between master and apprentice is touching, it cannot attract Zhong Kui's attention.

He waved over the kid who was playing the gong, lowered his head and asked in a low voice: "It's a waste of time for the city lord to die. I remember it was a mountain that became a spirit. When did it change?"

The country is about to perish, and the demons are in chaos.

The Queen Mother has decreed that gods are not allowed to interfere in the affairs of the human world. The golden turtle is a typical example. If the little golden turtle in her fairyland commits a crime, she will be demoted to the human world. Which other great god dares to take action at will?

Moreover, the city lord was in vain because he only recruited some lonely ghosts, rarely harmed anyone alive, and would restrain the local monsters and ghosts. The underworld will let him be free and unrestrained for the time being, and it all depends on his mood when he will clean up later.

"I heard... that some time ago, a swordsman known as Living Zhong Kui went to the city of Wansi dead with a flying zombie, and took control of the city. I heard that the zombie practiced Buddhism and had three heads and six arms. !”

The kid banged his tongue, spittle flying everywhere.

It was unheard of for zombies to practice Buddhism, but on that day tens of thousands of ghosts saw the Dharma appear.

"That's right"

Zhong Kui looked at He Cheng standing on the other side. His corpse aura was very weak, indicating that his ability to cultivate Buddhism was much higher than that of the zombies themselves.

Zombies feed on blood, and their natural instinct is to kill.

The Buddha also taught the world to put down the butcher's knife and pay attention to not killing.

Two naturally contradictory individuals merge into a zombie, which looks weird no matter how you look at it.

"It's more important to marry a girl"

He couldn't get married because his sister was in his hand, and Zhong Kui was also angry. As for He Cheng being sent to the human world by the immortals, he didn't care about it.

Watching Yuan Detai being slaughtered at the neck, disciple Erwu brandished a golden sword and was about to chop off his master's head.

"Old friend! Relying on the righteousness in your heart, your precious sword has killed the heads of nine hundred and ninety-nine evil people. It is the most holy in the world and a divine weapon on earth. It is originally more powerful than my blood gourd, but , the blood of nine hundred and ninety-nine evil people is filthy, hindering the edge of the magic sword. The blood of an upright and kind person must be used to sharpen the sword. In the past, the general Mo Xie used his body to forge the sword, and this magic sword also needs blood! When the magic sword comes out, the ghosts and gods in the world will not dare to test its edge!"

Hearing Zhong Kui's loud shouting, He Cheng narrowed his eyes and realized that it was already time for the golden sword to be born.

"You guys should go back to the City of Wasted Death first."

"Yes, sir." The long-tongued ghost general nodded, and the Yin soldiers turned into black smoke and retreated.

Seeing the Yin soldiers retreating, all the ghosts present breathed a sigh of relief. Others who were oppressed by the many Yin soldiers under He Cheng felt uncomfortable.

Yuan Detai grabbed the golden knife and slashed his throat.

"Hahaha, Yuan Detai, you are finally dead!" Han Zhongli Jinhu raised his head and laughed, and the Eight Immortals and the other five ghosts also laughed heartily. The resentment in their revengeful hearts was eliminated, and they were finally reincarnated.

Only Yu Canhua looked sad. They had indeed taken revenge and could be reincarnated. Even if the Black Mountain Old Demon and Zhong Kui didn't cause trouble for them, would Yuan Detai's disciples let them go?

According to Zhong Kui, the golden sword is the most holy weapon in the world, more powerful than the blood gourd.

Sure enough, Erwu turned over and grabbed the golden knife, raised the knife to his head with both hands, and shouted, "The golden knife enforces the law!"


Divine weapons were born, and strange phenomena appeared in the sky.

There was a thunder dragon in the sky, the clouds were churning, the lightning was like daylight, and the golden sword was shining brightly.

"The old ones died, and none of the younger ones were left alive!"

Han Zhongli Jinhu had a big belly, and just when he was about to take action, the golden knife slashed over and chopped him to pieces!

When the other ghosts saw the power of the golden sword, they turned around and ran away.

"Now that my old friend is gone, it's time for me to continue marrying my sister."

Zhong Kui got on the horse, clamped the horse's belly with his legs, and rode up to He Cheng, "Come with me to the Wanwanxi Bar."

"I still have something to do, so I will definitely give you a small gift in the future..."

Zhong Kui shook his head. He didn't know what to do or why to stay, but marrying his sister was the most important thing at hand.

"I just hope this zombie King Kong won't cause trouble... Oh, come on!"

The sound of gongs and drums started up again, and eight large sedans were carried out of the city.

"You all come back!"

Er Wu held a golden knife in his hand and slashed at the air like crazy.

"Come back to me!"

In front of him were Qiao Yin, who was crying while holding his master's body, Zhong Kui's married sister's honor guard, the underworld soldiers who killed the city lord in vain, and the Eight Immortals who were seeking revenge, all disappeared.

"You want revenge?"

Erwu listened to the voice, looked at He Cheng who was still standing in the distance with his hands behind his hands, and asked angrily, "You can't take action?"

"I can help you get revenge without taking action, and your master's death has long been written in the book of life and death. Otherwise, why didn't Zhong Kui save him and instead let him forge a sword with his blood?"

I haven’t read He Cheng’s Book of Life and Death, but it’s not difficult to speak a few sentences in the vernacular.

"After he dies, he will go to the underworld again to suffer the pain of reincarnation. I can take him to the City of Unworthy Death and transform into a ghost to jump out of reincarnation. From now on, he can continue to kill demons and eliminate demons. You can also see him often." Of course he doesn't use money to negotiate prices.

"You want a golden knife?"

Erwu has already guessed the opponent's intention. The opponent's target has been this golden knife from the beginning.

"I want a golden knife!"

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