Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 369 Gathering to Kill the Corpse Demon

Chen Zhitian, the man in straw clothes, turned around with his hands behind his back. The big green snake behind him fell to the ground and turned into a beauty in green clothes.

The raised eyebrows and smiling cinnabar lips are eye-catching.

"It's harmful if you raise zombies. Be careful of Lei Cao subduing demons." He was a fairy boy after all, and he still couldn't help but want to say a few words.


Green Snake said disdainfully, "The high walls of the royal court have been ripped apart by demons. Why don't you see Thunder Lord going to kill them?"

"Only for these hundred years." The grass-clothed man knew that she was talking about the change of dynasties and the fact that the fairy world was left alone.

If not, how could a flying zombie jump out of the world?

I'm afraid that as soon as he shows his head, Lei Cao will chop him into charcoal with a thunder from the sky.

The grass-clothed man looked down at the people kneeling on the ground and said, "You have eavesdropped on the secret. If it is leaked out, you will be dumb and deaf. You'd better swallow these things in your stomach."

The people kowtowed and said yes.

Then the grass-clothed man stepped on the clouds and left, while the green snake stayed, twisting his waist and walking towards the crowd kneeling on the ground.

Some men saw her twisting her waist like a willow branch swaying in the breeze when she walked. They forgot their fear and looked at her with straight eyes.

"Since you know the gods, why do you raise zombies and send people to spread them to steal money?"

"Oh? Human...demon? If my nephew is still alive, he should be about the same age as you."

The green snake's nose wrinkled slightly, as if it smelled something "it's just the smell of fleas from flat-haired animals"

"Isn't it okay to raise zombies?"

The green snake looked at the old man with eyes like swords, "I asked you to feed my baby with blood every day. What did you do?"

"Mountain Lady, forgive me! Mountain Lady, forgive me!"

The old Taoist was tied up, and after struggling, he knocked his head on the stone, causing a bloody hole. The aunt bled, and in the blink of an eye, most of her face was smeared red, and the white beard of Xianfeng Daogu also turned red.

"I... I stole the skin and flesh from the zombies and made them. I wanted to make more money... I would feed your zombies blood and buy chickens, ducks, cows and geese. I have to have enough money!"


Green Snake nodded, walked to Old Dao and bent down. With a slight hook of his fingers, the rope was disconnected.

"Thank you, Lady Shan, for not killing me!"

The old Taoist lay on the ground and kowtowed, not caring about the rocks below. He hit his head hard and blood spurted out.


Hong Xinzi wrapped around Lao Dao fiercely, and the big green snake opened its mouth like a cave and swallowed Lao Dao in one gulp.

Green Snake returned to his human form and rubbed his slightly bulging belly, "It's too much trouble."

From what she meant, she didn't blame the old man for cheating money, but she thought he caused too much trouble and attracted the immortal Cao Yi Weng.

Green Snake smiled slightly at Shi'er, "Okay, are you happy now?"

Shi'er had just looked closely at the giant snake, and the hair on his body stood up. When he looked at her smile again, his whole body was stiff, except for the wrist holding the axe, which was shaking.

“I’ll see you next time when I have a chance.”

The green snake waved its hand and turned into a huge green snake, piercing into the black clouds in the sky like a dragon.

As soon as she left, everyone collapsed to the ground, all covered in sweat.

Everyone helped each other go home, but remained tight-lipped about what had just happened.

But when a student went to a private school to study, he talked with his friends about these "zibuyu".

After hearing him tell the whole story, everyone else was stunned and amazed that there was such a big snake in the world.

"I've heard of Immortal Cao Yi Weng, but I didn't expect that I had to rely on an Immortal to invite him here."

Some people don’t believe it: “You said it was only a few miles away, why can we only see a black cloud?”

"Because the snake is hiding in the dark clouds like a dragon, of course you can't see it." The scholar continued to talk. "The Lady of the Mountain also said that the present king's court has also been invaded by demons, and there have been wars in recent years, known as the uprising of the Nine Mountain Kings. The army is so powerful that it should be time for the imperial court to change."


The gentleman who just happened to push the door and walked in shook the book in his hand, stroking his white beard and said angrily, "You can't say anything about the strange power and chaos. Our country has been founded for nine hundred years and is in prosperity. How can there be chaos? The Nine Mountain Kings are just a group of mountains." You bandits! You spend all your time indulging in these useless tales of unofficial history, don’t even think about becoming a scholar!"

Everyone knows that Mr. Xiang was stuck in being a scholar because of his age, and never passed the exam in his life. Although he took the exam every year, he failed every year.

When the student opened his mouth just now, he made a sound of "Wow, ah, ah".

He couldn't hear anyone else talking to him, he was already mute and deaf.


The green snake flew for dozens of miles and descended on the clouds.

It is a dilapidated ruin, with the word "Inn" stuck on the moss-covered outer wall and a burnt flag.

She stepped into the puddle and walked in step by step.

Finally, they stopped in front of a huge coffin.

"Feeding blood is pretty diligent"

Qing Snake finally agreed with Lao Dao's seriousness in his work.

He placed his small palm on the coffin lid and gently lifted it. The swollen coffin lid was easily lifted, revealing a large zombie with a foul odor inside.

The zombie stood up suddenly when he heard the noise, his nose twitching slightly.

"That guy's corpse poison is amazing. He can actually make something like you."

She waved her sleeves gently, and the zombie lay down in the coffin with an uneasy roar.

Raising his hand again, the coffin lid flew up like wings and automatically landed on the coffin.

Refined a thousand zombies and went to Jinshan Temple to avenge my sister.

This was her initial plan, but she didn't expect... Fahai was already dead.


Green Snake sighed, "Sister, what's so good about being a human being? It was great that we were carefree before, but now you teach me how to be a human being, but I feel sad every day..."

When it got dark, a ghostly wind blew violently overhead.


The green snake turned into a big snake and rushed into the sky, chasing Guifeng.

"Did the grass-clothed man find him?"

The ghost wind suddenly stopped, and a charming woman's voice came from it. The sound was even more charming than a green snake.

"See the world"

The big snake nodded, staring at Gui Feng with a pair of snake eyes as big as millstones.

“Let’s go together”

The ghostly wind dissipated, revealing a graceful woman in red dress, except for a very blinking red line on her neck.

"Who else is he looking for?" Green Snake turned into a human form, but put some distance between itself and the female ghost king.

"The old black mountain demon in the city of Fusi, the tree demon grandma in the Lanruo Temple, and I heard that there is also the great ghost king in the ghost world... I'm afraid the grass-clothed man is not that big of a face." The female ghost king didn't care about the green snake's little moves.

"That was really a big battle."

One demon and one ghost, running forward and backward.

There is a lonely peak enjoying the moonlight alone.

Before they could stand still under the moonlight, they heard the sound of gongs and drums.

There is a group of ghost figures, riding ghost horses and driving carriages over the moon.

At the front are four little ghosts wearing red paper clothes carrying the Yi Zhan card.

Behind them are four suona craftsmen, a gong team, and a drum team.

Accompanied by ghostly sounds, the sinister wind gusts.

Behind them are hundreds of Yin soldiers wearing black armor.

"It's the old monster from Montenegro"

Green Snake listened to the female ghost king next to her and gave her a strange look.

After she became a "human", she was very sensitive to people's emotions. The female ghost king's meaning just now was not at all respectful, but rather disdainful.

The ghosts of the brigade have fallen on the top of the mountain like paper ashes, and the battle has not dispersed.

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