Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 390 Antarctic Immortal Investigate the Book of Life and Death

"Miss Zhong"

Yuan Detai cupped his fists.

"Please also come with me"

"Did the old demon from Montenegro send you here?"

Zhong Mei put her hands behind her back and gave a slight hook.


A cold moon turned a corner, and Yuan Detai, who was slashing with sword energy, grabbed the sword.

The sword was on the ground. "Please come with me!"

"This sword was given to my eldest brother by the Jade Emperor, as well as the blood gourd... No one in the world can use these two magic weapons except Zhong Kui..." Zhongmei Xinghua'er raised her eyebrows and raised her eyebrows. "What will you do? How is my brother?"

"With my ability, even if the city lord is included, how can I possibly hurt Mr. Zhong?"

Yuan Detai raised his hand and flicked the spine of the sword in his hand, making a buzzing sound.

"I'm sorry you don't dare to tell lies."

Zhong Mei knew that her brother's skills were well-known in the fairy world and he was ranked among the best. Yuan Detai, a former executioner, and an old black mountain demon wanted to kill her brother? It's just nonsense.

"Where are you going?" Zhong Mei knew that her brother might be controlled by others, and it was impossible to leave some signal for her husband to find her, so she behaved.

"Underworld, Mr. Zhong's house." Yuan Detai lowered his head, his eyes twinkling, wondering what he was thinking.

Zhong Mei got on the big sedan chair and followed Yuan Detai.

Others only knew that the ghost, who was wearing a big red robe, carrying Zhong Kui's sword on his waist, tied with a blood gourd, and riding a tall maroon horse, thought that Zhong Kui had taken Miss Zhong away.

The matter about the old demon from Black Mountain killing the immortals in Wusi City was left to nothing.


Outside the gate of hell, there is an old man riding a sika deer.

The forehead is as big as Shou Tao'er, smiling, and there is a white and red peach tied to the crutch in his hand, which looks sweet to the eye.

Just as he stopped, the Yasha kid guarding the gate of hell raised his head and was startled. "Is it the Antarctic Immortal? Who are you going to visit so that I can inform you?"


The old man nodded and said, "Go to Yinlusi"

There are four great judges in the underworld,

Secretary for Rewarding Good Deeds: Wei Zheng

Punisher: Zhong Kui

Chacha Division: Lu Zhidao

Yin Rhythm Division: Cui Jue

Wei Zheng's famous Journey to the West contains the story of killing the Dragon King of Jinghe River.

Needless to say about Zhong Kui and Lu Zhidao, Zhong Kui specializes in killing evil spirits and punishing people with no moral character. Lu Zhidao is also called Lu Pan, who investigates good and evil, bestows blessings and prevents disasters.

Judge Cui Jue helped Emperor Yama control the Book of Life and Death and the Judge's Pen.

"President Cui is busy." The Yasha kid shook his head, "You are not lucky, he went to the Hall of Hell to investigate the case. In recent days, demons have appeared in the human world. People's hearts are more poisonous than demons. Many of them have to open the book of life and death before they can be convicted. , I’m afraid it will take dozens of days.”

"Which judge is free?" The Antarctic Immortal still smiled and had a gentle attitude.

"...Master Zhong just left to visit relatives at my sister's house." Yasha kid rolled his eyes and scratched his hairless scalp, "Only Lu Pan is left."

"Whether it's Judge Lu, please inform me."


Not long after the Yasha kid left, he saw a man in a red robe and black and white official boots walking towards him. He had a green face and a red beard. He kicked the Yasha kid on the stomach and cursed, "You kid, are you blind?" Dare you let the immortal wait outside the gate of hell?"

"I've seen the immortal!"

"Lu Pan~" The Antarctic Immortal got off the deer's back.

"What does the immortal want to see me for?...Look at my brain. I just drank with a stupid scholar in the human world. I was so happy that I became confused. Please come to my humble residence to talk with me!"

The two arrived at Panan Lu's house, pushed open the door to the side room, sat down, and closed the door tightly. Panan Lu raised his hand to fan away the alcohol and poured a cup of tea for the Antarctic Immortal.

Then he asked, "What does the immortal want to see me for?"

"It's nothing serious. I was planning to play chess with the God of Wealth for hundreds of years, but when I wanted to drink, I found that Baihe Boy didn't bring any wine. I felt something was wrong, so I counted..."

The Antarctic Immortal sighed, "When I returned to Kunlun Mountain, nearly a hundred spiritual beasts and immortal beasts had disappeared on the mountain, and my boy was nowhere to be found, so I wanted to borrow the Book of Life and Death to check."

"This is easy!"

Judge Lu turned over his hands and found a book in his hands.

Book of life and death.

"Although my book does not record Yang, longevity and Yin virtue, it cannot trace past and present lives. But it can check good and evil!"

Mr. Lu moistened his fingers and rummaged around to find it, "White Crane Boy belongs to the feather category, immortal. Hmm..."

Suddenly there was a burst of mana outside.

"What is this?" The Antarctic Immortal looked at the paper window.

"Zhong Kui, I smell the aroma of wine in his blood gourd"

Judge Lu smacked his lips and paused suddenly.

"found it!"

The Antarctic Immortal was neither impatient nor impatient, and waited quietly for Lu Pan to elaborate.

"White Crane Boy died on the 20th day of the seventh lunar month in Yihai's strange, why didn't the underworld see his soul?"

"What's the cause of death?"

"No..." Lu Pan opened the book. There was only a time of death, but no cause of death.

"Is this common?"

"It's not common... Usually when this happens, there is either someone with great supernatural powers covering up the secrets of heaven and deceiving the six paths of reincarnation. The only one who can do this is the Bodhisattva Buddha." Lu Pian cupped his hands toward the north. "Furthermore, the White Crane Boy used some What a clever trick, I borrowed someone’s identity. If I check those who died at the same time, I should be able to get a result, but..."

Even before Lu Fan finished speaking, the Antarctic Immortal could understand.

How can we count the lives that died at the same time?

Just say it bluntly, you can’t find the answer.


In the city of Wu De, He Cheng looked at the priesthood of the God of Plague and Lord Wude Xing.

“It’s hot to touch”

With this thing, as long as he is used, he will be the God of Plague, and he will be the Wude Xingjun, and God will admit it.

The problem is that if he doesn't use this thing, it will be a hot potato if he keeps it with him.

"Sir, General Yuan sent someone a letter saying that Miss Zhong has been invited back to his residence."

The door creaked open, and Nie Xiaoqian had already put her hair in a woman's bun and was standing outside the door.

Although He Cheng wondered why she didn't reincarnate, it just followed his wishes. Of course, the image of the "Old Black Mountain Demon" was the more sinister the better, and the sexier the better. It made people think that he had all the wine, sex, wealth, and talent. Let outsiders relax.

From now on, the "Old Black Mountain Demon" will have to marry wives and take concubines.

"Well, did you go to Lanruo Temple?"

"I went..." Nie Xiaoqian nodded, "The sisters also went to the underworld to be reincarnated. Thank you for your magnanimity."

"Where's the sword?"

"After Yan Chixia got the sword, she blasted Xiaoqian out of Lanruo Temple."

"What a pity for a good weapon."

He couldn't snatch the Xuanyuan Divine Sword. Unless he killed Yan Chixia, he would have to pay it back if he borrowed it. The sword was alive and he couldn't help it.

Now He Cheng is even more unwilling to kill Yan Chixia. First, because Yan Chixia's magic power is not low. She can't kill him in a fight. Instead, he runs away, which is difficult to handle.

The second reason is that he also wants to find a helper. It is easy to be tricked when working with monsters, so it is better to have Yan Chixia with a chivalrous spirit. He will always be the only one to trick others, and there will be no Yan Chixia to trick him.

The fat ghost knocked on the door, called "Madam" to Xiaoqian, and then reported, "Master, the carriage escorting Fu Tianchou has arrived near us."

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