Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 436 The reincarnation of the green fox, Bai Miner (5 updates)

The "silly" Liao Zhen also came to get married.

He Cheng and Qing She took advantage of Liao Zhen and got an invitation to attend the wedding banquet.

"We're getting married, what do you want to give me?"

Green Snake glanced at the door.

Some give away thousand-year-old ginseng and century-old meat Ganoderma lucidum.

A pair of jade Buddhas and half a catty of golden pigs.

Centenary famous paintings, antique jade bracelets, etc.

"We are more vulgar, so give us money."

Stop at the door and hand out the invitation.

"He is the young master's friend..."

Of course the servants knew He Cheng and Qing She, and they had often peeked at Qing She during this period. However, today they received the master's order and had to humiliate the two of them and drive away these two fake real people.

The young master is already married, so there is no need for these fake immortals and fake Taoist priests to eat and drink at home.

"What's your gift?" The servant looked at He Cheng and saw that his hands were empty, and was curious about what kind of gift he could bring out.

"Mr. Liao is a wealthy local businessman who needs everything except money. We don't have any good things, so let's give him some common things that Mr. Liao is most in need of."

As soon as he opened his mouth, the other guests were already talking quietly.

Giving money in front of the Liao family? If you give me a few hundred dollars, two people won't even raise their eyebrows. There's nothing new about it.

"It's not so much etiquette as it is about affection."

Mr. Liao happened to come out of the house and said with a smile, "You two are good friends. Even if you come here empty-handed today, it won't be a problem."

"This old man Liao has a very venomous mouth," Green Snake muttered in He Cheng's ear.

After being a human for a long time, she can understand the sarcasm.

He Cheng smiled and raised his hand, pressing it lightly on the ground.

A large box half as tall as a man fell to the ground.

There was a muffled sound,

Not light.

He Cheng's trick of raising his hand to summon a box still surprised Mr. Liao, and exclamations came from all around.

Master Liao gritted his teeth and thought to himself, "Charlatans, don't even think about getting close to my son!"

But there was still a smile on his face, "Sir, you really have great powers!"

The words "great magical power" were said through gritted teeth.

"A small gift is not a sign of respect." He Cheng had no intention of opening it.

Mr. Liao only thought that he was too embarrassed to open it in front of everyone. It was a large box half a man tall. It was probably impossible to put money in it. At most, it contained some worthless antiques.

But what he wanted in his mind was to slap He Cheng in the face in public, so that He Cheng and He Cheng would not be able to attend the wedding banquet, and would never approach his son again.

He made a gesture, and the servant nodded and opened the box in front of He Cheng.


The golden light reflected the person's face golden, and the servant, Master Liao, stood there blankly.

"What's wrong?" Someone who had something good to do came over to take a peek.


Those who saw it took a breath.

"No wonder he said it was tacky. It turns out it's all gold. A whole box of gold should weigh two to three hundred kilograms!"

Others would give gold in taels, but he would give gold in kilograms.

"Master Liao, the wedding banquet is about to begin."

Mr. Liao came back to his senses and no longer knew what expression to use to respond to He Cheng, so he forced a smile and said in a very low posture, "Please come in~"

"He changes his face so quickly." Green Snake's voice was undisguised and reached the ears of everyone around him.

"Mr. Liao is a very nice person." He Cheng's words sounded like mockery.

Mr. Liao's face was hot, and he couldn't resist the embarrassment.

But he didn't dare to open his mouth and drive people away. Even if the person who could come up with the money was not a god, he must be someone with great hands and eyes.

"I thought people are really simple sometimes because of money. This is the first time I feel people are simple."

"Really? People can become innocent just for money." He Cheng nodded, just for money is also innocent.

Mr. Liao looked unhappy, but he did not dare to curse back.

He even had a terrible thought in his mind. Could it be that his son really found a god? If he wasn’t a god, how could he have so much gold? And it can be summoned easily.

No one dared to come to the table where He Cheng and Qing She sat. During the banquet, Mr. Liao came over and said a few words. He felt uncomfortable and left again.

The sound of gongs and drums finally came.

The sedan chair was carried to the door.

"Where is the bridegroom? Why haven't you come to kick the sedan door?" The matchmaker stood at the door and shouted to the Liao family, "If you don't come to pick up the beautiful lady, you will miss the good time!"

"Wai Liu, go see what's going on with the young master! Call him over quickly!" Master Liao ordered.

"Hey!" He nodded with a crooked mouth, looked at the bride in the red sedan curiously, and trotted back to the backyard.

After a while, he ran back in a hurry.

"It's not good, master! Young master, the young master has escaped from marriage!"

"Escape from marriage?" Mr. Liao's eyes rolled up and he was about to faint.

"Escape from marriage?" The bride's voice in the sedan chair was as crisp as a lark.

She came out of the sedan, raised her hand and pulled off the red hijab on her face.

"I married him, but he dared to escape from the marriage!"

She turned around suddenly and brought up a gust of wind, knocking out those around her.

She raised her hand to guide her, and a sword took her, flying towards the sky lightly, and she actually flew away on the sword.


He Chenggang raised his glass, but his hand paused.

"Why, do you think the bride is pretty?" Qing Snake winked at He Cheng.

"It is indeed beautiful!"

The wine glass fell on the table, but he didn't drink it.

The bride in the sedan chair just now was known as the leader of beauties in Hong Kong in the 1990s. He Cheng still remembers someone saying that you knew that her singing was not very good and her acting skills were not good enough, but just looking at her face felt that it was enough. , it’s easy to overlook her acting skills when watching her movies.

"Don't drink anymore?"

Green Snake asked strangely when he saw He Cheng standing up.

"No more drinking." A familiar scene suddenly appeared in his mind, and now he could follow it to find out more clearly.

He Cheng raised his feet and climbed into the sky, chasing after the sword light.

"Wait for me." Green Snake flicked his green sleeves, clouds formed at his feet, and he led her to chase after He Cheng.

In Liao Mansion, the guests who were eating meat and drinking wine saw this scene, their mouths were wide open, and their chopsticks fell to the ground without noticing.



The lonely mountain reaches straight into the sky,

There are clouds hanging halfway up the mountain. As you go up, the air gradually becomes thinner, but the light becomes warmer and warmer.

Caiyi tore off her red wedding dress, fell to the ground, and stomped on the ground, "Liao Zhen, don't let me meet you again, or I will definitely kill you!"

She didn't want to get married, but the master found a husband for her. She had wronged herself in order to obey the master's orders. Who knew that the groom was still running away from the wedding that day.


Chest heaving, Cai Yi controlled her mood and walked towards the teacher's door. She also didn't want to get married. Only by practicing in the Microwave Sect could she fulfill her inner thoughts.

When she left just now, she snorted into the grass.

After Caiyi entered the microwave sect's gate, seven or eight heads emerged from the grass. The leader had a vulgar look on his face and was wearing a pair of dioramas.

"That's the female cultivator from the Microwave Sect. How about it? Isn't she pretty?"

"Eldest brother, didn't you say there was a way for us to peek into the shower? How should we do it?"

"This is very simple. You just need to use the spirit out-of-body technique to possess a fly, and then... after... after..." The senior brother stuttered fiercely. The junior brother beside him shook his shoulders for a long time, until a fragrant wind floated. Nearby, everyone trembled as if struck by lightning and slowly raised their heads.

The leader of the Microwave Sect, Bai Min'er, had already drawn his sword and looked at them with a cold face, "What will happen next?"

"No, it's nothing. My master asked me to go back for dinner!"

The male cultivators fled back en masse.

Next door to the Microwave School, which only teaches female practitioners, there is a Fax School, which only teaches male practitioners. The male practitioners are not good imitators and spend all day trying to take advantage and spy on the female practitioners taking a shower.

"That Qiu Chunan, I will settle the score with him sooner or later!" Bai Min'er snorted coldly, sheathing the sword in her hand.

"Evil spirit?" Bai Min'er's expression changed. She turned around and found that a voluptuous woman in a green skirt suddenly appeared behind her. The woman gently sucked her fingers and smiled at Bai Min'er.

"Monster, watch the sword!" Bai Min'er was very decisive and would kill the monster with his sword when he saw it.


Two fingers suddenly stretched out and clamped Bai Min'er's sword. They twisted and pulled hard, and the sword was snatched away from Bai Min'er's palm!

Bai Min'er was led by Ju Li to take two steps forward.

When she stopped walking, she realized there was a man standing in front of her.

Wearing a black robe and tied up with long hair, his face was familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

"Do I know you?" She looked up at the other person, feeling in a trance.

The other party nodded, "You knew me, but it was only a lifetime ago."

It’s the end of the world for immortals and demons, and it’s not surprising that the green fox can’t escape.

Being reincarnated as an adult and cultivating to the golden elixir realm can only be said to be good luck.

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