Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 453 Slavery

"Of course you can't drink Meng Po soup..."

The Ghost Judge quietly glanced at He Cheng and saw that his expression did not change. He swallowed, "But, Master, you have a need. This is a trivial matter. As long as the kid writes a few strokes..."

He Cheng looked at him, "What are you waiting for?"

"Yes, yes, yes! I'll write it right away, kid!" Ghost Judge was so excited that he immediately added some changes.

"Master, it has been changed. You only need to hit her Tianling Cap hard to make her remember her past and present lives."

He Cheng came quickly and left easily.

Until He Cheng left, those ghost soldiers were still waiting and guarding outside the palace.

"Master Ghost Judge..." Some kid was worried.

"Okay, okay, let's all do our own thing..."

Ghost Judge sighed, "Didn't all the gods and demons in the sky disappear? Why did such a monster appear? It feels as oppressive as Master Cui Judge. I'm really afraid of being slapped to death by him."

He shouted at the top of his lungs, "Be smart when you go out to do things from now on, and don't mess with anyone you shouldn't!"

"Yes!" the ghost guards responded.

"It seems that this person is not simple..." The ghost judge turned over and found Bai Min'er's page, and added that he has gained three thousand years of age.

It feels inappropriate.

Just cross it out.

Let her transcend the three realms from now on.


Few people come to the lonely mountain.

The door plaque that reads "Microwave School" is covered with cobwebs, and the stone lamp at the door is covered with dust.


The door was pushed open.

The old door shaft is short of oil and the noise is unpleasant.

Bai Min'er, who was meditating in retreat in the room, suddenly opened her eyes. She was like an abandoned stone statue in the temple, covered with dust.

With a movement of his shoulders, centuries of dust were lifted.

Bai Min'er walked out of the room.

"Who! Dare to break into the microwave sect!"

There was still an old voice in her ears. Bai Min'er turned her head and found several old women in their 70s and 80s walking out of the room covered in dust.

When they saw Bai Min'er, these old women all lowered their heads and said, "I've seen the leader!"

After speaking, they themselves were stunned. They raised their hands to touch their faces, but what they got in return was sagging skin and an old and rickety body.

Cultivation has no time, and they have been in seclusion for hundreds of years. Instead of making any progress in their cultivation, they have wasted their youth and entered old age in a daze.

Only Bai Miner, who looked like she was in her twenties, gradually moved towards her thirties, losing her youthfulness and becoming more charming.

"It's you!"

Bai Min'er did not comfort her junior sisters, but looked at the man who walked in through the door.

Over a hundred years, he has not changed at all. The stone statue will be polished by wind and frost, but he remains the same.

It's just that the long hair was replaced by short, sleek hair, and it was oiled and combed.

Wearing weird costumes.

"It has been more than a hundred years, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has disappeared. It doesn't matter how long you practice." He Cheng flicked his hand, and the breeze swept away all the dust that had fallen in the Microwave Sect.

Fallen leaves and dead wood turn into dust.

"It is precisely because we know that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is insufficient that we choose to practice in seclusion and fight for a glimmer of life. Why do you come to the Microwave Sect?" Bai Min'er looked at He Cheng warily.

The bloody scene a hundred years ago was still fresh in her mind.

Although after Xie Ji's death, the world was stable and no one attempted to destroy the Three Realms, her junior sister Cai Yi was gone forever.

"I have something to ask you for"

He stepped forward slightly, and his figure disappeared instantly.

The old women drew their swords and prepared to attack, but their hands and feet were slow and weak, and they were no longer what they used to be.

When the sword was unsheathed, the figure had long since disappeared from his cloudy old eyes.

Bai Min'er tilted her head back slightly, and with quick hands and a sharp sword, she stabbed the opponent's chest with the sword the first moment he rushed in front of her.

Bang bang bang...

The sword's blade fell to the ground like dry lime, breaking inch by inch.

The other party raised his hand and slapped Bai Miner's Tianling Cover.

Certain death!

Bai Min'er closed her eyes and prepared to die.

Unexpectedly, the palm of his hand was not strong enough, and a gentle pat on her head only caused a twinge of pain.


Bai Min'er rubbed the red and swollen Tianling and took four or five steps back, hiding from him.

"Who do you think I am again?"

"You? Why don't you just...!!" Bai Min'er felt like she was being shocked by electricity.

Memories of past lives are awakened like lightning.

Black Mountain, Green Fox, Zombie King, Succubus...

One pile, one piece.

That invincible posture, everything familiar and unfamiliar, all naturally turned up in her mind.

Bai Min'er's face was complicated, "Master...person...?"

Qinghu's experience of being extremely afraid but longing for that time together also perfectly emerged in her mind.

"I'm not a green fox," she said.

"I know you're not."

He Cheng grinned

"I'm just helping you awaken the connection between you and me in your past life. It's up to you whether you want to follow me or not."

"It's impossible for our senior sister to leave with you. You should leave the Microwave Sect as soon as possible!"

The old women raised their swords and panted to drive him away.

He was really obedient and walked out of the microwave sect, leaving only one sentence: "If you think about it, come find me in the capital of Guangdong Province."

"Senior Sister..." The old ladies looked at Bai Min'er worriedly.

Bai Min'er smiled slightly and didn't want to mention this matter again. "Since everyone is out of isolation, let's get together. By the way, where is the third junior sister?"

"Third Senior Sister?"

The old women turned their heads and looked at each other for a few times, confusion flashing in their eyes. They tried hard to recognize the former beautiful and beautiful senior sisters and sisters in front of them, but now they have changed.

The answer is always disappointing.

Hundreds of years have passed.

"The door to Third Senior Sister's room is closed." said the youngest Junior Sister who looked to be in her sixties.

With a thump in her heart, Bai Min'er walked to the third junior sister's room and knocked on the door.

no respond.


The decaying century-old wooden door was easily pushed open.

On the futon, there was only a skeleton sitting cross-legged and with five hearts in the air.

In He Mansion.

He Cheng has come back, sitting on the chair and waiting quietly.

If it were Bai Min'er, who thought wholeheartedly and was full of justice, she would definitely not come.

But things were different after Bai Miner had memories of her past life.

When it was dark, a white light fell on the ground.

Bai Min'er was slightly out of breath and looked at He Cheng who smiled at her, "You know I'll be back."


He Cheng stood up.

Bai Min'er smiled in disbelief.

The green fox in the previous life stayed with He Cheng out of fear, but developed a deep-rooted servility. So when Bai Min'er possessed the memory of the green fox, He Cheng already had the answer.

He is not lying. It is normal for this life to completely eliminate the influence of the memory of the previous life.

Even if Bai Min'er doesn't come, he still has other methods, but it's a pity that he lost the best choice.

"Has the microwave pie been arranged?"


Bai Min'er didn't say anything, just nodded lightly.

There is no hope in cultivating the Tao, and youth is like running water.

"Don't be too sad. I'll be busy for a few more days and I'll help your junior sisters find a good place to go... Although I can't become a great immortal, it shouldn't be difficult to be a bedside wife."

Bai Min'er raised her head sharply, with disbelief in her eyes.

At this moment, she truly obeyed.

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