Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 469: Flying head down to the zombies

Mao Xiaofang was depressed at home.

His former senior brother, the son of his master, Lei Gang returned to Gantian Town.

At that time, his master Lei Zhenzi expelled Lei Gang from the school because of his evil intentions. When Lei Gang came back after many years, Mao Xiaofang was very excited.

It's just that Lei Gang looked a little miserable at this time, his eyes were blind, and he had a scarf wrapped around his neck.

"Junior brother" Lei Gang sighed, "I went to Nanyang after I was kicked out of my home. I was dissatisfied and often fought with others. Later I almost died at the hands of the evil cultivator who used the magic of lowering his head."

Lei Gang untied his scarf, and there was a red line on his neck, as if his head had been cut off and then sewn back on.

"After so many years, I'm blind, and I miss Gantian Town in my heart, so when I come's all my fault, alas!"

Lei Gang sat on a stone chair in the yard and slapped his palm fiercely, leaving a clear palm print on the stone table.

"Senior brother, the past is over. Ever since the master drove you away, you have been dejected all day long. You must have regrets in your heart..." Mao Xiaofang turned to look at the adopted daughter beside Lei Gang, "Senior brother, you will live in Fuxi Hall from now on. You and I, senior brothers, will work together to benefit Gantian Town!"

"After all, this is no longer my home. I am coming back to see Fuxi Hall this time, but I still have to leave."

Although Lei Gang cannot see, his ears are sensitive: "Junior brother, your two apprentices are also very good."

"Both of them are incompetent and cause me trouble all day long."

Mao Xiaofang stood up, squeezed two big coins from his pocket and handed them to Ah Hai, "Go and buy some food. When your uncle comes back, we need to eat well."

"I know, master!" Ah Chu dragged A Hai, but A Hai's attention was focused on the girl next to Lei Gang, and he was dragged and staggered.

"Axiu, you and your two senior brothers, Ahai and Achu, go together. Remember to be diligent!"

The girl Axiu nodded, "I understand, Dad."

After leaving Fuxi Hall, Ah Chu put his arm around his senior brother's shoulders and whispered, "Senior brother, did you see that my uncle's slap left a palm print on the table? How powerful is that!"

"After all, he is the master's senior brother. He must be very powerful." Ah Hai said and turned to A Xiu with a silly smile, but A Xiu ignored him.

"Really? I think the master is not bad, he is a zombie priest! But with the master and uncle here, there will definitely be no problems in Gantian Town in the future!"

"of course!"

In the small courtyard of Fuxi Hall,

Lei Gang turned his head slightly, pointed his ear at Mao Xiaofang, and asked, "Junior brother, do you have something to hide?"


Mao Xiaofang slapped the table and stood up. He put his hands behind his back and walked left and right in the yard.

"Actually, Gantian Town is already in disaster!"


Lei Gang was shocked. As for what he was thinking, he couldn't see through it. It was difficult to get useful information from the blind eyes.

"Two days ago, a large number of soldiers and horses came to Gantian Town. It was Marshal He from the provincial capital. They dug up the land in the southeast and found a tomb."

Lei Gang also felt that it was not simple. Although he thought he was more capable than Mao Xiaofang, he also knew that people who could make Mao Xiaofang fearful were by no means ordinary.

"What tomb?"

"Cixi's Tomb! There are zombies inside, and those zombies are all human and can think!"

"Is there such a kind of evil magic in the world?"

"That's right!" Mao Xiaofang lifted the hem of his legs and made a loud noise.

Sitting on the stone bench, he continued, "I originally wanted to destroy these zombies to prevent them from harming the people of Gantian Town, but... Commander He intervened and took the zombies back to the provincial capital."

"Everyone has zombies and kills them. How can junior brother be afraid of power and allow them to cause harm to the human world?" Lei Gang said in a puzzled tone.

Mao Xiaofang scratched his fingernails gently on the table, scraping out a roll of stone skin.

"Destroying demons, even if it costs my life, it's nothing. It's just... that Marshal He is not an ordinary person. He can make more than sixty zombies surrender with one person's power."

"What cultivation level?" Lei Gang leaned forward nervously.

"Perhaps he is already at the level of a land god."

Lei Gang didn't believe it, "You said he is a commander, junior brother. We all know that those who are greedy for the mortal world will never succeed in cultivation. Maybe he just has some magic weapon in his hand."

"It's possible. I remember there was a djinn beside him at that time. His spiritual energy was extremely rich..." Mao Xiaofang recalled, "I couldn't detect the slightest cultivation in Marshal He. Maybe he was really an ordinary person... only a few dozen It’s really unsettling to have a zombie outside. If it comes out to do evil, the number of casualties will definitely be high.”

"Junior brother, don't worry. Maybe we can ask the underworld servants from the underworld to help catch the zombies. In a few days, it will be the Ghost Festival. It will be nice to prepare more tributes then."

"Senior brother is right."

The frown on Mao Xiaofang's face relaxed, and soon Ah Hai, Ah Chu, Lei Xiu and the others returned from shopping for groceries.

Cooking on the stove was a joy in Fuxi Hall. Ah Hai and Ah Chu also liked their gentle and steady uncle.

After dinner, they chatted all afternoon. When it got dark, they went back to their rooms and lay down.

In Lei Gang's room,

Lei Gang sat with his five hearts facing the sky, taking a deep breath and exhaling it slowly, white smoke wrapping around him like wisps.


Lei Xiu came in, closed the door, and took two quick steps to close the window.

"Dad..., will it be too risky on the first day?" Lei Xiu asked worriedly, with the word "Chuan" between her two beautiful eyebrows.

"Adventure?" Lei Gang suddenly opened his eyes. Although his eyes were dull, murderous aura could no longer control the overflow from his eyes.

"Hahaha, Axiu, you didn't see Mao Xiaofang's look today. I have never seen him look like this in the decades I have known him! The zombie Taoist Priest of Fuxi Hall was supposed to be me, Lei Gang, not his Mao Xiaofang ! I have been dormant for so many years, practicing hard and falling, just for this day, to take his life?"

"But dad, Mao Xiaofang said that the commander was very capable."

"Gao? It's just relying on some rare treasures. After all these years with me, when have you ever heard that high-ranking officials can achieve success in cultivation? The mortal world can make people practice with twice the result and half the result. Not to mention frightening Mao Xiaofang, which at least has to be legendary. At the level of a Chinese Immortal."

It's not that Lei Gang doesn't believe that the commander can cultivate, but that he doesn't believe that there are still masters of Jindan in this world. He and Mao Xiaofang are already among the people with the highest cultivation level in the world. How much higher can they be? Absolutely impossible.

So there is only one possibility, and that is an exotic treasure!

Lei Xiu knew that she couldn't persuade him, so she stood beside Lei Gang obediently and only asked, "Dad, be careful..."


Lei Gang raised his head and laughed, his head slowly floated up from his neck, smashed through the window and flew out.

Looking at his body, although there was no head on his neck, there was no blood.

If you look carefully, you can still see the smooth mirror-like neck incision, the blood vessels squirm in accordance with the heartbeat, and they are still working normally.

Lei Gang's head flew into the sky, he could travel thousands of miles at night, and he arrived at the provincial capital in less than an hour.

He wanted to find the rare treasure and increase his trump card to defeat Mao Xiaofang.

"What a rich spiritual energy!"

At the city gate, he had already discovered the undisguised rich aura.

The gathering of spiritual energy is definitely a rare treasure.

Lei Gang's head was flying into the He Mansion. At this time, He Cheng was not yet in the He Mansion, but was the latest research on intelligent zombies.

The remaining Yan Hong and Qing Snake also followed Bai Min'er to fulfill He Cheng's promise at that time, allowing the female nuns of the Microwave Sect to transcend life and death and become immortals.

The first step to becoming an immortal is to seize some small land that is not suitable for the priesthood, and the wild mountain gods will come.

So Lei Gang entered an empty door. If he really got the magic lamp, it would not be difficult to kill Mao Xiaofang.

at the same time,

There is no trace of anyone alive in He's house.

No frogs were heard, no cicadas were chirping, it was as silent as a barren grave.


A door opens.

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang" "Bang" "..."

A group of people raised their arms and jumped forward.

The leading figure spoke with a female voice, "Although they are very capable, when it comes to tactics, they are far inferior to the Ai family. It only took the Ai family two days to transfer everyone in the house. We get the magic lamp tonight and leave immediately.”


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