Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 476 Dragon Liver

"Prince Long, are you okay?"

The Crescent Treasure shovel hit He Cheng's face while he looked worriedly at the white dragon on the ground.

Bailong shook his head, and the clouds floated above his head. "Brother Sha, kill him. His meat must be delicious!"

The black-faced demon was also ruthless. He chopped off the guillotine from the top of He Cheng's head like a guillotine. He Chenggang had already pulled out his gun, and it was even more impossible to pull back to resist. The shovel struck on top of his head. There was only a crisp "dang" sound, and He Cheng was just under his feet. The ground shook, and there were just a pair of footprints.

"I haven't fought much in a hundred years, and I almost forgot...I seem to be a zombie?"

He Cheng let go of his hand and plunged the big iron spear into the sand by the river. Then he raised his hand and grabbed it upwards, holding the edge of the Crescent Treasure shovel firmly. He snaked his wrist in a circle and clamped the handle of the Crescent Treasure shovel. He Cheng pressed his left foot on the ground, grabbed the crescent shovel with his right hand and pulled back, as if he was drawing a bow to set an arrow. He slashed the corpse claw of his left hand in front of the black-faced monster. The monster wanted to lift the shovel to defend himself, but was weak in strength. The Crescent Moon shovel was as solid as iron in He Cheng's hand.

Seeing that it was not a good thing, the black-faced demon simply stamped his foot and left a big footprint on the ground, let go of the Crescent Moon Treasure Shovel, and crossed his hands in front of him to block it.

Five zombie fingers, faster than steel knives, poked the black-faced monster's arm, leaving five black bloody holes like poking tofu.

Thumb thump thump thump~! !

The black-faced demon's chest was like a cart pushing him, and he stepped backwards unable to hold down his heels, leaving a series of deep footprints on the ground. The waves of the water shot up to the sky due to the force of his feet, raising light sand, and a continuous rain!

The black-faced demon stopped when his heels touched the water. His hands were hanging down, and his dark face was smeared with two cents of pot bottom ash: "Poisonous!"

He Cheng was extremely powerful and invulnerable. In the past, it was common for him to kill enemies when he stepped up to a higher level. Although the higher the level, the harder it was to fight across levels, but there was no reason why he couldn't defeat a guy of a similar level to himself.

"Ah!" A scream came from the clouds.

"Dragon Prince!" The black-faced demon suddenly raised its head, only to see the white dragon being ridden by its neck, grabbing its horns and flinging it wildly in the sky. Sometimes they got into the clouds and mist, and sometimes they disappeared without a trace.

The black-faced demon wanted to help, but the numbness in his arm not only swallowed up his strength, but also transformed his blood and essence, making his body gradually stiffer, and he was unable to help.

The white dragon in the sky received two punches, and his head shook and hit the ground hard, raising a cloud of dust.

After the dust dispersed, the fainting white dragon and the black-robed man appeared in front of the black-faced demon.

When the black-faced demon saw this, his eyes almost popped out of his sockets: "Let Prince Long go now!"

It turned out that He Cheng knocked Bai Long unconscious, bent down and groped around Bai Long's body, stretched out his finger and cut Bai Long's belly.

After all the beatings, the dragon's liver was right in front of him, so why didn't he want it?

[Obtain the material ‘Dragon Liver’]

"The only thing missing is that the legendary Samadhi is really popular..."

He Cheng also kept a hand. Prince Long was a man with a team. If he killed Prince Long, would he be allowed to become the White Dragon Horse?

"I only took a piece of his dragon liver, and with his dragon body, it will grow back on its own in two days."

He Cheng let go of the dragon's horn, and the dragon's head smashed a hole in the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust.

"What kind of monster are you! Why did you come to my Liusha River?"

"Aren't you going to eat me?"

The man-eater was defeated, and the black-faced demon's expression rose: "I am devoted to good deeds and do not want to eat people, but there is a reason why I have to eat people!"

"As you wish"

There is always a reason to convince yourself when you want to kill someone.

Since he couldn't kill him, He Cheng also wanted to turn around and leave. The gods and Buddhas in the sky were as if satellite tracking was turned on. He would definitely get into trouble if he wandered around the Liusha River for too long.

The black-faced demon was anxious: "What I said is true! I used to be the general of rolling curtains in the sky, but I didn't have much wisdom. I heard that the Queen Mother had a glass lamp, which was the treasure of the great wisdom in the world, so during the Queen Mother's peach feast, I I stole a glass lamp to look at it, but I didn't expect that I accidentally broke it. The Queen Mother deprived me of my last bit of wisdom in a rage, and sent me to the Liusha River as a punishment, where I suffered seven arrows piercing my heart every day, and I also suffered a lot. The human flesh was not of my own free will."

He looked at He Cheng with real eyes.

He Cheng picked his ears and asked impatiently: "What do you want to say?"

"I want to say that I am a good person, a good person who is dedicated to doing good!"

"Master, does he have a bad mind?" the demon on He Cheng's shoulder asked in a low voice.

"Drifting monk with a bad brain..."

There really is one, and speaking of this "Journey to the West", although it is not the most ridiculous one among the many Journey to the West, it can still be ranked among the top few, but it is still a classic.

If this world is really the world, then the Samadhi True Fire, which can be learned by eating a pill, the Ten Thousand Demons Golden Pill, which can eat all the gods and Buddhas in the sky after swallowing it, and the moonlight treasure box that can travel through time and space... are all good helpers.

"Prince Long, you're awake. Are you okay?"

The white dragon turned into a human form, with a pale face, and the liver was one of the five internal organs. If one was missing, the spirit would be severely damaged. Fortunately, he was a dragon. If he had been a human, he would have gone to the underworld to report.

"Brother Sha, we are no match for him, run quickly"

Two fights against one, one had most of the dragon's liver removed, the other's arm was almost half disabled due to poisoning, and his weapon was taken away. If he fought again, he would die.

"Ah? Okay! Okay!"

The black-faced demon of Liusha River, who had not yet become a Sha Seng, carried the white dragon on his back and plunged into the rapid Liusha River.

"Master, won't you kill them?" E Yao was confused.

The scenes of He Cheng slaying the gods were still before his eyes. Why did he hold back a monster that was demoted to the mortal world?

"You do not understand"

He Cheng stepped on the wind, his back shook violently, making manic sonic booms all the way, and brought strong winds and evil clouds back to the Tunyun Tower.

"'s such a strong fairy energy!"

They came to a world where gods were on duty, and they actually attracted the gods before they did anything.

He Cheng walked into the restaurant, and the waiter ran over. When he saw He Cheng, he immediately kowtowed and shouted, "God."

"Gods! Gods! Living gods!"

"Where are the two girls?"

"Reporting to the gods, auspicious clouds suddenly floated across the sky just now. A white-bearded immortal descended and took the girl in white away. What he said was, what he said was..." The waiter suddenly got lice and scratched his head hard.

"Ah! I remember! What I'm saying is... it's rare in the world for immortal roots to gather early. If you are not in the Three Realms and Six Paths, you are born with uncut jade. Follow me to practice in the Three Star Cave."

After the waiter finished speaking, he looked nervously at He Cheng.

With the gods in front of them, they all wanted to get some benefits, and a lot of people fell down and knelt around them.

Bai Min'er is the son of the immortal world. There is probably no one in this world who can match her immortal roots. Moreover, she and He Cheng come from another world. How can the Three Realms and Six Paths have the chance to remember her name?

"Samsung Cave..."

"Where is the other girl in Tsing Yi who also left with the immortal?"

He Chenggang asked, but there was an extremely powerful sense of oppression above his head, which was much stronger than the original Dragon-Subduing Arhat.

A clever voice came: "Dad, why are you stopping here?"

"I came down to earth specifically this time to fill up my exquisite pagoda to capture powerful monsters in the world. I'm lucky, there is one here."

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