Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 500 Avalokitesvara with Basket

Although He Cheng was annoyed by the scriptures and had a headache, listening to the buzzing of the crowd and flies reciting the scriptures, his gains were not low.

"Old man, I have memorized the Heart Sutra. Will you marry your daughter to me?"

The gorgeously dressed young master leaned forward and looked at He Cheng: "My Ma family has a lot of wealth, and now I have memorized the Heart Sutra. You have fulfilled your request by marrying your daughter to me, and you can enjoy your old age in peace, so why not?" "

"Master Ma, you can't say that, we've memorized it too!"

The bun seller disagreed: "Since I memorized it, you should marry me!"

The butcher was even more dissatisfied. The bone-chopping knife in his hand was still notched, and he gestured: "I haven't slept a wink all night. If you want to marry, you must marry me!"

The group of people became more noisy and violent.

"I said, cough cough"

He Cheng stroked his beard and stood up with hunched waist: "Although you have all memorized the Heart Sutra, my daughter cannot marry all of you. I think it is better..."

He Cheng scolded these villains in his mind for being stupid. Since they are villains, why not just steal the bride? He is an old man and the other is a weak girl. How could they resist the overlord's forced bow?

He could only say this in his heart.

"It's better to listen to her." He Cheng pointed to the fisherman girl next to him: "My daughter's own happiness, of course, she has to choose."

The fisherman girl nodded: "Since everyone has memorized the Heart Sutra, I also have the Great Compassion Mantra. I will marry whoever can memorize it."

"What's the point of memorizing scriptures all day? It's better to travel around." Ma Erye said.

"I have loved Buddhism since I was a child. If you want to marry me, you can only memorize scriptures."

"Okay, just carry it!"

Unlike the Avalokitesvara Heart Sutra, the Great Compassion Mantra is more obscure. Every word is chewy to read, and the entire sutra is too long.

That night, the whole town was filled with the sound of chanting.

outside the fishing boat,

The fisherman girl came out and looked at He Cheng, who looked like an old man: "Dad, why aren't you sleeping yet?"

“The noisy scriptures give me a headache”

"Have you ever felt the Buddha's heart?" she asked.

"I am confused and confused, and I feel that if I listen to it again, it will be useful. When more people listen, it seems that it is really the case." Back then, as the national master of Montenegro, he gathered all the eminent monks in the world, and even after killing them all, he only managed to gather about twenty Buddhas. Heart, if he had known that listening to scriptures was useful, he might as well have let those eminent monks read scriptures to him.

"After this tribulation, you may have a new creation."

"Arahant status?" He Cheng stood up and patted the dust on his trouser legs and clothes.

"Yeah." She smiled and nodded.

"Someone has said that before."

The Bodhisattva in the previous world may not have lied to him, but there is still a knot between the two parties that cannot be untied.

Regarding the matter of crossing the Tianmen, although it is not a big secret, it is He Cheng's personal escape route. He dares to travel to different worlds because of the Tianmen. By coincidence, this Tianmen is only open for him.

"Tell me, is there a second Guanyin in the world?"

"Amitabha, Guanyin is everywhere, anyone can be Guanyin"

"Great wisdom!" He Cheng gave a thumbs up.

He would rather two Bodhisattvas fight than come to trouble him later.

There are thousands of incarnations of Guanyin in the world, but there is always only one true Guanyin. He does not think that Guanyin will sacrifice his life and identify with an outsider.

Before he evolved into Han Ba, it was difficult for He Cheng to fight against her. Now he was confident enough to fight against a Bodhisattva without a golden body.

He has several magic weapons that can travel through time and space. If he can study them thoroughly, he may be able to travel to other worlds at will without having to wait for Tianmen in the future.

"Master, do you have any auditorium seats at Lingshan? Let me get a few more Buddha hearts."

"The Buddha has two golden lotus statues that he wants to give to the Queen Mother for her birthday. It's just a good time to ask the general to go there."

"That's good to be in love."

When He Cheng thought about the tens of thousands of monks chanting sutras around him, he felt bad. It was probably not as comfortable as falling into the eighteenth level of hell. But it's nothing to improve your strength.

By the fourth day,

It is also the last day agreed between the Bodhisattva and the Jade Emperor.

Early this morning, there was a long queue at the teahouse.

"Next! Next!"

He Cheng impatiently dismissed another person. This group of people had been memorizing the "Great Compassion Mantra" all night. It was obscure and incomprehensible. He Cheng's head was buzzing, but there was no gain. It was completely opposite to yesterday.

A long queue came down, and in the end only one person could successfully recite the "Great Compassion Mantra".

Mr. Ma proudly raised his hand to He Chengyi: "Father-in-law~"

The crowd was envious but there was nothing they could do about it. Who made it difficult for them to carry it?


"You still want to go back on your word? I am the only one who can recite the whole chapter this time." Ma Erye looked at the fisherman's daughter and said, "You must obey your parents' orders. I have fulfilled your request. You have no reason to go back on your word."

"You want to marry me, where's the dowry?"

"Hahaha, it turns out to be a betrothal gift. I have plenty of gold and silver. Three gifts and six betrothal gifts will definitely help my father-in-law no longer have to make a living from fishing, and he will become a rich man and enjoy his old age!"

The fisherman girl shook her head slightly, "My betrothal gift is very simple, just a bucket of water."

"A bucket of water? You can't wait to marry me!"

"I haven't finished yet, use this bamboo basket to fill a bucket of water." She was holding the bamboo basket. There were some small gaps on the bamboo basket. If you can't draw water with the bamboo basket for five steps, the water will definitely flow cleanly.

"Hmph! How dare you make fun of me, Ma Erlang!" Ma Erlang kicked the bench over and said, "I just memorize scriptures and fetch water with a bamboo basket. Do you think I am a fool?"

"You said you can't fetch water with a bamboo basket?"

"Of course not!"

"Okay, come with me"

The group of people came to the river. The fisherman girl walked slowly to the river carrying a bamboo basket. A golden carp happened to swim by. She used the bamboo basket to catch the fish in the basket, and at the same time, the basket was filled with river water.

She carried the bamboo basket and walked lightly for more than ten steps. When she returned to the crowd, the basket was actually filled with water, not a drop of which was spilled.

"How can it be?"

"The fish seems to have taken off its scales and blocked the bamboo basket with its own scales to prevent the water from flowing out."

"Who are you?" Ma Erlang already felt something was wrong.

"You've seen me before, haven't you forgotten?" The fisherman girl turned around with the basket in hand, looking ugly and smelling fishy.

"That ugly woman!" the butcher was shocked.

"A monster?"

The fisherman girl turned around again, but she had turned into a Guanyin Master holding a mutton-fat jade purification bottle and dressed in white.

"It turns out to be Master Guanyin!"

"Then, Master Guanyin's father?"

They turned to look at the old man, only to see that the old man also turned around and turned into a heroic general wearing mighty golden armor and a flaming cloak on his back.

"It's you!" The butcher recognized him again. This was the man who bought his own pork with gold that day.

I am so lucky to have met two gods one after another.

Master Guanyin said: "You have done too many evil deeds and have angered Heaven. General Drought and Plague has come with the mandate of Heaven to punish you with plague and drought. I have an agreement with him. If he can lead you to good deeds in four days, he will Then he withdraws his hand and returns to heaven. If he fails, he will let him bring plagues and droughts to the ground."

"We must recite sutras every day and be dedicated to doing good!"

Looking at the people kneeling down, He Cheng just gnashed his teeth. This was not leading people to do good, but using his own name to intimidate and induce them.

"General, how's it going?"

"I'd better ask the Jade Emperor for clarification." He still held the Jade Emperor's will in his hand.

"Just in time, I will go to heaven with the general"

They soared into the sky, but the people below were so frightened that they broke into a cold sweat.

"Be good! Be good! You must be good!"

Soon, a Guanyin temple was built nearby. The statue of Guanyin in the temple was a girl holding a basket, and behind the girl stood a heroic general. Those who were kind-hearted came to pray, and all their requests were granted.

Outsiders will always wonder about the strangeness of this Guanyin Temple. After asking the locals, they are even more amazed when they hear the stories.

Guanyin Bodhisattva in the capital is compassionate, and the god of plague is not an evil god.

Some people even discovered that if there is a continuous heavy rain, the rain will definitely stop if worshiped by General Drought and Plague. According to legend, the dragon is most afraid of him.

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