Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 520 Distinguish between true and false


"Master, you must not believe her."

The two demons looked at He Cheng at the same time, both begging He Cheng to believe in them.

On the contrary, He Cheng's face was calm, and only his eyes showed interest.

He supported the side of his face with his right hand, and tapped the armrest of the chair with his left index finger, making a very regular sound of "ta", "ta" and "ta".

The spider spirit Enen on the side was like an ant on a hot pot, being anxiously turned around: "This...sister, what's going on? Please let your brother-in-law change back quickly. Stop joking."

She had seen He Cheng's abilities with her own eyes and was afraid that if she offended He Cheng, there would be terrible consequences.

He Cheng stood up with his hands on the armrests.

"I...I..." Shishi looked at the two demons in pain. She knew her lover's inner needs, and she also knew that even if she helped Centipede Jing kill He Cheng, Centipede Jing might not agree to follow him all the time.


"I've seen many women like you before, female ghost." He Changchang sighed, and his memory seemed to be pulled back to the first world, when he was chased by a group of Maoshan sect Niubi.

"None of them ended well."

But Shishi couldn't say anything anymore. She couldn't ask the Supreme to stick out her neck and let the centipede spirit kill him, right?

He Cheng gently raised his hand, pressed it on the spider spirit's forehead, and said, "You will suffer the same fate."

No matter how gorgeous the coat is, it is still betrayal.

He was never afraid that his subordinates might harbor evil intentions, but when faced with subordinates who knew right and wrong but still did the right thing, He Cheng always had only one decisive method - kill!


He clenched his five fingers fiercely, each finger carrying a huge force, squeezing Shishi's head, and successfully broke through the protection of the demonic energy in an instant.

The blood mist exploded, and the headless corpse fell to the ground.

There was a flash of green light, and a big headless spider body lay on the ground.

"You! You killed my sister!" Spider Jing Enen gritted her teeth and wanted to pounce on He Cheng. In the end, she picked up the spider body on the ground and rushed out of Pansi Cave.

"Mother Spider, do you want to fight too?"

He Cheng turned around suddenly, raised his hand and grabbed the old spider's neck, and lifted her up.

"Supreme! Don't be angry, Your Majesty! Ahem... The little demon is going to teach Enen right away and teach her about right and wrong..." The knife hidden behind the old spider's back was gently put back into his sleeve.

This knife may not be able to hurt He Cheng.

He Cheng let go.

The strength in the old spider spirit's neck disappeared, and he was finally able to take a few breaths. He knelt on the ground and covered his neck while coughing: "Supreme! The little demon will be there soon!"

After saying that, the old spider spirit left as if running for his life.

Only He Cheng and the real and fake e-demon were left in place.

He Cheng waved his hand and arranged the two demons to stand in front of him. One of them was seriously injured and the other was holding a sword.

One of the two must lie.

If it is true that the person who was seriously injured by Shishi was rescued, her sword was snatched away, and the elf who returned first was disguised as a centipede spirit.

On the contrary, in order to help the centipede spirit, Shishi probably slandered the real e demon, so the one holding the sword is the real one, and the one who was seriously injured is the fake one.

True and false.


"Master" "Master"

He Chenggang called out, and the two demons agreed at the same time.

"Who was the previous owner of this sword?"

"The third prince of the West Sea Dragon Palace, the Jade Dragon!" replied the one holding the sword.

"He was sued by the Dragon King of the West Sea for treason because he burned the Pearl of the Dragon King of the West Sea." The seriously injured person added.

It seems that the centipede spirit not only has various magical powers, but also has the ability to listen to the heart. This ability may not be as good as that of the six-eared macaque. Everything is clear to the extent that it can understand the inner thoughts of one or two people. It is not difficult to listen to the hearts of one or two people.

He Cheng asked again: "What was my identity in the last life?"

The e-demon, who was seriously injured this time, was the first to answer: "You have killed the city lord in vain, and ordered a hundred thousand Yin soldiers. Outside the independent hell, the demon world respectfully calls you the Black Mountain Old Demon!"

"After a thousand years, he will unify the three realms, so he is called the Supreme."

As long as there is an answer, the other will follow closely to add, without distinguishing between the front and the back, and it is indeed difficult to identify the problem.

"Unify the three realms, haha." He Cheng also felt funny when he thought about this. He was taller among the dwarfs, but it didn't make him feel proud at all. Even if the old spider spirit was released from the world back then, he would still be able to unify the three realms.

When he said it himself, it was like telling a funny joke: "How did I unify the three realms?"

"I heard from Sister Xiaoqing that the master once borrowed the hands of a demon to destroy the demon world and the fairy world together, leaving only the human world in the world, leaving the world without gods and demons."

"Sister Yanhong has the seeds of the devil world in her body, and sister Min'er has the seeds of the fairy world in her body."

Although these are not big secrets, only the real elf knows about things that span the world. The centipede spirit must have the ability to listen to people's hearts.

"You know who I was in the last world, why do you still have the guts to mess with me?"

He Cheng seemed to be very puzzled. The person he was questioning was Centipede Jing, but he didn't know who the Centipede Jing was, so naturally he could only say one thing to the left and one to the right.

Pa da~

He Cheng suddenly raised his hand and grabbed the shoulders of the two demons: "Yingying, let you die for this, are you willing?"

The two demons hesitated at the same time. After a while, the demon holding the sword suddenly said: "Master, I am willing!"


He Cheng shouted "Hello", opened his mouth and bit the sword-wielding demon, his corpse teeth as sharp as sword wind.


The demon raised the sword fiercely and blocked He Cheng's big bite. The sword blade drew a string of dazzling sparks against the corner of his mouth.

He Cheng flicked his tongue out and hit the sword.


The force on the sword was so strong that it pushed E Yao Teng Teng back seven or eight steps before stopping. Her hand holding the sword kept shaking.

She transformed back into the Centipede Spirit, with a look of disbelief on her face: "I have already mastered my various magical powers. How did you recognize me?"

"I didn't recognize it." He Cheng stuck out his tongue and gently licked the corner of Mars' mouth that was pulled out by the sword.

"What if I'm real and she's fake?"

"I asked just now. Since you are willing to die for me, I will kill you first. If you kill the wrong one, then kill the other one." He Cheng's answer was very cold-blooded, but his move was the key to deciphering the centipede spirit's transformation. .

If you don't worry about admitting your mistakes, you won't make any mistakes. At worst, we'll kill them all together!

"Hahahaha, you are really cold-blooded. You are indeed the Supreme of the Three Realms who once dominated other worlds!"

Looking at the laughing centipede spirit, He Cheng raised his hand to grab it, and a big iron sword appeared in his hand: "Aren't you the same? The banshee who has been waiting for you for five hundred years is dying in front of you and you are indifferent."

"Shishi died for my hegemony, leaving no regrets! But I will definitely kill you today to avenge her!"

The centipede spirit raised his hand and threw it, and the sword turned into light and got in front of He Cheng.

He Cheng raised his hand to block it gently.

A golden light flashed before his eyes, and Erlang Shen, holding a three-pointed two-edged sword, appeared in front of He Cheng.

"Bane! I will definitely take your head today!" Erlang Shen's appearance and posture are exactly the same as those five hundred years ago.

"Become my subordinate and defeat me?" He Cheng shook the big iron sword in his hand and stabbed it in front of Erlang Shen.

After the opponent turned into Erlangshen, he actually had the martial arts moves of Erlangshen, and his level was also upgraded to level 101.

The three-pointed two-edged sword was blocked in front of him in panic. Erlang Shen finally succeeded in resisting He Chengyi's sword, but his steps retreated uncontrollably, and then retreated again.


He kicked off a large gap in the cave wall.

But the big iron spear came after him again, and He Cheng was the best at taking advantage of the victory to pursue him. When he stabbed forward with the big sword in his right hand, he stretched out his left hand to fish it out, and caught the three-pointed two-edged sword in Erlang Shen's hand.

The big iron sword is like a warrior galloping on horseback, stabbing straight at him.


Erlangshen's left shoulder has been punctured with a bloody hole!

The harder you use the sword, the deeper it will penetrate!

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