Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 543: Learning from the East

Let's talk about Chicken Essence, who left the mountain stream to move reinforcements.

"Enen and Mother Spider are actually imprisoned. It's time for my hero to save the beauty." He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth with all his strength. "As long as you find the Earth God, tell him, tell him something..."

Ji Jing was stunned. Yes, Enen only told him that the old man was a bad guy who killed Spider Jing and destroyed Pansi Cave. But if he told the Earth God, would the Earth Guild report it to heaven? Maybe heaven will reward him for killing monsters.

"I am also a monster myself. If I go to find the earthly master, wouldn't I be throwing myself into a trap?"

Chicken Essence walked into the human town with a straw hat.

Watching people coming and going, he was also very excited. He had been living in a mountain stream for more than ten years, with a group of tigers who were thinking about him. He lived on tenterhooks. He had not seen ordinary people for a long time.

"Live chickens are being slaughtered! The meat is fat but not firewood! Come on, come on~!!"

After walking thirty steps into the town, there was a chicken-killing stall blocking the path of the chicken essence.

There are chickens in bamboo baskets next to them.

The stall owner held a knife in his hand, and a woman squatted next to him, cooking a large iron pot, wiping sweat from his hands to light the fire. The water in the iron pot was bubbling, and there was a lot of dirty mud floating in it.

"Give me a three-pound one!"


The stall owner opened the bamboo basket, grabbed a chicken, weighed it, and was about to kill it with a knife.

"Wait a minute!" The passerby quickly stopped him, "Are you weighing enough if you don't weigh yourself?"

"I've been selling chickens all my life. Please do me a favor. This chicken will definitely weigh three kilograms after the hair is removed. If it's one or two less, I'll give it away for free!" the stall owner said very proudly.

"Really? This is what you said!"

"I said!"

The knife was sharp, the hand was sharp, and with a pop, blood spattered three feet.

"Oh oh oh -" the chicken screamed as its throat was cut and it struggled with its claws.

The blood drained the chicken's strength. After half a cup of tea, more than half of the blood was drained. The chicken beat its head and lost all energy.

"Hair removal!"

The stall owner threw the chicken to the woman next to him. The woman took a broken jar, threw the bleeding rooster in, took a ladle of hot water from the large pot next to it, and poured it into the jar with a "sizzling" sound.

Taking advantage of the heat, the woman gritted her teeth and stretched out her hands to rub the rooster. It was this heat that made the feathers fall off. Without the heat, it would be difficult to pull out the feathers.

When the plucked chicken was handed over by the woman with red palms, it was put on the scale and weighed, and it turned out to be exactly three pounds.

The passers-by paid the money and left carrying the molted rooster tied with a straw rope. The people watching the scene thought it was interesting. A few came over, but no one bought the chicken because they had nothing to do. It was a waste of money and they all shook their heads. gone.

"Hey? Friend, do you also want to buy chicken?" The stall owner wiped the chicken blood and chicken manure off his hands with a rag. He couldn't help but ask when he saw a man lying in front of the bamboo basket and looking at his chickens carefully.

"Ouch——!" The chicken spirit wearing a bamboo hat was startled.

As a monster, he was frightened when he saw the chicken being killed.

"Oh oh oh!! Cuck! Cuck!" The chickens in the bamboo basket were jumping up and down like they were crazy.

"What's going on?" The stall owner threw away the rag, opened the bamboo basket, grabbed a chicken and looked at it in front of his eyes, "It's okay."


The chicken lowered its head and pecked at the stall owner's eyes. The stall owner screamed in pain and covered his eyes. The woman behind him quickly stood up and helped him.

"Chicken! That kid stole the chicken! Catch him quickly!"

But the chicken spirit seized the opportunity, picked up the chickens in the two bamboo baskets and ran away. The rooster that just pecked the stall owner's eyes seemed to have intelligence and followed his footsteps.

I ran a few miles in one breath and got into the woods.

"Huh~, okay, it's safe now" Ji Jing let go of the bamboo basket.

The chickens in the bamboo baskets jumped out in an orderly manner with their wings fluttering. They stood in front of the chicken essence in a row and nodded to him like a human being.

"Okay, we are all of the same kind, and I don't want you to be killed." Ji Jing squatted down and panted heavily and asked, "But you stay in the market all day, you must have met a lot of people, have you seen them?" Heavenly soldiers and generals?"

Chicken Essence is also blindly thinking. Among a group of chickens waiting to be slaughtered, who has seen the heavenly soldiers and generals?


"Oh oh oh~"

"Click, click, click~"

The chickens are talking to each other like weasels in the chicken coop. The chickens and dogs are really restless, and the noisy chickens have pain in their ears.

"Stop! Xiaohong, tell me!" Chicken Essence pointed at a rooster with a big red crown and said.

"Back to your Majesty, I saw heavenly soldiers and generals appearing half a month ago."

"What! Where?"

The rooster continued to speak in rooster language: "There are four people and one horse, heading west. I have seen them in the chicken pen. When they walked, the evil spirits hid far away and did not dare to get close. And some people called the monks who were riding horses. It’s a holy monk…”

The big red-crowned rooster said a lot.

"Let's go west. The gods all ride on the clouds. They probably won't be found for a long time... No, I have to give it a try for the sake of kindness!" Ji Jing gritted his teeth and prepared to chase west.

When he turned around, he saw a group of chickens following him, standing in a line and following him in an orderly manner.

"You guys go away quickly. I'm going to find the gods this time to deal with a monster with terrifying abilities. If you follow me, you will only die. Find a place to hide. By the way... don't go to that mountain. There are dozens of tigers on that mountain!”

The chickens reluctantly left.

Seeing this, Ji Jing was very pleased and nodded to encourage himself: "I have to find the heavenly soldiers and generals to help me quickly!"

He opened his legs and ran all the way to the west. As a little demon, although he couldn't ride on the clouds, his legs could not run much slower than a horse. He ran a hundred miles by nightfall.

"Where are the gods? The gods..."

Chicken Spirit looked up to the sky and shouted in fear.

"Who is it? It's so noisy!"

Under the moonlight, a fat figure suddenly emerged from the grass, carrying a rake and complaining.

The chicken spirit took a closer look and was startled: "Pig, pig demon!!"

Turn around and run.

"Hey, you're very rude!" The pig demon raised his little finger and gently hooked his bangs. He hooked his bangs forward and extended a few feet to bite the chicken essence's lower back, and then pulled it back. , the chicken essence was dragged over and stepped on.

"It turns out it's just a chicken spirit," the pig demon muttered, "It's a difficult situation, but you can just try to do it. I'm so smart!"

He proudly raised the rake and was about to smash the chicken essence to death. "Remember, I am Marshal Tianpeng. I was once in charge of Tianhe's one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals, and I am now the second disciple of the Tang Sage Monk. I will become a Buddha in the future." , remember it in the next life..."

"Wait! Wait, are you a god?"

"Of course~, and it's Marshal Tianpeng!"

"Gods, help me, gods, help me. My friend has been imprisoned by a heinous monster for more than ten years. Please help me save my friend!" Ji Jing immediately changed his mind.

"Big monster?" Hearing that it was a big monster, the pig demon coughed, "Of course it's what we, the gods, should do to subjugate demons and eliminate demons, but I have a great mission to learn scriptures now, so I can't help you."

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