Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 589 Destruction of the Sun and Moon Sect


The sound of uniform jumping was like a hammer hitting the ground, shaking the mountains and shaking the ground.


Another sound, and the entire night was shaken.


In the forest, a big yellow-haired insect sprang out, turned around and roared lowly at the forest where it used to dominate.


A snowshoe rabbit slipped under the giant insect's crotch, kicking its legs into a white line and disappearing into the night.


Four or five wild wolves jumped out of the grass after the snow hare. The skinny wolf actually had the courage to walk side by side with the king of beasts. At this time, the tiger's attention was not on the wolves.

After taking a few breaths, more small animals rushed out from behind.

Deer, deer, rat, fox...

They were like fleeing victims, tails between their legs, fleeing in embarrassment.

The "thud" sound that caused the entire mountain to be wiped out of birds and beasts turned out to be the sound of nearly a thousand figures jumping on their way with their arms raised flat.

As the leaping steps got closer, all the trees blocking the road were broken. They were like a torrent that only made a "dong" sound, crushing past, and everything in front of them was turned into ruins.

In the dark sky above the heads of Wuyang Wuyang, there is a figure "flying". He kicks on the ground with his legs, rises four or five feet from the ground, stretches his arms straight, and flies through the air like a big bird.

When he was twenty or thirty feet away, he landed again, tapped his feet lightly on the ground, and jumped up again. His speed was fast and urgent, just like an eagle that folded its wings to hunt a hare.


The figure smashed into the group of corpses, and the group of corpses suddenly dispersed into a space.

Among the densely packed corpses, the young general wearing bronze armor was extremely inconspicuous.

"Supreme, I captured a ninja from the Sarutobi family, and he followed us all the way," said Chijun Hattori.

In his hand, he held a masked ninja in black, his small eyes as big as beans were round and round.

"Ninja? Working for Dongfang Bubai?"

"What kind of monsters are you?" Ninja panicked, because he only heard roars, but the two sides seemed to be communicating.

He was the ninja who accepted Yang Lianting's order to go to the mountain stream to find the mysterious master. However, after a quick rush, there was no master in the mountain stream, but a group of troops with arms stretched out.

He jumped up on both feet, trotting faster than an ordinary person, not tired, and non-stop, unlike a living person.

The ninja followed him all the way, but unexpectedly he was caught by a stronger monster.

"You are Hattori Senjun!"


The only response he received was the low roar of the zombies.

"Hattori's entire army was defeated by these monsters. It seems that the Eastern Cult Master also died at their hands..."

Just when the ninja was about to end the mission with death.

"Who sent you?" The handsome young general in front of him who could only roar suddenly spoke in human language.

"...Yang Lianting."

"Yang Lianting? I thought he was leaving it to me. Why didn't he die with Dongfang Bubai?"

"Yang Lianting had meritorious service in killing Dongfang Bubai and risking his life to rescue Ren Woxing, so Ren Woxing named Yang Lianting the deputy leader." The ninja replied carefully, these are not secrets.

Dongfang Bubai consumed almost all of He Cheng's Black Zombies team and killed more than 3,000 zombies in total.

It is estimated that Yang Lianting picked up the body that was thrown out that day.

He Cheng pondered, not paying attention: "You idiot, Yang Lianting sent you to follow us?"

"He asked me to find the real master who killed Dongfang Bubai..."

"We were the ones who killed Dongfang Bubai."

Although the ninjas had already made assumptions, they were still shocked to hear He Cheng admit it himself: "Vice-leader Yang wants to ask for cooperation. As long as you can save his life, he is willing to give everything."

"He is not the deputy leader. I am at my disposal. Who can take his life?"

Without Dongfang Bubai, Ren Woxing can be said to be an invincible master in the world, except for zombies of course.

"The pipa iron hook behind Leader Ren was designed and built by Deputy Leader Yang himself... There is a defector from the Sun Moon God Sect branch who knows all the inside story. Now they have come to Leader Ren, so Deputy Leader Yang is very It may be exposed today.”


He Cheng couldn't hold back his laughter.

"Leave a thin line in everything so that we can meet again in the future, or eradicate the roots. This Yang Lianting has done everything he can, but he didn't expect that one day he would still be able to do whatever he wants."

"What do you want us to do? Destroy that altar?" He Cheng asked.

"Vice-leader Yang means to save his life..."

Saving his life meant that Yang Lianting no longer dared to live in the Sun and Moon Sect. As for whether the Sun and Moon Sect lived or died, he didn't care.

"'s easy to talk about."

He Cheng looked at the group of zombies moving ahead and said, "Go back and ask Yang Lianting to prepare a secret passage for my army. I can naturally save his life."


Hattori Chijun also released his hand in time and let go of the ninja.

Seeing the ninja leave, He Cheng smiled and said: "I was really sleepy, so someone gave me a pillow, but we can't all believe it. After all, Yang Lianting is a standard villain."

"He really said that?"

In the Sun Moon God Sect, Yang Lianting asked seriously.

The person half-kneeling behind him was the ninja who had been caught in the zombie swarm before, saved his life, and escaped unscathed.

"Yes, he said that as long as there is a secret passage to successfully penetrate into the Sun and Moon God Sect, it will be enough."

"It's simple, just let them come in through the secret passage that drains the sewage. Even Dongfang Bubai doesn't know about this newly built secret passage."

Yang Lianting breathed a sigh of relief, "By the way, what conditions did they impose?"

"I don't want anything."

"You don't want anything?" Yang Lianting was suspicious.

The most reliable thing in the world is interests. People who do not seek interests only mean that they want more.

"Even if he wants the Sun and Moon God Sect, what does it have to do with me? I just want my own life." Yang Lianting looked at Ren Woxing who was chatting with his daughter on the high platform in the distance, smiled slightly, turned and left.

At the same time, the ninjas also left, and He Cheng's troops led the way.

Carrying the finances that had been packed on his back and his cronies, Yang Lianting came to the secret passage.

The secret passage opened, and a black shadow came out fiercely, killing the four cronies around Yang Lianting in the blink of an eye.

"Wait! Wait!"

Seeing the black and red claws reaching towards his face, Yang Lianting lowered his voice and shouted: "I am Yang Lianting! I opened the secret passage to let you in!"

"Huh~" Yang Lianting breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the claws like old tree roots stopped.

"Vice-leader Yang, where do you want to go? The leader invites you to have a drink~" At the entrance of the secret passage, twenty or thirty people were chasing after them with swords drawn.

"Don't forget what we agreed upon. I will let you in and you will protect my life!" Yang Lianting shouted.

The claws moved away from Yang Lianting's eyes and turned towards the twenty or thirty members of the Sun and Moon Sect who came in with their swords drawn.

The light of the knife and the shadow of the claws.

Blood flowed freely.

When the claws stopped, there were no corpses on the ground, and the blood was sucked into the mouth in one breath.

More and more zombies jumped out of the secret passage. The zombies turned a blind eye to Yang Lianting and rolled out in a torrent, but others were not so lucky.

The Sun and Moon God Sect, which was breached from within, soon began to cry out.

Until finally, a handsome young general jumped out of the secret passage with a slight leap.

"Yang Lianting?"

Yang Lianting, whose legs were weak from the bloodthirsty humanoid monster, suddenly heard someone calling his name and looked at the person.

"Are you...the master of these heavenly soldiers and generals?"

"Heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals, tsk, let me ask you, are you not the undefeated concubine of the East?" He Cheng looked at Yang Lianting. With his powerful figure, he looked like a second- or third-rate external martial arts practitioner. He could easily kill someone with a white head. Got him.

"Are you kidding me? Dongfang Bubai is a man..." Yang Lianting was stunned when he thought about it. There seemed to be something missing from Dongfang Bubai's body. He estimated that if that thing was missing, he might have liked men.

Thinking of this, Yang Lianting shuddered.

"I have helped you enter the Sun Moon God Sect, can you let me leave now?"

"Well, let's go, let's go~" He Cheng waved his hand carelessly.

Yang Lianting seemed to have received an amnesty. Although his confidant was dead, he and his money were not in trouble. It seemed that He Cheng was not interested in his money.

Yang Lianting got into the secret passage and escaped.

As for whether there will still be room for him in this world in another six months or a year, it is hard to say.

He Cheng walked out of the secret passage with his hands behind his back, accompanied by the wreckage and hot blood on the ground, strolling leisurely as if walking in his own back garden.

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