Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 626 The second generation of zombies comes to your door

Jiajia Building can be said to be full of storms, hidden dragons and crouching tigers, exorcist dragon clan Ma Xiaoling, second-generation zombies, and the reincarnation of Xu Xian.

Later, there will be white snakes and green snakes nearby.

I believe Green Snake would be happy to see the White Snake and Green Snake in this world and see what would have happened if the White Snake had not died.

"Deposit three to pay one, sir, and you still need to sign the contract. I'll come back tonight, and you can check in with your friends first." Ouyang Jiajia rarely saw anyone so happy, and his attitude towards He Cheng became more and more friendly.

"The residents of our Jiajia Building have a very good relationship. We will also play mahjong together in the evening. You can come together."


Ouyang Jiajia left the room.

Naturally, you will be very happy when you receive a large amount of income.

When selling things and negotiating prices, they always raise the price first, so there is room for maneuver. Who would have thought that this handsome young man would not bargain at all, allowing Ouyang Jiajia to earn at least half more.

She happily worked around, printing the contract, going home to get the red badge, and then contacting the security guard in the security room. The work was not over until dark.

On the elevator home, I happened to meet the tenant, the mother of Kim Jung-jung, known as the Hyunwu boy.

"Mama Zhenzhen"

"Sister Jin, what a coincidence."

"Zhenzhen has found a boyfriend?" Sister Jin gossiped and said proudly: "Let me tell you, in the middle of our home, we see Zhenzhen alone all the time, so we cast spells and pray for her every day, you see! A lot of mana has been wasted!"

"No, Zhenzhen never told me."

"Why not? I saw your Zhenzhen this afternoon. She seemed to be very close to a man!" Sister Jin said matter-of-factly.

"No way, Zhenzhen is going on a trip."

"Really! That man is wearing a high-end suit. He is very handsome, but he looks a bit young."

"High-end suit, do you still have long hair?" Ouyang Jiajia's heart moved, and he unconsciously equated it with the image in his mind.

"Look, you're still pretending to be cool with me! That man looks young and rich, remember to go to Xuanwu Boy's place to add some sesame oil money to fulfill your wish!"

"Oh, okay, when Zhenzhen comes home, I will ask her carefully. If this is really the case, I will definitely add sesame oil."

"Remember, don't give less money, otherwise boy Xuanwu won't be able to protect you for too long!" Sister Jin warned several times, and don't give less money.

Ouyang Jiajia took several deep breaths. It turned out that this new resident was his future son-in-law?

"No wonder you are so generous with your money and don't care about the money. It turns out you are one of your own."

Ouyang Jiajia arrived at the seventh floor and found that He Cheng was still the only one in the room.

"Well, Mr. He, I think we should change our contract. I can charge you a little less for this house, six thousand yuan a month."

He Cheng frowned, he usually didn't bother to eavesdrop on what ordinary people were thinking.

But he still shook his head, "No, eight thousand yuan is pretty good. I'm very satisfied with this place."

The signing of the contract was quick, one party was willing to rent, and the other party was willing to spend money.

After signing the contract, Ouyang Jiajia did not intend to leave. Instead, he started asking questions about He Cheng.

What kind of job you do, how old you are, who is in your family, etc., everything is detailed.

He Cheng also answered one by one. With his past temper, people who are too verbose will not survive for long in front of him. However, considering that the real big boss in this world is still hiding behind the scenes that he cannot find, except for letting them themselves After jumping out, I have no choice but to "disguise" myself as much as possible.

"When did Mr. He meet my daughter?"

“In Shinjuku”

"We really know each other!" Ouyang Jiajia subconsciously covered her mouth, "It looks like we fell in love at first sight!"

If it wasn't love at first sight, why did someone come to Wang Zhenzhen's home as soon as she went abroad and didn't shy away from saying that she knew her daughter?

After getting a satisfactory answer, Ouyang Jiajia said goodbye and left.

He Cheng sat on the sofa and took out the Seven Emotions and Six Desires Stone.

The magical thing about this stone is that anyone in the world who has emotions and desires will be controlled. For those who forget about love and abandon love, this stone is useless and broken, and even the walls of the courtyard are not square.

"right here?"

Green Snake and E-Yao pushed open the door and walked in carrying several large bags of food.

"What, you want to be an ordinary person?"

"I'm so exhausted!" The green snake collapsed on the ground, flicked its legs, and turned into a green snake tail.

The demon quickly closed the door, lest anyone see this scene.


She squirmed and came to the sofa, sticking next to He Cheng. "We also have to try to be ordinary people. This era is very interesting."

"Ordinary people don't show their snake tail at every turn."

"I'm a snake. I have to split my soft tail in half and walk with it. It's very tiring. Just relax when you get back."

Green Snake said and wandered around the room, "This place is nice. I want this big room. You can do whatever you want."

"Yingying and I will cook for you today."

Green Snake came back again, pointing to the vegetables in the handbag, "They are all fresh."

"When have you ever seen a drought demon eating vegetables?"

"Snakes don't eat vegetables either." She gently closed her palms, and an extra piece of meat appeared in her hand, exuding rich aura.

"Make dragon broth."

"Those dragons in Sihai will probably not be able to eat for a few days if they eat like this."

He Cheng did not object. There were not many dragons in the Four Seas, but there were countless wild dragons and dragons in captivity. Some of them had low intelligence. In addition to selling them to the gods as favors, some of them cooked their own dishes.

Dragon liver and phoenix marrow are certainly not descriptions.

Although the two demons have no cooking skills, when they cook the food, the aroma is fragrant.

It was dinner time, and many people were waiting at the dinner table, preparing a sumptuous dinner.

It happened that the fragrance penetrated the walls and swept across every dining table.

The residents' noses were tickled by the aroma, and they felt refreshed after taking a sip. Looking at the carefully cooked dishes on the table, they lost their appetite.

"Dragon miscellaneous soup!"

“Stewed Dragon Meat with Potatoes and Shiitake Mushrooms”

"Dragon tendon"

The green snake and the elf brought the dishes to the table. "Dragon meat is not easy to cook, so I used the real fire of Samadhi to cook it."

"The aroma is tangy." He Cheng picked up a piece of meat with his chopsticks and tasted it.

The taste is not much different from that of raw meat. After all, dragon meat cannot be affected by ordinary oil, salt, sauce and vinegar.

"It's been a long time since I've had days like this." Green Snake scooped up a spoonful of soup, took a sip, frowned and said, "It's tasteless!"

"You miss Bai Suzhen"

"I miss Yanhong." Green Snake didn't want to mention White Snake.

In order to become a human, White Snake abandoned many things for Xu Xian, and she was one of them.

"I'll see her soon."

He Cheng opened his palms, and there were two groups of spiritual lights in his palms, one was bright red, and the other was the inner demon.

Bang bang bang!

There was a knock on the door.

"Here comes a pretty powerful little thing." The green snake put away its tail and went to open the door with bare feet.

A little boy stood at the door, looking at the green snake with his big eyes open and asked: "Sister, what delicious food is your family making? It smells so good~"

"Dragon meat~"

"Dragon meat? Don't lie to me!" The boy curled his lips, but his nose inhaled the aroma twice as if he was addicted.

The fragrance was faint when I walked through the door, but as soon as I opened the door, the fragrance hit my face like a thick fog.

"Even if I have diarrhea, I still want to try it!" The boy murmured in his heart, pretending to be pitiful and said: "Sister, my dad went out to work and didn't come back. I'm the only one at home, and I haven't eaten yet..."

"Let's come in and eat together"

"Thank you sister!"

He quickly came to the dinner table and found that there were handsome men and beautiful women on the table.

He immediately introduced himself: "Hello, brother and sister, my name is Kuang Fusheng."

"Let's eat together." He Cheng pointed at the food on the table.

Kuang Fusheng looked at the handsome man smiling at him, and he felt like he was being seen through, and he actually got goosebumps.

A bowl of soup was brought to him, and Green Snake brought a stool.

"Wow, it smells so good!" Kuang Fusheng was immediately attracted by Longza Tang. He picked up the bowl and took a big sip.

Kuang is resurrected, a second-generation zombie bitten by a general.

It's a pity that I became a zombie since I was a child, so I haven't been able to grow taller for decades.

“This building is a really nice place”

There are second-generation zombies automatically delivered to your door.

Level 22 (Level 63) - Kuang Fusheng

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