Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 646 Ma Xiaoling brings down the drought demon


As usual, no one comes to the arcade,

He Yingqiu flipped through the book, reading it over and over again, and nodding from time to time, his brows furrowed tightly: "Indeed, some folk unofficial history novels record that in ancient times there were four zombie kings in the world, generals, Ying Gou, and queens. Qing and Hanbao."

"It is said that when the Hanba comes out, the ground will be thousands of miles away. Moreover, the Hanba likes to fight dragons and does not suck human blood, but it likes to eat dragon meat. If you think about it, that guy is probably the Zombie King Hanba!" He Yingqiu nodded: "God bless, Considering all the circumstances, if what he eats for the resurrection is really dragon meat, then he is most likely to be a drought demon."

"What will happen to people who have been bitten by drought demons?" Kuang Tianyou asked.

"I don't know. Except for generals, other zombie kings have never appeared. Even the ancestor thought that they were just evolutions of generals' identities and were made up by storytellers." He Yingqiu had also deeply agreed with this before.

After all, compared to generals who are immortal, the description of the Drought Demon is a bit horrifying when combined with ancient mythology. It is said that the appearance of the Drought Demon can spread thousands of miles across the ground, and it once helped the Yellow Emperor fight Chi You.

Such great achievements are certainly not comparable to those of generals who bit the anti-Japanese guerrilla captains and Japanese army officers.

"But...since he claims to be the zombie king, he must have corpse poison in his bite."

"What else did he say?" He Ying asked.

"He said that he would not harm anyone at will, so I could rest assured that if I wanted to die, he could make it happen for me."

"You can't decide to die so hastily. You failed to deal with a zombie king and generals, and now there is another drought demon. The world is no longer peaceful and needs your help." He Yingqiu completely believed Kuang Tianyou's words. If If the opponent is really a demon, he should be a general-level master. It would be easy to kill Kuang Tianyou!

Kuang Tianyou nodded: "Don't worry, but now there is a group of zombies who want to kidnap the resurrection, and one of the zombies was accidentally killed by the resurrection. I don't know what the purpose of this group of people's appearance is. If we don't investigate clearly, I’m not going to die if all the problems are solved.”

The only thing that gives Kuang Tianyou a headache is that the Zhenguo Shiling case in the museum can only become an unsolved case. Regardless of the strength of Miss Xiaoqing, they will never be able to catch the zombie king Hanba and put him in jail.

"God bless you, you'd better try not to mess with him. As long as he doesn't harm anyone, we have no reason to trouble him."

"I know, don't worry, please uncle!"

Not long after Kuang Tianyou left, there was another knock on the door.

"Xiao Ling, maybe Mr. He is not at home because of something?"

Wang Zhenzhen's hesitant voice came from outside the door.

"Not at home? Didn't you take Aunt Jiajia's key? Open the door, I want to go in and take a look!" Ma Xiaoling's voice sounded menacing outside the door.

"Ok, this house is rented out, we shouldn't break in..."

"You are really..., he is a monster, a monster who kills without blinking an eye! If you still help him speak, he might eat you one day!"

"...No, it won't." Wang Zhenzhen's voice sounded smaller and smaller, and she was not sure.

After all, people are inherently afraid of monsters, which only appear in movies and TV series.

"In this case, let's talk to him first, and I promise that I will never take action without permission, okay?"

After hearing Ma Xiaoling's assurance, Wang Zhenzhen relaxed: "Okay, but we agreed that we are just talking, don't do anything, Xiaoling."

"Why, you can't bear to let your lover go if he's a monster?"



While the two were arguing, the door had opened.

He Cheng opened the door and stood at the door looking at the two people.

Ma Xiaoling was also unambiguous. She swung the baton in her hand and placed it on He Cheng's shoulder with the formation of thunder and lightning: "You are a monster, so are those two women?"

"Xiao Ling! Didn't you promise me you wouldn't do anything?" Wang Zhenzhen was in a hurry and wanted to help, but she didn't know what to do.

“Not quite right”

He Cheng shook his head.

"Don't try to deny it. Zhenzhen has already told me everything. But don't get me wrong. Zhenzhen didn't say anything bad about you. She was just thinking about whether to become a monster and live with you. Zhenzhen is mine. Good sister, I will not allow you to hurt her!"

The magic wand in Ma Xiaoling's hand was pushed forward a little further, almost piercing He Cheng's neck.

He Cheng lowered his eyes and looked at the magic-conquering wand that exuded powerful magic. He smiled casually and said, "I can tell you whatever you want to know."

"What's the same thing as Zhenzhen!"

"Her name is Yingying. She is a little elf I met a thousand years ago. She has low magic power. Don't worry, she didn't deliberately imitate Wang Zhenzhen. She looked like that a thousand years ago."

"What about you, what are you?"


He Cheng looked at Ma Xiaoling.

It was quite interesting to tell her identity in front of Ma Xiaoling, a member of the Exorcist Dragon Clan who specializes in catching zombies.

"Drought Demon"

"Hanba?" Wang Zhenzhen was puzzled.

"Hanban!" Ma Xiaoling didn't hesitate anymore, and hit He Cheng's neck with the exorcism stick in her hand, but He Cheng, with quick eyesight and quick hands, grabbed it fiercely.

As soon as his palm touched the exorcism rod, it clashed with the magic power on the rod.

Sizzling black smoke rose, and the lightning on the exorcist rod went out in an instant.


Ma Xiaoling was shocked and pulled Wang Zhenzhen back quickly, "Zhenzhen, be careful, this guy is very powerful!"

She even had the confidence to use the exorcism rod against the generals, but when facing this man, it failed without causing any harm.

She raised her hands.

Quickly print.

"Come! Soldiers! Fight! All! Form! Arrange! In! Front!"

The golden dragon appeared out of thin air, exuding tyrannical pressure.

"Zhu Xie!"

Ma Xiaoling’s seal points directly to He Cheng!


However, the golden dragon just hovered in the air and shouted, but did not dare to take a step forward.

"Zhu Xie!"

"Zhu Xie!"

"Zhu Xie!"

Ma Xiaoling cast spells repeatedly to urge him, but Ma's Shenlong did not dare to move even an inch toward He Cheng's location except for speeding up its hovering speed in the air!

"When we caught the female ghost at the hot spring hotel in Shinjuku, it was because of you that Shenron didn't dare to move!"

Ma Xiaoling instantly thought of the cause and effect.

"It should be me"

He Cheng raised his hand and stretched it forward fiercely.

Perhaps his actions angered Shenlong. He flicked the golden dragon's head and angrily went straight to He Cheng to kill him.


The dragon's head was stopped by one hand, fixed in the air, swinging from side to side and unable to move.

He Cheng grinned and smiled disdainfully: "The dragon kings of the four seas will kneel in front of me. How can you, a wild dragon, have such courage to attack me?"

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