Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 655 Wang Zhenzhen’s Boyfriend


Kazuo Yamamoto kicked the sofa away with his right foot.

The goose feather pillow flew into the air and exploded, and white feathers fell all over the room.


Aken's face looked strange. Yamamoto Kazuo had returned from sixty years ago, but he was still a zombie and his memory had not changed at all.

Kazuo Yamamoto, Ma Xiaoling, and Kuang Tianyou went to the past and failed to change the future!

"Huh! Since you failed to change the world, let's let this world become a country of zombies!"

After listening to his order, Aken's expression changed again, but he did not have the courage to object. Until he was absolutely sure to kill Yamamoto Kazuo, he would always be Yamamoto Kazuo's "good dog".

"Yes, boss!"

The two left in a hurry. Yamamoto Kazuo put his hands behind his back and looked out the window.

"It would be better to destroy this world."

Police station celebration banquet,

All the senior police officers were wearing suits and chatting elegantly here.

Sniff sniff~

Kuang Tianyou's boss, Liu Hai, who had been promoted quickly through several previous cases, finally had the opportunity to sit in this position.

He looked around curiously.

Sometimes I touch, touch and scratch, sometimes I take a look.

Now Liu Hai has officially become an upper-class person, getting rid of his identity as a small policeman. In the future, he can only go to wine bars, dinners, awards and other destinations. He no longer has to go to the first scene and deal with those cases that burn people's brains.

"Ahem, everyone, please return to your respective positions."

Everyone returned to their seats, with Liu Hai laughing all the way, and finally came to their own place in the corner.

"I am very happy that all my colleagues can gather together today..."


The voice was interrupted.

The door was kicked open, and two men wearing black leather trench coats walked in.


Liu Hai was glad in his heart. He never thought that the position in front of him would not be his end. He had bravely escorted him in front of so many big bosses. With his merits and deeds, he would definitely continue to be promoted!


The taller man opened his mouth and roared at his bangs.

The sound waves bursting out of his throat instantly blew his bangs away.


Liu Hai's throat was sweet, a mouthful of blood spurted out, his eyes rolled, and he passed out.

"Ken, don't let anyone go!"

The tall man showed his ferocious long teeth.

"You don't need to tell me!"

At the gate of the primary school, half a month has passed since Ma Xiaoling and Kuang Tianyou returned from their trip to 60 years ago and failed to change history.

With the sound of bells ringing after class, a group of jovial students rushed out from the school gate.

"get out of class is over, let's go play video games!"

"No, my mother will tell me that my ass is blooming~"

"I can't do it either. I have piano lessons tonight, and the teacher is a pretty girl!"

"You're a kid!" A hand reached out and pinched the student's ear.

The student was about to retort a few words, but found that the person who caught his ear was actually the teacher. He immediately became more honest and dispersed in dejection.

"You're not allowed to play on the phone. I'll call your parents tonight."

The students walked faster, and even the crowd around the teachers who were finishing school became quiet, for fear that the teachers would hear their little plans.

"These brats"

The female teacher shook her head helplessly and walked out of the school gate together with the teachers around her who also shook their heads and smiled bitterly.

As soon as they left the school gate, their eyes were attracted by a bright red light.

A cool red convertible sports car with a handsome man in a black suit standing next to it.

This combination has inevitably become the focus of people's attention.

Even children who don’t know anything about cars will say something cool with stars in their eyes.

"Mr. He, are you here to pick up Zhenzhen from school? You are so considerate." The female teacher just now, wearing white high heels, walked out of the school gate while laughing and chatting with her colleagues. After seeing the man at the door, her eyes lit up, Then he came forward to chat.

"Good afternoon, Teacher Liu"

"We have always seen you here in the past two days. We are all very envious of Zhenzhen. Unlike the bad old man in my family, not only did he not drive to pick me up, he also felt distressed when calling a taxi and only let me take the bus."

"Haha, I guess sir is busy, and taxis are very congested at this time. The bus is faster."

"Mr. He is really good at talking. No wonder he was able to coax the beautiful teacher in our school." Even though Teacher Liu knew that this was not true, joking with the pretty boy would inevitably change his mood.

"Zhenzhen is still grading homework. You have to wait for a while. I have to leave first. The bus is not waiting for anyone."

"Okay, Teacher Liu~" He Cheng waved his hand.

The teachers walked away after school. Except for Teacher Liu, the others did not dare to say anything when they saw He Cheng. They only glanced at He Cheng quietly from the corners of their eyes. The gap in class status was so great that they no longer dared to compare.

"Zhenzhen is really lucky to have such a boyfriend. He is handsome and rich. I don't know where he came from overseas."

"Stop talking. If we don't hurry up, we'll have to wait twenty more minutes after the bus leaves."

"What! Run!"

The teachers hurriedly ran to catch the bus, but He Cheng was still standing at the school gate.

He had already established a relationship with Wang Zhenzhen, and he never cared about this relationship. He Cheng immediately agreed to marry Nie Xiaoqian in order to attract the Plague God and others to the earth.

This time He Cheng agreed to be boyfriend and girlfriend with Wang Zhenzhen for the same reason.

Ma Xiaoling agreed to give He Cheng the spell of Shenlong's pardon.

If you want to talk about a zombie, should you summon a dragon to beat yourself?

actually not.

There is only one Ma family dragon, but Ma Danna and Ma Xiaoling can use it at the same time, and it is very powerful. If there is a third, fourth, or even a hundred Ma family members standing together and using this move at the same time, they can summon Come out with a hundred dragons!

Even if it is not as powerful as the true dragon itself, its power can be said to be very terrifying.

If hundreds of Ma family dragons really appeared, they might not be able to hurt He Cheng, but the dragon He Cheng wanted to summon was not a Ma family dragon.

It could be said that for the sake of profit, or that it would not be a disadvantage to accept Wang Zhenzhen, He Cheng naturally agreed to Ma Xiaoling's "matchmaking", not to mention Wang Zhenzhen's status was not ordinary.

Almost all people who can appear in this world have multiple identities in their past lives or this life.

Wang Zhenzhen is still the most important part of this.

Moreover, since there was some kind of power barrier, He Cheng's six ears seemed to be deaf when facing Ma Xiaoling, Kuang Tianyou and others. It was also difficult for him to get the method of using the Shenlong Pardon Order.

After another ten minutes, it was getting dark.

"Sorry, sorry! I came out late today!"

Wang Zhenzhen trotted out from the school gate, blushing and breathing heavily.

"It's okay, just get in the car and I'll take you to get something to eat."

"Yes!" She nodded happily, opened the door and got into the passenger seat.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The car engine roared crazily, like a prehistoric monster roaring at the top of its lungs.

"Sir, it's near the school. Please be careful when driving. Don't scare the students."

A policeman came over and stopped in front of the car.

Then seven or eight more policemen came over one after another, looking at He Cheng and Wang Zhenzhen with evil smiles on their faces.

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