Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 684 Provocation

"Xiaoling, since he is Tianyou's colleague, please help him," Wang Zhenzhen advised. She now felt embarrassed and embarrassed about everything related to Kuang Tianyou.

"You really treat me like a driver," Ma Xiaoling muttered. With her best friend talking next to her, she couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

"Tell me, where will you get off?" She relaxed.

Ma Xiaoling took a look and made sure no pedestrians were passing by before she slowly stepped on the accelerator. She was indeed startled just now, but she was just pretending to be calm.

Sunny didn't answer the question, and leaned on the back seat with her arms pillowed on her head: "I heard that Miss Ma is a female celestial master from the dragon exorcism clan with great magic power?"

"Hey, this way of picking up a conversation is too old!"

"Miss Ma, do you know about the Zombie King?"

squeak--! !

The car suddenly stopped on the side of the road again.

"Xiaoling, what are you doing~" Wang Zhenzhen was so dizzy from the sudden stop that she almost vomited out her overnight meal twice in a row.

"Who are you?" Ma Xiaoling said coldly, her hand already quietly touching the makeup box next to the car seat.

"I'll tell you a story. This story will take a long time to tell."

"I choose not to listen!" Ma Xiaoling said coldly. Now she is 100% sure that there is something wrong with this policeman named Sunny!

Sunny didn't seem to notice the coldness in Ma Xiaoling's tone at all, and began to tell her own story: "In ancient times, Nuwa created humans. She regarded humans as her own children, but humans disappointed her too much. So she extracted five types of humans. She created five-color messengers to help her supervise the operation of the earth, and exiled her body to the depths of the universe. Her soul fell into a deep sleep. If she wakes up one day and sees that human beings are still full of evil... she will summon her body and destroy her. World!"

"The meteorite last night was Nuwa's body!"

Sunny's words were like a bombshell, which shocked Ma Xiaoling into a daze. However, she had no way of inferring whether these words were true or false.

"Zombie King General is actually an envoy sent to Earth by a race outside the universe to supervise Nuwa. When Nuwa has crazy thoughts, he will kill Nuwa! But... the general lost his memory after coming to Earth. The first person he saw when he opened his eyes was Nuwa, and he fell in love with her."

"What love fairy tale are you telling?" Ma Xiaoling said coldly: "I have no interest in this kind of story."

At first, she was still listening carefully, thinking that Sunny really knew something. But the more she listened, the more ridiculous she felt. This was simply a romance novel with a different skin, and the outline of the story and the bloody plot remained the same.

The general did all kinds of evil, and the zombie who deserved to be killed turned out to be a killer with amnesia in this guy's mouth. Moreover, the relationship between the general and Nuwa, who were incompatible with each other, actually developed love.

Ma Xiaoling restarted the car, thinking of quickly finding an intersection to throw the brown candy off.

"Xiao Ling, I think Sunny tells it very well." Wang Zhenzhen is very happy with this kind of love story that changes skin.

Sunny continued: "However, the story always changes very quickly. There is not only one zombie king in the world, but a second zombie king soon appeared!"

"The second zombie king?" Ma Xiaoling gets nervous when talking about zombies.

"Hanba!" Sunny's voice was rising and falling, and he was probably nodding.

"The Zombie King Hanba can travel thousands of miles across the earth, and his magical powers are completely inferior to those of the generals. Two kings are absolutely not allowed to exist in the world, so they had a big war... right in the UK!"

"You're pretty good at making up stories based on the news." Ma Xiaoling still didn't believe it.

Although the natural disaster in Britain attracted the attention of the whole world, and many scholars also said that the end of the world was coming, it is a bit funny to relate this to the decisive battle of the Zombie King.

Sunny looked like she knew you wouldn't believe it, and continued to tell the story: "In that battle, the general was defeated by Han Bao."

"You said the general is dead?"

squeak--! !

The car brakes suddenly again!

"Xiao Ling!" Wang Zhenzhen was about to vomit.

Ma Xiaoling was not in the mood to care about her best friend's situation at this time. She only cared about another problem, the general was dead! So what does everything their Ma family has done over the years count? She didn't believe it, but Sunny became more and more mysterious as she talked, and she couldn't help but guess.

"Han Bao killed the generals, found Nuwa's soul, ate her soul, killed a five-color messenger, and controlled the remaining four messengers, but Nuwa's body was still in her soul. The moment he wakes up, he flies towards the earth."

"Since the world will be destroyed, who will save the world?" Seeing the traffic police coming, Ma Xiaoling started the car again.

"Han Ba, he got the Pangu Bow used by Fu Xi in the past, and destroyed the meteorite that was about to hit the earth... No one knows what Han Ba ​​is thinking. He is the one who destroys the world, and he is the one who saves it."

Sunny said earnestly: "Zombie King Hanba is now the most powerful demon in the world. Only you, the Ma family of the exorcist dragon clan, have the ability to destroy him. If you don't stop him, you don't know who he will hurt on a whim next time." , which country will be destroyed because of his temporary pleasure!"

"Xiaoling..." Wang Zhenzhen looked at Ma Xiaoling worriedly. She was unwilling to let her best friend do such a dangerous thing.

"Why should I believe what you say?"

"The chairman of Nitto Group, Domoto Shizu, has been bitten into a zombie by him. There is no living person in the entire Nitto Building. If you don't believe it, you can go and take a look!"

"Who is Hanbao?"

"He lives next to you, don't tell me you didn't find him."

"...He Cheng?" In Ma Xiaoling's mind, only He Cheng, whose whereabouts were mysterious, could be ranked.

When she said this name, she felt uncomfortable for a while, and the sudden strange feeling made her really not want to be an enemy of He.

"It seems you already know." Sunny's words made Ma Xiaoling's heart tremble.

"and who are you?"

"One of Nuwa's five-color messengers, Huang Zi!" After saying this, Sunny turned into a ray of yellow light and disappeared from Ma Xiaoling's eyes.

"What a powerful magic power, and no evil spirit..." Although Ma Xiaoling didn't believe what Sunny said, it didn't stop her from beginning to doubt the authenticity of the whole thing.

Problems never come out of nowhere.

"Xiao Ling, it's impossible. How could Mr. He be the zombie king?" Wang Zhenzhen persuaded with a dry smile.

Ma Xiaoling looked solemn and started the car again.

But soon Wang Zhenzhen discovered the problem: "Hey, Xiaoling, this is not the way home!"

"I'm going to Ridong Building!" Ma Xiaoling's tone allowed no room for refutation.


"I'll let you off at the next intersection," Ma Xiaoling said.

"No, I'm going with you!"

"No, it's too dangerous!" After saying this, Ma Xiaoling paused again. She really couldn't find an absolutely safe place.

That man is living in Jiajia Building now, and he will die if he goes back.

"You are a female heavenly master, you will protect me~" Wang Zhenzhen leaned on Ma Xiaoling's shoulder and nuzzled her shoulder like a cat.

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