Covered with black tiles, the house faces north and south.

Entering the small courtyard, to the east is a stove with a painting of the Stove Lord. In the courtyard, a deck chair is slanted from west to east. A tall, thin horse-faced man with pigtail braids and stinky clothes is holding a The pipe was puffing out smoke and he was lying on the chair.

I puffed out a puff of white smoke, raised my head and glanced at the red sun hanging slanting over the Western Mountains like an immortal. I felt so uncomfortable.

"Uncle, the master is back!"

Here comes the skinny little Taoist boy, wearing a yellow cloth jacket with diagonal buttons on his upper body, and a Bagua picture on the back. Under her feet were rolled up rag trousers, and only a pair of brand new shoes were left on her body.

"What if we come back?"

"He said he has a business for you to do."

Hearing that there was business, the man reluctantly got up.

The two of them left the small courtyard and came to a house that was even more dilapidated and comparable to the residence of savages in a cave. Except for the portrait of the founder of Maoshan, the house was completely destitute.

"Senior brother, are you looking for me?"

The horse-faced man entered the house carrying his cigarette bag, and happened to see his senior brother packing his things with a blushing face.

"Is it possible that you have concluded the business deal with Xu Zhen?"

"Destroyed a group of evil demons and enhanced my reputation for the righteous path of Maoshan!"

This senior brother was one of the culprits who burned down the Xu Mansion together with Qinghai, Qian Zhenren.

"Congratulations, senior brother"

The horse-faced man cupped his hands nonchalantly, and then asked: "Senior brother, what business do you want me to do? I can barely make a living in the charity business in Shilipu, but I am not interested in making money."

"Junior Brother Qian... ahem, no, Junior Brother Xu!"

Qian Zhenren said seriously:

"You are different from me. We have five shortcomings and three shortcomings. I am destined to be short of wealth. I will not be able to retain wealth in my life, so I can only live in this broken cave. Why do you want to ruin yourself? Remember when you were called 'The First Family in Maoshan' Head, he has the most distinguished name among the sect that goes down to slay demons and subjugate demons!"

Xu Zhenren sighed and sat on the stool with damp wood:

"Senior brother, don't mention it anymore. Because I am rich, I like to get angry with Xiao Wu. I knew Xiao Wu's temper and deliberately went against him. In the end, I let him offend the commander. Not only did my junior brother die, but also the one who took care of him until he died. Apprentice, alas! I have decided that there will be no one named Qian in this world, only those named Xu."

Touching the smooth first half of his scalp, he realized that he valued his hairstyle the most and had to apply hairspray every day. After his death, he gave up not only his appearance but also everything else.

"If your nephew hadn't picked you up, you would have died a long time ago! Humph, I didn't ask you about your aspirations today. Do you want to do a business? I'm still in a hurry to move to Xu Town. Mr. Tan here is here. The price is fair, and I don’t want to turn them down.”

Xu Zhenren was none other than Qian Zhenren who was seriously injured and escaped under He Cheng.

"what business?"

"There was a coachman named Zhang Bingdao who made Master Tan unhappy. Master Tan wanted his life!"

Xu Zhenren frowned and stood up: "You want to harm people!"

"They give us money and we do things. Why can't we do it?"

"Have you forgotten the precepts of our master? Subjugate demons and eliminate demons, maintain integrity and ward off evil!"

"If you don't want to do it, then do it." Zhenren Qian waved him away. "You don't even need a hundred yuan. How much money can you make by showing others your righteous village for the rest of your life?"

Xu Zhenren glared and retorted, "This is not about money, this is the bottom line!"

"If you want to harm someone, I will stop you!"

After saying the cruel words, Xu Zhenren turned around and left.

The dull little apprentice was left looking left and right, not knowing what to do.

The young apprentice walked up to Zhenren Qian and said, "Master, what should I do?".

Qian Zhenren said angrily: "A hundred dollars, can you give it up? I'll do it myself!"

He didn't dare to pick up the sesame seeds and lose the watermelon.

With a "pop" sound, Qian Zhenren slapped the young apprentice to the ground with a backhand.

"Hmph! How dare you go against me!"

Feeling more comfortable, Master Qian ordered, "What are you still doing lying on the ground? Get up and clean up! Go to work!"

Zhang boldly walked on the road to the Ma family ancestral hall, but he met a weird horse-faced man with a pig-tailed whip. There are not many whips these days.

"Don't tell me you happen to know me too!"

"do not know"

"where did you go?"

"Ma Family Ancestral Hall"

Zhang boldly shook his cheek and dared to say that he was not following him.

"What are you doing at the Ma Family Ancestral Hall?"

The man said, "Collect the corpses. The Ma Family Ancestral Hall is haunted. After tonight, a fat man will risk his life and spend the night in the Ma Family Ancestral Hall. I'll go take a look first."

Zhang boldly grabbed the man, pointed at himself and asked, "Fat man, am I considered fat?"

"Well, I'm considered fat."

"Then the fat man you are talking about is me. Is there any way you can save me?"

I would rather believe that there is something wrong than believe that there is nothing. Zhang DaDa just encountered a ghost incident not long ago, and he still felt guilty.

"My senior brother wants to kill you and there's nothing I can do about it, but I do have some tricks up my sleeve that can help you get through this night."

"Wait until dark. It's okay during the first watch. When it's the second watch, climb up to the rafters and don't come down no matter what you see! It's the quietest during the third watch. Wait until the fourth watch!"

Zhang boldly shook his head.

The man continued: "During the fourth watch, you hid under the coffin!"

"Where's the fifth watch?"

"It's already dawn at five o'clock, what are you afraid of?"

After saying that, he waved his hand and turned to leave.

Zhang DaDang quickly stopped him and said, "Aren't you going with me?"

"You're not dead anymore, what else am I going to do?"

In the Ma family ancestral hall.

A coffin stopped in the middle. Zhang boldly looked at the sky outside the door. It was still early.

He simply lay down on the broken mat and took a nap.

In the front yard of Boss Tan's house, Qian Zhenren was holding a peach wood sword and chanting something. In front of him was a table covered with yellow cloth, with an incense burner with three sticks of incense placed on it. On the left and right are incense candles with burning flames.

There is a little straw man lying on the table in front of a bowl of glutinous rice.

"Hoo coo coo! Om mommy mommy..."

In the sky, black clouds were pulled by the wind and covered the moon in the sky.

A group of black birds took advantage of the darkness and fluttered their wings and landed on the wall of Tan's courtyard. They tilted their heads and pecked their wings while watching Master Qian chanting spells and casting spells.


Below, Master Qian spurted out a mouthful of water and landed on the straw man. The little straw man immediately stood up and moved left and right with his mahogany sword.


"Is it okay?" Boss Tan sat worriedly on the master's chair and asked the dog leg next to him.

"I'm sure it'll be alright!"

Wearing a light red coat, the two pieces of flesh on his chest bulged high against the clothes. Twisting the handkerchief with her fingers, a woman who looked decent but a little more coquettish came out of the back room, sat down next to Boss Tan, and called out sweetly: "Master~"

"Why did you come out!" Boss Tan was not happy. He had had enough of playing with women and had been kicked too many times by him. Now that he was worried about this woman, he was annoyed just by looking at her face.

"I want to see with my own eyes how Zhang DaDa died~"

"Go back inside now, there's nothing to see!"

The more Boss Tan looked at her, the more annoyed he became. He waved her away, thinking that if Zhang DaDa died, she would soon die.

"Zhang Da Da?"

The black bird on the courtyard wall tilted its head.

"Ghost fights ghost!"

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