"Music Zombie"

Injected with chemical agents by foreign scientists, a walking corpse turned into a powerful zombie and was immune to Taoist magic from now on!

The advantages of zombies are that they can jump out of the three realms and become immortal and immortal. But there is one major unchangeable shortcoming: it is completely restrained by Taoist priests who know magic, sunlight, glutinous rice, black dog blood and other spiritual objects.

What would happen if zombies were not afraid of sunlight or Taoism?

This movie perfectly answers the hypothesis that zombies without flaws will truly be immortal.

"Put your life on hold first."

He walked back to Yizhuang in a state of numbness, unaware that he had just escaped from a zombie.

At level 10, it doesn't make much sense whether to kill or not to kill.

The day passed by, and the three masters and disciples did not leave Yizhuang.

It was getting dark again, Mami put on a brand new Taoist robe, scattered paper money and walked in front, Ah Hao jingled the bells, and Ah Qiang put a yellow talisman on his back to lead the way.

There are also things to pay attention to when driving away corpses.

First of all, this walking corpse is not a zombie, but a specially processed corpse.

Use cinnabar on the dead person's forehead, vest, heart, palms and soles of the feet to suppress the seven souls. Fill the ears, nose and mouth to seal the three souls, then seal it with magic talismans, and add the spell to make the corpse stand up and walk.

The soul-calling bell guides the walking corpses to keep them from straying, but it is the guiding mage who really leads the way.

Willow leaves can open the eyes of the sky, hell. Banana leaves can open the eyes of corpses and see people.

Even if the zombies are not zombies, it is dangerous to open their eyes rashly. They will lose control when they see a living person. Therefore, a yellow talisman must be affixed to the back of the mage who is leading the way, and he must stop every step so that the zombies behind him can follow.

It's dark and slippery, and some old forests are foggy and have low visibility at night. Those who throw paper money are the fastest. The paper money they throw is to buy ghosts on the road. Don't do tricks like ghosts breaking walls and getting stuck on the road. Just treat it as buying money. Road wealth. The second is to show the way to the mage who is leading the way. Even if a walking corpse falls to the ground, someone must help it. If you go back and forth, you will waste time and easily be left behind.

During the day, He Cheng hid against the wall in Yizhuang. He came out only after dark, and his corpse energy became active again.

Leaning against the woods, Luan Shiwu pressed his nose numbly, his little finger hanging in front of his brand new robe and unwilling to put it down. His eyes lit up when he saw his disciple walking over.


"What's wrong, master?"

Momami rubbed his fingers on Ah Hao happily, and then said: "Don't say that the master doesn't take care of you. Today I'll give you a chance to show off your power. Send back the corpse of Renjiacun Nintendo, and I'll send the other ones." , I’ll be waiting for you here on the eighth night of the Lunar New Year.”

"Am I alone?" Before Ahao could react, something was rubbed on his shoulder.

Just hearing that he had to drive away the corpse alone gave him a headache.

"Master, this is my first time."

"The first time is the first time. Master will give you a chance to show off. Should you go or not?"

"Go! Of course!"

If the owner is wealthy when delivering the body, he will be polite and offer pig faces and roasted chickens as offerings. The richer ones will also give a few copper coins, but these are all huge bargains.

Although I heard that the Ren family lived in the village, Ah Hao knew that he would not be able to take advantage of it.

"Dingling bell~"

The bell pulls the soul, and the old corpse Nintendo doesn't jump very fast.

Since only one corpse was sent, there was no need to scatter paper money or lead the way.

"I'm telling you, old ghost, don't hurt me if you follow me this time, or I'll beat you up!"

One man and one corpse walking side by side.

In this era, people still believed that the dead should be buried in peace, and it was difficult to transport the body of the dead, which gave birth to the business of exhuming corpses.

Cremation, in the eyes of people in this era, means burning into ashes. A common term is: crushing the bones and scattering the ashes.

Anyone who can afford it will hire a corpse exorcist to take the corpse home.

"Huh? Is there anyone behind you?"

Ahao turned around, and behind him was darkness.

Those who drive corpses on foot are also afraid of encountering evil spirits.


He looked up and breathed a sigh of relief, "It turns out to be a crow, bad luck, bad luck."

Shaking his head and seeing Nintendo standing still, Ahao slapped him on the back of the head and said, "Old man, you want to be lazy, why don't you leave now!"

He Cheng transformed into a group of crows, flapping their wings and following a person in the forest.

After leaving the forest, there is a mountain trail. Ahao has been to Renjia Village in Renjia Town several times and is familiar with the road.

The east is like a fish with a white belly and red light shining down.

He Cheng, who fell to the ground, was in trouble.

Transformed into a flying crow, he brought at most one piece of clothing with him. He couldn't bring the yellow paper umbrella with him on the way, so he kept it in the cellar of Xu Zhen.

The business of driving corpses is also day and night. Who would have thought that Ah Hao would not take the usual route to drive corpses, but would still drive corpses on the road at dawn, but it was so difficult. If a thin shirt cannot block the sunlight, it will still turn into fly ash.

Although there are weeds on the roadside, we can hide and survive the day. The biggest difficulty is how to keep up with Ah Hao.

The walking dead are not zombies, so they are naturally not afraid of sunlight.

He Cheng shuttled through the grass burned by the sun. In front of him was Ah Hao who was blowing the whistle and rushing on his way. He had no idea that the person hiding in the grass wanted to kill him!

"Huh? Someone!"

Ah Hao paused and squatted on the roadside to look down.

Below is a waterfall, and a girl in a swimsuit is swimming and bathing.

There is a distance of more than ten feet, and the person is as small as a finger, but Ah Hao is still looking at it with gusto.

A fierce man dived into the water and came out after more than ten breaths. The girl covered her eyes with her long hair with both hands. She looked up and saw a person wearing a shroud, standing above her and looking at her.


She went ashore in fright, grabbed her clothes and ran away, followed by several maids who followed her for no apparent reason.

"Miss, what's wrong?"

"Yes, there is a ghost!"

She stammered, and suddenly a man wearing a shroud with a yellow charm on his face jumped over, and the maids were immediately frightened.

He Cheng was hiding in the grass like an ant frying in a slow fire. A black bag suddenly fell from his head, trapping him completely.

During the day, sunlight suppresses zombies extremely severely. Smoke will emit at the slightest touch, and the face will burn to ashes if it is hit by sunlight. He Cheng doesn't even notice when a living person approaches.

Just as he was about to break free, he heard a person say: "This one can jump, it must be a zombie. Go back and work for the foreign devils, it's fifty yuan!"

"Pa!" There was a sound, someone was slapped.

I heard another person whisper: "A corpse is fifty yuan, how much for two? Do you know how to settle accounts?"

"One hundred yuan, one hundred yuan, haha!"

"Shh, keep your voice down!"

He Cheng became quiet and relieved.

"It turned out that I bumped into a body thief."

All he had to do next was lie quietly, and when he got to the foreigner's laboratory, everything he wanted would come to him!

"This zombie has no aura, will it bite people?"

Another person said, "I have the yellow talisman that my mother went to the Bodhisattva Temple to get. If I keep it, I can control him!"

Just listen to the saliva "Bah" smeared on the talisman paper, and a yellow talisman was pasted on He Cheng's head through the black cloth bag.

Without any spiritual power at all, why would he be immobilized by the talisman while performing a show?

"Don't be exposed to the sun. I heard that zombies will turn to ashes if exposed to the sun." None of the three people wanted to let the fifty yuan burn to ashes, so they all took off their clothes and wrapped them up.

However, it was difficult to lift it. The corpse was like a solid bronze statue. They gritted their teeth and their arms had veins before lifting it up. However, no one said they would quit. For fifty yuan, not to mention lifting this little thing, it would cost ten more. Do it all.

"You damn foreign devil is really rich, haha"

"Hide him first and wait until we catch the other one!"

"Just do it"

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