Rebuild SCP to Save the World

Chapter 218: Control action, start

Finally, when night fell, Wang Chuan snapped his fingers and turned into a black trench coat.

Teleport to the previous position again.

Now, it's time for scp-080 to act.

Wang Chuan let go of all his perceptions, carefully feeling the area below, searching the past inch by inch.

Has it spread over 500 square meters?

Confirming the location and status of SCP-080, now Wangchuan only needs to interfere with SCP-080-1, and he can easily contain SCP-080.

However, Wangchuan did not directly do so.


After all, Wangchuan raised his hands and pointed at the residential building below in the air.

"Interference barrier, start to build."

Then, starting from the palm of Wang Chuan's palm, the prismatic transparent barriers began to unfold one by one, and a large number of prismatic barriers quickly formed a transparent wall.

However, it was not enough. Wangchuan continued to build and the prismatic barrier gradually expanded.

In the end, this transparent wall composed of prismatic barriers became a huge hollow semicircular barrier.

Like a bowl, it buckles up to six hundred square meters below.

The function of this barrier is very simple, one word can explain it, the air wall, but this air wall can only resist one thing, scp-080.

After doing what should be done, Wangchuan didn't make any stop and disappeared in the sky.

The sleeping city would never think of what they are about to face.


the next day,

UIU's actions are not unpleasant. At this time, they have already reached the area where I am in my memory.

Although no action has been launched yet, it has begun to gradually take over the control of this area.

Utilizing the authority of the FBI, UIU directly notified the local police station and the city government, so elite agents wearing UIU's special FBI uniforms began to approach the control area in teams. Compared with the previous operations, the number of personnel was small and sophisticated.

For the people of the Eagle Country, who advocates freedom, they are used to it. As long as the FBI doesn't knock on its door, it doesn't care what happens to it.

However, this time, it is an exception, because these FBI dresses are really different.

On the street, it's okay, but before these FBIs enter the mobile house, they must wear chemical protective clothing and wrap their whole body tightly, without leaking any gaps.

This has caused many residents to worry about it, and they began to speculate about what happened and whether there was something radiating.

These residents can't sit still when they think about it.

They began to exercise their free will, and they were preparing to leave their homes and escape from this area.

Of course, the UIU, which has begun to lock down this area, cannot let these people out. No one knows if there is an abnormality lurking in them.

So naturally, the conflict broke out.

Many residents tried to break through the blockade forcibly, but they were all beaten up and thrown back. At the same time, UIU agents kept explaining that there were no radioactive weapons inside.

But there is no proof, and there is no way to persuade these residents.

The conflict reached its peak, and one of the residents even took out a pistol and aimed at the UIU agents on the cordon.

Dare to raise a gun at them? This is really boring to live. Even the police have the power to kill him, let alone UIU agents.

Without warning, several UIU agents directly pulled the trigger.

Several clouds of blood mist exploded on this person at the same time.

Then he fell to the ground without knowing his life or death. Then, the UIU agent turned his gun and pointed it at the sky.

The change in their muzzle shocked the remaining residents, but fortunately it was a false alarm. These agents just didn't want them to go out.

In order to save their lives, these people reluctantly returned to the house, waiting uneasyly for the next trial.

"It seems it's really not something like radiation. A husband comforted his wife and daughter in the room.

"How did you know?" the wife asked in a trembling voice inexplicably. She saw that man was shot several times to death.

"If it's radiation, they have no reason not to let us out. On the contrary, it might be a zombie virus or something?" The man let go of his imagination.

"Really, then we...daughter..." The husband's words made the wife even more frightened.

"It's okay, it's okay, I will protect you."

Next to the family's interaction, their neighbors gathered a team of heavily armed and tightly wrapped UIU agents.

As a model worker, Arthur is undoubtedly in the action team.

As for Nick, he was dispatched to S.H.I.E.L.D., as an intermediary between UIU and S.H.I.E.L.D., and did not appear here.

"Captain, we found three corpses, and it is preliminarily determined to be the owner of this house."

"Take me to see."

"Yes, Captain."

Arthur’s team discovered the first death.

Arthur came to the bedroom on the second floor. In the bedroom at this time, two squad agents were examining the corpse.

Seeing Arthur came into the room, he quickly gave a place.

"Captain, there is no clear cause of death, no signs of fatal appearance, and no signs of poisoning."

"If you want to confirm the cause of death, you need to send it to the autopsy department for detailed inspection."

"No need, just put it here."

"...Yes, Captain."

Although they didn't understand, they still obeyed Arthur's orders.

After all, only Arthur knows the characteristics of this anomaly here, and the rest of them, in order to control the intensity of the anomaly, have no idea about the true goal of this mission.

Arthur approached the corpse and examined it carefully. There was no sign of the dark fog in the data.

Did it run away, or...

Arthur hadn't figured it out yet, and then, other places successively issued reports of the discovery of bodies.

"Command, a total of nine bodies have been found in the area, but no target has been sighted."

"Keep the lockdown, keep looking, don't let go of any place."

"Yes, command."

Relying on the strength of these people alone is definitely not enough, the commander knows it well.

Although they carry weapons against fog, it is unknown whether they can function.

To be honest, if an abnormality occurs before the support from the headquarters arrives, he can only rely on the Bright family.

The commander looked at a group of people who were out of place. They stood aside for themselves and did not communicate with them.

Judging from the experience of the commander and their exchanges, they must be waiting for him to be unable to hold it anymore and turn to them for help.

Then they settled the problem arrogantly and easily, and walked away with disdain.

Of course, all of this is the subjective imagination of the commander, but it also represents the opinion of most UIU people on the Bright family.

"Command! Anomaly has appeared!"

Suddenly, an abrupt voice interrupted the conductor.

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