Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 118: agent! (Third more)

Lieutenant colonel? !

Promoted... Promoted? It's not the same level, that sentence... So it meant this, it wasn't Qin Nan and the others who got promoted, but me? !

After Xue Biao finished speaking, he took out another small notebook and opened it to me to see it-it was my new notebook, and all the information on it was up to date, the color of the cover frame, and the word "lieutenant colonel". Both show my identity.

"Lieutenant Colonel Guo, congratulations, take it." Xue Biao closed the notebook again and handed it to me.

I took the little book in my hand almost mechanically, and I couldn't believe it for a while.

To be honest, according to my strength, let alone a lieutenant colonel, just like Xue Biao, a large colonel can bear it, but how long has it been since I joined the Shadow Army? Three months? !

As soon as he joined, he was a major, and within three months he was promoted to lieutenant colonel! If this stays for another year and a half, is it still worth it? !

I was stupid, and Ding Yiming beside him was also stupid.

He was a major just now, and after just that, he was promoted again? ! Changed to lieutenant colonel? ! What's wrong with this world? My old classmates haven’t seen me in a few years.

"Guo Rui... my mother, lieutenant colonel! Lieutenant colonel!" Ding Yiming yelled hopelessly from the side, while I, amidst the shouts, stared blankly at my hand. New book.

Xue Biao ignored my thoughts and did not mind Ding Yiming’s screams, and continued: "The Shadow Army divides our country into five divisions: East, West, South, North, and Central. The commander is based in Kyoto and is in charge of the northern division. Major General Lin Dingkun is in charge of the Western Division, Major General Nie Ze is in charge of the Southern Division, and the Chinese Division and the Eastern Division are jointly managed by three officers. However, because they are not directly managed, two agents are selected in each division, and I am One of the two agents in the Eastern Division!"

"So that's the case." I was relieved at this time, put away my small notebooks, nodded and said perfunctorily.

"But now, another agent died in the last battle. At present, the Eastern Division has not elected a new agent. Therefore, at the decision of the chief, Lieutenant Colonel Guo will temporarily act as the agent of the Eastern Division."


"Ah what, got it!"

"Ah? Yes!" It came again, and I don't know why, as soon as he said that I inexplicably agreed.

"That's right." Xue Biao handed me a blue thing that looked similar to the ancient Lingjian, but the word "Ling" on it had become the word "代".

"This is a sign of an agent. With this thing, everyone in the Shadow Army knows your identity. You can move Qin Nan and Han Fei. In addition, you can move the army in any place. Is it an ordinary army or a shadow army. You are a lieutenant colonel, and you should have a regiment and battalion level, but you are named, so you can only mobilize one company at most. Do you have any comments?"


As soon as I heard, is there any good thing? !

My god, what day is this today? All the good things are coming together. Don't worry about the branch, get promoted, and have the military power? ! You have to write down today, it will be your birthday in the future! God is so kind to me, Trojan horse!

I looked stable on the surface, but in fact I was panicked. I just said that Ding Yiming was not promising. Okay, now I am not promising.

"Chief Xie." I held Ling Jian and bowed again to worship. This time, I was bent sixty degrees.

"Well, whether there are any awards in the future, it all depends on your performance, and the person you want, I bring you."

As he said, Xue Biao stretched out his hand and shook out and took out a small cloth bag. A rope pierced his mouth. Xue Biao untied the rope, held the cloth bag in his hand, and said the truth in his mouth.

Suddenly, two black smoke flew out of the cloth bag and fell to the ground. The black smoke, which was originally just two thin lines, grew up in an instant and turned into two big smoke. Living. It is the two brothers of the Feng family-Feng Tianling and Feng Tianxin!

"Let them wake up." I said.

Qin Nan nodded, took a step forward, put his hand on his lower lip, and gave a light breath to the Feng brother who fell on the ground.

This Qin Nan practiced ice-attribute spells. This breath naturally brought the ice-attribute air-conditioning, and it was refreshing after one mouthful.

I saw that the Feng family brothers were both in a cold war, shaking all over, and murmured: "Oh my god!"

Immediately afterwards, he opened his eyes. At the first glance, they looked at each other and didn’t understand what was going on. At the second glance, they saw what the house looked like, but didn’t see it. I don’t know who is in the house. At the third glance, I saw Ding Yiming and I.

"You! It's you! And the Ding kid, you guys..."

Feng Tianling saw me. Although he only glanced at the coffee shop, there are really few people who have grown into my virtue, so I remembered it. What's more, Ding Yiming is by my side. No, I have seen Ding Yiming and I can't be recognized? !

"Wait, brother, he...he is also a mage, he..."

Although Feng Tianxin is not as smart as his brother, he is someone who has seen my strength with his own eyes, so when he sees me again, he is scared to pee, and I can smell the smell.

At this time, Feng Tianling also reacted. At this time, there was no black robe teaching middleman to protect him. Facing Ding Yiming and I, he was obviously at a complete disadvantage. Moreover, these three people who arrested him seemed to be...

Shadow Army?

I knew he had remembered when I saw it, so I squatted down, smiled and put his face together, looked at him and asked, "Don't you know me?"

Feng Tianling was inexplicably asked by this question, and didn't know how to answer it.

understanding? Just met once. do not know? We met once.

This question is just like a Mustang. Say he has money, he drives a wild horse; say he has no money, he drives a wild horse!

I don't think Feng Tianling can answer, and winks at Gongsun Shu next to him.

Gongsun Shu knew what I was going to do, and he blew it over in one breath. I suddenly changed and became the "Shadow Army Major" at Feng Tianling's house this morning.

"Ah? are the young principal?!"

"Yes, it's me!" I stood up all of a sudden, flashed around, let out the person behind me, pointed at him and asked, "Do you know this person?"

do you know it? Actually know.

Who? In fact, it was the public face that followed me and Gongsunshu in Feng Tianling's house in the morning. During the morning meeting, Gongsunshu and I both acted. Only he was the one who didn’t speak and didn’t do anything. puzzle.

The Feng family brothers took a closer look at this person, huh? A bit familiar.

In fact, I only saw it in the morning, even if I don’t have a sense of existence, I should recognize it, but don’t forget this popular face! When I first appeared on the stage, I said that I was simply thrown into the crowd and couldn't see it. I saw each other ten times, and the eleventh goodbye, I didn't necessarily recognize it, let alone only saw one.

But it's still the same sentence, if you separate it, you may not recognize it, but put it together, it's easier to recognize.

With the appearance of me now, coupled with this popular face, the two people are in harmony together. They should have appeared together last time, last time...

"Ah, yes... it's the one with the chief."

"Yes!" I nodded and said. "It's him! But do you know who he is?"

"Huh?" Feng Tianling was dumbfounded by the question again, why is it still who? Didn’t you say it all?

"His origins are actually closely related to you, but you don't know, and you never know..."

As I said, my heart was angry, and Ding Yiming suddenly turned angry and stared at the Feng family brother.

"Gongsun, let him show up!"

"Yes, sir." Gongsunshu agreed, shaking his sleeves, and a cloud of smoke exploded around the public's face, and his body changed, showing his true form!

With his eyes on his side, his body covered in scales, a fishy aura, and a pair of wings at the back of his ribs, his body was filled with monsters. It is the flying fish!

It’s just that, compared to when I was on the side of the river, the evil spirit and the evil spirit are already much lighter, and the size has become different, it has shrunk a lot, and there are two more feet under the body, but it is not ordinary. Human feet, not animal feet, but toad-like hind legs, just slightly larger to fit his current body proportions.

"Monster... Monster!"

How can the Feng Tianling brothers have seen this? ! It collapsed at first sight. The body that had just woke up, without knowing where the power came from, suddenly struggled and ran away. As a result, it was blocked by Xue Biao and others behind him and hit the ground again.

"Monsters, monsters..." The Feng family brothers, crawling on the ground, probably driven by instinct, began to lift their thighs to Xue Biao and the others.

As soon as Qin Nan saw this, he immediately backed up a few steps and pushed Han Fei on the side.

Han Fei: "...?"

Qin Nan looked at Han Fei, who was disgusted by Feng Tianxin holding his thigh, and smiled very proudly and politely.

Han Fei: #%...&*!

The great virtue is missing! There is no way to refute it! She said so reasonable!

I looked at Feng Tianling and Feng Tianxin, and said sharply, "Of course you don’t know him, but he will become what he is now. You are the victim! He was originally a flying fish that survived after his aura was exhausted. For some reason, he lived in When the Yellow River came here, it stayed in that small river.

You and Uncle Ding competed and fought, but the difference is that Uncle Ding occasionally suffered injuries, and all the dead and injured were taken home for burial. And what about you guys? ! You actually threw those dead evil cultivators directly into the river!

The corpses of those evil cultivators, because they practice sorcery all the year round, the yin energy enters the body, this flying fish eats those corpses, and the yin energy also enters. It is you who made him like this! "

After I finished speaking, staring at him firmly, the flying fish on the side was also angry. If I hadn’t told him earlier, don’t make trouble, otherwise, he might have done it. A demon who has been infiltrated by evil spirits has the intent to kill. You can imagine how big it is!

"This this……"

"Do you think that I am looking for you, really want to take you to the top? Huh! Pity you are doing such a deed, but still thinking about getting promoted and making money?! Is there really no king in the world?!"

The Feng Tianling brothers were stunned by the loud shout of me. They looked at me and then at Flying Fish. Suddenly, in his heart, an emotion called "despair" rose, and in his eyes, I clearly saw the **** flower named "despair".

"Feng Tianling and Feng Tianxin, serving as officials, not for the people, and colluding with evil cultivators, will be directly sentenced to death by my Shadow Army! Law enforcement immediately, depriving all rights!"

Xue Biao finished reading this paragraph without emotion, Feng Tianling mechanically raised his head to look at the owner of the thigh he was holding. Suddenly, when his eyes went dark, he no longer knew.

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