Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 129: The four elders! (Second more)

The main peak of Maoshan, the main hall.

At this time, the hall was crowded with people, all of Maoshan's children, wearing uniform Taoist clothes, wearing a Taoist crown, or holding a whisk, or carrying a sword, or empty-handed, all with a look of excitement.

They know that today, the four powers who came to repair the seal of the lock demon tower will gather here, and at the same time, the four remaining elders and heads of Maoshan will come in person. It will be a grand scene. , No less than the four-year Maoshan Conference!

I brought Hu Jie and Dao Tan to the main hall. The elders in the hall did not arrive. The four men and horses came to me. Only the head Sikongying sat in the hall, sitting on his Maoshan head, calmly. Looking forward.

"Master Xie Tiantong Gaotu, Guo Rui is here!" As soon as I walked in, a small Taoist boy shouted inward.

I felt a little weird in my heart. How could this be like being served in a restaurant, but when watching TV shows, big figures always shout like this, so be it, but...

Hehe, big shot.

Hu Jie looked at me from the side, and immediately knew that I was shameless again and started to narcissistic, and pulled the corner of my clothes from the side: "Don't be stinky, you're blocking the door."

"Ah? Ahem!" I coughed slightly, leading Hu Jie and Dao Chang Tan through the long walkway between the Maoshan disciples, and stood aside.

There was a position that had been determined a long time ago. We four passers-by were separated on two sides, standing in front of the disciples, before us, there were the four great elders, and further forward, it was the head of Si Kongying.

We stood at our place. We didn't find it when we came yesterday. We only noticed when we stood here today that there is a big hole at the top of the hall, not far in front of the Maoshan head throne. I don't know what it is.

Could it be...

I looked at the position of the head, that place, if you look at the hole, it's basically the same as sitting in a car with a sunroof and looking at the scenery outside the sunroof from the back seat. However, I don't think this should be as simple as looking at the scenery. Maybe there is something outside. The old man in charge raised his hand and a flying sword passed.

At this moment, the little Taoist boy outside the door shouted again: "Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion, Master Yu Zhan is here!"

Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion? !

When I heard it, I was surprised, is this also a door? Who is here? Is there Brother Zhongming? !

I hurriedly looked at it, and just saw the four figures outside the hall, but didn't find Zhong Ming, the leading one, who looked very familiar.

I hurriedly took a closer look, and when they got up the steps and reached the gate of the temple, I was delighted at the sight, and indeed they were acquaintances! Isn't this good for aunt?

Cough. Aunt Yu is my nickname, because his head is awkward, and when I look at it, I think of a crosstalk queen who smokes, drinks and burns her head.

But in fact, this man is a man, and according to Zhong Ming, he is still a genius in their Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion.

Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion has a total of twelve types of spells, of which Qiankun five types, Hanhai five types, plus two types of implements, this is all, and the name of Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion is also derived from that Qiankun Hanhai spell . However, this one has a shortcoming, like Shaolin Temple, no one can learn all the spells, even many people can only learn one, at most two. And this senior Yuzhan is doing four styles alone! This is already a genius in Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion!

Obviously, Yu Zhan had seen me too, with a happy expression on his face, and brought a few juniors behind him over and stood beside me.

This time there is a little asymmetry on the two sides. It stands to reason that we are four people, with two left and right sides. We should first stand all the way to the left, then all the way to the right, one left and one right. This is good. As a result, we all stand on the left and the right is empty. , Unsightly.

But apparently the head Si Kongying does not have this obsessive-compulsive disorder, and quietly looked forward without making any indication.

"Little brother, let's meet again." Yu Zhan said to me with a smile.

"Yes, how about Brother Zhong Ming?"

"Well, if you know that you are here this time, you will call him, but he is also busy now. After all, he still has to learn some more powerful spells. It's not enough to look at it with just one word."

Qiankun refers to the five styles of Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion. It can only be said to be the inverse. The biggest feature is that it moves quickly, but its attack power is not high, so it is necessary to learn more powerful spells.

"Big Brother Zhong Ming has a big enemy, it's better to learn more spells."

"Yeah yeah."

"By the way, please tell Brother Zhong Ming after Brother Yu returns. I have already discovered some things about the Beijing Repertory Theatre. Within a year, the opportunity will come. At that time, I will fight with Brother Zhong Ming!"

"Really? That's great. I'll tell him when I go back. He must be so happy. Hey, if you have such a big grudge, it's good to report it early."

While talking, he nodded his head repeatedly, and his curled hair was dangling. I looked at this hair, how weird it looked, especially, this brother Yu Zhan, whether it’s the hairstyle, the face, or even that one. The pleats of the face are like copy and paste.

I watched, and suddenly I laughed. I kept watching him and then started to laugh again. There was a cold war and said: "I... I said little brother, what are you... "

When I saw it broke, Brother Yu misunderstood, and explained quickly: "No, you misunderstood, I just looked at your hairstyle, some..."

When I said this, I was too embarrassed to continue speaking, scratching the back of my head with my hand, and was speechless.

Brother Yu Zhan was relieved when he heard this, and said indifferently: "I know, Uncle Yu, smoking and drinking are hot on his head."

"Ahaha, you know."

Yu Zhan smiled, and said, "I don't know much, I am their fan."

"Ah? You too?! Me too! I've liked it since I was a child, and I've been watching it since I was eight or nine years old. How about you?"

"Almost, almost."

"Have you watched it this year?"

"Look, let me tell you..."


Seeing that the topic of our two has started to go off track, on a very formal occasion, we both started to study cross talk.

There are several people around who can hear what we are talking about, all of them speechless. This will fix the lock demon tower right away, you guys are a bit too relaxed.

Well, it's so easy, there is no turmoil in my heart, and I even want to have a section of "Reporting the Name of Food"...

We were studying here, and suddenly the boy outside the door shouted again: "Gusu Murong's house, Murong Xiao is here!"

Murong's house?

I looked up, and at the door, four or five people came in again. The first one was tall and thin, wearing a white robe and holding a folding fan. I didn't know what the folding fan was for in winter. Wearing a crown on his head, a long black hair falls like a waterfall scattered behind his back. His skin is fair and his eyebrows are especially long. At first glance, he looks like a woman.

Yu Zhan originally studied cross talk with me. When I looked at the door, he looked back and said, "Oh, that's the second son of the Murong family, Murong Xiao, the head of their family, Murong Ke, has reached the end of the world. The master on the list."

I nodded, did not speak, and continued to look at the group of people.

In fact, I also know about their Patriarch. Murongke has a sword and an ability to fight the stars. In the East China Sea, he fought against the masters of the Sun Cult, with one enemy and one hundred. The enemy’s corpses were all over the warships, and he had one sword and one sword. The white robe was dyed into blood, and he stood proudly in the blood sea of ​​the dead mountain. The intention of Shura to kill and kill was extremely inconsistent with his handsome son.

After that battle, the Higashishima Sun Sect was greatly injured, and he had not reborn for more than ten years. It was a sigh that these guys arrogantly named their sect by the name "Sun", but he was so scared that he did not dare to show up.

At that time, Murong's Patriarch Murong Ke was already a master of the End of the World Ranking. At that time, the only one who was stronger than him was the Sect Master of Yunding Mountain, who established the sect by force.

Only in the past ten years, the powerful master Ruyan suddenly appeared, the Shadow Army commander Duan Qingtian also appeared on the stage, and the Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion had another genius Yu Hao...Even the sovereign of Yunding Mountain was taken by them. After the comparison, let alone Murong Ke?

He is now in the top ten on the End of the World Ranking.

However, it is said that Murongke did not give up. It may be that his pride in his bones is that he refuses to admit defeat. It is said that he has been challenging people ranked higher than him to change his ranking.

Murong Xiao walked in front and saw that I and Yu Zhan were both standing on the same side. His brows were slightly frowned. The body that was leaning to our side also turned to the other side the next time I took a step.

Behind him, among the few people who followed, the most eye-catching was a little fat man.

Murong Lei!

Murong Lei was already depressed enough not to invite Nangong Yu, but he planned to find confidence here and enjoy the feeling of holding the moon among the stars, just like walking on the red carpet. In the end, he saw me after a few steps...

"Hi." I smiled and lip-shaped at him, then stretched out and waved.


Murong Lei suddenly became ill, how could he still meet me? !

He didn't care about the feeling of the stars holding the moon right now, and he looked like he was struck by lightning, and followed his brother to the position opposite us. Now he can't accept this fact.

Yes, he is Murong Xiao's younger brother and Murong Ke's third son. This is what Brother Yu Zhan told me.

After the Murong family arrived, the scene fell into silence for a period of time, and the boy outside the door was also silent for a period of time. The Mu family, who was the last one, has not arrived.

At this moment, the head Si Kongying suddenly stood up and shouted: "Welcome to the elder!"

Suddenly, all Maoshan disciples in the temple knelt down and shouted in unison: "Welcome the great elder!"

Our three-way visitors did not need to kneel. At this moment, a fragrance of fragrance floated down from the big hole in the main hall, and a Taoist leader fell into the hall with his feet on the auspicious clouds.

I took a closer look, and the person was wearing a white robe and holding a whisk in his hand. The three-stranded beard was also grayed out. Just standing there has a power that cannot be ignored!

This is the strongest of Maoshan, the chief elder of Maoshan, Xu Feng, Xu Dao long!

The ninth master on the End of the World Ranking! A bit better than the head of Sikongying!

"Xu Daochang." The three of us bowed and bowed, and Xu Daochang nodded in return.

The Maoshan disciples got up and just stood up, when a hurricane came in from the door, blowing so that everyone covered their faces with their hands, and they couldn't see anything. When the wind stopped, there was already a person at the door.

The visitor wore a cyan robes, his face was as sharp as a knife, his expression was cold, unsmiling, he was burly in shape, carrying a sword, and silently, he passed through the middle aisle and stood on the other side of the Xudaochang, which was also symmetrical.

The four elders of Maoshan, Zhang Dongqing!

At this time, Maoshan's four great elders had reached two, but the remaining two elders were late to come.

Si Kongying seemed impatient to wait, and said: "Where are the second elder and seventh elder, why not?"

At this time, one of Maoshan's disciples stood up and said: "The head of Qi, the two elders, may have overslept."

"Overslept? Humph, how could they overslept?" Si Kongying frowned slightly.

"How is it impossible? The dream is so good, there is everything in the dream, why do you want to wake up?" The disciple said with a smile.

Si Kongying looked at him, was silent for a while, suddenly laughed, nodded, and said, "Elder Tianliu, don't play anymore, show up soon."


All the disciples standing around the Taoist exclaimed, but he himself had a smile on his face and said, "How come you can see it, Xiao Sikong, you are really not funny."

As soon as the voice fell, a burst of blue smoke appeared from the person, and the blue smoke dissipated, showing the appearance of the second elder Tianliu.

"Except for Elder Tianliu, who else has such a big playful mind." Si Kongying watched Tianliu walk to the side of Xu Daochang and said with a smile.

At this time, another person fell into the big hole in the hall, and it was the Seventh Elder Chixu.

The seven elders of Maoshan, the only four remaining, are gathered today!

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