Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 131: failure!

All the disciples of Maoshan joined forces. At the bottom of the four soul sealing nails, the chain has become longer and longer, winding to the top of the lock demon tower, and finally connected to the top of the tower!

"Okay!" Seeing this scene beside me, Daochang Tan couldn't help but screamed, clenched his fist with his right hand and punched it on the palm of his left hand with a look of excitement.

To be honest, I am also a little excited at this time. After all, repairing the lock demon tower seal is such a big thing. Only a few generations of Maoshan disciples can catch up. It is estimated that these Maoshan disciples behind them are also meeting for themselves. I am excited about repairing the seal.

Needless to say, I am not a disciple of Maoshan, and this matter can't fall on me no matter what the reason, but it happened to be such a coincidence, this matter made me get involved.

In fact, this lock demon seal is not a traditional seal. The true seal is only the original three-clear seal, but it is now impossible to complete, so using this spell can come in handy. When one more elder is added in the future and another spell is taught, the real seal can be carried out.

In this situation, for example, I want to close a door and not be opened by others from the other side. But now, the lock on this door is broken, and it doesn’t work if I want to lock the door according to the formal method, so I started using it. Something else is blocking the door.

This traditional three-clear seal is the lock on the door, and the four hundred treasure beads we brought, the four soul-sealing nails that we have brought, are like sofas, tables, and wardrobes used to block doors. What. These are the common plots in movies, and perhaps it’s easier to understand with this example.

At this time, watching the chains of these four soul sealing nails connect to the spire of the Demon Locking Tower, only this last step is needed to complete the seal, the Great Seal of Demon Locking, and it will be done!

But at this moment, the abnormal change came out! The four chains that had been connected to the top of the demon lock tower suddenly began to tremble and were extremely unstable as if they had received an attack.

"What's the matter?" Si Kongying stood at the forefront, feeling the most intensely about this change, frowning suddenly, and looking at the four trembling chains with uneasy eyes.

At this time, our four passers-by, plus the four great elders and 10,000 disciples on Maoshan, all discovered this abnormality, and all became uneasy.

"what happened?"

"I do not know."

"Isn't it said that this seal is about to succeed? What's going on? It's different from what I said."

"You ask me who to ask."


Panic spread in the crowd like a plague. It should have been a ten-handed lock demon seal, but now it has become very unreliable.

At this moment, the head Si Kongying suddenly shouted: "No!"

In the next moment, the four chains were broken instantly, and the powerful mana scattered, a huge wave rushed towards the face, and the lock demon tower was ten meters in radius. The mana wave swept over it, and the ground blasted the smoke and dust. There is no exception, it seems to have broken into the army!

Under this force, the four soul-sealing souls were nailed like four sharp arrows, flying out in an instant, and deeply nailed to the ground.


Sikong Yingfei was at the forefront and received the waves head-on. A mouthful of blood rushed out from his mouth, and his body instantly flew out like a balloon in a squally wind. Then, the four elders were also affected, and he was behind him. All the disciples of Maoshan were swallowed up, all of them vomiting blood. For a time, the scene was full of formidable blood!

Our Four Roads did not participate in the seal, so we were not backlashed, but this wave of magical power came as if all Maoshan disciples were working together. How can we resist? Everyone was shocked by this force and flew upside down, vomiting blood. The scene was very chaotic for a while, and the dust and mist that exploded from the ground flew up with the air wave belt, forming a larger scale Dirt fog.

On the lock demon tower, the bead at the apex of the tower was stained with a ray of darkness, and there seemed to be electricity flowing faintly.

But at this time, in the lock demon tower, each evil spirit was excited again. This time, it was not because I felt the danger and groaned or wailed, but... I screamed with joy!

Because they felt that after this shock, the seal that had already been gradually weakened was weakened again!

On the ground, the dust and fog slowly fell, and everything returned to calm again. There were countless Maoshan disciples lying on the ground. Many people were covered with dust. On the ground, the blood of countless people was flowing together, and it was impossible to tell who was who. Yes, it's so angry. Fortunately, the lock demon tower isolated the breath, otherwise, if the evil spirits in the tower smell this smell, they will be even more excited!

Maybe they don't know why the originally dangerous aura seems to be helping them. Could it be that God is helping them? No, it's too late for them to be struck by lightning.

The evil spirits in it, if it were the little demon, it would be nothing, the top three floors, there were all the big demons sealed there! Among them, many have suffered thunder tribulation! But they all tried to hide.

Even if it’s Tianlei, you can’t always hack it. As long as they survive one round, the best way to survive is to hide under the spiritual position of Saint Kong, or Laojun, Buddha, etc. Tianlei fears that. The power of the spirit card did not dare to split it down, and the catastrophe was over.

However, after avoiding the catastrophe, he did not hide from the human catastrophe, and was beaten by a certain elder before Maoshan and caught him.

In the crowd, there was an inexplicable black ball, which included the four passers-by and some Maoshan disciples behind him. At this time, the air wave passed and the dust settled, and the black ball also disappeared.

Dark sanctuary!

The sanctuary will not be affected by the outside world. At the moment just now, I had no way to protect Hu Jie beside me, and even myself. The three passers-by and some of the Maoshan disciples behind them were all included.

However, this air wave came too fast, my dark sanctuary did not open before the air wave arrived, but only opened halfway, and part of that air wave was also taken into the sanctuary.


The sanctuary dissipated, and I could no longer control it. I vomited a mouthful of blood and knelt down on the ground. Behind me, the Maoshan disciples who had been included were affected to varying degrees, but Hu Jie was the only one who was not injured.

The sanctuary is my world, and I can't let it dissipate out of thin air, but I can protect the people in the sanctuary. The first one to be protected was naturally Hu Jie. So she was unharmed, and the rest, according to the order of protection, were injured in different situations.

"What's the matter with you?!" Hu Jie was standing behind me, the nearest to me. As soon as he saw that I was vomiting blood, he came over and gave me a panic.

Dao Tan was the second closest to me, and he quickly took my arm from the other side.

For the rest, those three passers-by didn't know what was going on, they saw the darkness in front of them, and the shock they received was much smaller, and the dust settled when they understood. Among them, the Mu family and the Murong family have nothing to do with me...That little fat guy doesn't count.

However, Brother Yu Zhan knew me. When I saw that I was injured, I wanted to come over to see the situation. However, several people in Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion behind him were also injured and needed his treatment, so he didn’t come over and gave them mana with his hands. Healed the wound.

Behind me, all the Maoshan disciples, that was taking advantage, they were still standing, and then those who were not included in the sanctuary were lying down, but they didn’t know what was going on, the faces were bewildered, look. I vomited blood, maybe vaguely, and some guessed what was going on, but I was not sure, I didn't move forward for a while.

By my side, there are only Hu Jie and Dao Chang Tan.

"Master, did you make that... just now?" Dao Chang Tan stood on my left, holding my left arm, and his right hand was behind me slowly and smoothly, trying to help me smoothly. Following along, asked with a trembling voice.

I glanced at him, I was exhausted, and nodded without speaking.

"Really?!" Dao Chang Tan shouted out without controlling his own volume.

"I... special!" I was too close to him, and I shouted out from this voice, almost puncturing the tympanic membrane of my left ear!

Master Tan saw my eyes closed tightly and grinned to the other side, knowing that he was yelling loudly, and hurriedly said, "Oh, I forgot when I was excited. I'm sorry, Master, but you are really so. Amazing! Just now, it was pitch black before my eyes, as if I was in another world, such a powerful spell, that is the only thing I have seen in my life, what a master, what a master!"

I rolled my eyes and said, "Don't be poor. If you have the time to see what's going on, I can't bear it again."

At this time, Hu Jie on the side puffed up her cheeks and said angrily: "Huh! It's not that you didn't listen to me, I've already said it."

I was taken aback: "What did you say?"

Isn't this a sudden situation? Ye had already said it.

"Tell you not to drink so much alcohol!"


"Sister, is this the same thing?!" I was speechless at the time, what's the matter with this.

"Let you not drink so much alcohol. Look, it deserves it. If you don't drink so much alcohol, isn't it less powerful? Doesn't he stop vomiting blood when he is young? "Hu Jie said naturally.

Because of her low strength, she couldn't hold me with one hand like Daochang Tan, and the other hand could run along my back, so she could only hold my arms with both hands. Do not turn her head with her mouth, and The arms are facing opposite directions, which is quite cute.


I looked at her and opened my mouth several times, but I didn't expect to use any words to refute it. It would not work to tell her logic, because she was logic herself.

"Okay, you are great, everything you say is right, I lost."

At this time, for example, the head of Sikongying, and the four elders have all eased, and the disciples of the senior generation with high seniority, high qualifications and long training time have also slowed down halfway, and stood up one after another. The expression is very complicated.

"Elder Xu, what's going on, why does this Hundred Treasure Orb have such an abnormality?" Si Kongying asked to Elder Xu Feng, clutching his chest.

Regardless of whether he is the head, but in terms of strength, seniority, and experience, the most powerful person is the imaginary leader.

Xu Dao twisted his beard and looked at the spire of the lock demon tower. The original righteous orb was covered with dust, and its power was partially suppressed.

"No, there is no problem with Baibaozhu. The one who has the problem is the person who uses it." Xu Daochang narrowed his eyes and said sharply.


"Yes, the Hundred Treasure Orbs can be used by two powers of good and evil, but you can only use one at a time. Just now, another power must have appeared in the crowd, so the chain that is connected together broke!"

"Hiss——" Si Kongying took a breath, frowned, and said: "What do you mean..."

"Among us, there are undercover agents!"

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