Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 133: See through the undercover

I looked back at the Akashiko again, but this time, I laughed.

But I didn't make any more movements, but walked directly back to Hu Jie and Tan Daochang, and shook my head.

Hu Jie was puzzled, but Tan Dao became mad at the lake. She knew what I meant in her heart. Seeing me walking, she leaned to my side and asked in a low voice, "Master, you doubt... "

"Yeah." I nodded, raised my hand and made a silent gesture, beckoning him not to speak, so as not to be heard.

If this person can fake Akashiko, he must be as capable as Akashiko, or even better than him, otherwise it won't show up. With such strength, it is difficult to keep the wind and ears and other means, if he listens to this...

At this time, Murong Xiao from the Murong family took a step forward and bowed his hand to the head of Xu Dao and Si Kongying: "The head of Sikong, the elder of Xu Feng, we don’t care what happens under your family. We serve as Patriarch. Since this matter has nothing to do with us, can we go back and rest?"

Si Kongying frowned and said, "Well, a few people came from a long way, and they were shocked for no reason. Let's go back and rest first. Elder Chisuko and Elder Zhang Dongqing, all the disciples of Maoshan are gathered here. No one can go back! Today, I will thoroughly investigate the monsters in this Maoshan!"


Chisuzi and Zhang Dongqing led the way to gather the Maoshan disciples, and also beware of them escaping, Sikongying and Xu Daochang began to talk again.

Here Murong Xiao got the answer he wanted, and said again, "Thank you, the head and the elder."

After that, he turned around and brought his own people together, and then left.

They are gone, and the next wave will be those of the Mu family. They all look like they are hanging up high on their own. Actually, too, if it weren’t because I came into contact with Akashiko in advance this time, I suddenly found out After the secret, I guess I will just leave it just like them.

But having said that, can you still have a little face? ! The head of Si Kongying doesn't know what the situation is, can you still not know? In my dark sanctuary, you have received much less damage than other people in the same position. Why are you still seriously injured!

Forget it, I don't have time to argue with them. Moreover, they all went back. If I don't go back, I would be too deliberate. Everyone knows that I stayed here with a plan, or I should go back first.

Brother Yu Zhan brought the people from Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion over to check my situation. I quickly said that it was okay and went back together.

On the way, I heard Si Kongying and Xu Daochang talking.

They still didn't control the volume, but they didn't deliberately speak loudly, just ordinary speech, but they still didn't escape my ears.

"This gem was hurt by that evil spirit, and its sealing power is not as good as before. Will it cause any trouble?" Si Kongying said worriedly.

Xu Daochang shook his head, and said: "The lower six levels of the lock demon tower are full of monsters that are not very strong. Even if the sealing power of the orb has been eliminated for a while, they will not take advantage of them. But this is the top three, hum, if a few days ago, it really couldn't help him, there might be some big troubles, but unfortunately, they can't help it now."

"Why?" Si Kongying asked.

Xu Daochang stroked his long beard, pondered for a moment, and then said: "Actually, I don't know the reason. I'm also thinking about this. You don't know anything. Just a few days ago, the lock demon tower suddenly broke out. A powerful force came out. I hurried to check it out, only to find that all the medicine in this lock demon tower was half the power that was beaten!"


"Yes, I also find it unbelievable. These monsters, if you talk about the lower 6th floor, the upper 3rd floor is only exchanged for the lives of the former Maoshan elders, even the lives of many disciples! The strongest ones! , Even if they were put into the Great Desolation Era when the aura still existed, they could be mixed with wind and water, but just like that, they were still seriously injured by this force."

"Hiss——At the same time, all the monsters in the lock demon tower are reduced by half their power. What kind of strength is needed to do this."

"I don't know. Later, I personally went inside the lock demon tower, but didn't find an abnormality, nor did I see the source of that power. This matter is always a mystery!"

I haven't gone far at this time, and I almost came out amused by these words, who? me!

Come on, one more compliment!

But of course it was impossible for me to really say this sentence, but I went back with everyone in anguish.

Murong's and Mu's came first, and arrived before us. Of course, there was no close relationship between us. Of course, they would ignore us and went back to the room. Brother Yu Zhan and I walked to a fork in the road together. After parting, we walked to one side and returned to the room.

In the room, Luo Peng stood beside the door like a guard. When I pushed the door in, he nodded slightly to me, almost startled me. Who knows that this product is still coming out like this.

This Luo Peng, in fact, is still the same as Lang Feng in general, not sincerely submitting to me, just as Lang Feng is loyal to the demon king, he Luo Peng finally Nangong Yu, he came to me only by the order of Nangong Yu, if one day Nangong Yu wants to call him back, he won't follow me again.

Moreover, he is more unstable than Lang Feng.

The soul-serving curse, as the name suggests, mainly acts on the soul, so it means that it will not have an effect on things without a soul. Originally, there were not many soulless things in this world. Even if they existed, they would not be strong enough to threaten me. However, there is such a group that has no souls and souls, and they can still cultivate particularly powerful.

The corpse is this kind of weird thing that doesn't originate from the soul even if it has the wit. My soul-serving curse is completely useless for this kind of thing. So this is very embarrassing, Lang Feng, I can control it anyway, this guy...I can't get him if he wants to stab me someday.

"Master, you should take a good rest soon." Daochang Tan and Hu Jie helped me in together and said when they reached the bed.

The severity of my injuries after being backlashed, I'm afraid he knows best besides me.

Those who are stronger than him have not been included in the sanctuary, and they have not even noticed that there is such a black ball, so naturally I don’t know how serious the backlash will be, and the ones in it are not as strong as him. Sanctuary is not deep.

I nodded and sat down on the bed, Hu Jie had already put the folded quilt and pillow behind me, so that I could sit on it so that it was more comfortable.

"Master, you have a good rest." said Dao Chang Tan, he got up and left. He knew that he was useless here. A rough man is not as careful as Hu Jie and a girl. Being here will only get in the way, so he thought Just leave Hu Jie here.

But as soon as he was together, I suddenly caught him.

"Dao Tan, wait!"

Dao Chang Tan was taken aback for a moment, looked up at me, and then his face changed. He should have seen the dignity on my face, and in just a moment, he also became extremely dignified.

"Master, you..."

I pulled him closer, and whispered: "I was there just now, I was afraid that he would have supernatural powers, so I didn’t say much, I just said it was suspicion. He should see this. My trial failed, he should have already I noticed it, but he won't think I already know that he is, at least he won't think I have conclusive evidence to doubt him. Now, it's a good time!"

"You mean..."

"Akasuko!" I suddenly raised my voice, leaned forward quickly, and brought my head close to him, and said, "He is an undercover agent! I can be sure! Very sure! One hundred percent sure! He is not Akasuko! It's another person, You don’t need to know how I knew, I have my own way! Since he dared to pretend to be the elder Akashiko, he must be strong, at least as good as Akashiko. If he starts in the crowd, he will be injured. To all the Maoshan disciples, and it is easy for him to escape in chaos, listen, I have a plan, you must be like this, go to the head..."

I quickly and concisely told Master Tan about my plan. Once the excitement in my heart passed, the serious backlash hurt again, and the lungs suddenly became painful and itchy, and immediately coughed out.

"Cough cough cough cough cough cough cough..." I covered my mouth with one hand, clenched a fist with the other hand to beat my chest, and fell back onto the folded quilt and pillow, trying to relieve the injury, and said to Chief Tan: "I have failed the test. Chisuko must be on guard for me. I can't show up anymore. You go, Master Tan. You have been very active looking for the head of Sikong before. Now even if you get closer to the head of the head, It won’t arouse too much suspicion, this plan can only be left to you."

"Don't worry, Master, I will definitely." Dao Chang Tan bowed his hand to me, and then walked out of the door.

Hu Jie watched him go out, then turned around and asked me: "What about me? What am I doing?"

I looked at her, thought for a while, shook my head and said: "You can't go out, your identity is still inconvenient, it's best to follow me, by the way, Luo Peng!"

I called Luo Peng's name, and Luo Peng immediately walked to me, still cold and expressionless.

"You hurry up to the side peak of Maoshan Mountain and find any one. It is best if it is not far or close to the main peak. You stay there. After a while, I will let someone come to you. When the time comes, I will press him. If you do, do you understand?"

"Yes." Luo Peng agreed and turned and left.

I looked at Hu Jie and said, "Well, you will stay here, waiting for my next arrangement, and take care of me first."

"..." Hu Jie frowned, "Why do I always think you did it on purpose."


"Shoot everyone away, just leave me here. What do you want to do to me as a fairy?"

"...I am a patient."

"You just want to take advantage of me, you have to take care of you."

"...Forget it, you go, don't take care of you." I waved my hand.

Hu Jie rolled her eyes and said suddenly, "No, that's not possible! How can I leave a sick person to you?"

"..." I frowned, feeling that this matter was not simple.

"By the way, you're hurt, right." Hu Jie approached me as she said, with a malicious smile on her face.

I looked up at her, and Hu Jie looked down at me, her slightly yellowish hair hanging down, the ends of her hair almost touching my face, itchy.

"There were too many people just now, it has given you face, now..."


I knew that I couldn't run this time.

"bring it on!"

"Hey don't, haha, hit you! Haha don't don't, don't bully you in the future! I am a wounded, you respect me!"


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