Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 135: The power of real name recognition

In fact, why can I see the disguise of the fake red beard?

In fact, his camouflage skills are really top-notch. I believe it must be a spell passed down by a mage sect who specializes in camouflage, so that Yin and Yang can't detect any problems at the moment. It's no wonder that the head of the head and the great elder Xufeng are so powerful that even if they don't have yin and yang eyes, they should have the heavenly strategy, how can they not be counted. It may be that even this method of conserving the sky has been blocked.

I tried it with my own heaven strategy, and sure enough, it seemed as if there was a wall blocking it, so I couldn't see the truth at all.

I walked on the road, retracted my fingers using the Heaven-Constructing Technique, put my hand back in my pocket, sighed, and continued walking.

It’s really cold this day, and I’ve just been backlashed and suffered internal injuries. When the cold wind blows, I feel more painful, but I have to come out and enjoy Hu Jie’s two-person world for a while. It’s still important. , I quickly settled the matter here so I can go back quickly.

So why I want to come out is actually the same as how I saw through the disguise of the fake Akashiko.

All of this stems from one of my skills, one that is very tasteless, and I can’t remember another skill.

Detective eye!

It’s such a zero-level can be received, no attack ability, even when I got it, I made a moth, and directly attracted me a female ghost, which almost killed me. I didn’t expect it to be played today. Great effect!

Indeed, this gadget has no attack capabilities, and the information detected is all gadgets in the archives and things written on the medical examination form. It has no practical value at all. Of course, I used it for reconnaissance. After reading Hu Jie's message, it's not bad...

But today I discovered its greatest value again-see through the real name!

Just after I found out what I couldn't see with my yin and yang eyes, I remembered the investigating eye, and then looked back, and sure enough, under the investigator's eyes, the information of the red beard child did not correspond to him at all!

That omnidirectional three-dimensional image is completely another person, and the name is no longer Akashiko, but a guy named "A Thousand Faces Dao Ren"!

A thousand-faced Taoist, you know that he is a person who is proficient in disguising changes by hearing this name. I don't believe it if it happens to be something wrong with the investigation!

Therefore, I hurriedly formulated a plan and asked Dao Dao Tan to tell the headmaster Sikongying and the great elder Xufeng, and I was here to take the next step.

According to the information given by the investigating eyes, this thousand-faced Taoist is very powerful, and if he is allowed to act in the crowd, he will definitely suffer heavy casualties. Therefore, we can’t force him, but we must keep him away from the crowd. The best way is to lure him into some magic circle and weaken his strength. Then, this thousand-faced Taoist is like a turtle in the urn and is inevitable. Up!

While thinking, I also walked to the door of the house, stopped, took a long breath, relieved the pain in my chest, raised my hand and knocked on the door.

"Boom boom boom——"

After a while, the door of the house opened, and the person who opened the door was one of the people in the Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion standing behind Brother Yu Zhan that I had seen in the Maoshan Hall.

I came here, the room of the people of Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion!

Unlike us, because there are only three people on my side, and one of them is a female family member, so I just have one room for one person. On their side, they are basically a suite. The leader lives in a single room, and the rest is packed with one. On the big bed, there are only a few days in the plan anyway, just one night or two nights.

When the door opened, I knew him well, and he must have been familiar with him, because there were not many people. Their leader, Yu Zhan, was still chatting with me, he must remember. What's more, I am a person with such obvious physical characteristics. Those are all heavyweight players...

"Brother Yu Zhan, that Master Guo is here." The one who opened the door shouted inside.

Yu Zhan was in his single room, he immediately came out when he heard this, and then I saw a head with a chrysanthemum perm coming out of it. When I saw it, I laughed and greeted me. .

"Brother Guo, why don't you take a good rest in your room and come to me? Miss me?" Brother Yu Zhan smiled and greeted me to a place similar to the living room, and moved a chair: "Sit!"

The two of us sat down across from each other. I looked at him and talked to him with a smile. There were some things that didn't exist. I chatted about everyday things. This time I came here not for official business, but for casual business.

After talking for a while, I think it's almost done, and I can talk about it!

"Brother Yu Zhan, I have long heard that this Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion is full of talents, and these must be masters, but I am ignorant and have never heard of the names of these seniors. Brother Yu, please recommend me."

At this time, the one on the side smiled and said, "Hey, what are we masters? We, Senior Brother Yu Zhan, are genius masters. The twelve Fas in the pavilion, Senior Brother Yu Zhan can learn the four majors alone. I've learned the fifth kind, and I think that after coming here, our head and Sect Master is Brother Yu Zhan!"

"Hey, don't talk nonsense, how can I be the Sect Master?" Yu Zhan said angrily. The speaker dare not speak any more, but he obviously didn't take it to his heart.

"Don't listen to him talking nonsense, you want to know these juniors who know me, come on, just fine, just look at this nonsense first." Senior Brother Yu Zhan said and pointed at him.

I looked back, the investigative eye was ready!

"His name is Wang Shun, my junior, my master loves to accept apprentices, so he has a bunch of them, so he has all kinds of things." Yu Zhan quipped.

I saw it through investigation, um, yes, it was him. The three-dimensional picture looked the same as himself, and the name was indeed Wang Shun.

"Those two, come, let my brother Guo get to know him, ah, this is Zhang Gaoyuan." Yu Zhan pointed to one of the other two and said.

Take a look, well, he was right.

"That bald scoop is cucumber." Yu Zhan pointed to a hairline next to him and said touchingly.

Take a look, uh... uh? cucumber?

"Don't wait a minute! What? Cucumber?" I stopped quickly.

Yu Zhan suddenly laughed.

The prosperous contestant also smiled helplessly and said, "Brother Yu Zhan, my name is Huang Guan, not Cucumber."

After speaking, several people present laughed, and the whole room was filled with happiness. Of course, Huang Guan himself might not be too happy.

But he is really fine, he himself.

After talking for a while, I quickly led the conversation to the Murong family and the Mu family.

This is also the reason why I came here first. It would be best if I could let this brother Yu Zhan go with me. After all, I am not familiar with those two at all, um... If Murong Lei is familiar with all things It's almost the same, after all, it's a hapless kid, but it's not embarrassing to have a companion.

Sure enough, under my deliberate provocation, Brother Yu Zhan easily mentioned these two families.

There is no need to say more about the Murong family. It guards the Gusu area and warns the East China Sea. I heard that when the Shadow Army was founded, they had been approached and asked them to help take care of the safety of the East China Sea. After all, the Patriarch Murongke back then was one person and one sword. Hundreds of masters were taught by the sun on the enemy east island. People say that as long as he is still standing on the east coast, overseas monks, dare not step into the coastline!

As for the Na Mu family, based in Yunnan, fighting the triangle to the south, unifying countless Gu Shu sects inwardly, and stabilizing the situation of monks in the south. It is also a large family, and it is said that their generation of Patriarch is still a female hero, also The top ten masters on the End of the World Ranking!

While chatting, I mentioned that I wanted to visit these two families, and I invited Yu Zhan to visit with me. Then Brother Yu Zhan didn't think much about it, so he took me with him.

Why do I have to go all over these places? That's because there are loopholes in this!

When the seal was sealed, we did not do anything on the four roads, so we were not within the scope of suspicion, but this is for the people of Maoshan! Not bad, they are naturally reasonable, but for me, as long as one of the people here is an undercover agent, it will not work!

And there will be a misunderstanding here, that is, subconsciously will think that the four people who do not need to be investigated are because there is no undercover, but in fact, whether there is really an unknown number!

And I must ensure that there is no undercover here! This is the rear that no one pays attention to. I must first ensure that the rear is stable!

So, next I went to Murong's and Mu's rooms under the leadership of Brother Ji Zhan.

If you don’t say that these two are really cold-faced masters, seeing us visiting, they also looked cold, not lukewarm, oh, except for that Murong Lei, seeing my tangled look, I was a little afraid , Also a little hostile, and a little sad, in short, just don't want to see me.

But fortunately, I finished my business. To put it bluntly, I asked their names over and over again, and looked at them with investigative eyes. It was confirmed and there was no problem.

I thought that those undercover agents would feel that these people would not be investigated. This is a safe place and they might take the opportunity to replace someone. Now it doesn’t seem to be the case, so I’m relieved.

After walking around, I felt even more tired because I was already injured. I had to go back to bed and rest for a while, but then again, the detective eye of this real name is really awesome! The yin and yang eyes can be concealed, but the investigating eyes can tell, what pretense can be used in front of me in the future?

Thinking about it, I returned to the house again, carefully counting the time, and waiting for the chaos outside to catch the fake red beard son of a thousand faces!

On the other side, the third lens opened, dividing the fairy hall.

There is not only one space in this hall of immortals, but there are several separate small spaces. The head and several elders are divided into three paths, leading the Maoshan disciples in three different rooms to check disciples. Feeling that there is no problem, they rushed them to another room, but refused to leave.

The external remarks are that this is only the first investigation, but in fact, they know that the one that does not have the red beard is on the side of the elder Xufeng and the head Sikongying. This time it is the most stringent. If you still can't find it out, then you really can't find it out!

I'm afraid I need to check it again. I can only see through with my real name, but...more than ten thousand people, what am I special... I don't do it!

In order to prevent those who have been investigated from running away, it is necessary to let Elder Zhang Dongqing sit in and take care of them. These four elders Zhang Dongqing are known for being selfless and ruthless, let him see what the management should be, and the fake red beard did not care, but this is actually part of the plan!

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