Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 137: Thousand Faces Action

"A good show?" Tian Liu asked with a smile and tilted his head: "Did you mean to remove the undercover, or to watch the boy?"

The Great Elder Xufeng shook his head with his beard and suddenly stopped and said, "All of them."

"Then watch it together."


At the lock demon tower, if someone could stand on the square, he would see a black spot rushing from far to near on the distant mountain. And as the distance gets closer, the black spots get bigger and bigger, and outlines begin to appear.

Luo Peng!

Luo Peng's foot power was amazing. In just over a minute, he had already moved from the mountain to the square in front of the Demon Locking Tower, and his breath was released without any obstruction, impacting the Sanqing Rune on the Demon Locking Tower and the orb on the tip of the tower. . The monster in the tower felt Luo Peng's breath, and immediately shouted happily. In their opinion, such a powerful thing had arrived in front of the lock demon tower, and it was not captured by the people in Maoshan. It must have saved them. !

Especially those in the upper three layers, their original strength can break through the seal that has been weakened a lot, and break out of the demon lock tower, but they don't know which one who has suffered a thousand swords for nothing has killed them all by half of their mana. At this time, all of them are extremely depressed. Because of this, that dry tree demon didn't dare to show up, he was the culprit, and if those knew about this, he wouldn't have a fat beating! Rao was immortal, and he didn't want to be beaten like this.

Suddenly, he saw it, Yo, a helper came!

Good guys, a group of demons and ghosts were so anxious that they almost talked, but unfortunately they can speak human words, and they all roar outside the lock demon tower.

But Luo Peng didn't have the time to help them, his task was just to make trouble here, and then wait for a big red beard to come over and die!

Well, the plan is correct. Luo Peng looked at the Demon Locking Tower in front of him, but he was thinking. What counts as making trouble without hurting the demon lock tower...

Luo Peng thought for a while, raised his hand and pointed to the ground.


The ground in front of the lock demon tower suddenly exploded with smoke and dust, and rubble flew randomly.

Hmm... This should be considered a mess. Luo Peng thought so, and pointed out again: "Boom!"

At this time, the demons in the tower are all lost. What are you doing? How about setting off during the New Year? !

Luo Peng was fighting, and a figure in the distance rushed like a phantom and shouted: "You are so rude!"

It is Si Kongying, the head of Maoshan!

Luo Peng looked back, hey, but someone is here, it's boring!

Turning around, he fought with Si Kongying.

What I said at the time was clear, and Dao Tan also spread the letter to understand that if it is a red beard, it will be beaten to death, but if it is someone else, don't hurt your life and stun, as long as you are not injured.

So Luo Peng didn't kill him, he was just fighting, and Si Kongying did the same. He knows the plan, and he knows that this is my person. The plan is to besieged and killed the fake Akashiko together, and he can't move the whole thing. It's just a play for fake Akashiko.

So these two people don’t know who is better than the other in the fight. Anyway, now, under deliberately, the two are evenly matched, and no one takes advantage. Everything, just wait for the fake red beard to come. .

On the other side, Chixu had already brought out the Maoshan disciples on his side, and he waited out of the Fenxian Hall and descended from this side peak. Chixu stopped and said to the disciples behind him: "We Now the people in Maoshan are in the Divine Hall. No one is going to take care of things outside. It is easy to cause trouble. This zombie is an example. Take advantage of this time to make trouble. You, go to other places to inspect and see if there are other hidden dangers. I ordered a few people to follow me."

As he said, he reached out and clicked on a few people. The ones that were spotted got out of the queue, and continued to follow him. Those that didn't get spotted, just scattered and patrolled everywhere.

Then go round the ball! Maoshan, let alone no one watching it for a while, it's just another day or two. Who dares to go wild! Is the prestige accumulated over hundreds of years in vain? !

As an example, Luo Peng is his own.

Akashiko did this purely for unrelated characters who just left.

Among Maoshan's disciples, he is not the only undercover agent! There are still a lot of people in the crowd, but there are too many people, and the investigation really does not understand. But this time they understood a lot. The Great Elder Xufeng and the others were not worried that they would not be able to tell who was who after the group dispersed. The Akashiko picked them out by himself.

Send sub-questions together!

After the real Maoshan disciples had left, Chisuko, and the remaining six little disciples who were named, all laughed.

"Captain, Gao! It's really high! We are all scared. We can't run in such a place. Liu was still watching us that day. Where are we opponents? Which bastard's idea, let us Go to the Fenxian Hall!"

At this time, I sneezed twice while lying in the house.

"Hmph, this time God helped me to wait. I don’t know who sent the zombie. I probably know our existence. I want to take advantage of this time to let go of the monsters in the lock tower. Is it under the command of another elder? Our three elders are from other teams." Akashiko said coldly.

"But can the demon in this lock demon tower work? Doesn't it mean that if the seal fails, the original seal will be weakened a lot? Why can't they get out?"

"Didn't they all say, they all lost half of their strength for some reason, huh, bad luck, how is this a coincidence!"

"It's our captain who seized the opportunity and touched those Maoshan people with some words, otherwise I don't know what to do."

"That's it."


The six boys are here, you and I are talking one by one. On the side, the fake red beard, the Taoist with a thousand faces, took out a strange thing from his arms, like a ring, but it’s big, enough to wear on the wrist. There is an unknown thing on it, crystal clear, shining in the sun.

Fake Akashiko read the formula, holding the ring in one hand, and pointing at it with the other hand, eh——! A white light flew towards the sky.

This thousand-faced Taoist breathed a sigh of relief, put away the ring and said, "Huh, Liu was really mysterious that day. I don't know his strength at all. By his side, I really feel fidgety! Fortunately, I have come out. Sent to my righteous brother, as long as he arrives, with the two of us, they can't stop us!"

The six boys also laughed and said, "Haha, Captain Xiaoyao is here too, the two captains work together, and great things can be done!"

"It could have been successful long ago, and I don't know which **** it is, half the strength of those monsters, so we have to stay for so long."

At this time, I sneezed two more in the room. Hu Jie, who was on the sidelines (taking advantage of) my heart (chance) and taking (duly) Gu (negative), glanced at me and said, "Oh, let you drink so much."


In front of the lock demon tower, in the square, Si Kongying and Luo Peng are fighting vigorously...

"Boom!" Si Kongying is holding a long stick like bamboo with nine knots in total. The whole body is pitch black, made of iron, and engraved with five large characters, all written by a small seal, which reads "Maoshan Zhangmen stick" !

This stick is a magic weapon passed down from the head of Maoshan in the past!

Luo Peng has no weapons, but he is a zombie himself, he is born with a copper skin and iron bone, invulnerable! And Luo Peng's cultivation is even harder, and ordinary weapons naturally cannot hurt him. However, in order to make this play more real, Si Kongying used the magical instruments passed down by the head of Maoshan. The power is not trivial, and he has the righteousness and restraint against evil things. Peng is a wise cultivator, and it is not so easy to fight back.

This battle, it seems, really is very real!

At this moment, the fake red beard, a thousand-faced Taoist, and six boys came to the outside of the square, leaving a heart-warming mind, and didn't rush up directly. First, he lay on the ground and probed the situation.

In the square, because the two people were fighting and Luo Peng deliberately exploded before, there were nearly ten big pits, a big square, and it became a pocky face. The two people were going back and forth on this face Churn.

"Captain, they are..."

"Don't talk!" The Taoist Thousand Faces made a silent gesture, but did not look at the talking junior, but kept staring at the Skongying and Luo Peng intently, seeming to mutter to himself: "This It's the staff passed down by the head of Maoshan. The surname Sikong actually took out this thing. If he can take it away..."

With that said, this thousand-faced Taoist showed a greedy look.

"Then... Captain, what shall we do?"

"What to do?" The thousand-faced Taoist sneered: "Hmph, come on!"

After finishing speaking, the thousand-faced Taoist shook his hands, and took the lead to fly up, rushing to the two, and at the same time shouted: "Master, I'll help you!"

When Na Sikongying heard this, he suppressed the joy in his heart, and said in a very serious, serious and solemn tone: "Elder, come on, this zombie is powerful!"

His words are true, and Luo Peng is indeed amazing. If an ordinary zombie touches the staff, it should be like an ordinary person touched a hot red soldering iron. The meat is cooked! But Luo Peng, after receiving it so many times with his hand, although he was also injured, it was definitely not that serious.

At this moment, the Taoist with a thousand faces shouted, and Si Kongying, according to the plan, turned his back to him and Luo Peng in front of him.

The thousand-faced Taoist flew in the air, and with a movement of his hand, a beam of light flickered in his palm. If it was a person who didn't know the situation, looking like that, he really came to help Sikong's head. However, both Sikongying and Luo Peng knew what was going on.

Here comes the red beard!


The Taoist Thousand Faces shouted and slapped it with a palm. A light flashed, but it hit the vest of the head of Sikong!

Humph, Si Kongying, you die!

In the eyes of that thousand-faced Taoist, the palm of his own sneak attack was not enough to kill him, but it was enough to hurt his vitality! At that time, the zombie who didn't know who sent it would definitely help himself. The so-called enemy's enemy is a friend. At that time, kill this Sikongying, and then work together to open the demon lock tower, and the big thing will be done!

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the head of the head, Si Kongying, suddenly turned back, holding a bamboo stick and struck him.


The beam of light was instantly dissipated, and at the same time, Luo Peng who was behind Si Kongying jumped up, facing the Taoist with a thousand faces, revealing his hideous features.

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