Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 141: Escape


Whether it’s at home or abroad, there is such a thing. Whether it really existed on the earth is currently unknown, but this kind of thing has different appearances. There are long horns and non-long horns. There are two horns, some with wings, some without wings, some like snakes and some like lizards...

In short, dragons in various regions are different. Dragons in the West generally appear as evil forces, and their hobby is to grab a princess. The image mostly has a huge body, with two strong hind legs for standing movement, two thin front legs for attack and other purposes, long horns on the head, and possibly horns on the back and tail. With wings on its back, it can fly, and it can usually breathe fire or something.

The domestic dragons are basically snake-like long bodies, covered in scales, with long horns on their heads, and the four dragon claws are basically the same size. They generally do not walk upright and can fly without wings, except for those with horns on their heads. Besides, there are basically no thorns on the body. In contrast to the fire-breathing in the West, dragons in China are generally gods who prosper clouds and rain. They are sacred images that can make local weather smooth.

However, some domestic dragons also have wings, and that kind of dragon is still a high-level dragon named Yinglong. It is said that Yinglong was there to help out during Xuanyuan's battle with Chiyou; when Dayu was controlling the waters, it seemed that Yinglong was also helping.

All in all, dragons have always played a role at the top of the pyramid, both at home and abroad!

And today, just above the clouds, I saw a dragon!

The kind of dragon in China! The first born with double horns, the whole body is silver, and there is horse-like mane on the back, swallowing clouds and fog in the air, and feet on auspicious clouds, flying up and down like an "8", stirring the wind and rain.

This rain is made by it!

"Dragon... there really is a dragon! A dragon that thrives on clouds and rains!"

Although there was only that moment just now, I am sure that I saw that, that kind of figure is absolutely impossible for other creatures.

"Ah? What's wrong, Fatty, what are you doing." Hu Jie's voice sounded in my ears.

"Ah? It's okay, it's okay." I stunned for a moment, waved my hand and said.

I am afraid that this kind of thing is beyond the world of our mortals. As I am now, it is inconvenient to intervene in this kind of thing. If I see a dragon and this thing is publicized, I don't know how much commotion will be caused. Panic, so it's better not to speak out.

But this would be fine. How could the rain from Shenlong not extinguish this flame? In no time, the fire across the mountain was completely extinguished, and there was no trace of sparks. At the foot of the mountain, the firetruck had arrived. In response to the heavy rain, the water gun was activated to speed up the process of extinguishing the fire.

Suddenly, both the disciples of Maoshan and the common people at the foot of the mountain cheered.

"Unexpectedly, it will rain in winter. If it snows, the fire will be extinguished not so soon."

"What do you know, this is science. As soon as the fire starts, the temperature here rises. As soon as the hot air rises and expands with the cold air above, just... I can't make up anymore, you come."

"Cut, nonsense, I'm still listening to the truth."

The fear caused by the fire is gradually disappearing, and a kind of joy after the disaster is gradually permeating.

"Let's go, go and carry them out." I said, taking Hu Jie and falling to Chixu's side, stretched out my hand and picked up Chixu, picked up Cheng Xu, and gave Cheng Qian to Hu Jie. Two people hugged three people and went down the mountain together.

Now the matter on the lock demon tower should be over. Go find them there, just to bring the real Elder Scarlet Bear over. They don’t know what caused them to be dizzy, and give it to Si Kongying and the others. There should be no problem.

But I didn't expect that not long after I walked down, I met Si Kongying and the Great Elder Xufeng who rushed up the mountain, followed by Luo Peng.

"Why are you here?" When I saw them, I was stunned. I still wanted to find you. Why did you come here by yourself?

Sikongying ran in the front and saw Hu Jie and I holding Chixu, and suddenly said nervously: "Is the one you are holding real?"

"Huh? The situation has changed?"

I lowered my head and looked at the Akashiko I was holding with my investigating eyes. Well, Akashiko is true.

"It's true, what's the matter, you let that thousand-faced Taoist go away? No, you three can't surround one."

"No." Si Kongying frowned lightly, shook his hand and said: "This matter will be explained to you later, you can give him to me, where did you find them?"

I handed Chixuzi and Cheng Xu to Si Kongying, and the elder Xufeng walked over and took Cheng Qian from Hu Jie.

"I found the three of them in the thatched house of Elder Akashiko. They were all fainted. It should have been stunned by the Taoist with a thousand faces. Later, there was a fire on the mountain. Thanks to Elder Akashiko's body protection light, Protected them."

"Well, it seems that there are a lot of secrets in this Akashiko, that mountain fire is not that simple, just..."

With that said, Si Kongying told me about those things in front of the Demon Locking Tower...

Just when they caught the Taoist with a thousand faces and trapped him in the magic circle, when the Great Elder Xufeng was about to directly urge the magic circle to strangle the Taoist with a thousand faces, suddenly, a white light flew from the sky! In addition, countless flying swords were scattered, coming straight to them, and a figure appeared in the white light.

The image of the man was like Murongxiao and Mu Chengfeng, all dressed in white, with fluttering hair and shabby skirts, like an ancient son. The face is beautiful and the skin is fair. The only flaw is that there is a scar on the left face of this man. Although the color is very light, it is a pale pinkish white, but on the white skin like snow, it is still hard not to be Find.

The man came by white light, and the white light behind him turned into a long sword, flying towards the masters present.

At this time, the Taoist with a thousand faces in the circle was immediately overjoyed: "Brother, save me!"

The person who came with a smile, stretched out his hand, a white light shot out from the palm of his right hand, which was three feet long, and then the invisible white light began to change, quickly appearing edges and corners, and turned into an object.

That is a sword!

The difference is that it is a pure white sword. Together with the blade and the hilt, it is white like a fluorescent lamp. It is not white reflected by reflections, but it is white in itself, and it will shine. !

"Ill!" The man swiped the sword with his left hand. Suddenly, the calm body of the sword suddenly ignited a white flame, and even the original blade disappeared, as if the flame was the blade.

Then, with a loud shout from him, the sword in his hand was chopped down like the sky, the white light flashed and the circle was cut in half!

At this time, Elder Xufeng, along with the head Si Kongying and Luo Peng, were all restrained by the flying sword imaginary in the white light, and there was no way to be distracted to deal with this man. His strength has actually reached this point.

In this way, under the gaze of the three of them, he rescued the Taoist with a thousand faces from the circle, and then flew away directly.

As they left, the flying sword turned into white light disappeared because the owner was too far away. Si Kongying and the others saw that the man with the thousand-faced Taoist flew in this direction. Moreover, they also watched the man burn the mountain with the white flame sword in his hand.

It's just that the flame is white on his sword, and when it reaches the mountain, it becomes a normal red-orange.

In the eyes of Si Kongying and others, he did this for two reasons. 1. The thousand-faced Taoist disguised himself as Akashiko, and he had only been undercover for a while, so Akashiko should be still on the mountain—this is what they think is the same as I think, and it is also true. The same-he burned the mountain to take the opportunity to kill Akiko. Second, I also want everyone in Maoshan to fight the fire, so that they are overwhelmed and give themselves more time to escape.

But unexpectedly, a ruthless heavy rain destroyed his plan, Akashiko was not dead, and they were not held back by it.

But... Si Kongying and the others really can't find those two people now, so this plan should be considered a success...

Although... whether there is this plan or not has nothing to do with the result. Ninety percent of them did not catch up because of their slow feet, and only the remaining point was attracted by the fire.

"Elder Xufeng, go and follow those two people first, and Elder Chibeko will leave it to me."

"Okay." Elder Xufeng agreed, and placed Cheng Qian in his hand on the ground, and the flying body chased forward again.

Si Kongying looked at Xu Feng's back and sighed. He put the two brothers Cheng Qian and Cheng Xu on the ground, lying side by side, as if they were in the thatched house, then pinched Dao's finger and closed it. Eyes, speak mantra.

After reading for ten seconds, Si Kongying suddenly pointed at the three people lying on the ground and shouted: "Get up!"

A golden light flashed, and the three people lying on the ground trembled all over. Then, there were some messy sounds in the throat, like the breath from the abdomen unconsciously passing through the mouth, gently touching the vocal cord, causing the sound.

Then, they saw that their closed eyelids began to tremble slightly, and their fingers jittered like a convulsion because of their recovery.

Well, the TV series honestly don't deceive me, shake your hands when you wake up since ancient times!

Slowly, all three of them opened their eyes and sat up.

"Oh my God, what's going on, this is a headache if you drink too much alcohol." Akashiko frowned and sat up, rubbing his temple with one hand, and supporting himself with the other. body of.

The two little apprentices also sat up and looked at each other, with a look of doubt on their faces, it seemed that they didn't know what was going on.

"Do you... know what happened?" I knelt down and looked into their eyes and asked.

The two little guys shook their heads blankly.

It seems that I don't know anything, too, the strength of that thousand-faced Taoist, in the state of the red beard drunk, wants to sneak attack them, it is simply too easy.

At this time Si Kongying also lowered his head and looked at Akashiko and said, "Akasuko, how much wine did you drink?"

"Huh?" Akiko looked at him, thought for a moment, and said, "I don't remember how much, but it's a lot anyway."

"You... horrified!"

Si Kongying straightened up again, sighed helplessly, and seemed to calm down for a while and said, "Elder Red Beard, do you know what day is today? You drink so much wine, how can you participate in the seal of the demon lock tower? !"

"I..." Chisuko was speechless for a while, and he hesitated for a while, then said: "I usually drink those wines without getting drunk. You know, I come out of my mother's womb without being drunk for a thousand cups. I'll wake up in a while, I...I didn't think too much."

"Hmph, the seal is ahead. Fortunately, wine is greedy. Even if no one pretends to be you, this is not a small matter."

"Oh, I see, not in the future... Wait, someone impersonating me?"

"Ah, yeah, it seems that you were really calculated when you were drunk." With that said, Si Kongying said all these things, including how to seal the lock demon tower, how to find out that there was an undercover, I How to make the plan, I said it all.

Akashiko was stunned for a while, and in the end Si Kongying finished speaking, but hadn't reacted to it. After a long time, he said, "I missed so many things."

After a while, he said: "There are people who dare to pretend to be me, and when I find him out, he will be killed on the spot after a mess!"

"It's alright, he has been beaten to death by us now, but then there is a more powerful one, like his brother, who rescued him, then the people who came later are quite personal, and their strength should not be underestimated. Ah, he also ruined your thatched house."

Si Kongying pointed to Akashiko's thatched house and said, looking at the excitement.

"Huh? Pretending to be me and ruining my house? No, I will kill these two people together!"

Akashiko jumped up and waved, the copper rod he had seen before appeared in his hand again.

The shape of a copper bat is roughly the same as that of a baseball bat. One end is thinner and the other end is thick, with few thin places and many thick places, but the whole body is made of brass, and the thick places are engraved with patterns.

Some of the patterns are similar to the "屮" and "廾" shapes, and some are shaped like ancient bronze masks, and some are in the shape of a sword hanging upside down... In short, the various patterns are carved on the thick copper rod. end. Are these shapes protruding outward as a positive side, or brass color; after being carved, the remaining shapes are concave inward, which is a black side.

This is his Red Beard's weapon, called Liuyun Bang!

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