Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 149: End of Maoshan trip

"Regardless of the method, can you think of a way for me to die immediately."

"Huh?" When I heard this, I was taken aback, why is there such a strange request? But when I thought about it, I understood.

"You are afraid of being caught by the demon of Christ, they tortured you, and you don't dare to commit suicide, or what they can do to prevent you from dying, so I want me to give you a good time."

"Yes." Zhang Zheng replied.

"Okay, it's easy, Li Cunhao, you too."

As I said, I stretched out my index finger of my right hand, and a purple-black light gleamed on the fingertips. As my heart moved, two rays were separated and shot directly at the two of them.

They didn’t resist at first, and their strength was not as good as mine. After only a moment, the soul-serving curse succeeded, which means that their lives will be controlled by me from now on. As long as one thought, you can live or die if you want to live. It's better to die than to live than to die!

"Okay, that's okay, right, you wait a moment."

I asked them to wait for a while and flipped their hands to make some movements that looked like a master, but in fact, they secretly asked Xiao Mo in their hearts.

Li Cunhao stayed, I'd better always take him with him, just like Lu Qijun, after all, I don't know when the people of Christopher Cult will appear, and things like encyclopedias are better to be with me.

But last time Xiao Mo said that my system can only install one person, Lu Qijun has been installed, and now there is Li Cunhao, what should I do? But now my level is no longer the same, so the number of people I can take will increase.


I asked, hey! Really!

Xiao Mo answered me like this: "Master, the premise I said at the time was that with your ability at that time, you were less than level ten at that time, so you can only pretend to be one person. If you are a ghost, you cannot pretend to be a ghost, let alone a ghost. There are more advanced creatures. But now you are at more than twenty levels, you can hold more people, and you can also hold more advanced creatures."

" tell me one by one what I can hold now and how much I can hold."

"Ah, it's like this..."

After that, Xiao Mo introduced it to me in detail.

To explain this, you must first popularize a knowledge, the ranking of species in the world. The demons and demons are the lowest, because they basically die from life to death, and it is difficult to cultivate. Secondly, some plants and fungi have no spiritual intelligence, but at least they live longer than those.

Going up, there are ghosts, and wisdom begins to appear here. Further upward are all kinds of animals. They are born with entities, and they are not afraid of sunlight, and their range of activities is greatly increased. On top of that are people, higher animals, possessing high intelligence.

Further up is the strange, which belongs to the incomplete form of the monster, and some low-level ghosts and monsters are side by side with them in this position. Needless to say, the demons, high-level demons, such as sisters, are side by side with them. Going up is the essence, and Slime Xiaonuo belongs to this rank. Above it is the spirit, and creatures such as dragons and wind belong to this rank.

Those who are higher than spirits are gods, and of course there are immortals, Buddhas, and demons alongside them.

This is the general ranking. It does not contain anything like microbes, and it is said that there is a kind of people called Shenmin, people who live in the Kingdom of God, they are side by side with Jing, and have a high status.

When I was less than tenth level, a person could only pretend to be one, and everything under the person could be pretended at will, which is why ghosts and monsters could not pretend at that time. After the tenth level, there are ten people who can pretend, and they can pretend to be monsters and low-level ghosts, but only one.

Now, after I have passed the 20th level, people can hold a hundred, monsters and low-level ghosts can hold ten, and monsters and high-level ghosts can hold one.

I thought for a while, this is so that every time you add ten levels, the creature ranking will be pushed up by one, and then a zero will be added after the limit number that can be loaded!

What's so special, I do the calculations, when I am over 90, the human limit number is one billion! Doesn't that mean... I can run around with most of our people by then.

If I reach level 100, I can make a great migration for people all over the world!

Move anywhere!

Just think about it!

But these are things for later, just now, Li Cunhao's problem has been solved.

So, I opened the purple-red mark on my chest, sucked Li Cunhao in, and told Xiao Mo, don't bully this person, and then told Li Cunhao, Lu Qijun, you bully...

Zhang Zheng, I also established a connection with him, just like a little clever ghost, even though he is not in my body, I can talk at any time.

In this way, the plan is finalized. Zhang Zheng is responsible for undercover and contact me at any time. If I find that something is wrong, I can save him. If I really can't save him, I will kill him with the soul curse to prevent him from torture.


In the evening, the head of Sikongying had a banquet in Maoshan, during which he also very vaguely warned those Gongmo who were still undercover among the disciples, not to do anything delusional. Originally, I wanted to teach them the investigative eye, but they suddenly said no, and they seemed to be less concerned about repairing the seal, which was a bit strange.

But I didn't think too much, they have their own arrangements.

They left the four Hundred Orbs, so it's useless for the four of us to stay here. After one night's rest tonight, we will all go back to each house tomorrow.

No, it's reasonable. Except for me, the three passers-by all had a good rest today. I'm the only one who used my brain and ran around. Your "rest tonight" is just for me.

But it was all right. I was speechless for a night. The next day, the rest of the roads all left. Only Big Brother Yu Zhan and the others came to talk to me individually. The Murong and Mu families ignored me at all, and didn’t know when. Go.

I went to ask Sikong the head again, when will the lock demon tower be repaired, and how will the remaining undercover agents be found? Are you sure you don't need my help?

The head of Sikong said: "You don't have to worry about these. Heaven has its own set of numbers. It is not something we can change. Don't worry."

Don't worry... Don't worry about your sister! Why did you suddenly change sex? !

But they all said so, I couldn't help out, so I packed up with Hu Jie, Daochang Tan and Luo Peng and got ready to go. Before leaving, I went to Tsing Yi to watch and I was alone with Nangong Yudao.

The third lens opens, on the other side, Tsing Yi view...

The things here are all I heard later, and I didn’t see it with my own eyes, but of course, many details were added for the sake of the story...

In the view, in Nangong Yu's room, the same man, dressed in a green robe, was standing in the dark, with a hood covering his face, sitting on the armchair. In front of him, Nangong Yu respectfully stood five steps away from him, lowered his head, folded his hands and pressed it against his abdomen.

"Is it really okay? I don't think those monsters can be obedient, it is better to be locked up. Although I don't like most people in Maoshan very much, but on this point, I am more consistent with their views, even if you don't kill. Don't let it go."

Nangong Yu didn't look up, but kept looking down at the ground, and said solemnly. In her eyes, the only thing she could see was, at best, the toes of the man sitting on the armchair, and she couldn't see it anymore.

In fact, as long as she looks up again, she can see more, but she will not look up. No, it's not that it won't, but...not dare!

"It doesn't matter, he can do it," the man said. "The guy under the Yuzhu Mountain in the capital, with the help of those ghosts and monsters, should have recovered somewhat. It is a good choice for him to lead these guys. Don't worry, these monsters are time to welcome the new life. Up."

"Then... What if they refuse to follow?" Nangong Yu asked.

"Did you not follow? There is already an answer to this, die." The man laughed and talked, as if it were a very funny question.

"I don't know what Maoshan thinks. The demon lock tower was built at the beginning because some monsters couldn't handle it, but they couldn't let them cause chaos in the world, so they did their best to lock them up. But now how is it spread? Is it messed up? If the strong one is closed, it will be closed, but the weak one is closed?!"

When the man said this, he suddenly got excited. He patted the arm of the chair and stood up, and started pacing back and forth in front of the Grand Master's chair. He continued: "This system should be abolished long ago. Those who have spiritual roots should be well enlightened. And that stone."

With that, he pointed to Nangong Yu.

"Kill those who have too much evil thoughts. They are doing a lot of this. Don't those who are idle have to lock up the weak ones too, make a good lock tower, making it look like a zoo."

The man said while pacing slowly. After he finished speaking, he took two deep breaths in angrily. He sat back on the chair of the master, tapping the arm of the chair with his right index finger. After a long silence, he said: "That little zombie, there is Don’t have any usual weapons?"

"Yes." Nangong Yu replied. "He loved to use knives before he was alive. Later, because I wanted to eliminate his killing intent, I didn't let him continue to use knives, and I didn't let him practice martial arts again."

"This can't work." The man shook his head. "He is not strong enough. In order not to be noticed, you gave up the opportunity to transform, but he can't. He must show his edge. You don't need to ask about this."

"Yes." Nangong Yu respectfully agreed, still with a tangled look on his face, he hesitated for a while before asking: "Master, how do you persuade Maoshan people to ignore those undercover agents and fix the locks? Sealed by the demon tower."

"Huh, I'm angry when you talk about this! These people, how can they put me in the eyes? I don't know what ideas those old guys have instilled in them. If it weren't for me to use the microphone After listening to the old guy’s dictation, they wouldn’t be so obedient."

Suddenly, he seemed to have a premonition, chuckled twice, and said, "Okay, I should go now, and he can't let him see me. That's the same thing. It's not when you are on the court. The first half is not over yet. Well, you can't be so anxious."


"If you have anything, use the token to find me, and go!" After speaking, he unfurled his sleeves, and a burst of blue smoke floated over his body. In a blink of an eye, the blue smoke dispersed, and no one was left. Up.

Nangong Yu knelt down on one knee and said, "Respectfully send the leader!"

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

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