Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 151: East China Sea Rebellion

"Hello, I'm here to alms."


In the audience, Ya Que was silent!

I looked at him, almost staring out! There is this kind of operation! ? When can I be as good as you!

Suddenly, I felt that everyone present, including the chef, including the waiter, including all the customers who had just eaten rice, could have their jaws dropped to the ground.

That's it, quiet for one second, two seconds, three seconds...

"Oh my god, don't stop me, I'm going to hack him!" The master chef just raised his knife and was about to rush out, and the three chefs behind him held his arms around his waist.

Several waiters were flushed and panting like a blower, especially the cashier. Looking at the expression, it should be the final confrontation between "anger at this goods" and "civilized norms of society and the kindness of human nature" in my heart. !

As for the fat monk, he still had a shy face, not ashamed or ashamed, looking at him and saying, "Why, too much? Then reduce it, and the rest..."

He looked back at the diners behind him.

They were still in shock. When they heard this, they immediately looked at the sky, scratching their necks, flipping the pockets, pretending to be dumb.

"Did you bring money?"

"No, I didn't bring my wallet, nor my phone."

"How about you?"

"Don't ask me, I just came." In fact, he has been eating for a long time.

"Um, there's something wrong with my family, I'm leaving now."


The cashier looked at the fat monk and suppressed the anger in his heart. He gritted his teeth and almost squeezed out a sentence from the roots of his teeth: "Do you know the consequences of eating the king's meal!"

I saw that, as long as the fat monk had to play with treasures, he would do it directly.

The fat monk might have also seen how angry he was, and immediately said with a serious face: "Oh, I made a joke with you, I can't help but make fun of it, rich and rich, wait a minute."

He said he would take off his shoes.

A few people looked at it, oh, this is private money? I looked over, and then I saw the fat monk take off his shoes. There was nothing but insoles inside, but a vaguely black smoke floated out...


At this moment, the waiters suddenly rolled their eyes, and a low voice came from their mouths, and they fell directly to the ground.

Those diners behind, those who were close didn't respond, and they all ended up like this. They reacted far away, hurriedly clutched their noses, and rushed out!

Outside the door, a stray dog ​​that smelled of beef happened to pass by. Suddenly he stiffened and jumped as if he was startled, then fell straight to the ground, foaming at the mouth.

My reaction was fairly quick, and I quickly condensed a small barrier with my force, blocking the three of us, trying to keep the deadly thing out, but still felt a bit tingling in my eyes. Hu Jie was even more obvious, her eyes red, and tears couldn't stop streaming. Moreover, seeing the barrier formed by magical force in front of him began to faintly turn green and turn black.

This is really a chemical weapon of mass destruction!

The fat monk laughed and put on his shoes again. Before the smell was gone, he swaggered out of the shop. Before leaving, he didn't forget to drop a bottle of wine from the counter...

I watched him walking from the back of the shop and turning around, feeling speechless in my heart. I was really talented. Then I heard him shouting from the sky outside: "Damn, fake wine! There is no benign manufacturer!"


The wine that I only drank was thrown to the ground, and it was smashed, and the transparent wine was flowing everywhere.

After a while, the smell in the room was blown away by the wind. I saw that it was almost done, so I removed the cover and took out a charm, which was a wake charm I bought from the system store. I chanted the incantation and waved my hand, and a piece of crystal light flashed, and the rain of paper charm covered everyone who fainted.

Immediately, those people woke up slowly, some of them sat up directly, touching their heads and closing their eyes; some were still lying on the ground, watching the ground spit and foam when they just fainted, and felt sick. In short, the sequelae are full.

I looked at them for a while, but the fat monk was a real treasure.

"Come on, we pay for this table." I said to the cashier who just woke up.

The cashier expert rubbed his temples, struggling to look at the bill with his eyes: "A total of one hundred and sixty-eight, sir."

I paid and took Hu Jie and Luo Peng out and drove home, no matter how they went to ask the fat monk for money. I did not plan to tell the people at Yunmiao Temple that he is here, because I really think he is not in Yunmiao Temple, it is a good thing for Yunmiao Temple, after all, it is also the place where the best masters in the world live, and it can be regarded as the world. The first temple, it is quite a matter to come out of such a product.

There is no need to say more about the rest. After I sent Hu Jie back to the Tongzhou Club, I took Luo Peng to my master, and let the master help him teach Luo Peng. Master and his elders also agreed very much, as if he would never refuse to come and teach everything.

"Then trouble Master, every time I have to trouble Master to help me teach these guys, I am embarrassed."

"Oh, are you still embarrassed?" Master said while drinking tea, looking at me with disbelief.

"...Oh, there must be polite remarks." I was speechless for a while, took a sip of tea, and said: "Luo Peng said he used to use knives before, but now he doesn't have knives for him. I think he is seven to eight hundred. The zombies who were cultivated in the new year do not fit his identity with an ordinary knife, so I first ask Master if you can find a good knife for him."

The master looked at me, smiled twice, and said: "You really regard me as a omnipotent. There are so many good knives in the world, let alone single-handed swords-he uses single-handed swords, right? Ah-the best single sword I have ever seen is the black sword. It is now in your hand, Senior Brother Luo Tian. I want to find another one. It's not easy."

"Yes, I know it is not easy, and I will try to find it, but you are so much better than me, and you have so much experience than me. I think it will be easier to find than me."

"Hmph, flatter again, all right, I will help you watch this matter, it's too early, you go back, otherwise Yaqin should come to you again later."

"Oh, yes! There's something else, then I'm leaving, Master."

I quickly put down my teacup and walked out of the house. Just two steps after I went out, Liu Tong didn't know where he came out, so he rushed over.

I didn’t come here once or twice, and as my level improved, my strength gradually increased. My current strength has surpassed He Lao San and Yin Si, and I am side by side with Liu Tong, but in terms of attack power, Still not as good as Brother Luo Tian's black fire sword. So, facing the sneak attack by Brother Liu Tong, I can handle it.

I caught a glimpse of Senior Brother Liu Tong from the back right and came out of the ground. He swooped in. I was shocked. I moved my feet and ran forward to the left with the Taiming Step, making him rush into the air.

Brother Liu Tong did not rush me, but he was not surprised, nor did he change his posture. Instead, he rushed straight to the ground. The moment his body touched the ground, he activated the escape technique and escaped into the ground again. Looks like diving.

Almost the next moment, there was a sound of ground breaking beside me, and Liu Tong appeared beside me, directly wrapped his arm around my neck, and said with a smile: "Little brother, it's been a long time, do you want to..."

"No." I interrupted him directly.

"I haven't said anything yet."

"Can you do something good?"

"Huh-how can you look at me like that? I will be sad. I am a reliable young man. I am touched by one of the ten most elegant young masters of the year, you..."

"Minato is shameless." I broke off his hand and turned to look at him: "You want to drink with me again? If you don't go, I'm exhausted, I want to go back to rest."

After speaking, I walked out.

Liu Tong hugged his shoulders and looked at me behind him, and said, "Do you think I have nothing else but drinking?"

"What can you do?" I shrugged, turned and walked directly to the door.

"There have been some unusual fluctuations in the East China Sea. The Sun Sect of the East Island seems to have a comeback, and it seems that there is a force that is about to move around. Not only the East China Sea, but the South China Sea is still surrounding countries. I am afraid they all want to join in the fun, I think , There should be something unusual there."


I looked back at him, and said that he could really do something business. I was a little surprised for a while, and then said, "Do you know what's inside?"

Liu Tong shrugged and said, "I don't know at the moment. I don't know if these strange forces were involved in the Donghai move. After all, now that Gongmajiao is headed, the world is in chaos. It's not surprising how many cult organizations, but the timing is so coincidental, it's hard not to make people suspect that there is a relationship between them."

"That's your guess, what's under the East China Sea?" I walked back and looked at him and asked.

"I don't know, but what makes them excited and crazy, it should be a treasure, weapon? A magic weapon? A panacea? It's all possible. And I think it's definitely not that easy. Around this treasure, 80% of them will have a guardian spirit beast. ."

After listening, I nodded. There is some truth. How can there be treasures that are so easy to get throughout the ages? They are so coveted that treasure, it is estimated that they will have to pay a high price.

"Are you going to have a look?" Liu Tong asked indifferently.

"I..." I hesitated, and said, "I'd better not go, just check it when necessary. After all, there are the Murong family guards in the East China Sea. They are there, and the Sun Jiao can't afford it. What kind of wave, plus Maoshan is nearby, I can't think of a big thing."

"That's true, but you, the agent of the Eastern Division of the Shadow Army, don't care about it at all because of an accident in the East Sea, you are too incompetent.

"...How do you know this."

"Huh, what can you hide from me." Liu Tong looked smug. "I'll tell you the truth, your position is too empty. With your current name as the president of the same boat club, you don't have to be the shadow army's vacant position. Once the two things collide, you still need to think about how to choose. "

When I heard this, my face was straightened. In my impression, I had never seen him so serious except the last time I beat the zombie on the mountain. I know that he is serious. Although he usually looks like a leisurely life and a game of life, he is indeed reliable when it comes to business.

"I will." I said sternly. "If there is nothing wrong, I will leave first."

After speaking, I saw that Liu Tong did not mean to say anything, so he turned his head and walked away. This time, he didn't stop me again.

I walked out of the door of Zhacaipu, just about to get into the car, I suddenly thought that the phone in my heart received the message. I opened it and found it was sent to me by Xue Biao.

The high-level leaders of the Shadow Army will return to the capital to hold a meeting every year before the end of the new year. First, they will summarize the events of the previous year, and second, they will have a plan for the next year. Now I am an agent in the Eastern Division, and I have the rank of lieutenant colonel. I am considered a small high-level person. I am supposed to attend this meeting.

And the date of the meeting was the day before the Spring Festival, in the new year.

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