Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 165: Nearly the year

The Shadow Army’s annual meeting ended in this way. It was a small episode. There weren’t so many things. I came here to meet people from all over the world... Although, I didn’t know a few.

Because my car happened to be restricted the next day, it will take a day to go back, so I just take advantage of this time to stroll around the capital and buy them some gifts by the way.

In the evening of the third day, Escalade returned to the garage of the headquarters of the Jicheng Tongzhou Club. On our dinner table, there was also a gift I brought back—the roast duck from Jingcheng Cheap House.

This cheap does not mean that the price is very cheap.

The world only knows Quanjude, but the ducks of Pianyifang are worse than others. The famous non-mainstream comedian is also the source of my happiness. The teacher Tao, who has the same surname as me, said: Eat roast duck, you must eat cheap shop, eat chicken, eat heavenly people...cough cough, cross it out!

In short, everyone is very happy...

The new year has passed, and New Year’s Eve has finally arrived. Everyone is beaming, but of course, there is also a downside, that is, some nearby shops closed early...

"If you didn't buy it, you still have the face to come back? Go to a place farther away!" Li Cunhao said to the helpless little devil, who could only obey orders.

That little ghost is just a two-stage sixth-order ghost. According to his strength, he can only be ranked inferior in the same boat club. It can be said that anyone can bully him. He is just a runner in the club. Poor level one, two, six levels, outside may be able to show off in a small place, but no matter the strength of everyone here is so bullying.

For example, for me, now, even if it is a three-stage ninth-level, it is not enough for me to play, unless the ghost level, there is no threat to me at all. As for Li Cunhao, he still has some strength, and he usually claims to be "the first running dog under the boss". He still has influence in the society. Those who don't know, really think he is a big man...

I saw that the kid was really pitiful, so I said, "Don't tell him, he is also very pitiful."

When Li Cunhao heard my voice, he turned his head in an instant, with a flattering smile that comes standard with top dog legs...

"Boss, you are here, come, sit down!" After speaking, he pulled a stool directly from behind.

I didn’t quite understand his image before. I had a small basket behind my back. I don’t know what to install. Today he pulled out a stool from it. I think I understand...

The word "dogleg" is so vivid and vivid!

"No need." I waved my hand again and again, this kind of enthusiasm really can't bear. However, I took a closer look at the stool he took out. Because I was fatter, I couldn't sit on a short stool. The tall one was comfortable. What he took was just a long-legged stool.

Li Cunhao saw that I was looking at the stool in his hand, and smiled: "Being a dogleg, you have to be the same! My lord, do you have any instructions for the elderly?"

...Will this name change for a while?

"Go ahead, I have nothing to say, put the stool away." I waved my hand, let him go, and then came to the courtyard.

Recently, there has been a new snow. The snow here in Jecheng is not as big as Yancheng. Like salt, it can only be spread on the ground. No thick snow can be accumulated, let alone snowball fights. By the way, the snowman is playing. I looked at the tree in the yard, and I always felt that there were shortcomings beside the trunk...

"Baron, go and give me those buckets of water."



The big plastic bottle with water burst into pieces, and the water inside was sprayed out and spread to the ground in front of him.

I retracted my hand and looked at the mist flying out in front of me carefully.

Sure enough, the water mist turned into icy **** and snowflakes in the air, and it fell on the ground. It was still like a water drop. It was already more than half of the original. After landing, it was quickly condensing because of the surrounding air-conditioning.

"Feasible!" I yelled excitedly, the ice armor on my right arm gleaming in the winter sun...

Even if it’s cold here, it’s impossible for the water to turn into snow and ice in the air. I’ve heard that Antarctica can be played like this, Jicheng...don’t expect it. The reason why it can be turned into snowflakes depends on my hand of ice armor. Since I learned how to derive the skills of the five behavior bases, I can master a little control of this element, but I haven't used it in practice. I didn't expect it to be used in this way.

"Come, come, a bottle of water is not enough, come again!"


In the entire courtyard, a very strange scene appeared. In other places, there was only a thin layer of snow on the ground, which could be wiped off with one touch. And only in front of me, piles of snow sandwiched with ice slag, thickly accumulated there, forming a hill.

Zeng Xiujie was stunned to look behind me. He just passed by and found out that I was making snow here. At that time, he called Geng Xi and Gao Yan to watch together.

Because the school was empty one day before the little girl, and everyone was on winter vacation, so they didn't need to go in shifts for a few days, they all went to the club, and then... they came to watch my performance.

"What kind of operation is this? What kind of breed are you, and you still bring snow?" Zeng Xiujie looked at the snow like a hill in front of him with a "unscientific" expression.

They actually did my tricks, but the problem is, it’s as if my skills come from the source, and they just take pictures of cats and draw tigers and learn the surface, so even though we all have ice armor and thunder hammer, we really have mastered it. Only me is the body of the elements like ice and thunder. Therefore, they can't realize the benefits of mastering the power of the elements, let alone my happiness.

After I finished the snow, I looked back at the three dumbfounded people: "Come on, don't froze, pile it up!"

Sure enough, the winter with snowman is the greatest respect for the new year.

I patted the snowman's body, trying to pat the snow more realistically, and suddenly after a glimpse, Hu Jie came over from a distance. With a thought, teleport! Huh-I went straight to her.


Hu Jie also didn't expect me to appear suddenly. A huge monster in front of me was shocked. She was about to fall backward when she slipped, and I stretched out my hand to support her.

"It's okay." I smiled and looked at her. At this time, she was wearing a black down jacket with the same color of fluff on the hat, a pair of jeans on the bottom, black cotton boots on the feet, and gold on it. Yellow ornament.

"Ah? It's okay, you... is this teleport?" Hu Jie looked at me and asked with some confusion, of course, with a little surprise in her tone.

I understood as soon as I heard it, and sighed and said, "Yes, yes, I will teach you in a while. Now I am having fun, do you want to build a snowman? Or have a snowball fight?"

"No... let's forget it." Hu Jie said with regret, watching the three guys including Zeng Xiujie who were preparing snowballs and snowball fights after the piled snowman, with some yearning in her eyes.

Is this strange expression...

I looked at her with the investigative eye, but the result was the same as before. It seems that the investigative eye cannot be used as a doctor, but if I guess correctly, she doesn't want to play in the snow, mainly because of physical reasons.

"Okay, I know, come on, I'll give it a try." I said, raising my hands with ice armor on them, and I began to release an ice blue light, like smoke and like You Guang began to spread to Hu Jie's body, but when he was about to touch her, he changed direction, spinning around her whole body.

This can only be a small thought of mine, because after I acquired the ice armor and mastered a little ice element, I found that my anti-freezing ability was significantly improved! This is for sure, ice will not be frozen to death, the ice element itself is the coldest ice in the world. So I wondered whether Hu Jie could become cold-resistant.

Of course, it is impossible to give her the ice element directly. I can't transfer the elemental origin to others, but can I make a protective layer of ice element beside her so that I can not fear the severe cold.

It's like I am afraid of swords myself, but if I wrap myself in iron armor, I won't be afraid of swords.

Facts have proved that this method is feasible! Also because I just made snow, I have greatly improved the control of ice attributes and gained experience, so I have succeeded now, but...

I need to keep sending for Mao!

Just like household appliances, if the cord is unplugged, it will run out...

"Hey? Brother Rui, what are you doing?" Erhuo Geng Xi suddenly saw me and Hu Jie walking over like a Siamese baby. The two of them were walking in tandem with an ice blue light in the middle, like walking on their own. Mobile phones and power banks...

"Why? Huh! Hu Jie, beat him!" I need to transport the ice element with my hands. I don't have time to get a snowball, so let Hu Jie come alone.

Suddenly Hu Jie was not afraid of the cold but was also very excited. He directly picked up a snow ball, pinched it firmly, and threw it over! Hit the bullseye!


Zeng Xiujie and other people looked at Geng Xi who was confused, and all laughed.

"Ah--! I'm fighting with you!"

A group of people had a lively snowball fight. For some reason, they obviously didn’t participate by themselves, but they felt extremely happy. It had never been like this before. So many people spent the new year together, and there were so many familiar people of the same age. People, fight and fight together.

A few people had a snowball fight, and I suddenly discovered that Hu Jie's accuracy is really good. One accuracy and one accuracy test greatly test people's prediction and position. Could it be that it was thrown by the fire talisman before?

As a result, when I was thinking about this question, a big snow group suddenly "slapped"! It hit me.


Geng Xi, he is so special!

And he seemed to have discovered the New World, looking straight at me, I had a bad feeling...

"Brother Rui, you seem...can't resist."

...Your uncle!

is not that right! I have to transport the ice element with both hands, can I resist it? !

At one point in his words, Zeng Xiujie and Gao Yan also reacted. It seems so, there is one person who can't resist during this snowball fight... Then what are you waiting for? !

"Brothers, the time has come for revenge! The old hatreds and hatreds are all caught up today!"

As soon as the voice fell, a few people suddenly threw up snowballs, and they called me all at once!

This is so bad for me! I can't just be beaten like that, letting Hu Jie act as a shield is even more impossible. Hurry up and shout: "Hu Jie, you go back to the house and rest."

After finishing speaking, I directly removed the transport of the ice element, hugged her from behind, and teleported directly to the nearest room. If you look from the window, you can still see it.

"Well, there is heating here, so you can watch it with peace of mind and see how I teach them!" After speaking, he teleported directly and returned to the courtyard.

Several people were taken aback when they saw me disappearing suddenly, and then they saw me coming back alone, with a green face.

Not good, pills!

After freeing my hands, I waved my hand directly, and the ice element started again. The snow that was just made, except the snowman, all moved, and began to automatically turn into spherical objects...

The three of them looked at the snow around them, their expressions gradually losing control.



In the winter, the happy (?) voice of the little friend echoed in the air, and the atmosphere became stronger as the year passed. Next to the tree, the snowman I deliberately protected was still standing, like a symbol of joy for us people.

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