Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 208: Big Red Lotus!

"Big Red Lotus?!"

"Sister Yaqin, what is Dahonglian?" I asked.

"Don't say anything else, just this name sounds pretty domineering." The fat monk also turned his attention here, with an unclear expression on his face.

Senior Sister Yaqin took the small pot and looked at it carefully, as if she didn't believe it, but in the end, she closed her eyes in pain and finally accepted everything.

"Everyone!" Senior Sister Yaqin said, looking around us, and finally stopped her eyes on Uncle Gongwang. "Especially this one, you are the patient's father, you must be mentally prepared."

This sentence, spoken from the doctor’s mouth, would be like an ultimatum and handing you a death notice!

As soon as Uncle Gong Wang heard this, his pupils suddenly shrank only a little bit, his eyes went dark, his feet swayed, and he almost fell! Fortunately, I was right by my side, and I hurriedly grabbed it, and my force slid behind him, before I adjusted the tone.

Uncle Gong Wang was pressed by my back with my hand, and he gasped for a breath. Then I became more sober. Looking at the senior sister Yaqin holding the jar in front of him, and Gong Xiaoting lying on the bed, he said no for a moment. When the words came out, Ruku was in his throat, panting heavily, his chest rising and falling.

"Uncle Gongwang, don't worry, there must be a cure, Senior Sister Yaqin, tell me! Is there any cure?!"

Senior Sister Yaqin looked at me, pursed her mouth in embarrassment, lowered her head and hesitated, finally raised her head and said: "This shouldn't have been said, but there is really no way, Dahonglian Gu technique, It belongs to the strange Gu that should have been extinct hundreds of years ago! Gu seedlings are as small as dust, and can enter the human body with breathing. Once it occurs, it will begin to absorb the host's energy, blood and energy, and humans will become like this. "

She said, pointing to Gong Xiaoting who was lying on the bed.

"If it weren't for the fat monk's rosary to suppress the big red lotus, I'm afraid this girl would have already..."

Senior Sister Yaqin lowered her head and didn't dare to go on. The fat monk beside her was heartless and laughed and said, "Hey, hey, look, it's my credit to Buddha!"

I continued to follow Uncle Gongwang's back with my hands to help him calm his blood, listening to the fat monk laughing aside, I was angry at the time, and I turned my head and gave him a look!

The fat monk was still smiling. He was glared at me, and he suddenly seemed to have received a huge blow. The voice stopped abruptly. He looked stiffly at me who was glaring at him, then slowly looked away and lowered his head. Eat your own chicken legs and no longer care about the situation here.

I didn't care about him either. While helping Uncle Gongwang to follow my breath, I looked at Senior Sister Yaqin and said, "Sister, just say it, what will happen? Uncle Gongwang, what do you think?"

Uncle Gong Wang seemed to be stunned. Hearing what I said, he just shook his head slightly, did not speak, and said for a long time: "No...I'm fine, you can say it, I can accept it, my daughter will change. What does it look like?"

Senior Sister Yaqin frowned and sighed: "This big red lotus is a plant-based Gu. It will absorb nutrients in the host's body and begin to root and sprout in the host's blood vessels and internal organs. Eventually, the branches will break open the skin. Stretch out, kill the host, but also absorb the nutrients from the corpse, insert the roots into the ground, and the branches will continue to grow upward, and even grow into a towering tree!"

"Giant trees?!"

"It's all recorded in books, and I don't really believe it. It shouldn't use humans as the host, but use some kind of huge animal, human-sized body nutrients, and it should not be possible to cultivate towering trees. "

"But... the ones in front are definitely going to appear, right."

"...Hmm." Senior Sister Yaqin hesitated for a while, and finally nodded. "According to the time of that Gu attack, if it weren't for this rosary, at this time, it is estimated that the branch has already washed out of the skin."

When she said this, the fat monk raised his head again, as if he wanted to see that maybe he could have another shiver, but after seeing my expression, he lowered his head very sensibly.

"Then... Senior Sister, can you solve this Gu?"

Senior Sister Yaqin looked at me, then looked at Uncle Gongwang, and shook her head helplessly: "This big red lotus has not appeared since hundreds of years ago. The solution to it has long been lost... No Probably hundreds of years ago, there was no way to crack this Gu, and there was no way to solve it at all. It does exist in this world."

"Then... what should I do?" I asked.

"In this situation, there is only one way." Senior Sister Yaqin put down the small pot and said while looking at Gong Xiaoting.


"That is, the person who found the Gu!"

"Gu's...people." I looked at Senior Sister Yaqin and repeated what she said just now.

"Yes, I don't have a way to solve the big red lotus here. If this Gu technique is not completely impossible to crack, then the person who knows how to crack it should be the one who killed it."

"You can be broken if you can download it, it makes sense! Uncle Gongwang!"

I quickly called Uncle Gongwang. He was still in a daze at this moment. He turned his head to look at me when he heard my call. He didn't react yet, but stared at me in a daze.

"Uncle Gongwang! Xiaoting can still live! She still has to save! Uncle Gongwang, think about it, where did you go?!"

Uncle Gong Wang was still a bit immersed in sorrow, but I yelled twice, and suddenly reacted, his face suddenly changed color.

"Really?!" Uncle Gongwang looked at me, exclaimed excitedly, then looked back at Senior Sister Yaqin, and asked uneasy: "Really can it be saved?!"

Senior Sister Yaqin wanted to say that it was not necessarily true, but before she opened her mouth, she saw me winking at the back as a hint. She stopped abruptly and said, "It must be!"

When I said this, both of us were very guilty. must be able to? Oh, this is hope.

"So, Uncle Gongwang, quickly recall where you all went, where is Gong Xiaoting in the more detailed the better!" I said quickly, leading the topic to the past.

Uncle Gong Wang heard what I said and immediately nodded, frowned and thought about it for a while, then started from the beginning.

They took a flight to Yunzhou, first looked for a hotel, and there was still a while before the meal, and then strolled around in places like nearby parks. After dinner, they visited the night market, and the next day they went to a forest park...

I told us all about the itinerary one by one, and for fear of what I had gone wrong, I said everything about the meal. I really want to say that there is no need to tell us what I ate, but seeing that he is eager to save the girl, I really can't bear to interrupt, so I let him say it.

Speaking of the last, I finally got to the root!

They don't like the cultural landscape very much when traveling. What they like most is the natural scenery, so they chose Yunzhou, and it is a place very close to the border. The deep mountains and old forests are naturally their favorite places to go.

You just say you don't want to die! If you go anywhere else, Yunzhou, in the southwest border, is densely covered with insects and snakes, let alone Gu art, even if it is given a bite by some poisonous snake, it is not fun!

"In other words, on the last day, you went to that ancient village, and Gong Xiaoting went to Houshan."

"Yes." Uncle Gongwang nodded. "After playing, we went back, and something went wrong when we went back!"

" seems to be right there, Uncle Gongwang, don't worry, the person who downloads the Gu must be there. We will set off right away and go to Yunzhou to find that person and ask him to surrender and crack the red. Lian’s method! If he doesn’t comply, we will hit him until he complies!"

"Okay, then I'll go too!"

"No, you can't go!" I quickly raised my hand to stop Uncle Gongwang.


"Uncle Gongwang, that place is extremely dangerous, especially the Gu technique is unpredictable and unpredictable! You are an ordinary person, it is easy to learn! We can't let you get Gu! You just stay. Take good care of Gong Xiaoting."


"Uncle Gongwang, don't worry, we can't take Xiaoting around. She must stay here to cultivate. Of course, someone must take care of her. You are the most suitable. If you follow, even if not Zhong Gu may also be confused because of concern, and other problems may arise."

I have been persuading Uncle Gongwang not to go. In fact, there are two purposes, one, as I just said, I am afraid that he will be in danger, and that he will be confused if he cares, and there are other problems, but the important thing is the second. !

We just boasted about Haikou, Gong Xiaoting's Great Red Lotus Gu must be solvable, but in fact, there is no bottom in her heart.

I don’t know if I can find that person; if that person is obedient, I don’t know; if we force him to surrender the solution, I don’t know if he will commit suicide directly! Even more, he doesn't know if he will crack it himself!

There are too many variables, and if Uncle Gongwang gets an unsatisfactory result in the first time, he will definitely not be able to hold it! He has lost his wife, only his daughter is left. If her daughter has another accident, this person will be over!

Therefore, we can't take him there. If the result is really not so ideal, we can still think of other ways to report the good and not the bad.

When the time comes, I will look for some superior people, such as Shepan Town. I will go to Taolin to see. He rushed to bow to me last time. He should have seen my identity. I am busy at this point. Help me.

"Yeah, you can stay here to take care of the patients. We will solve the problems over there." Senior Sister Yaqin also said.

"We... Senior Sister, won't you stay?" I wondered.

"I have nothing to do with the big red lotus, and it is useless to stay, but I still understand some other small Gu techniques. I will follow you to help you avoid danger."

" makes sense, then Sister Sister, please come with us, but Xiaoting and she..."

"Let Master take care of it, and there are others. Although they don't show up, they still exist. They are not as good as my medical skills, but they are enough to take care of a patient." Senior Sister Yaqin patted her chest and stretched out again. The thumb said, motioning me to rest assured.

"Hey, I heard it." At this moment, the master's voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"Master?!" I rushed to open the door. Sure enough, the Master was outside the door, looking at us helplessly, and by his side, Senior Brother Liu Tong also appeared, looking like a crowd eating melons.

"Oh, Sister Yaqin, you have to go too, Luo Tian's boring gourd has taken the two brothers out to get rid of the demon. It's estimated that it will take a few days. Now you have to go too. There is no one in this room, pitiful. I will be lonely."

"I don't care if you are dead." Senior Sister Yaqin looked at Senior Brother Liu Tong who was playing treasure, and said indifferently.

I walked up to Master and bowed my hands in prayer: "Master, Xiaoting will ask you to take care of me first, and we will be back soon."

"Hey, what's the matter, my apprentice should naturally help me, don't worry, I can still take care of a little girl, but do you think who will be taken this time?"

I raised my head, thought for a moment, and said, "I just came back, and I don’t know what's going on at the Tongzhou Club. Baron, I want to keep him there. He is still in charge of handling affairs! The rest... It's Gu technique, it's better not to bring people, Bi Long!"

When I called, Bi Long, the soul of the army, suddenly appeared beside me.

"Do you want to stay here, or go to Yunzhou with me to find the person who downloaded the Gu."

"I would like to listen to Mr. Arrangement." Bi Long didn't answer directly at all, and threw the question to me again.

"You...well, follow me. For the rest, wait for me to return to the same boat club before making arrangements. Give priority to ghosts and try not to bring humans, Master, what do you think?"

Master held his beard in his hand, smiled, and said, "Guo Rui, your arrangement is very good, but if you don't bring humans every time you encounter this kind of thing, wouldn't they have fewer opportunities to exercise?"

"Uh... yes!"

"So, let's take two. For example, that kid has been bored for a long time. It's time to take him out for a tour."

"That? Who." When I heard the master speak, I suddenly didn't know who he was referring to, a little confused.

Master looked at me like this, suddenly a little amused: "Why? Did you forget? You are with me, but you have left a general!"

As soon as the voice fell, a person walked over from the other side of the yard and said, "Brother, do you remember me?!"

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