Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 318: Meet Tao Lin again

"You haven't been here for a long time. This time, it shouldn't be to chat with me about family affairs. It seems that there is something to do with me."

In the room, Tao Lin was sitting on the futon, wearing a peach-colored robe, slowly pouring herself a cup of tea, and asked with a smile.

"My elder brother is really good. I do have some trouble with my brother and need help from my elder brother."

I stared at the teacup in front of me and said, some of them didn't dare to look up at him. They didn't come after the knot, and only came when something happened. It didn't look like a serious knot, as if I was using him.

In front of me, a cup of tea was plain and dull, slightly reflecting my shadow, but it was blocked by the curling heat, and it could only become a blur in the end.

He just poured tea for me first and then poured it for himself.

But Taolin didn’t seem to care about this, she just kept a faint smile, looked at me and said, “As a elder brother, how can I not help if my younger brother is busy? But I’m wondering what the problem is. Let your unscrupulous brother come here to find me."


I could hear that he was joking, but the problem is that this is a fact, so this is a bit embarrassing, and for a while I don't know how to answer.

Tao Lin saw my embarrassment and smiled to make up for it: "Oh, just kidding, don't care, let's talk about it, what's the matter?"

"Um... well, my brother speaks bluntly, and I don’t have ink marks anymore. I have a friend who has been hit by Gu, and now there is no way to solve this Gu, so I thought of a new idea, that is, by one person. Take out this Gu, and let another person heal the veins, brother, you..."

"Ah, I see, you are planning to let me be one of these two people, sigh... I will treat the illness and save people twice. I don't know how to solve Gu. I don't know if you want me to be the current one or the latter. One."

"The Gu in her is a plant-type Gu. Now that thing has taken root in her body meridians. I think, if you want to extract it, there must be someone who is proficient in wood attribute spells. Only brother."

"Huh?!" Tao Lin raised her eyebrows seemingly surprised. "This makes me a little flattered, and I started to compliment me. It seems that I have to help with this task! Yes, I am really fine-tuning wood attribute spells, but I can't guarantee success. After all, this I haven’t done anything about taking plants from the human body, and it’s Gu poison.

"It's okay, I believe you!" I said quickly.

My brothers still settle accounts. Although I don't want to make this white brotherhood too utilitarian, sometimes it is better to say a few words.

"One more thing, although I can treat illnesses and save people a little bit, after all, in the wood spells, there are also healing spells that extend through the powerful vitality of plants, such as the'spring breeze blowing and regenerating', but in the second half, the poison is taken out. I don’t have much spectrum in my heart who directly treat meridians, you..."

"Brother don't worry, I have asked someone to find it. If the result is satisfactory, they will tell me."

"That's it! When will you leave? I'll go with you."

"Better right now!"

We would rather wait for them than let them wait for us! Go early and good!


The work of repairing the city wall is a big job. The monsters who are good at soil spells gathered on the side of the city wall and began to collect materials on the spot, directly solidifying and shaping the clay block that had just been broken up, and then moved it up to repair the city wall. A large group of monsters with weapons in hand stared at the woods aggressively, for fear of the enemy's sneak attack.

But in fact, after this defeat, the vitality of the inner monsters was also damaged, so how could they immediately return?

But these peripheral monsters have just won a big victory, and when they are happy they can’t wait to recoil and beat them all at once. They all feel so excited that they can’t sleep anymore. Hardly need to say, they came to stand guard consciously, and there are still some expectations in their hearts , Want them to come!

In the room, Laosan He also woke up. Everyone admired Mr. Lu's medical skills once again. With a touch of his hand, he smoothed the scars and turned his spirits back with a touch of his finger.

"Now you have seen this situation. I really can't go if these things are settled, so I can't agree to what you said now."

In the chamber, Mr. Lu sat in the first seat and said with a look of embarrassment. He was full of rejections, but the people sitting underneath were really worried, only He Laosan and Yin Si...

Senior Sister Yaqin winked at both Tie Ning and Cheng Qianyu, and signaled them to stop talking, and pretend to be a bit like by the way, don't talk too much, let them raise it by themselves.

"Ah? This... old man, that girl is really poor, and her father, who is watching day and night! We all look distressed, but we don't have that great ability, sir, you can do it , Save her! It won't take much effort!"

He Laosan said tears came down.

Although we have been fighting for this, they have been there for such a long time, that is to see the appearance of Gong Xiaoting and what state of Uncle Gongwang is!

People are compassionate, big or small. The two of them are obviously big ones. I heard that Mr. Lu won't go out of the mountain. I remember that there is nothing we can do!

If he really doesn't get out of the mountain, Gong Xiaoting will be helpless when he comes, and second, how can he explain it to me?

In their cognition, I have found the wood mage--of course, the actual situation is true--if this is not successful, wouldn't it be a waste of all previous efforts? !

"'s really difficult. If I can stop here, I might have time to go, but now, although a deer demon is dead, there are still three of the four pioneers. The man in black is also there, this..."

Mr. Lu pretended to be embarrassed and said, tempting He Laosan to speak out by himself.


"In this way, we will help you handle the matter here. Will you go and save people?"

"it is good!"

He Laosan: "?"

Why does it seem... something is wrong?

"You said that a long time ago, then this is easy to handle. This is indeed the best way. Just watching your performance, it should be no problem to deal with those people. At least those guys who call themselves pioneers can't beat you. Yes, just do it, there is no other way."

Mr. Lu said earnestly, got up and walked down to He Laosan's side, and patted him on the shoulder: "It's up to you, maybe it's fate, let you here, our situation has not changed for so many years. You have ushered in a big victory as soon as you arrived! This deadlock requires you to break!"

"Uh...Yes." Seeing the person in front of him, He Laosan suddenly changed his style, and he didn't react for a while, only replied mechanically relying on instinct.

"That's good, it's up to you!" Mr. Lu nodded heavily, turned around and walked away with his hands behind his back. He has the temperament of an old gentleman, just like that of giving his disciples the ability to teach, and then feel relieved. Kind of...

"Why do I feel a little weird?" He Laosan looked at the back of Mr. Lu's departure and leaned his body to the side of Yin Si, and said with some suspicion.

"I also have this kind of "catch foot"."

"It's an illusion!" The others said in unison...


"This is Lurenjia?!"

In the cave in the back mountain, beside the original ring dog and the sheep army, there is one more at this time, ah no, there are a few more, lying on the ground...

It was the man in black who had just returned, dragging the dead and scorched corpse of Lurenjia, and of course there are others, whether it is the outer or inner ones, lying on the ground anyway, As long as the expensive one is not right, pick up the strong one and grab it back!

But of course, Lurenjia is the most conspicuous. Just after the man in black came back, he rushed into the back mountain without saying anything. The guards were shocked, and they went straight to the cave and turned the ring. Both of them were dumbfounded.

"There are indeed a few difficult guys out there, the main one is a fat guy, especially cheap..."

"..." Huangou frowned. "Bane... is not part of the strength, and it seems that you can't say this. I remember that you used to be very defiant, and you would be scared?"

"Afraid? No, I'm not afraid, this kind of guy, I just don't want to fight this kind of person, if you meet him, you will think so." The black man said coldly. , Remembering everything after I met the fat monk in my mind, I felt sick at the time.

He believes that as long as he can fight well, he can definitely defeat him, but this guy doesn't know why there is a barrier around him, his thunder and lightning can't penetrate it, and this thing is shaped by magic weapons, and he can't copy it. That's all, what do you mean by barrage of ridicule? !

"Then what do you do now? No matter how much you say, no matter how weaker you are that fat man is said, you haven't taken him, if they attacked and brought that fat man, what would you do? ?!"

"He came just right, I just grabbed him and fed him to the general!"

"Okay, that kind of thing, I don't know what will happen after feeding the god, he..." Huangou said, pointing to the Lurenjia lying on the ground. "Do you want to feed him to the general?"

"There is no way, because that fat guy, our sneak attack was discovered by them prematurely, so that they were fully prepared. I was able to bring back the elite troops of this guy is the best result. If this guy hadn't stubbornly wanted to avenge his two descendants, he wouldn't appear in this image now."

"Okay, you can't waste it, um... Yang Jun, you go out first and tell them to be prepared. The guys on the periphery may rush over for a while. You can call them to defend."

"Hey, great!"

The Yang Jun urn replied angrily, turned around and left the cave and ran to Dazhai.

Huangou kept listening to his footsteps changing from big to small, indicating that he was far away. Then he said: "Hey, you did a very good job. That kind of fool is not a pity because of small losses. We will dedicate part of the resources in our hands, and we will soon be able to cultivate another one!"

"Yeah." The man in black did not speak, but simply nodded in agreement, waved his hand, and threw Lu Renjia and the corpses onto the monster in the coffin.

This thing is what they call a god.

The corpses had just entered the coffin. Suddenly, the runes on the surrounding stone pillars all gleamed, but the place that was worn away was still dim.

After that, an emerald green light flashed from the monster's body, and it seemed that a weird little ghost was faintly climbing up from it. The body was illusory, and it couldn't be seen. It only knew that there was a pair of eyes and a little ghost. Open your mouth.

It was this big mouth that bit directly on the corpse, as simple as cutting tofu, eating a few mouthfuls without stopping, almost in the blink of an eye, he swallowed all the body as big as Lurenjia. , And then turned the target to the rest of the people.

However, after a few seconds, the corpses that had just been thrown in were all swallowed by it, and the light on the monster's body became purer, visible to the naked eye.

Ring dog can feel that this guy who belongs to the same ancient creatures as himself, has a stronger aura!

On the other side, the sheep army returned to Dazhai from the back mountain and immediately summoned soldiers to defend against a sneak attack, but no one noticed it. At this moment, a naked fat man walked down the woods to the village...

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