Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 351: Ancient city under the sea!

In the military camp, in the tent, a person who was wrapped up like a mummy was lying on the bed. Although his eyes were open, he was a little dumb. He looked straight at the top of the tent in a daze with a trance.

"He just woke up. The previous experience was too complicated, which made him exhausted physically and mentally. At this time, he couldn't react." The military doctor explained to Duan Qingtian with the notebook.

"Have all the indicators returned to normal?" Duan Qingtian asked intently looking at the person on the bed.

"Ah, don't worry about this. Although it has not fully recovered to the level of a normal person, it is not a major problem, at least it is much better than when it first started."

"Yes, yes!" A female doctor who looked strange and bluffing on the side also agreed. "When I first sent him here, we were all taken aback. His body was as white as snow, he was covered with lumps, and his skin was so cold that he would survive."

"God bless me, God blessed my Shenlong great country, but I picked up a life from the vast ocean. He will definitely bring us hope."

"Right, right, right! If you don't die in catastrophe, you will have luck!"

Several people said this, their expressions were full of excitement and joy. After all, it is really difficult to save a person like this, and when it is really done, it is tantamount to a happy event with multiple-choice questions!

All military doctors, even those who were known for being calm and calm before, were a little bit happy at this time, as if they had seen victory.

But in some respects, this is indeed a victory.

You know, that submarine has a total of two people, and the original purpose is to explore, not attack, so the preliminary preparations will definitely not be as complete as the official launch. And Rao is so! Anyone who survived, and returned to the land through the sea, this is a kind of victory!

This is tantamount to telling them that there is nothing to fear from the forces that are still being laid down. Two personnel responsible for detection can escape one. If the army is crushed, how can they not win the battle? !

They were excited and delighted, but Duan Qingtian always had a gloomy face. He looked at the man lying on the bed, thought for a while, and called the soldier back.

"Come on!"

Outside the tent, a few soldiers had already prepared to wait for the commander's dispatch. Upon hearing the summons, they entered immediately!


"Immediately contact the family of the other person. He should not be able to return. Just like the soldiers who died in battle, how to bury, how to deal with, how to compensate, everything is up to them."


The soldiers agreed and turned and went out.

Those who care for the living must also care for the death. This is what an officer should do!

Duan Qingtian walked to the person and looked at his face. At this time, his face was still a little pale. He had been soaked in the water for too long, and he must have been very tired after swimming such a long distance. It is impossible for the treatment time to completely return to normal.

The patient seemed to feel Duan Qingtian's breath, and the eyes that had been staring at the top of the tent began to move, like a mechanical movement, moving his gaze to Duan Qingtian's face.

"It's me, Duan Qingtian, how are you?" Duan Qingtian looked at him and said softly.

The man looked at Duan Qingtian as if he had forgotten everything. He still had that kind of straightforward, stunned look. He just changed the subject from the top of the tent to Duan Qingtian’s face, without any reaction. No feelings of love.

"This..." The doctor was startled, afraid that he could not cure him well. Just about to explain, Duan Qingtian waved his hand and said: "It's okay, this is normal. Let him react for a while, his reaction speed, It must be a lot slower than normal people."

As he said, he stretched out his hand to hold the person's hand, and the touch of the skin on his hand immediately told him the person's condition at this time.

The whole person seems to be the wrong phone film, a bunch of bubbles, of course, for him, this is not a bubble, but a blister, the result of a long time soaking in the water, the skin is swollen. Although treatment has been carried out, it is impossible to eradicate it so quickly.

"Look at me, it's me, Duan Qingtian, you are my soldier, what do you see below? Tell me, okay? You are safe, you are our pride."

As Duan Qingtian spoke, he secretly used his palm and slowly injected it into the person's body through his palm. This slight mana was like a trickle, and it began to flow in his veins to help him recover.

But the strength shouldn't be too big, he is too weak, once the strength is too big, it may directly blast his meridians and blood vessels.

After just injecting it for a while, the person finally got some expression in his eyes. Looking at Duan Qingtian, as if he finally understood something, his expression began to get excited, his mouth opened, and the corners of his mouth twitched vigorously.

"Duan, Duan, Duan Jun...long."

It's done!

"He spoke!"

Everyone present was overjoyed, he spoke! This means that this person's spirit has begun to recover, and the most important thing is that his thinking has also begun to recover, and he can recognize the person in front of him!

Duan Qingtian himself was also a little excited, and quickly adjusted his mentality, lest his emotions fluctuated and the input was too large, which would break his meridians.

"It's me, how are you? Do you remember what Qing saw below?" Duan Qingtian asked softly, trying not to stimulate him.

The man looked at Duan Qingtian, and it took a while to realize what he was asking, his eyes suddenly had the color of memories, he looked away, stared at the top of the tent again, and began to remember.

Duan Qingtian didn't urge him, but looked at him quietly. All the people present were holding their breath, for fear that some sound would interrupt his thoughts.

Now he is like an extremely sleepy person, recalling some things in bed, his thoughts are likely to be interrupted by some random thoughts! And the most important thing is that he himself would not be able to distinguish those that are true and those that are cranky.

This is not a child's play, he must be kept in the most sober and true state.

The man looked at the top of the tent, thought for a while, and suddenly said, "Ancient city."

"Ancient city?"

"Yes, ancient city! Under the sea, there is an ancient city, with city walls, urban areas, streets, houses, restaurants and cafes, and houses for sellers, but one."

He was lying on the bed, his eyes became hollow, as if those scenes were in front of him, and he could touch them with his hands.

Duan Qingtian frowned and asked in a low voice: "You mean that the city under the sea is an ancient city, surrounded by walls, and there is an urban area, right?"


"Then have you seen its name clearly? What city is it called?" Duan Qingtian asked again.

The man thought for a while and shook his head slightly, too small to see clearly: "No, I didn't see the name."

"Then... there is no one in the city, what happened later?"


According to him, when the two of them were riding in a submarine, they were suddenly sucked away by a force of suction. As far as they could see, there were gravel and water plants that were also sucked away. The seawater in front of them was caused by suction. The chaotic foam blocked the view, and the visible range was only one meter.

But shortly afterwards, there was a red light in front of them suddenly shining, which made them unable to open their eyes. When they opened their eyes, the ocean current had calmed down, and there was an ancient city in front of them.

The city wall is towering and it looks very old. They checked and found that there was no water for these four types. So they walked out of the submarine and went down to check, only to find that this place was actually a small world wrapped in an enchantment!

Surrounding the entire city is a water wall. It seems that there is a layer of invisible software blocking the seawater and protecting the ancient city. They tried to reach out to explore the past, but they easily passed through the water wall and touched another The sea on the side, it seems that this wall is only used to stop the sea from coming in.

Because the submarine was damaged, they couldn't sit back on it anymore, so they entered the city to see what was going on.

The city gate is open and no one is guarded. After entering, there is a street that looks like a main road. On both sides are various buildings. There are things in the house. You can clearly know what these places are doing. .

There are restaurants and tea houses, there are four treasures of the study, some sell silk and silk, some sell oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, some sell flowers, grass, fish and insects...

It looks like that kind of prosperity here, just like the scene in "A River on the Qingming Festival", but the only problem is that there is no one inside.

They were walking on the empty streets, and all kinds of things were displayed in the surrounding shops, as if someone was selling goods just now. It was the same as entertaining guests, but with their arrival, they all disappeared.

There are no people, no birds, no fish, no kittens or puppies, all around is quiet, terribly quiet!

Suddenly, from a corner, a figure "swish" ran over, which was especially obvious in this empty street. The two of them immediately chased up, but they were not as familiar with the terrain as the "person". After turning around, they were immediately lost.

But soon another figure rushed out from one side and entered a trail. They chased it again, but also to no avail.

They came here a few times, and they didn't get anything. When they finally stopped, they found in horror that they couldn't find their way back!

The complexity of the terrain here is beyond their imagination. They tried to turn around twice, but couldn't get out at all. In a hurry, they thought of flying directly to the house. Use air defense to act.

But at this moment, a terrible thing happened. When they flew to the roof, they realized that the roof was densely packed with terrible monsters lying on their stomachs!

The figure was like a human, but it crawled like a beast, only occasionally standing up and moving, eyes as big as light bulbs, hollow eyes, fangs growing in his mouth, and disheveled hair.

They were dressed in ragged clothes, but they were all ancient clothes. Their skin was wrinkled like dry tree bark, and their five-finger nails were strangely long, like sharp claws!

The man was lying on the bed with a look of fear gradually appearing in his eyes. He turned to look at Duan Qingtian, and said a word in a daze: "I can't forget, when they see us, in those big eyes, The bloodthirsty desire revealed."

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