Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 353: Loyalty dilemma!

"I will lead someone to avenge him!"


Brother Yu Zhan was taken aback, looked around, and whispered: "Who can you take? Don't you have the command right? Who will listen to you?"

"Hey, this is bad! Although I don't have the help of the Shadow Army, I still have my people, I also have ghosts, and I have other helpers. Even now, the number of people who can be determined is... er, Me, Baron, Lang Feng, Gongsun Shu... Well, there are five people in total!"


The fat monk who was eating meat on the side suddenly stopped when he heard this. He went to take the meat and set his hands in the air, and looked back at me mechanically: "Donor, your number seems to be wrong, do you What people shouldn't have been added?"

I glanced back at him: "Yes, you have to go too!"

"Who did I provoke me? I'll go with you to fight ghosts? I don't do it!"

"To shut up!"

I yelled to him angrily, turned around and faced Brother Yu Zhan outside the tent.

Brother Yu Zhan sat outside, frowned, and said for a long time: "But are not locked up now..."

"Is there a better way?" I said.


"I'm asking, is there a better way?" I repeated it again. "The East China Sea is changing, and the Demon Sect is lurking. Our enemies are so powerful and cunning. As Pavilion Master Yu said, we can't help but try our best not to consume the combat power here. Can you not report it?!"

"The Beijing Repertory Troupe meets once a year. I have already told Brother Zhong Ming about this news before. I didn't expect that such a thing would happen here today, but how do you make a murderer who already knows his father's enemy? The person in front of you will wait another whole year?!"

"Just like this year, now, and today, we have encountered emergencies, changes in the East China Sea, coupled with the attack of the Demon Sect, but how can we guarantee that there will be no such thing next year? The world is not moving towards peace Walk, but walk towards chaos! Next, it will only get worse!"

"But fortunately, we have this opportunity this year. Why can't we seize it? If we miss this opportunity, next year, the year after, and the year after, maybe we won't have it again! I have time, he has time, In the increasingly chaotic world, how do we encounter such a situation?!"

The more I talked, the more excited I was. At the end of the talk, I grabbed the tent and almost tore off the cloth!

Brother Yu Zhan looked at the traces of my grasp on the tent cloth, listened to the screams made by the nails underneath that fixed the tent under strong force, thinking about the string of words I just said, and fell silent.

I didn't speak any more, just looked at him, to be precise, at the piece of cloth in front of me, on it, it seemed to reflect his appearance.

"Then... how are you going to come out? You are now in confinement. I know it's not difficult to come out with your strength, but if you do, you..."

"I have no other way."

I let go and watched the tent cloth slowly unfold, but eventually stopped in a slightly wrinkled state instead of becoming smooth and flat as before.

"Look, it's like this tent cloth. Originally, I was a non-staff personnel. I was just named in the Shadow Army. And until now, Major General Lin, as a high-level personnel, is very unwilling to see me. I am afraid there are many others too. Well, I’m so young, I’m not a soldier, and I don’t have any military qualities, so this will happen naturally."

"And this time, I made such a serious mistake, which resulted in the death of so many brothers. This undoubtedly deepened their opinion of me. Although Commander Duan just shut me down, they must have a great deal. If you can’t get rid of the grievances, I’m afraid there will be big problems in the future. This problem is not just for me, but also for the Shadow Army."

"I don't want to see the scene of the Shadow Army's internal strife and finally split into two factions. Compared with this, it is better to take advantage of their intentions!"

"Brother, you..."

Brother Yu Zhan wanted to say something, but I stopped him: "Brother Yu Zhan, you don’t have to persuade me. As I said just now, I’m just a non-staff member. The Shadow Army and I have had great favors. Identity once helped me resolve a problem, and during my tenure, I did not see any violation of discipline, and even helped them do a lot. I said this for nothing else, just want to say that I am not a fear A deserter of responsibility! I also have my own responsibility!"


Brother Yu Zhan opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

"I think that the hatred in Zhong Ming's heart is the same as this tent cloth. Once he has wounds, he cannot heal himself. The longer the time, the more ingrained the wound will become. Until the end, he will no longer heal the injustice and want to heal , You have to take a strong medicine! It's better to take advantage of the present and heal quickly.

As I said, I stretched out my hand to caress the wrinkled tent cloth. The original wrinkles were immediately smoothed and became as smooth and flat as before, but there was still some awkwardness in the vagueness.

Brother Yu Zhan was silent. He knew what I said was reasonable, just like this piece of cloth. If I didn't smooth it now, but kept it like this, I'm afraid, when I want to smooth it, no matter how smooth it is, it won't be smooth.

"Big Brother Zhong Ming is in a dilemma. Isn't it true that I have a country on one side and a family on the other. Fortunately, the affairs of the country are no longer a serious problem at this time, and family feuds are still waiting for him."

"And I'm more uncomfortable than him. The Shadow Army treats me with greatness, and this identity has helped me too much. And Zhong Ming, brother, has also saved my life twice, now, how can I not help him?!"

"This choice is not a simple temporary decision, but a deliberate decision. After all, this problem is so big. Throughout the ages, how many people have faced this problem, and how many people have been stuck with this problem. Come on. Since ancient times, loyalty and righteousness are all dilemmas!"


A gust of breeze blew across the camp, blowing over Brother Zhan, blowing over my tent.

The cloth of the tent began to tremble, and Brother Yu Zhan was sitting outside, and his clothes fluttered. The sound of the wind blew away our conversation, brought our voice to the sea, to the mountains, and finally, disappeared into the sky.

"You...really decided?" Brother Yu Zhan sighed as he looked at the tent cloth dancing in front of him.

"Yeah, I have already decided. Don't ask over and over again. I am a person who is not firm. You will be confused when you ask me questions." I jokingly shook my head, and looked in my eyes. But full of memories.

It's been half a year. At that time, Qin Nan and the others came to me. I was still a little hesitant. The family inherited his dislike of being an official and taking responsibility, which made me feel a little bit at a loss. , Planning a serial murder case of skulls and crossbones, I can only use my plan to force him out, and because of this, I finally accepted this identity.

Later, Yancheng rescued my parents, deceived Ding Lao Er and them to help me build the same boat club, get information again and again, let Dong Xinyi and them help me protect Feng Qian's sister, and use their identity to help the Gu King of the ancient village in Southwest to suppress Mu family...

One by one, everything seemed to have just happened. During this period, my identity also changed, from being a major to a lieutenant colonel, and from ordinary non-staff personnel to an agent of the Eastern Division.

Although some people don't like me, Xue Biao and I call brothers and sisters, Commander Duan admires me very much, and Major General Nie Ze is a little close to me.

The military is one of the most innocent places of friendship. There is no intrigue between comrades in arms, just like family. I knew only then, why so many people like it here, not only because of a kind of honor, a kind of belief, but also because of the environment here.

I am afraid it is precisely because of this environment that they can even think that the country is home and home is the country. When someone who doesn't know, doesn't know each other, has never met before, or even knows their name, asks them for help, they will rush forward desperately without any return.

Because they are family!

It's a pity, no matter what I have to do for my friends and family, you have the right to treat me as a child who is not very obedient, but loves his family very much.

"Brother Yu Zhan, please help me talk to the Pavilion Master and Brother Zhong Ming. I am willing to help him and use all my strength. When he comes here, I will go with him, go to Yanjing and find Beijing Repertory Theatre, help him get revenge!"

"...Okay!" Brother Yu Zhan struggled a bit, but finally agreed.

Maybe he also felt that he had no reason to deny my choice.

"I'm going now, and I'll hand it over to that guy for the time being. Although I don't want to see him, I can't help it. Be careful not to let him target you."

"Don't worry, he won't." I said lightly.

That guy should be one of the people who don't like me, but when I leave, he will be able to take the position. I am afraid he is quite happy in his heart. Maybe he will be ridiculously sarcasm when he sees me. But what does that matter? I don't care anymore. If he really provokes me, I might not be able to help but beat him.

I thought about it, and suddenly laughed. It was quiet outside. Brother Yu Zhan didn't know when he had left, and there was no sound at all. It could also be because I thought too much, lost my mind and didn't hear it.

The fat monk looked at me and asked a little strangely: "Donor, why are you..."

"To shut up!"


The fat monk shut up wisely, and I didn't speak any more, went straight to the bed and lay down, my arms were pillows, and my eyes closed.

At this moment, I can feel the weight of the little notebook I put in my pocket. I haven't felt it before, but at this moment, I can feel it clearly.

This book is as heavy as Mount Tai!

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