Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 356: Another language!

The master character was victorious, and the seal set by that guy was finally completely broken, that is, at the same moment, his mouth immediately made a sound.

Hearing this mumble, everyone present was overjoyed, especially the doctors and nurses. They were all worried about this. Now that he is finally healed, a big stone has fallen to the ground. Relieved.

However, it was obvious that this matter was not that simple. At the moment when he recovered his personality and regained his own thinking, he suddenly showed a panic and worried expression and looked at me all of a sudden.


I don't know where his strength came from, but he just grabbed my hand when he recovered. How much willpower is needed?

But at this moment, I felt something was wrong.

This feel is not right!

We all know the touch of the human body, because we are dealing with humans. We usually shake hands, hug, and make constant physical contact. We already know what the touch of the human body looks like. But what I feel on my hand now is not this touch!

It feels like touching a balloon filled with water!

I don't have any life experience, but if you have experience in this area, you can try it. Fill the baby doll that should be inflated with water, and then reach out to touch it, that's the touch!


Although he came out of the sea, he has been resting for so long and treated for so long. How could he be in this state? And even if you haven't received treatment and just came out of the sea, even though there is a place in your body that has been blistered, it can't be that serious!

It felt like... as if he had no flesh and blood and internal organs, and his body was completely filled with water!

Before I had time to say anything, the man looked at me, and in his throat, a voice seemed to come from the deepest point: "Go and tell Commander Duan, this is a trick! Don't go!"

That voice was deep, terrifying, and heart-piercing! It seems to be the cry of a ghost in the ancient well that has been abandoned for many years!

But at the next moment, when he finished saying this, his whole body seemed to be exhausted, his voice stopped abruptly, his eyes became hollow, and he collapsed instantly.

"Hey!" I was about to hold him, but I discovered that this person seemed to have no bones anymore. The whole person was just a personal water polo, directly following the force of the collapse, rolling off the bed to the ground.

Then a shocking scene happened. Under the eyes of everyone, the person fell to the ground, and the skin on his body suddenly broke, the whole person burst open, and a large group of water splashed in an instant!

In the blink of an eye, the original big living person was gone, and some were just a large puddle of water on the ground and a human skin!


Everyone was stunned, everything that happened on the scene was so incredible, so strange and terrifying! However, it is so real.

The water in that place is real. We can feel its coldness and even smell its salty smell. It is sea water. There is also the human skin, as long as I stretch out my hand, I can touch it, it should be the same real, but I dare not reach out to touch it.

"What kind of method is this? What kind of poison is this?!"

Turn all the human body into sea water, even the water Luohan can't do it!

Ordinary water-based mages are idiotic and dreamy even when the body is elementalized. Shui Luohan has practiced to such a degree that he thought he had reached the top, but he did not expect that at this time, such a person appeared again, he...

"No! You can't go! These methods are definitely not something ordinary people can have, Commander Duan, they may not be able to stop them!"

They must be stopped!

I immediately got up and rushed out of the tent. Just when I opened the curtain, there was a murderous look outside!

"Guo Rui! You are really here!"


Outside the tent, there are three floors inside and three floors outside. I don’t know how many soldiers are wearing the uniforms of the Shadow Army, holding various magical instruments and weapons in their hands, and there are more or less fluctuations in mana. Bad!

And right across from me, fifteen steps away, there is a person with a cold face, a pair of eagle eyes, and a star badge on his shoulders. Unfortunately, I have never studied these. I don’t know what kind of chapter represents what position. .

Also before, I can only judge by words and words, and I have never judged by this.

But I can be sure of one thing, that is, he is here this time to be an enemy of me!

"Guo Rui! If I remember correctly, you have been imprisoned by Commander Duan. You have improper command and killed so many brothers. You are just asking you to retreat and reflect. This is already an extrajudicial favor, and you are still looking private. Exit?! Is this your home now?!"

The person looked at me, and in his face, there was no half of the color of taking advantage of the fire, and no feeling of falling into the ground. Some were just a pair of justice, but this justice was really used in some places.

"Get out of the way! I want to see Commander Duan, or you can tell Commander Duan. This is the poisonous trick of the people under the sea! They must be in trouble when they go to the sea, and the action must be cancelled!"

"Lieutenant Colonel Guo!" The man yelled, looking at me with incomparable majesty on his face! "Do you think you are still a commander? You no longer have command power, so how can you interfere with the decision of Commander Duan? You say this is a poisonous trick, who will testify?

"The doctors and nurses present can testify!" I turned around and pulled the curtain. Inside, there were a large group of doctors and nurses who hadn't responded. Two of the nurses were timid, and now they are almost frightened to death.

"They?" The man frowned, walked over, fifteen steps away in a flash, came to me in the blink of an eye, looked at the people inside, and asked: "Can you help him testify, this is a Poisonous scheme? This...what is going on?!"

He suddenly saw the water and human skin on the ground, and he was taken aback and asked quickly.

"This...we don't know what's going on. It was the person who was rescued from the sea. His reaction suddenly became stronger just now. Chief Guo came to help him treat him and stabilized his condition temporarily. Unexpectedly, he had just recovered from his drowsiness, but suddenly his body crooked and fell to the ground, and... it became like this."

"Wh...what! What's more, there is one more sentence, why don't you say it?!" I shouted out immediately.

I have said everything else, why not say the most critical sentence? I know how loud that person's words are, and I promise that as long as these guys are not deaf, they will be able to hear them. And as long as I have these witnesses, I can prove that what I said is true!

Unexpectedly, after hearing what I said, the few people were stunned. They looked at each other at a loss, and asked a little hesitantly: "What...what?"

"You... do you have a bad ear or a bad brain? That's the sentence! He called out before he fell and told me to tell Commander Duan, don't go. This is the phrase that you did not hear or did you hear? Scared to forget?!"

", no."


I was taken aback at the time, completely unaware of what he was talking about. I confirmed that there was nothing wrong with my mind, and I also believed that what my ears heard was true, but this...

"Really not. Before he fell... wasn't he just roaring? It seemed to be pain or recalling painful things. Where did he speak?"

"Yes, yes, I didn't hear it either."

"Well, me too, only shouting, how can there be a voice?"

"you guys……!"

I looked at this large group of doctors and nurses, and this group of people actually seemed to have discussed it. They all agreed that they hadn't heard that sentence. At that time, I was shocked!

My first reaction at the time was that they were undercover!

Because this is normal, I can place a Zhang Zheng as an undercover agent in Christine Demon Cult. Then there is nothing surprising that other forces can enter our Shadow Army with one, two, or even more. Not to mention, it's the mysterious power under the sea.

It is unheard of to be able to seal a living person’s own personality in the mind, and then implant another personality, and turn the human body into sea water. It's normal, it really such a coincidence? !

A group of doctors and nurses came in undercover, and they happened to be in this pile?

And none of these people have ever been on the battlefield. Could that guy still seal his personality in the air and implant another one?

But when I saw their eyes, I became suspicious again.

The eyes are the seedlings in their hearts. They are just a group of ordinary people. Their expression state cannot escape the eyes of a mage of mine. But at this time, their eyes are sincere and at a loss. They are not lying at all!

How is this possible, I heard it clearly, I listened...

and many more!

Something is wrong!

I suddenly remembered that at that time, the sentence that the man said, it seemed that it was not in Chinese!

Do not! It even seems...not human!

This is by no means a curse or an exaggeration. It really doesn’t look like human words. No matter what language in this world, Chinese, English, Japanese, German, French, etc. are all good, they are always like human words. Yes, but this language is nothing like human words.

It's like... yes! What did he just say? It's like the kind of painful roar that people are in pain or recalling some bad things!

But this... I understand it!

There is no reason, no reason, just like I can understand Chinese and Mandarin. As long as I listen, I don’t need to spend time to understand, and I can understand the meaning immediately.

For example, if you write a "two" in Chinese, I know it means two, and if you write a "2" in Arabic numerals, I also know it means two!

There is no reason, no reason, as if I knew it since I was a child, I learned it since I was a child, and it has been carved into my bones.

It’s just that I’ve never heard anyone speak this language before, and today is the first time I heard it!

"Hi..." The man looked at the situation here, glanced at the doctors and nurses standing here, and was puzzled.

Like me, he can see that these people are telling the truth, but my precarious appearance made him suspicious. How can I tell such a lie?

When he was puzzled, a voice suddenly came from the crowd outside: "I believe him!"

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