Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 365: Strong enemy!


The clown remembers whether to eat or not to fight. One of the four ghosts took the lead. He picked up his mace and rushed to the forefront, facing up to the front brother Zhongming on our side.

"Be careful! Everyone, cover Brother Zhongming!" I shouted immediately.


Gongsunshu and the others agreed, and they dispersed instantly, drawing an arc to the four ghosts, trying to circumvent the chaos from the side, but the fat monk still stood in place, at a loss.

At this time, Zhong Ming and the clown have already met together!

Brother Zhong Ming had an extra stick in his hand, as if it appeared out of thin air. It seemed that he had room to equip him. Holding the stick in both hands, he turned it around and hit the clown's mace!


A gust of wind instantly spreads around this center, blowing everyone's clothes, and at the same time, blowing the black cloth in the hands of the magician...

"Little ghosts who can only mess around, let me show you a trick, stop it!"

The magician said with a sneer, and when he turned his feet, his whole body suddenly spun like a ****, and the black cloth in his hand stretched over and pressed against us!

"Shan!" I shouted, grabbed Zhong Ming's eldest brother and left the place by teleporting, making the magician rush out. But the juggler is the juggler, and the juggler never misses!

The black cloth dangled in the place where we disappeared. I don’t know if it was intentional, or the change after discovering our escape. The guy's body moves strangely, and the black cloth’s light postage rises and covers it directly. Baron on the other side.

"Balong, be careful!" I yelled hurriedly, and at the same time rushed back with Brother Zhongming.

At this time, the rest of the people also spread their hands and feet and started to move.

In front of Lang Feng, there is the youngest happy person. At this time, he has an umbrella in one hand and a knife in his hand. His kiwi-like face smiles like a silly, his hands are like two wheels, and afterimages are dancing, and they are moving towards the past!

This seemingly like a king's fist was actually unpredictable and weird. Lang Feng held his waist knife and resisted left and right. He could only block the attack. He really couldn't take the opportunity to attack and was forced to retreat again and again.

On the other side, Barron had already found Pinocchio. In Pinocchio's hand, a wood-chopping axe was shining and sharp, and it directly collided with his waist knife!

At this moment, Baron's head went black, and the black cloth of the magician came!

"Be careful!" Gongsun Shu screamed, flew up, and moved with both hands. Under the magician, a purple-black circular magic circle formed instantly. The next moment, countless black pythons rushed out, tearing towards the magician above. Bite away!


The magician snorted coldly and kicked his feet. Before the black python attacked, he quickly left the circle, shaking his hand, the black cloth retreated, solved the siege of Baron, swung directly down, and the black cloth passed. , The countless black pythons did disappear.

"Good means!"

Gongsun Shu fell back to the ground and frowned slightly as he watched the magician and moved his fingers.

At this time, Zhong Ming and I had already rushed back. Brother Zhong Ming had only enemies in his eyes. He directly bypassed the clown who rushed towards him and rushed towards Pinocchio behind!

The clown hit the ball with a stick, and just wanted to look back, but was caught up with a sword by me. He could only bother to resist my attack, and had no time to take care of his third brother.

Pinocchio was holding a sharp axe and was fighting Baron. Suddenly he felt a cool breeze coming behind him. At this time, his fighting experience was fully manifested. His body reacted instantly, and he bowed his head directly, avoiding the stick of Zhong Ming. Then he turned around and shook Baron's knife with his axe back, and he turned around with the counter-shock force and struck the bell with an axe!


The sharp blade flicked past, as if flashing past a silver moon. Although Big Brother Zhong Ming dodged in time, he still cut his clothes and could only retreat temporarily.

On the other side, Gongsunshu has already started a battle with the magician. This is a rare moment when I have seen Gongsunshu deflated. His magic circle actually feels a little weak in front of the magician. No matter what you do, as long as the magician is With a flick of the black cloth, it was invalid at the time, and he himself had left the range of the magic circle at this time.

Gongsunshu kept waving his hands, and the arrays quickly condensed, and the attack mode was not as simple as a black python. Some creatures resembled birds, and there were small needles as thin as mosquitoes and flies, and even a circular array was directly used. The flying knife swung over.

But the magician was not afraid at all, and after seeing tricks, he resolved his attacks time and time again.

I fought fiercely with the clown, right-handed sword and left-handed hammer. There was no pressure. I could analyze and look at other situations. When I saw Gongsun Shu's situation, my heart sank.

The Beijing Repertory Troupe ranks by age, and has nothing to do with strength. Although this juggler is the fourth, his strength is probably one of the best among the five of them!

At least, it can make Gongsun Shu even lose, I have never seen such a ghost!

No, maybe I have seen the ghost seller in Shepan Town, just like Gongsunshu, the other three ghosts.

At that time, only Gongsunshu, who had the eyes to see my ability, followed me voluntarily, but the other three did not respond.

They have the same strength as Gongsun Shu, so, is the magician in front of him...... also?

Like Gongsunshu, he is proficient in magic circles and some headaches in pure magic attacks. He is a true "mage", but his actual combat experience and the study of spells are obviously better than Gongsunshu. The current situation will appear.

With Gongsunshu's strength, he may not necessarily lose, but if he wants to win, he probably has no hope.

On the other side, Pinocchio didn't panic when he hit two, with a sharp axe in his hand flying constantly, using flexible movements that didn't match his expression, several times to dodge attacks, and still have the power to resist.

Balong held the waist knife in his hand and slashed it again. On the other side, Brother Zhong Ming also raised a stick.

That Pinocchio turned around and waved a sharp axe in his hand to block Baron's knife first, and then a ghostly movement at his feet, letting the bell ring the sharp edge of the big brother, raising his leg!


This foot was directly on his stick, and the stick stepped on the ground and couldn't move!

"Oh, oh, this won’t work, I’m at a disadvantage." Pinocchio was so cheap. He suppressed the two people and didn’t forget to say witty words. He used his hand to shake off Baron, and the other hand suddenly grabbed his body, tightly. Then he waved it out instantly.

Brother Zhong Ming obviously knew this trick and immediately shouted: "Get out of the way!"

After that, he bullied himself directly, smashed Pinocchio's leg, and drew the stick out, and immediately moved away.

The next moment, beside Pinocchio, many puppets appeared instantly!

Round head, square body, equal to the height, holding a sharp-edged spear, standing beside Pinocchio like a soldier.

"Be careful! Puppet soldiers, this is different from those at the door!" Zhong Ming shouted, holding sticks in both hands, looking at the puppets with alert.

Pinocchio, on the other hand, looked jokingly, looked left and right, and waved his hands: "Do it!"

As soon as the voice fell, the puppet soldiers rushed out and rushed to the enemy in front of them.

Although this kind of thing may not be as strong as they have an IQ, the problem is that they are not afraid of death, and now I don’t know how many such things Pinocchio has. If this gives me a group , That's it? !

And the opponent only came up with four, so the boss hasn't made any moves yet!

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but glance at the fat monk, and suddenly became angry!

Do some work for me when you arrive! What happened when I took you as an audience? !

I thought about it, looking at the clown in front of me, my heart flared, a sword swung away his mace, my left hand was pushed out, and the thunder hammer hit his abdomen!

"Go!" I shouted, and moved my hand to start it!


The hammer of thunder instantly turned into a sword of thunder, galloping away! How can he contend with the enormous power? The light of thunder flickered, and the clown disappeared in the blink of an eye and flew out directly!

And on his flight path, there is a fat monk...

Humph! Make you effortless!

The fat monk was still waiting and watching. He didn't know that the danger had reached his side. Suddenly he felt that he was dark around him. Before he could react, he was hit hard by an object! Fly out directly!

But how can he be the only one who suffers?


At the moment when the two of them collided together, the clown suddenly roared like a pig, as if he had suffered great pain!

Actually, it doesn’t seem like, it’s really a huge pain...

The fat monk was full of Buddha's light body, and he happened to be the sneaky thing most afraid of this Buddha's light!

To him, the periphery of the fat monk's body seemed to be wearing a soft hedgehog armor, except that the spikes were longer and denser, and they also contained nerve-stimulating poison...

And the most terrible thing is that there is a fall in front of him, not to mention the two-sided attack, the impact of the fall will force him to stay close to the "soft hedgehog", life is better than death!

I don’t think I can feel this pain for the rest of my life. The two people flew upside down and then turned into ground gourds. As the falling power disappeared, the fat monk Buddha's light finally played its role. He bounced him out, knocked over several rows of seats, and fell to the ground, breathing black, already unable to stand up.

"here you go!"

I yelled and stopped paying attention to him, and rushed directly to the battlefield. The target was naturally Pinocchio!

Although Gongsunshu can't beat the Juggler, it's okay to contain him. Our main goal is Pinocchio from start to finish. Now we must not forget our original intention!

On the stage, the sage scholar originally looked at us calmly. At this moment, the clown was defeated, and he finally couldn’t sit still. He stood up with his legs moving and looked at the battle in front of him, especially the fat monk. Flashing the same light, eager to try.

"Foguang Bodyguard? Humph! Interesting!"

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