Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 370: You dare to pick up my three swords!


The sword light flashed, and the whole theater was like a typhoon passing by!

At the door, the red cloth that was still fluttering was cut off instantly, and the broken red cloth flew far away with the wind pressure brought by the sword energy, like a bird.

In the entire theater, all the objects moved several meters toward the door, and the people and ghosts also staggered backwards, barely able to stand firm.


"who is it?!"

The two people shouted at the same time, the first one was from Pinocchio, the second one was from me.

"Boss?" I reacted as soon as I finished shouting. I looked at Pinocchio and then at the sacred scholar who was not far away, frowning and said, "Isn't your eldest brother, the sacred scholar right there? Why do you call it again? Is he'the boss'?"

"Huh! What do you know?" Pinocchio said impatiently, ignoring me at all, still casting his gaze forward and looking at the stage.


Seeing him like this, I was puzzled.

In fact, this scene is very easy to explain. Pinocchio called the sage scholar "Big Brother", but called this person "Boss", which shows some problems.

It is not an exaggeration for them to bend their brothers to recognize a boss and find a backer. Such a name will not mess up their own brothers' ranking, but also show respect for this one, which can be said to be the most appropriate.

The six monsters of Meishan have their own rankings, but when they call Erlang Shen Yang Jian, they all call out "Second Lord".

But the problem is that if their backing comes, these people begin to show off their power. It's normal to talk like that, but I look a little wrong. His original intention seems to be not because he came to the backing.

In other words, what urged him to say this was not pride, but worry!

Because I was worried and didn't want to talk to me, it was a sign of impatience.

But how is this possible?

I was curious and looked towards the stage.

In the theater, because all the chairs were displaced, the old gray in the venue was instantly shaken, and the whole theater was dusty, and it seemed as if there was a haze in front of it.

I said this is a witch, I like the feeling of smoke, my eyes blinked, and the eyelids lifted again, but the two colors of yin and yang flow in the eyes!

Yin and Yang eyes!

If you can see through the eyes of yin and yang, how can you be blocked by your little dust and smoke? !

Looking at it, a layer of smoke seemed to be nothing. At the stage, a man stood on the stage, holding a sword in his hand.

This person was dressed in an indigo blue burlap and he was dressed in a more ancient style, but was completely different from the fairy-like ancient-style youth in Hanfu. They looked like a rich young man, and this one looked like It is from the mountain.

I just don't know whether this "person in the mountain" is a mountain villager or a mountain hermit!

A thick hemp rope is tied around his waist, straw shoes are worn under his feet, and on the top of his head, he is carrying a scorpion. Under the scorpion, a pair of eyes shoots out two icy lights, it seems to be looking at me!

And in his hand, the left hand holds the scabbard alone, the sheath body is pitch black, inlaid with gold carvings, and the right hand, a sword, the crape myrtle, a thousand rays of light, and a thousand pieces of Rui Cai!

"Good sword." I murmured, stretched out the force of the wind element, and blew away a piece of smoke, completely exposing the person's appearance to everyone.

"Boss, why did you come out? You..."

"Third brother!" The sage scholar suddenly shouted, interrupting Pinocchio, with a calm expression, looking at the man standing on the stage, and said in a deep voice: "Boss, we are incompetent. Don't worry, we will solve it. of."

"Resolve a fart!" the man said coldly, "If I don't come out again, you will demolish this place!"

"I..." The sage scholar wanted to say something, but he struggled a bit and didn't say anything.

This behavior seems to be an employee who has been trained by the boss and dare not refute it, but after listening to this, I always feel that there is a deep meaning in it.

The man stood on the stage, his eyes moved slightly, sweeping over everyone in the room, and finally, his eyes were placed on me.

"These people are all yours?"

"No,, yes, it's me!" I originally wanted to explain that Brother Zhong Ming is not mine, but after thinking about it, isn't this something for Brother Zhong Ming? Just bear it down directly.

"Um... good! There is a kind! But if you make trouble on my territory, I don't have the power to ignore it. I think you must be prepared too."

"Of course!" I stepped forward, "I have heard the name of the Beijing Repertory Theatre, but I don't know that you still exist. I am disrespectful. I only wait for so few people to come and lose your identity."

"It's okay," the man said. "It's just my sword that doesn't welcome outsiders."

"Understand and understand, there will always be people in this world who are afraid of life. I fully understand, but since I came, I came with a purpose. When you said with red mouth and white teeth, I just slapped my **** and left. I don’t want to Face-saving?"

Behind me, the fat monk watched us talk and talk like this, put his gaze on me and then on the person back and forth, frowning, and leaning close to Brother Zhong Ming: "Why are they still talking? Is this the so-called Baishan Gate?"

"I don't know." Big Brother Zhong Ming's face sank. It may be that the appearance of this person is beyond his imagination. With such a master, this time, he may have to return without success!

" do I feel that his speaking speed seems to be slower than usual?"

"To shut up!"


The fat monk flashed to the side with a gray head and a gloomy expression on his face. How can everyone be like this? !

On the other side, the man and I were still talking: "This expert, you also want face, I also want face, if you just talk about it like this, I'm afraid we will not give in."

"I think so too." The man said solemnly.

"That's not as good as what we compare. If we are not as skilled as humans, we should know ourselves and never commit any crimes. If we win... Humph! You know, murder and repayment of debts and money, blood and blood will be reported today!"

"it is good!"

Hearing what I said, the person's eyes lit up, his head slightly raised, the sword peak in his hand deflected, and a faint cold light flashed.

"You are the lord and I am a guest, how can I be better than you." I put away my sword, arms around my chest, and said, looking at him.

His strength is stronger than mine, especially in swordsmanship. I can only attack with the characteristics of the ghost face Feiyun sword. If it is really compared with this kind of swordsmanship master, it is still not enough. Don't be ashamed, put the sword away first, and make up your mind that you can't compete with him.

The man looked at me with the sword, his eyes moved slightly, not knowing what he was thinking about, he lowered his head and thought for a while, suddenly as if he was trying to understand something, and then raised his head, but with a sneer on his face.

"Boy, can you dare to pick up my three swords?!"

"Huh?" I frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Since we are going to compete, we must be fair. Don't let others interfere. You stand where you are and take my three swords! If you can't catch it, the lighter is injured, the severer is killed, and the others retreat on their own. Don't blame me for being ruthless under the sword," the man said.

"Then what if I catch it?"

"Then let you chop me three swords, it's still the same, if I can't catch it, let you do it; if you catch it, I'll chop three more swords."

"My Nima, turn-based!" The fat monk called out at the time. " have a problem with this rule. According to the general routine, shouldn't we win the three swords if we catch it? Why did you bring this to play?!"

"Hmph! You broke into my territory and hurt my little brother. It's a lot of face for me if I don't directly kill me. You still want me to forget it? Hmph! Daydreaming!"

"That, that..." The fat monk pointed at him and was speechless for a while. In the end, there was really no words, and he squeezed out: "Do you have the dignity of being a master to bully us juniors."

I frowned. Why is this so soft?

The man snorted coldly: "Dignity is something that is inappropriate to eat or drink. Moreover, I live in seclusion here all year round, with only these ghosts and monsters by my side, and no other people. What is the use of dignity? Want me not to clean up you? You are afraid that you have watched too many TV shows."

"You who open the theater think I watch too much TV series..." the fat monk mumbled.

"He is a clear trap, relying on his own strength to be higher than us, he has dominated the current situation, forcing us to agree to his proposal, he is sure, the strength and swordsmanship of Brother Guo are not as good as his, once he agrees It will be consumed sooner or later!"

"Then...Do you think Donor Guo will agree?" the fat monk asked.

"No, we ran away. Although it's a bit embarrassing, it should be okay to save our lives. If we really agree, we will be over. He won't be so stupid. He doesn't even understand this. He will definitely refuse..."

"I promise!"


Brother Zhong Ming hadn't even said the word "absolute" that he refused, so I slapped him in the face!


"Donor, die early and super live."

On the stage, the man saw my promise and immediately laughed: "Hahahahaha, okay, there is a kind! Give you the opportunity to choose, who will come first?!"

"You come first." I said.

"it is good!"

The man shouted, and suddenly waved his right arm. The speed was as fast as a teleportation. The sword's sharp edge suddenly appeared. A silver half-moon slash came from the ground!

"Spread apart, don't stand behind me!" I shouted, my legs **** on a horse, and my palms crossed my chest, as if in a resisting posture.

Pinocchio and others laughed disdainfully, as if looking at a fool. The fat monk also folded his hands, but was pulled to one side by Brother Zhong Ming, leaving my back empty.

It seems... he already knows what I'm going to do.

I thought so, the next moment, the sword energy has arrived, and in a moment, it cut off my body!

But at that moment, my mind was flooded with golden light again, and in the eyes of outsiders, my whole body was also covered with golden light!

Three times a day, refining the body gold body!

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