Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 380: Master and apprentice

"Xue Biao!"

The shouts spread everywhere, resounding in all directions, but they were obscured by the ubiquitous screams and explosions, and disappeared in the wind.

"Hurry up!"

Yu Hao handed the stick to his left hand, and his right hand suddenly drew out the treasure knife behind him, and slashed it straight out!


White light flashed, like a silver moon falling down, and like a galaxy rolling down, a big wave hit, and the monsters on the side of the back door were instantly cut in half by this knife light! Fortunately, those who did not touch the light of the sword were also shocked by the powerful wave of air carried by the light, and glide on the ground.

"Now, go! Murongke, you take them away!"

"Okay!" Murong's strong spirit, such a large-scale battle, coupled with such a strong attack to resist, this has almost exhausted his mana.

"What about you?" Murong Ke looked at Yu Hao, who was running back instead of walking outside, and asked.

"Me?" Yu Hao raised his eyebrows. "I'll meet that idiot!"

"Huh?" Murongke turned around and glanced at it with the light, but saw that Duan Qingtian had already brandished a golden knife and rushed towards the man in black robe above the tall pillar.


Murongke sighed and turned his head to see that the soldiers in front of him had already begun to run towards the wall. Fortunately, the guy didn't set a restriction on the wall of the courtyard. Maybe it was for the convenience of his monster corps to get in and out, but right now For oneself, it is also a great convenience.

"Murong's family belongs, let's go!" Murongke yelled, moving his feet, and his whole body flew up and stopped lightly on the top of everyone's heads but a few centimeters away. The soles of their feet were almost on top of their heads. , Insisting on Dou Zhuan Xingzhang, moving forward slowly.

Everyone knows that he treats himself as a big umbrella! Help them withstand this flood of light and rain. And this, it needs to consume his unknown amount of energy and vitality, even... his own life!

Everyone immediately ran up, followed the pace, rushed to the courtyard wall, turned over and flew out.

This small courtyard wall, to them who possess spells, is like nothing, plus Yu Hao's knife just cut off most of the monsters, and the rest are also Overwhelmed, unimpeded along the way!

On the other side, Duan Qingtian held the knives in both hands, and the golden light on the knives was released, vaguely, as if there was a roar of dragons!

The black-robed man looked at Duan Qingtian without any fear, and it could even be said that he didn't even look at him at all. The Eastern War God looked at him, just smiled contemptuously, and said indifferently: "I can't help myself!"

The next moment, Duan Qingtian waved his arms, and his arm muscles burst into powerful force instantly. The golden sword suddenly released the killing energy, and a golden light smashed the sky and the earth, and hit the enemy!

The black-robed man does not dodge or evade, he is still smiling, his hand moves slightly, the sword stands in front of him, and the seven-star-beads pattern shines brightly, and the next moment, a phantom flashes instantly!



It was like breaking a thin layer of ice on the glass of a winter car, and it was like breaking a piece of potato chips. There was a crisp cracking sound. Under the eyes of everyone, the golden knife light that had the power to kill the gods, unexpectedly That's it... broken.

It is like a thin layer of ice, like a slice of potato chips, it is so easy to break, and it is so thorough...

"What?!" Duan Qingtian looked at what happened in front of him. Even though he was the cold-blooded God of War that the whole world was afraid of, at this time, he couldn't help being shocked. For the first time, he looked surprised. .

He knows that he can't beat him...

"Huh! But just jumping the beam clown." The black robe man said disdainfully, his eyes cast aside: "Take his corpse."

He was referring to Xue Biao.

Although I don't know what he is going to do, it is obvious that the corpse is of great use to him, otherwise he would not deliberately let the monster army take the victims, and it must be the stronger the corpse during his lifetime, the more beneficial it is for them!

However, he would not allow it anyway, this guy snatched Xue Biao's body away!

Although he usually doesn't say it, perhaps because of the iron-like system in the army, or the strictness of the master, he never showed special concern for his apprentice.

However, he is always personal! Human hearts are long fleshy, and masters and disciples are like fathers and sons. What's more, Duan Qingtian's passionate man has no heirs. This Xue Biao is his great disciple, so why not love him? !

At this moment, where are the commanders and soldiers? Where are the officers and subordinates? Where are the lieutenants and colonels? Yes, just master and disciple!

Yes, only the Father...and the Son.

"Asshole, don't touch him!" Duan Qingtian slashed out and cut a monster close to Xue Biao's body into two pieces. The powerful air current carried the dead monster more than ten meters away and knocked it down. It took a monster to stop.

But Duan Qingtian himself had already reached Xue Biao's side, holding the golden knife upside down, picking up Xue Biao, waving his hand, and in the golden light, another rushing monster was blasted into powder!


But at this moment, the black-robed man above the high column suddenly frowned, looking at Duan Qingtian, his eyes changed a little.

"This power...huh!"

The black robe man's heart moved, the sword turned, and the seven stars in the sky glowed again. In an instant, several beams of light rushed down, and the goal was directed at Duan Qingtian!

"Did you not hear? I let you...get off!"

Duan Qingtian hugged Xue Biao with his left hand, stood up, and turned around. He actually split the green light beam from the sky with a stab. He moved his feet and ran towards the wall. At this time, behind him, countless light beams had already caught up.

"Duan Qingtian, hurry up!" Yu Hao retracted the knife back to its sheath, carried the stick with one hand, and rushed back, stretching his other arm forward, trying to catch him.

Duan Qingtian's King Kong Dragon Elephant Skill is based on strength, which means that he will definitely not be as fast as himself in terms of speed. My own universe and the vast sea is derived from Tai Chi, and its connotation is Taoist orthodoxy. It will be thousands of miles away in a flash!

As long as you catch him, you can take them out!

Yu Hao thought this way, but at the next moment, the beam of light in the sky had arrived, and countless green lights poured on Duan Qingtian instantly, like a gust of wind and rain.

In front of Yu Hao, where is Duan Qingtian's figure? Yes, it's just green.

"Duan Qingtian!"

Yu Hao shouted, the next moment, the green light faded, and Duan Qingtian appeared before his eyes.

What kind of person is this?

Duan Qingtian squatted on the ground in a military-style squatting position, bowed desperately forward, holding a knife in his right hand, nailed to the ground, supporting his body, and holding Xue Biao tightly with his left hand.

On his body, the uniform of the Shadow Army, which was originally very imposing and domineering, was already in tatters. Many places were exposed and wounded. The blood stabbed and the corners of his mouth also dripped with two blood stains, falling to the ground in red.

But Xue Biao in his arms was safe and sound. Except for the sword hacked by the black-robed man, the rest was unchanged and very peaceful.

Yu Hao knew that when the attack came, he used his body to protect Xue Biao!

Even though the mana shield of the protective body was still shattered, and the impact hit the bone marrow, he did not give in.

He can feel how bad Duan Qingtian's situation is at this time. At this time, he is supported by a single breath. If this breath is relieved, he is afraid that he will directly fall to the ground. A shocking cultivation base, at this time! Ten less than one!


Not long-winded, Yu Hao directly picked up Duan Qingtian, turned and ran! Behind him, there is a boundless roar, accompanied by flying rocks and sand.

The black-robed man put down his sword, looked at Yu Hao and the others who had jumped out of the courtyard wall, sighed, and said softly, "Go and leave them."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand directly, and the ugly floor tiles in the courtyard destroyed by the beam of light were intact in an instant, as if they had never been destroyed.

For a time, in addition to the corpses all over the ground, there were dark clouds in the sky that had not yet dispersed, indicating that there had been a near-apocalyptic battle here, and there was no sign of any fighting anymore.

Some of the monsters in the yard ran to the other side with their corpses in their hands, not knowing where. Most of them jumped over the courtyard wall and continued to pursue them, vowing to keep all those people in this ancient city under the sea!

"That person, can't stay!"

The black-robed man said in a cold voice, moving his feet, leaving the tall pillars, and floating up like a dead leaf, moving with the wind, gliding in the direction of everyone.

On the other hand, because the scope has become larger, it will be easier for everyone to use their abilities, and now there is no beam of light in the sky, the opponent’s maximum output has disappeared, and the casualties of their own side are temporarily controlled, and the group of people directly faces the back door without delay. Away.

In the process, the harassment of the monsters and the pursuit of the black-robed men became their nightmare. Murongke almost ran out of mana, Duan Qingtian was almost in a coma. Fortunately, Yu Hao supported them and everyone finally ran to the back door. , And on this road, one's own personnel is subtracted.

However, just when they thought they were about to escape, a nightmare came...

"That...what is that?! Is it the wreckage of a submarine?!"

I don’t know who yelled such a sentence, and it was messed up right away, because everyone discovered that, not far from the back door, in the street between the houses, piles of metal were piled up, although it was damaged, but It can still be distinguished that this is the submarine who stays at the back door and is responsible for external response!

Before they just surrounded the city, but when they entered the city, no one came in through the back door, so no one had noticed this.

After they were sucked in, like the other three doors, the monsters attacked the piles of "iron sheets", pulled the people out of the submarine, and then dragged them into the city and piled them here.

They didn't plan to hide at all!

So now, they see it, and at the same time, an idea arises in everyone's mind.

Outside the back door, there is no outward current at all, and some are just the end!

"We were cheated!"

"There is no such thing as a retreat! We can't get out!"

"How can we get out of that powerful ocean current?"

Everyone is desperate, the only retreat has disappeared, the chasing soldiers have arrived behind them, they...can't get out!

"Don't give up!" Suddenly, Yu Hao shouted. "Don't give up! We can definitely go back alive!"

"Yu... Pavilion Master Yu."

Everyone raised their heads, looking at Yu Hao, their eyes were confused, as if they were plunged into darkness.

"Everyone! We haven't lost yet!"

Yu Hao shouted, turned around and flicked, the long stick flew out in an instant, and directly smashed away a group of monsters that rushed forward. At the same time, he drew his sword out of its sheath, flew forward, exerted force with both arms, and slashed it!


Outside the back door, the sea wall burst instantly, and a long narrow passage suddenly opened up!

"Go!" Yu Hao stretched out his hand to recall the long stick, yelled, got into the wall of water, chopped it away with a random knife, and kept breaking the water flow.

"Go, go, go!" Everyone reacted, seeing hope in front of them, and immediately rushed over, rushed through the water wall, and desperately moved forward.

"Don't forget, Duan Qingtian has also come out of the water, I, it doesn't make sense!"

Yu Hao kept waving his hands left and right, constantly moving upward, but his heart was extremely heavy.

This time, the ocean current was not comparable to the previous ocean currents. I split myself and stayed forward. I tried my best. I wanted to take care of them, but I couldn't.

"I wish everyone, Wu Yun will be prosperous." Yu Hao thought of this, closing his eyes, regardless, just moving forward.

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