Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 394: Authority

Fight to the stars!

Gusu Murong's family inherited spells, because they had already got a first glimpse of the laws of space, so practising these spells is definitely something very human!

Murong's family had a glimpse of the way of heaven. Fortunately, the Emperor of Heaven allowed them to practice, and changed the genetic blood of the Murong clan, so that descendants and grandchildren could practice this heaven-defying method.

Murong Xiao also said that this kind of magic cannot be practiced by others at all, it can only be passed on from generation to generation in Murong's family.

Unexpectedly, today, it was used by me!


The huge beam of light hits the gossip pattern in front of me, and I instantly felt a burst of power coming, as if I was holding a shield in my hand, and the monster's beam of light happened to hit this shield!

Do not! not only that!

I felt it carefully.

No wonder, it's no wonder that this Dou Zhuan Xing Yi is called a first glimpse of the law of space, where is this gossip Tai Chi diagram as simple as a shield? During the operation, the power of Dou Zhuan Xing Yi had long disassembled the power of the beam of light and unloaded it. What I felt might not even be half of it!

Moreover, part of the power is actually turned in the opposite direction. In other words, this is absorbing its power and in turn dealing with itself!

No wonder!

The ultimate goal of Dou Zhuan Xing Zhan is to follow the other way and make the other body!


Finally, the monster could no longer keep the beam of light, and with a blast, countless particles of light scattered, the beam of light disappeared, and its own momentum was instantly reduced by several levels!

I stopped, looked at the guy, and sneered: "This time, it's my turn!"

After the words, I kicked my feet and flew up in an instant, with my right hand spread out flat, in my palm, countless wind blades spinning, and thundering around my body!

"go with!"

I pushed it with a palm, and an invisible Qi sword burst out of the air instantly!

Fengming sword!

No, it's not just Fengming Sword, around that Qi Sword, there is also the blessing of this thunder elemental power!


Just after the monster's blow, it was extremely weak at this time, and its wide open mouth had not yet been closed. With this sword, my mouth was aimed at it and pierced it!


Fengming sword flew past, and the countless wind blades surrounding it also cut off its two large fangs by the way.

And before it was sad for these two innocent teeth, the tip of the sword had pierced its throat and shot out from behind it!


Splashing blood!

The Fengming Sword continued to fly after penetrating its mouth, and disappeared after about 20 meters, but its eyes had turned pale long ago, and it fell to the ground with a "puff" sound, completely devoid of vitality.

On the back of the neck, blood stabs a big hole, and the surrounding skin is scorched by the power of thunder and lightning around Fengming Sword.

"Okay! Come out, safe."

I clapped my hands, shouted to the two people behind me, and at the same time stepped forward by myself, and carefully observed the monster.

"Dragon's a pity, it's a pity! But after all, this Dou Zhuan Xing Yi is so strong, but how can I use it? It's not that the Murong family can use it or that God has changed their genes so that they can use it. Simple rules of space? Then I..."

At this moment, a voice suddenly appeared from behind: "Of course it is because there are genes in your body that can use the laws of space."


I was taken aback, and quickly turned around, but saw a very familiar figure standing there, looking at me with a smile.

An... old man.

"I'm going! Your old boy is here again!"

This suddenly appeared behind me to speak, and was startled by the old jokes. Who else could it be besides the old boy and the teacher? !

"Hahahahaha, old man I have to be free again, but we have to make a long story short, I still have a business."

"Then what are you doing?! How long can you stay?"

"A few minutes."


I looked at him, speechless for a while.

"You old are really taking time out of your business."

"Hahahahaha, I don't dare to be it, I don't dare to be it, besides, you think I am willing to come, I can feel that you are about to reach the realm of immortals, this is the way to come." The old national teacher touched his beard and smiled , Glanced at a couple not far away, waved, the two suddenly stopped moving.

"Stopping method?"

"No, it's not a pure body fixation method. You can understand that the time of these two people is suspended. When I leave, they will untie it. Of course, the real time will not stop."

"The law of time...Hey, let me ask you first, how can I use this Dou Zhuan Xing Yi? I am not Murong's family. What do you mean by that sentence?"

"What do you mean? Of course it means literally." The old teacher looked at me and said, spreading his hands.

"Translation." I looked at him, and my face suddenly sank.

This old boy, knowing that there is not enough time, he still sells it!

The old teacher looked at me seriously, and said with a serious face: "Well, let me explain to you, what Murong family, they can use because they have been granted permission to use the law of space, instead of turning this spell into them Do you understand this patent?"

"I understand." I nodded.

"In that case, it means that as long as you have this permission, anyone can use this spell, and you also have this permission, which is the permission to use the law of space, so you can use it...Of course, the premise is that you can."

"Me?" I frowned slightly. "I have this permission? Why don't I know?"

"Nonsense! You have never learned the laws of space before, and this authority has never been used! Of course you don't know!" The old boy touched his beard with a very awkward expression on his face.

"Uh..." I stretched out my hands, took a closer look, and then raised my head again: "When did I have this permission?"

"Always have." The old teacher said lightly.

"always have?"

"Yes, to be precise, from the beginning of your life, after you have obtained this power, that is, the mobile phone I gave you, you have officially become a practitioner, you already have this authority."

"Ah? But... why is this?"


The old teacher looked at me, as if he heard a question like "Why one plus one equals two", his expression instantly became weird, he bent down and stared at my face, and said: "Did you forget, you Who was it before a thousand generations?"

Thousands of years ago...

Supreme, commander!

Yup! At that time, I was invincible in the world, so I would naturally master space spells, and judging from this old boy just now, I couldn’t have no time spells. In other words, not only space, but also time law authority. !

"Do you think that the mobile phone I gave you is just a carrier?" The old teacher looked at me, his image gradually becoming unfathomable.

But I always feel faintly, this product is pretending to be...

"Is there any secret? I'll tell you quickly!" I said angrily.

"Okay, don't worry, let me ask you, do you remember how many of your skills can be unlocked?"

"Hmm..." I thought for a moment. "Before the sixtieth level, there will be one at the third level, and logically there will be 20, after the sixtieth level, there will be two at the fifth level, and there are sixteen, which adds up to thirty-six!"

"Then do you think you would only have less than forty spells a thousand years ago?" said the old national teacher.


I frowned.

Yup! One at level three and one at level three, it seems to be nothing right now, but if in the future, when I can no longer increase, I encounter an enemy, would it be possible to break the world with less than forty spells?

What's more, my life span a thousand years ago must be the same as the sky. I don't know if I have lived for thousands or tens of thousands of years, didn't I learn more?

It's not reasonable to think about it!

"So, those skills are all superficial benefits, and the real benefits are hidden inside. That mobile phone is not a simple carrier, but a substitute for you thousands of years ago. Every level up and every time you learn With one skill, your authority will increase or increase a bit, while the two authority of time and space existed at the beginning, but it was very small at that time, and increased as your strength increased."

The old teacher said.

After listening to his words, the expression in my eyes gradually brightened.

Actually, this should have been discovered by me long ago.

When I learned the Palm of Light, I got the authority to control the light element, and when I learned the ice armor, I got the authority to control the ice element...

My current attack is not limited to simply using skills, let alone that, just now, I used the two elemental mana of wind and thunder at the same time, that is, these two permissions are being activated!

That's it!

"It's so, I didn't expect it before."

"That's because you didn't think about it, and now you haven't entered the fairyland, and you don't have enough perception of yourself, so naturally you don't know."

"Wait, wait, you seem to have said this when you came here, what is it?"

"You don't even know this? Haven't seen a pig run and eaten pork."

"...You said the opposite."

"Shut up! You modern people, most of them are children in the city, who didn't eat pork first, pigs run later, some have never even seen pigs, and they basically met at the zoo..." Old The national teacher said badly. "Just listen."

"Oh." I nodded.

"You are still a mortal. Above the mortal, there are realms such as earth immortal, heavenly immortal, golden immortal, and in the great world, there are also heavenly sage, chaos, etc. Of course, you are now divided by numbers, but it is just another way of saying , I can detect that you are about to enter the fairyland soon, so I came to you."

"Oh—then, is there anything you want to tell me?"

"Of course, entering the fairyland means that you have entered the threshold of gods, demons, and immortals. Many people, including the great powers you have heard since childhood, will also pay attention to you. You must be careful."

"Careful? Is there any danger?"

"It's hard to say, it's hard to say." The old teacher shook his head with a secret secret, and said: "I can only tell you, apart from the current organization, don't join other organizations; except now Don’t worship any other masters besides his master, that’s it. I have finished speaking, it’s running out of time, goodbye!"

With that said, with a load of sleeves of the old national teacher, a real person suddenly rose into the sky, as if sitting in an invisible elevator, rising instantly.

At the same time, the couple's time constraints disappeared.

"Wh...what's wrong?" Both of them were taken aback, not knowing that they had just been stopped for a long time.

I ignored them and thought carefully about what the old national teacher said, but when I first thought about it, the goods came back!

"Uh, that..."

"I'm going! Why are you back again? Do you want to scare me to death?" I was taken aback by him again and cursed directly!

"No, no, I forgot to say something off topic." The old teacher smiled embarrassedly.

"Say it!"

"That's it," he pointed to the monster's body behind me.

"What's wrong with it?"

"I can feel it. It has a strong breath. Go and see, that guy's eyes should be precious!"

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