Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 396: Real ancient city

Dou Zhuan Xing Zhuan originally had the power of the laws of space, and the charm invented by the unknown power hundreds of years ago was also complementary to it.

Before I was able to escape from the ocean current, it was precisely because I accidentally used this charm. Now, this is the first time I actively use it, and the effect is superb. Although I am in the water along the way, it seems like this is my world. , Unimpeded! Moreover, the ancient city under the sea did not find my whereabouts at all!

Now, I can already see the dazzling red light outside the ancient city in that rumor...

"Is it here?"

While I was using Dou Zhuan Xing Shift, the blue and white color of the paper talisman on my chest loomed.

Although the newly acquired water-repelling bead can also allow me to move under the sea, there is no way to avoid the detection of the ancient city, so I did not use it, but used it to go deep into the sea.

Soon, I came outside the ancient city, and in front of me, the red light was particularly dazzling, as if the whole world was blood red.

No way, that red light envelops the entire city, how big a city is!

"I don't know what happened to those two people... I hope my luck is not that bad, don't pass it to the crowd, God bless, go!"

My heart moved, in order to avoid being discovered, I was worried that the black-robed man would be able to sense the red light, so he moved instantly and crossed the first layer of defense!


There was a flower in front of me, and when it was clearer, I came into the red light...

As they say! In front of me, is a city that looks very old! The walls, after years of baptism, have turned black, and there are damage everywhere, full of corrosion.

Probably because the sea is too humid, algae plants can be seen everywhere around the city walls, and there are some vine-like objects that cannot be named, and they are very smooth when they reach out and touch them.

Behind him, the red light disappeared, just like a one-way stained glass. The color can only be seen on the outside, but on the inside, you can clearly see what is happening outside.

However, because the sea outside here, and the sun can't get in in the deep ocean, the visibility is also very low.

I looked around, and there was no one else there. I looked up. The city wall was very high, but it was vaguely empty and there were no guards. I was really lucky!

I quickly took out the mask and put it on my face, and the whole person instantly changed its appearance!

He was well-proportioned, of medium height, ordinary clothes, a popular face, all over his body, without any distinguishing characteristics, and he was of the kind that he could not recognize when he had seen ninety-nine faces and the hundredth time.

It would be great if I could directly become that monster. Who can recognize who this is mixed into the monster pile?

But not to mention that this mask can only change from people to people, it can't change anything else, it can really change, I don't know what the monster looks like!

If this thing wants to change me into someone else, I have to figure out what I want to change first! But the appearance of those monsters is limited to the description of others, how can I figure out the real appearance?

What a pity!

While thinking about this, I walked around the city wall, wanting to enter through the gate.

This is no better than entering here from the sea. There is usually no one in front of the city wall, but the city is different. If I teleport directly in, it might be even more eye-catching!

As I walked, I was observing the surroundings. There were no people, no monsters, no creatures, and it was quiet, as if there was really only me here, but I knew it was impossible.

The city is big and the wall is long, but it is not endless. Soon I saw that the wall I was walking along came to an end and reached the turning point.

According to Qin Nan, this city has doors on all sides, so it seems that I am walking in the wrong direction. I didn't walk towards the door of this wall, but moved away from it.

I stood on the corner, thought for a while, and decided to go back the same way, but at this moment, I suddenly heard footsteps coming from the other side of the corner!

Footsteps? !

I was standing at the corner at this time, and I could hide to the other side when anyone came from any direction. I quickly hid behind the wall, showing only a small half of my head, and using one eye to see the situation there!

It was this look, I was shocked at the time!

I originally thought it was the monsters who came out for a stroll, or it was a patrol or something, but when I glanced over, I saw something I didn't expect!


Correct! Not a monster, but a human!

Wearing armor, holding a spear, wearing a knife around his waist, wearing armor, a luan belt around his waist, and military boots... They are all about 1.8 meters tall, they look very strong, ruddy complexion, full of energy, and eyes. It is piercing and looks like a real human being!

I almost thought I was in the wrong place...

But it doesn't make sense that there are still two cities in this sea!

But what is going on? According to their description, there should be only monsters and the black-robed man here, why are there still humans?

And judging from this look, it was definitely not a puppet, but a human with its own consciousness. Judging from its dress, it looked like an ancient soldier in a TV series.

Could it be that……

Suddenly, there was an inspiration in my heart, and a problem that had troubled me before was brought up again. Before, this question only passed for a moment in my mind, because it was too boring, but this time, I suddenly felt that my thinking at the time was reasonable...

I didn’t dare to think too much, I quickly retracted my head, because they were almost there. It looked like they were really a patrol team, patrolling the outside of the city. The route was going in circles like this. It seemed that my luck was really good. I only met when, if it was a minute earlier, where would I hide!

I held my breath, concentrated my mind, and stuck it on the wall, listening carefully to their steps and estimating the distance.

"Tread, step, step, step..." Getting closer, getting closer!

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps increased, and they had reached the other side of the corner!

It's now!



Da Da Da... A group of five people turned around from the corner and began to patrol the other side. In front of them, it was empty and seemed to be no problem. Who could think of it. Just a second, someone was standing here. ?

Of course, no one would have thought that that person would follow them right now...

Moving instantaneously, ten meters away, my situation at the time was already inevitable. If I went directly into the city, I was afraid that I would be scared of the snakes, so I would simply come to the bottom of the pan!

As long as they can't see me, they won't be able to get it. The first soldier was no more than a few centimeters away from me, but because of the angle, I couldn't see me. At this time, I moved behind them in an instant, which happened to be the limit.

Quietly and unobtrusively, solve the problem fundamentally!

I looked back. Because of the long wall, I couldn’t see the gate on this side. I believe that even if there are guards in front of the gate, they can’t see me. Look at those soldiers and they still walk forward. , I don't see any problems.

I watched this scene and suddenly started to think.

Do these people have any feelings with the black-robed man? Will I be able to communicate directly, just like the chat settings of my system. If one dies, will the black-robed man find out? It's like the effect of a soul curse.

I followed it calmly and thought about it, but in the end there was no result.

Because I'm not them, I can't understand it. It's like writing a text that I haven't memorized. This is not something that can be solved by thinking. If you want to solve it, you must practice! If you want to write it down silently, you must cheat to copy it!

Thinking of this, I walked directly behind the last soldier and muttered in my heart, "Brother, you are in luck!"

After speaking, he slapped him on the shoulder, a purple-red light flashed in his heart, and he was directly loaded into it!

At the same time, I controlled the mask on my face, and instantly became his appearance!

It's also fortunate that this mask can imitate the clothes including the things it holds. Isn't that the way the thousand-faced Taoist imitated Akashiko?

It was just a moment. The soldier in the back row had already been changed, but there was no difference in appearance, clothing, and weapons!

"If it can be seen through by them like this, then it is really telepathic." I followed their way and walked at the end, thinking like this in my heart.

As for that person, I was loaded into the system by a sudden show operation. At that time, Yimeng, before he could react, saw several figures rushing towards him...

Luo Peng, Tie Ning, Cheng Qianyu, Bi Long...

These four guys have been in my system, and the bumps have nothing to do with them, but because I have not let them fight. At this time, they are all a little panicked. It is time to let them move.

It was the moment I threw him in, I gave an order to them-beat me!

As soon as that guy came in and didn't know what was going on, four impatience rash men rushed over together!

Hunyuan shakes the mountain stick, Oolong Zhanjin knife, fists and knives!

Good guys! These few have benefited! This beating!

I took a look at the divine sense, and then came out again. I couldn’t bear to look...

The picture is too cruel...

Tie Ning took the lead and knocked him to the ground with a stick, and Luo Peng and Bi Long instantly pressed on. Na Bi Long is worthy of being a soldier. He knows how to fight. First use a dagger to pick up his hands and feet to prevent him from resisting. Luo Peng presses on his head and starts to beat him.

I thought about keeping him alive, maybe I can torture the situation here, but I'm afraid that they really have telepathy, leaving a life is a disaster, or it is better to kill.

So I gave them instructions-kill him!

Cheng Qianyu acted swiftly. Among the four, he was able to bear the temper, unlike Tie Ning's violent beatings, he rushed over after receiving the instruction, waved his hand, and cut off his head at that time!

This is the best way to make a person shut up completely.

But at this moment, I suddenly heard their surprised voice, followed by Luo Peng's communication through the system: "Sir!"

"What's the matter?" I asked quickly.

"Come and see!"

I quickly explored my divine sense and saw the pictures in the system, but I was not as surprised as they were, but laughed as if I had expected it.

"Sure enough!"

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