Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 398: Small society

"Boy, let me see where are you going this time?!"

Among the officers and soldiers, the leader was a bearded man, who looked fierce, with a big sword in his hand unsheathed, staring at me as if he was going to eat me!

At this moment, the two soldiers on the side who came to drink also stood up, took knives with them, took them out, blocking my way, and said with a sneer: "Wang Xiaoer, killing is worthy of justice! You killed people. , Resisting arrest and fleeing, did not expect to dare to come to the hotel so swagger? Today you fell into our hands!"

As soon as I heard it, I started to curse.

I just turned into a human face. Could it be that I would collide with a fugitive prisoner here? !

I'm scorning your uncle! Don't bring such fun!

What should I do now...

I looked around, more than a dozen officers and soldiers, this plot, I have seen this in the small video, the title is nothing more than "the suspect is eating in a restaurant, but all around him are plain clothes"...

Who can think of it, I can experience it today! And it still appears as a villain!

How to play this? Very poor experience, old iron!

"Okay, come with me!"

The two who stood behind me were originally from the patrol team and took the lead. They were carrying short knives in their hands. They approached my neck and grabbed them directly with the other hand!

I didn't know what to do at this time. He suddenly moved his hand, and I turned around like a conditioned reflex, and quickly grabbed the wrist holding the knife with my right hand, a sweeping leg under my foot, and directly lifted one of his legs!

The guy obviously didn’t react. I was able to make such a move. I was kicked and skewed over. I took the opportunity to kick back with the leg I just swept over, and kicked directly on his ass. By the way, his knife was pulled over with a hand movement!

One foot was swept away by me, he was already unsteady, and I kicked his **** again, and the guy was kicked to the ground directly by me, and overturned the table and chairs, and the food and wine that had just been served was scattered instantly In one place, especially a pot of stew, even the soup and meat were directly on his head!

"Holding hastily..."

The dishes just served are so hot that you can't stand it directly on your head! Although the language of this world certainly does not have this omnipotent sentence, when translated, I think it almost means this...

"Asshole, do you still want to be arrested?!"

When the other one saw that his companion was being attacked, he was displeased at the time. He shouted and rushed directly towards me, holding a knife in his right hand and piercing my chest!

Not to be outdone, I held the short knife that I just snatched from the man in my hand, slashed it directly, swung away his knife, and then took advantage of the trend with a diagonal stab, puff!

The sharp point of the short knife pierced the man's throat straight!



Everyone present was stunned, more than a dozen soldiers in armor were stunned, and I was stunned.

They must have been stunned because they didn’t expect that I would dare to resist, but I was stunned, but I really didn’t expect this guy to be so weak...

I thought I would be able to fight for a few rounds, but it turned out to be like this... and died in one fell swoop?

Visible to the naked eye, the guy was pierced through the neck by a knife, and the skin on his body instantly became tight and dark, his eyes were hollow, his vitality gradually disappeared, and he fell to the ground all of a sudden, and soon became that monster.


I don't know who yelled, the Xiaoer who was still watching the show in the store and the diners "call" all at once, and all started to run out!

"Bold! Catch him for me!"


More than a dozen soldiers in armor stepped forward at the same time. They were well-trained and well-trained with their guns and arms. Someone behind me kicked my knees with their feet and bends my knees. Kneel down softly, but didn't really kneel down, but just squatted down very low.

"take away!"

The leader of the beard yelled, a soldier came over to yoke me, and the iron chain pulled me out, and the soldier of the original patrol behind was crying his brother with a head of broth and a nose. tears.

Wearing shackles on my body, I was dragged away by the officers and soldiers. There were people watching me around, all talking and pointing, and I felt a little afraid of me.

This situation is very strange, as if... as if this is really an ordinary city, just a bit of crossing.

Are you acting? Grab me and get into their encirclement? But it's not necessary!

I have doubts in my heart, but the amulet is still there, so I am not afraid of their tricks, so why not just follow along?

A team of soldiers led me to a place that looked like a county government... There was actually a county government... In the lobby, the person sitting should be the official official.

"My lord, we have brought Wang Xiaoer here. During the arrest, a soldier of the patrol team unfortunately died." The bearded leader took me to the lobby and said to the person above.

The great master above gave a startle, and angrily: "Bold fanatic! Murder and murder, heinous! What else can you say?"

"Nothing to say!" I said.

This is the end of the matter, so we will plan and see what they are doing.

"Okay, you're a man, in that case, pull it down, put it in a jail, and ask about it!"


The crowd went down and took me to prison again.

The celestial prisons were not built in the city center. They were all on the side of the city wall. They did not disturb the people. They came here to rely on the city wall for defense, so they were not easily robbed.

My charge was homicide and arrest. Naturally, I had to be locked up in a cell with a Chinese character. This name is usually very common in TV dramas, but many people don’t know what follows. In fact, according to the content of "Thousand Characters", "Heaven and Earth Xuan Huang, Universe" "Honghuang" is ranked, and Tianzi is the highest level.

Inside the jail, when the soldiers took me in, everyone raised their heads, wanting to see what my newcomer was. Those who can stay here are all very sinful characters, and ordinary people can’t hold them. .

The soldiers watching the prison opened the door of a cell, pushed me in, removed the shackles, and locked the door.

I looked around carefully. In this room, there were six people besides me. Each of them looked like vicious characters. Two people were lying on the wooden bed. They just glanced at me and closed their eyes again. Three people Sitting in the corner, looking up and down at me, only one person approached me with a smile and talked to me.

"Hey brother, what did you commit to come in?"

I took a look at him. Although he seemed to be very talkative, who could be here, which one is not a ruthless character?

"Killing, arresting, and killing an officer who came to arrest me." I said.

"Yo! Amazing! Dare to kill the officers and soldiers, you are complicit in crime! What a great thing! Your...what is your last name?"

I glanced at him: "Wang, Wang Xiaoer."

"Good name, good name, my surname is Wang. I belonged to a family five hundred years ago. My name is Wang Shun. My name is Smile Tiger. Chengbei Wangji Hotel was the one I drove." The man said with a smile, he really looked like a smiling tiger!

At this moment, one of the two people lying on the bed sat up with a face full of flesh and looked at me fiercely: "Hey, did you come in by murder? State-owned legalists have family rules, and you can’t stay in prison for a day. Come on! Contest with me, let me see how capable you are."

"Huh?" I glanced at him. "Forget it, this boss will let you be."

"Huh? Are you afraid? Cut! It's boring!"

The guy saw that I didn't want to fight, and thought it was a confession.

Wang Shun hurriedly smiled and finished the game: "Hey, ignore him. He practiced martial arts. He quarreled with people and hurt lives by accident. That's the temper. But you're really unlucky. If you choose the wrong time, otherwise, you haven't come in so soon. ."

"When?" I frowned slightly.

"Yeah, now the lord of the city, in order to track down the guy who ran away, the whole city is under martial law, and patrols have been added. You actually committed a crime at this time, and there is nothing to complain about when you are caught. Timing, timing issues, it’s all blame. Bad fate!"

The guy stretched out his hand and patted me on the shoulder while talking, as if he was very familiar and enthusiastic.

But at this moment one of the three people sitting in the corner over there suddenly gave him a blank look and said, "Cut! You didn't come in at this time."


"So you too..." I looked at him, a little speechless.

"Well, I admit, I only came in yesterday. I didn't expect a newcomer to come today."

"Why did you come in?"

"Well... I didn't run a hotel. I usually cheated. The night before, I saw a drunk who was very rich. I was obsessed with money and killed my life. I didn’t have enough experience. I was caught by someone. My shop was also caught. closed."


"So he was also out of luck and was catching up with the martial law, so we don't know what happened outside," the man sitting in the corner said.

"Oh, this is the right person for you to ask me, let me tell you..."

Wang Shun opened the hotel with a very enthusiastic personality, and gathered all kinds of people from north to south. The intelligence was good. When he asked him, he immediately talked about it. I also got a general understanding of the situation here.

In fact, it was normal. At that time, the three of us lost the protection of the charm at the same time and were noticed by this black-robed man, but only two of them went there. Because I accidentally used Dou Zhuan Xing to move the charm, I was dragged away by Xiao Nuo, hiding After their tracking, I became a thorn in their eyes!

According to the general logic, I should be painted as a portrait and posted on the gate of the city, and then a large number of people will come to see it, and 90% of them cannot read...

But because I haven't been here yet, they can't draw a portrait, which means that I am now an image of a mysterious person.

"Speaking of it, we are really unlucky. We don't know if that guy will come. If martial law continues like this, we still don't know what will happen." The hotel owner said with a helpless expression.

I was hehe at the time, they had already caught it, and they just kept it locked up here!


I took a close look at this place. Apart from mine, there are many other cells. Among them, there are at most a dozen people, and at least six or seven people like us. They are all executed prisoners?

In such a city, with so many prisoners, it seems that the folkway is really not good, but it is no wonder that it is such a bad place after all. But it's so feels a little weird.

I used to think that they are like a whole, like... a class of classmates, even if conflicts arise, they can be resolved peacefully, but why are there so many executed prisoners now? Here... it seems to be really a society.


If no one has ever been here, if this ancient city is never discovered, would they just live quietly like normal people?

I lowered my head and fell into thinking. From beginning to end, whose fault was it?

I'm here to take revenge, but didn't we start the incident first? That power surge was also meant to lure us over instead of actively attacking. What would happen to them if we never came to disturb them?

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