Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 412: Chengdong Plaza


Murong Lei is already fat, flying in the air like a cannonball, who can withstand it? That Lieutenant General, even if he was a martial artist, couldn't stand it! It was directly hit and rolled to the ground.

In fact, this was really unintentional. That Murong Lei had never rode a horse before, and the fat monk was still messing around, spanking, and the horse ran like crazy. How could Murong Lei control it?

As a result, when he got here, the horse stopped suddenly. This man had inertia. When he moved so fast, he braked suddenly. He didn't stop, and he couldn't hold the rein, so he was thrown out!

Coincidentally, the lieutenant Li who was aiming!

At this distance, any deviation from the direction at the start, even a tiny angle, will not be able to collide in the end. Coincidentally, no!

After they fell like this, countless soldiers on the side suddenly realized. Ah-no wonder this kid is here calling for Uncle Li, he is here!

Lieutenant General Li had two occasions. Although he was a little dizzy after being hit like this, he still struggled to stand up, reached out his hand to hold the helmet, and his eyes were a little fuzzy, and he stared hard and shouted: "Bold lunatic! Take it for me!"

The soldiers did not come forward, that means: your family affairs, we do not mix!

"Bastard! Are you all deaf?! Does this general dare to listen?!"

Lieutenant General Li saw that the crowd didn't respond, he was furious, and reached out to take the knife, only to find that the waist knife had fallen off during the tumbling process.

On the other side, just a few meters away, Murong Lei also stood up dizzy. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a knife on his hand...

"You... this, huh!"

Murong Lei reacted, and he stretched out his hand and drew the knife out, facing the lieutenant Li, he also yelled: "You are so presumptuous, your death date is here!"

Lieutenant General Li's anger is okay, he just came up with such a thing, knocked himself off, and even took the knife away!

"Come on! Surround me! Take down the madman and reward you with ten taels of silver!"

All the soldiers were at a loss at first, because they didn’t know who was sacred when he was dressed in military costume. They thought it was Lieutenant General Li’s opponent, but as soon as they heard that he was rich, they became energetic. Son, all here!

"Hey hey, don't move! The sword doesn't have eyes!" Murong Lei yelled pretentiously as he swung two big swords when he saw the bad situation.

The soldiers had all been seen before. Seeing Murong Lei's appearance, they were not scared at all. The spearman was in front, and the spear in his hand immediately pointed at Murong Lei. A cold light appeared in his eyes, he shouted, and shot instantly!

Ten spears pierced out instantly!

Murong Lei is really worried! I just encountered this situation just after landing. Who should make sense. At this time, when I saw this group of soldiers want to do something, I also made a violent move. With a wave of his hands, he moved quickly, and a phantom of Tai Chi and Bagua diagram appeared in front of him instantly!

"Dou Zhuan Xing Yi!"

Murong Lei yelled, and his arms moved quickly like crazy. The Tai Chi sword turned like a small whirlwind. Just as the spear of the soldier standing in front was pierced out, he suddenly felt a strong transmission. Come, it seems that an invisible big hand is taking his spear aside!

In an instant, these people in front all crooked, and the spears in their hands swept back and forth, stabbing to the right!


Splashing blood!

The injured, but his own!

Ten soldiers formed a circle, piercing one by one, and the left thorn on the right, going down counterclockwise, without exception!

But Murong Lei, who was in the center of the encirclement, was unscathed!


Ten soldiers fell to the ground, each with a spear from his teammate stuck in his body, and fell into a pool of blood with a surprised look. Murong Lei instantly left a space in front of him.

At this time, the soldiers dare not step forward, I don't know what kind of ability this stuff uses!

This can still make them kill each other? That number is useless!

All of them were frightened, and instead of going forward, they retreated one after another.

Lieutenant General Li saw this scene, furious, and secretly scolded them for being timid and inadequate, but at the same time, a trace of suspicion appeared in his heart.

This trick... seems to have seen it before.

On the other side, the eldest brother standing among the prisoners also frowned and looked at Murong Lei thoughtfully.

But Murong Lei didn't see the expressions in their eyes. There were only the soldiers in front of him, and the look of fear on their faces that made him very happy.

"Come on! Who dares to come!"

Murong Lei took advantage of the victory and pursued, two steps forward, and at the same time he shouted, strengthening his momentum.

The surrounding soldiers did not know what was true, and they all backed two steps back then, afraid to approach.

Seeing this scene, the prisoners behind them all became excited and began to applaud. Those who had something good immediately shouted: "Good means! Master!"

As soon as Murong Lei heard this, his nose immediately rose to the sky, pretending to be a master of loneliness, triumphant.

However, the next sentence made him almost choked to death in a breath: "But I think that fat guy is more like a master."

"What...what?!" Murong Lei was staggering. "You're not sick! Are you blind? He looks like a master? Where is he like?!"

"Um...I don't know either." The man frowned and said embarrassedly. "But it just feels like..."

Murong Lei was furious, and when he looked back, he was speechless.

On the other side, the fat monk folded his hands together, his face was wretched and neurotic with a smile, and the golden light around him was shining, and the prayer beads turned into Chinese characters and numbers, all around his body.


Buddha is awesome!


These words are everywhere on Zhou's body!

"Grass-barrage bonus!" Murong Lei cursed, turning around and looking at the soldiers. He didn't dare to be the hero and rushed forward. He could only be a master, but he didn't have much in his heart. .

The two gangs were so deadlocked.

On the other side, the fat monk is bold, or the dead pig is not afraid of boiling water. He shuttles back and forth among the crowd. The people touched by the golden light, the lucky ones, hit the body guard Buddha light, just being The bullet flew out; and those who were unlucky, were touched by the barrage of the Buddha beads, there was an extra eye at that time!

His Buddha beads are more powerful than bullets!

At this moment, I suddenly heard the sound of horseshoes in the same direction in the distance. Everyone hurriedly looked over. This time, I didn’t hear anything about Uncle Li. I don’t know who came. I looked closely, but it was the king. Shun!

Not only him, but one person behind him, Wang Xiaoer!

"Little brother is here!"

When someone yelled, the prisoners were immediately refreshed, and they had a backbone at the time.

Although some of them had never really dealt with Wang Xiaoer, and during the first battle in the cafeteria, they couldn't see clearly because of the distance a little bit far away, but this name is like a thunderbolt! After such a short period of time, it is deified!

At this moment, Wang Xiaoer is here! That is basically the God of War!

The eldest brother heard that it was Wang Xiaoer, and he was also interested. He looked up, but his face sank.

The fat monk turned his head and looked over and shouted, "I said, you are running in front of us, how did you get there?"

Wang Shun rode his horse and saw that there were soldiers in front of him. He quickly grabbed the reins and didn’t get angry when he heard these words: "Nonsense! You two are forcing you to run like someone who cares about you, I Can you catch up?!"

"Hahahaha... Yeah, I'll blame you for running around, why don't you know how to wait?"

Murong Lei: "Am I special..."

Murong Lei said that if I could stop it, why would I be so scolded for a long time and finally flew out and hit someone?

Over there, Lieutenant General Li took a closer look, and it was indeed correct. Wang Shun and Wang Xiaoer were here, and the enemy veteran appeared!

"Brothers, catch Wang Xiaoer!" Vice Li took a knife from the other soldiers and shouted with the knife.

The soldiers also reacted, shooting people first, shooting horses, and capturing thieves first! Take Wang Xiaoer first!

The closest ones immediately turned their spears, and the swords and spears pointed at them, Wang Shun!

Wang Shun saw that the sweat was all down, they didn't know, they knew it! Wang Xiaoer is not fake on this horse, but he is not the master! Once fighting, a soldier can kill both of them!

But you can't shout, Wang Xiaoer's identity needs to be kept secret, once he shouts, I'm afraid it will be revealed!

At this time, the fat monk and Murong Lei were far away, and there was no time to rescue them!

Suddenly, a golden light flashed in the distance, piercing the crowd instantly, like a huge boulder like the surface of a lake, causing waves of waves!


With a blast, the golden light touched the ground, and it blew up at the time. The surrounding soldiers could not dodge and could not resist. At that time, they were blown up and turned over!

The horse Wang Shun was riding was frightened. He raised his front hoof and hissed up to the sky. He almost threw the two of them off. Immediately after the horse hoof landed, Sa Yazi ran away!

boom! boom! boom! boom--!

The soldiers had just been bombed, before they had time to react, they were knocked out by the frightened horse in an instant!

Wang Shun sat on the horse's back, clutching the rein, but it was useless. The frightened horse couldn't control it. At this moment, another golden light came from a distance, just as he thought it was about to explode again. In the golden light, a figure suddenly appeared.

At the same time, within that golden light, suddenly looked up to the sky and screamed, and a dragon roar shook the world!


It's as if the mighty power is coming from heaven!

When Wang Shunna heard this sound, his eyes turned white, and his feet were soft, foaming at the mouth, and fell to the ground. Both Wang Shun and Wang Shun fell off!

Innate racial suppression!

That's the dragon!

The golden light flashed, and the figure came to the front for a moment, dressed in black, with a murderous sword in it.

No one else, it is Cheng Qianyu!

According to the original plan, after they had taken the barracks, Luo Peng would stay guarded by them, and he would come out to meet the others.

Because firstly, this matter must be spread, and secondly, none of the three of them have space magical weapons, so those weapons and armors can't be taken away...

There are only me and the fat monk in this space. He came here to meet these people and to take the fat monk to the barracks.

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