Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 440: Sinking Dragon Cave, the Dragon King of the Four Seas

I feel that I really entered the world of Peach Blossom Spring. This cave really reminds me of that text all the time.

This can only pass through one person’s path. It should also be the cause of the spell. It can change with a person’s body shape. No matter what shape you are, you will feel that the wall is right beside you, you can’t even move at all, and walk forward. Go, both sides are rubbing, making me worry that my clothes will be torn...

Gradually, I felt that there was light in front of me, not the white or golden light in the image, but a dark light.

It looks like black, purple, or dark blue. It is very close to the surrounding colors, but not the same. It is clearly a beam of light, but it looks so depressing.

As I continued to walk forward, the surrounding area became wider and wider, and the light became larger and larger. Suddenly, I felt the empty space under my feet, and a moment of dazzling, when I opened my eyes again, the appearance in front of me changed.

here is……

I looked around, and everything here seemed to be in another world.

In the sky, there are thin clouds, the sky is gloomy, and a crescent moon with a faint blue light in the sky looks very strange. Adding these kinds of things together makes it extremely depressing!

Under the moonlight, there is a long canyon. The canyon stretches from side to side and stretches far away, with no end in sight.

I am standing in this gorge with one of the cliffs behind it, looking up, it is unattainable. The ground is full of strange rocks, there are no plants, and there is no vitality. Calling it a "cemetery" is really too appropriate!

I looked at the cliff carefully. On it, there were no simple stones, but strange things. The eyes of yin and yang were opened, and the two colors of yin and yang looked over. The strange things were actually beauties!

No, it's not just the beautified dragon. You can occasionally see strange-shaped creatures similar to the flying dragons I've seen before. Of course, they must all be dragons.

However, at this time, they have lost their former style, lost the prestige of the past, and they are all withered bones in the mound, which has become history...

Here is the Dragon Cavern!

This is the Dragon Cemetery!

At this moment, suddenly, a long voice came: "The distinguished guest is here, and if you have missed it, please forgive me!"


I was surprised that there was no one else around, so I looked around, and there was no one in sight.

"Yes...Lord Dragon King?" I asked tentatively.

"Don't dare, don't say the word'sir', please forgive me for not being able to leave here, please come in the direction of vain."

The voice said, suddenly a white gas floated to the right, like smoke, but it had a shape and would not disperse, like a ribbon.

"How about it, will there be a problem?" Xiao Nuo asked, she still stayed on my wrist like a bracelet.

"If you come, you will be safe. Go and see before you talk." I said, following the place where the white air came.

If it really is the Dragon King of the Four Seas, then there is no reason to hurt me.

And what he just said, the attitude is very humble, if only I saved his grandson or something, this is not necessary at all. Speaking like this, does it mean you know my past life?

With this thought, I followed Bai Qi all the way.

This canyon is not two parallel horizontal lines going straight back and forth, but bends and bends, wide and narrow. After turning around, there is a very wide place in front of you!

This can no longer be described as a canyon, it is simply a big square! It's just that there are cliffs all around, and in the middle, there is a big pillar, like a sky pillar, towering into the clouds, knowing where to stop, on top of it, four beon dragons!

These four are not dead, but alive!

If you can't guess who these four old men are, then you're a fool!

"Guo Rui, junior, meet the Dragon King of Four Seas!"

On the high column, the four beautified dragons suddenly moved, turning into four streamers, leaving the column, and on the ground, turning into human form, but they are all dragon heads, just like the dragon king, all of them are old-fashioned dragon bells, a look like a dying wind candle. .

"Dare not, Dragon King of the Seas, I have seen your Excellency."

After speaking, the leader Ao Guangda waved his hand, and suddenly there was a stone table and five stone benches in front of him, four of which were on one side and a single one on the other.

"Please sit down." The Dragon King said, pointing to the single stool.

"Thank you." I nodded, stepped forward, and sat down.

Until he saw me sitting down, the Four Seas Dragon King dared to sit down and looked at me one after another.

At this time, I have very confirmed that they really know my identity!

The Dragon King of Four Seas arched his hands and said: "Although the four of us still have a long life, we cannot be as free as we are outside when we are in the Sinking Dragon Cave. It is impossible to act wantonly like you. We can only lock the dragon here It’s the limit to go to and nearby places to go so far. I can’t meet them personally. I’m really sorry.”

"Ah, no need!" I waved my hand and said, thinking for a moment, and then said: "Uh...between us, we don't need so much politeness. Just talk to me. Tell me, what is it... What do you want to explain?"

Although my previous life was great, I still haven't reached that point. Faced with this situation, I am really at a loss.

The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas looked at each other, or Ao Guang said: "We four old men, who have been free here for a long time, have suddenly noticed that the distinguished guests are here, so we dare to invite us to tell.

"I don't know, any advice?"

"Hahahaha... I didn't dare to teach me, I just sat there and suddenly felt the outside movement, so I took a look." Dragon King said.

"Unexpected movement?" I frowned, and then suddenly realized: "It means the power of Kunpeng, that golden light should break through the sea, it is indeed a big movement."

"Exactly." Dragon King nodded. "Although the princess Kunpeng has been around for two generations, she has been in peace until she returns to the land. It is the first time that such a big disturbance has occurred. I did not expect the legendary Kunpeng to be so powerful."

"Yes, I didn't expect that. I thought Princess Kunpeng was just a legend. Even if it was true, I shouldn't have encountered it in this life. I didn't expect that there would be a fate in the hit, and I could see Kunpeng showing his power with my own eyes."

"Hahaha, you are joking. It is not only because of this fate that can make Kunpeng's spirit appear, but also save Princess Kunpeng. It is destined to have a lot of fate between you and this princess. ."

"Uh... let's talk about it."

I hurriedly sloppily turned this off. I always think this is quite dangerous, so it's better not to mention it.

The dragon kings also saw my attitude and looked at each other with a smile, but immediately coughed and recovered calmness.

"Regardless of whether you believe it or not, this fate has come and cannot be cut off. If you don't believe it now, you will know in the future."

"Oh, oh, why are you talking about this, since that's the case, I'll wait until later."

"Hahahaha, okay, I'll talk about it later, don't mention it, there is something here in the old man, I hope you will pass it on to...Your Master."

"I... my master?"

I was taken aback for a moment, and wondered if I was wrong before? Their attitude is not because of me, but because of my master?

It is not me who came today, but the other disciples of my master. They will all have this attitude too?

But then I think about it, Master knows who I am, and they have a relationship with my Master. Maybe... can also know?

Besides, anyway, they also said that I have a fate with Princess Kunpeng, and throwing away my previous life would be considered a personal thing... right.

But these are all conjectures, and I am too embarrassed to ask directly, so I can only keep quiet and continue.

"Do you know my master?"

"Of course." Ao Guang said, reaching out and taking out something from his sleeve. It was packed in a box, and he didn't know what was in it. "This thing is what he asked me to find. We tried our best and finally found it, but we can't leave here at this time. We can only ask you to pass it on."

"Ah, this is a trivial matter, no problem, don't worry." I quickly took it with both hands, and put it in the system warehouse.

"If there is anything else, I will do my best."

"There is nothing else to do. There are only these two things. One is to tell you that Princess Kunpeng is predestined with you; the other is to let you pass this thing to your master. But having said that, we also want to see you very much, if that counts. One thing, let’s call it the third one."

After the dragon king finished speaking, he looked at each other again and laughed loudly.

"This..." I looked at a few of them, scratched my head, and said to my heart that this made such a big movement, is it to tell me one thing and let me be a courier so simple?

But I can't rely on others saying that.

"Then I will leave first. I will definitely do what you have explained."

"Okay." The dragon kings said with a smile, looking at me as if they were looking at their own children, always feeling a little weird.

I turned and walked a few steps, and suddenly there was another voice behind me: "Hold on!"

"Huh?" I turned my head. "How many people still have advice? Or is there anything I need to deliver on my behalf, I will definitely do it."

"No, I just have something to tell you." Ao Guang said.

"Yes, the younger generation listens carefully."

"Your master, it's not as simple as you think. You can't worship the new master again." Ao Guang said with a serious face, as if Master Yan was teaching his students.

I moved my eyes and said, "Yes, it will definitely be."

"Also, you will soon become an earth immortal. By then, don't be called by the heavens. This is a precedent. Don't worry, there will be no accidents."

"Yes, I understand."

"Don't worry, you must remember the following sentence, and you must do it! That is, before you become an immortal, you must have great power, including a huge power! The bigger the better!"

"...Well, I remembered." I hesitated, but still agreed.

The previous few sentences may be that this is helpful to me, but this sentence... is not the case. Strong strength and huge influence are the premise of fighting!

In other words, there must be a battle at the time of the gods!

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